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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - They Don't Know Who We Be - -PART- -7H1R7Y sIx-

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posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 10:28 AM
Good morning everyone. I have wondered and now am asking the ones who have had covid if they remember how it started and if they got the virus(?) again and how many times?

A day or two after Thanksgiving 2019, I started with a sore throat, actually woke up with it. By the evening, I was having chills and fever, chills about 2 hours and then a fever about two hours, I felt terrible. New strain of flu, I thought. Usually, when I have the flu, it lasts maybe at the most, 3 days. Not this crap. I had the fever and chills for about a week and then it progressed to a whooping like cough. Having all of this, I self medicated, even went to the Dollar General to buy my over the counter pharmaceuticals. (Wonder how many I gave that to) because it had not been defined as of yet.

After self medicating for two and a half weeks, I finally defeated it, I thought. The disease took its toll on my old body and it took 3 days to recover enough to get back into the swing of things.

While I was battling the virus, my wife got it, too. However, she had had the seasonal flu shot due to her work, and, worried, she went to our family physician. The doctor tested her for the flu and it came back negative. The doctor prescribed antibiotics and steroids. She had it for about a month, and still worked on, even with the whooping type cough. It was well into February before she started to get better.

The thing is, looking back, I got the virus again about two weeks after I thought I had gotten rid of it. This time, more coughing, fever and chills which lasted for a week. It disappeared after 7 days and this time I felt fine. Two weeks later, I had it again for 3 days, this time, sore throat and fever, chills. After the 3 days I felt fine. 2 weeks later I had it for a fourth and final time (I believe) and it lasted for 24 hours culminating in fever and chills in which I soaked the bed sheets with sweat. I think it was in February 2020 when all this ended. I haven't had any more viral maladies since then. I did continue to treat myself with OTC pharmaceuticals.

When I say no more viral maladies, I mean none. Even with 6 grandkids ranging from 7 months to 15 years, nothing. Before, I could glance at one of my grandkids who had a cold and get it myself. No flu, nothing. (After saying this I'll probably get something, lol).

Having been an electronics engineer during my working years, having covid the way I did, reminded me of an electronic process (which we had thousands of at the plant) called P.I.D. control. Proportional Integral Derivative control sometimes called a loop controller. Its a way to control a, lets say, temperature or pressure for instance. The electronics, putting it simple, kind of makes a circle around the target pressure or temperature in ever tightening circles culminating in a very closely controlled temperature or pressure, or whatever the controller or PLC is trying to control. That scenario reminded me of how the virus started and then tightened as it finished whatever it was supposed to do. 2.5 weeks, 1 week, 3 days, 1 day and then gone, hopefully for good.
P.I.D. Controller

I'm curious to know if anyone else has had a similar experience?

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 10:59 AM
Hi friends.

Guys during meditation last week Spirit told me 'It's coming. It's unstoppable''. So I said ''yes, so we all keep hearing. But what is this 'it' that is coming? And how far away is this 'it'?''

Spirit floated a white page past me, it came from behind me and floated past on my right side. It had 'He' written on it.
I said ''okay, so this 'it' is 'He'? It is 'He' that is coming?''
Spirit floated the page past me again same as before and this time it had 'He' and 'brew' written on it, two words with a space like I typed, not one word. The 'brew' word was turning on the page, it would be 'brew' then reversed to read 'werb' and back to 'brew' then 'werb' again - Spirit wants this word to read from both left to right and also right to left. 'Brew' is 'werb'. No such word as 'werb', but what if I pronounce it differently? Some countries pronounce 'W' as 'V'. 'Werb' becomes 'verb' - (it's all language guys, all 'communication, Spirit utilises all Human language from ancient times to modern day, any spelling and any pronunciation, reading left to right or right to left, anagrams, - it's all one language, no 'French' and English and Arabic and all the others - all language on Earth since the big bang to now = Human language).

We all know that 'he' is reference to the masculine, male. But Spirit means a different 'He' (it was capitalised on the floating paper),
The 'He' that Spirit says is coming and is unstoppable, is the both Hebrew 'He' and also the verb 'He'. The 'it' is both/all versions of the capitalised 'He'.

