This recent mad PR push for the jab had me thinking. The current phase is rooted in conformity, either conform and get the jab or you are a danger to
As folks may have gathered, I am a non-conformist. It is both my nature and a responsibility, which has been mostly fine but in some cases I'll admit
not conforming led to greater issues then possibly conforming would have. If I just sucked it up on the mask, maybe things....
Anywho. While I was thinking I recalled the countless people over my lifetime from family to random strangers on the street (yes, actually true) that
demanded I just conform to X. Overtime the "requests" became less and less as I had no interest in the discussion much less the act of changing.
So now I sit here and all of those things I just had to conform to, the "musts," the "shoulds" the "how can you nots" and so on are all gone from the
reality we live in. Those were all totally transitory. From clothes to medical treatments, from hair choices to where and what to eat. From
entertainment choices to who to date and marry. They are all gone.
It is interesting to reflect on this now, given I am now overt enemy of the state because as a jab refusnick I am not part of the club. This isn't new
to me, obviously, so it has no emotional impact at all, but watching the conformers take the jab and knowing the lurking Graphene Oxide time bomb is
part of the reality is tough to deal with.
Here is a little tip for finding where one is on the spectrum. It has been decades sense folks say things like "how come you don't..." or "you
must..." because I have no weakness to it.
So no one has said, or will ever say to mem "are you going to get the jab." The reason is there is nothing in me on the fence. If someone was to say
to me "are you going to get the jab" and I say "nah, don't thing so..." and they persist on trying to convince me, I know I am weak in my
When folks seek to convince us they are annoying yes, but they reveal the weakness, as they reflect to us. We're all heroes in a vacuum, it requires a
reflection to give us real feedback.
For those who haven't seen
The Conformist is a stunningly beautiful visual mediation on this concept.