We know what the Hebrew 'He' is, it is the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and it also represents the number 5, it looks like the number 17. But what is the Hebrew word 'He' mean? Because this 'He' is also the one that is coming.

I wasn't going to post about this well because I know I sound like a right lunatic with all this 'woo' stuff (believe me I know what I sound like, it's the reason I don't share this stuff willy-nilly) but Spirit keeps bugging me with it, I had to share today.

Oh before I forget, when I asked Spirit what is this 'it' that is coming and how far away is this 'it', I was given the feeling of unconditional Love and I could feel 'it/He' was stood right behind me. I felt that if it took one more step closer I would have been engulfed in unconditional Love. The 'It/He', felt like it is so close, it is already here.

Sorry guys if all this doesn't make any sense to you, if any questions please do not hesitate to ask and I'll try my best to clarify if I can.
Or avoid me like I was the plague, if you choose it.
Whatever makes one happy, makes me happy.

Anyway guys, the VERY STRONG message from Spirit - ''It is coming. It is unstoppable''.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: doobydoll

Interesting, Dooby.

Two online translators tell me the word ה‎ simply means "the".

"The werb" ... "The Word". Hmm.


posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: doobydoll

Never fear ridicule. Your opinion and input count as much as anyone else’s; if it comes from the heart and genuine compassionate concern for others it will hardly steer you wrong. No one here is any greater or lesser than anyone else. We are all on Team Humanity, yes?

The thing with “Woo” is that it’s central to Q and the Great Awakening. All paths lead to the same destination…eventually. Woo is one, political shenanigans another. All maps are pointing to the same thing, just a different route for each to get there. Some wake gently, some get the proverbial bucket of ice-water.

Crimes against children Unite all humanity:

The Veil is thick for a reason, and our tendency is the urge to over-complicate instead of keeping it simple, which, in turn, entangles us right back into the loop of confusion, mistrust, fear, judgement. These are no-nos if one’s goal is to defeat the dark instead of playing right into their hands. The greatest truths always tend to be the simplest ones. That’s the collective Quantum entanglement. All for One and One for All = WWG1WGA.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: NightFlight

I've had something viral recently. Brief period of chills (maybe 30 minutes) followed by a fever that was gone the next morning. Lots of sinus problems and now (3 weeks later) has settled to an occasional cough. Also lost most of my sense of smell and taste.

Out of curiosity, and because I had other blood work to get done, I had the lab check me for covid antibodies. The result was weak-tea, a doctor said it indicated a "light exposure" to covid which didn't make much sense to me -- I thought one either got sick with a virus or not, but perhaps my immune system was on the ball and kept things tamped down. I have not had repeat sore throat, chills, etc., just this damn cough that only occasionally manifests.


posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 12:20 PM
There's more missing gold, but this is a bizarre story...

Business Insider SA

But most of the wealth would be in the form of "100,000 metric tons" of gold supposedly on deposit with the Reserve Bank since 1966, though not necessarily in physical form. At current prices that has a theoretical value of more than R80 trillion, but could be tough to sell without collapsing the world gold market, representing about half the gold ever mined, or just about the weight of all gold jewellery ever made.

"White Spiritual Boy Trust" - White Spirits Old Boy Trust? Gotta wonder what all the gold is doing connected with a trust name like that. I smell a possible eugenics agenda if any of this story is true.

$110 Trillion Rand is about $7,695,930,000,000.00 USD.

May be smoke 'n mirrors trolling, but given a few interesting snippets from the article and 'Business Insider' has so aptly wrapped Qanon into this story I think there may be some truth to it. A cover story for a cover story (whatever that may be) with the typical msm smear tactics so most people will simply ignore it all.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 12:26 PM
If this isn't comms this moves into the top ten dumbest tweets of the year.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Ahhh here we go with the White Spiritual Boy crap again.

Also, Tokyo Sexwhale is one helluva name.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Chuck was trying to dunk on this Conservative boomer named Larry Kudlow. Kudlow recently said something to the effect of "Bidens Green New Deal is going to force us all to drink plant based beer"....apparently not realizing that beer is plant based to begin with. Chuckles here is trying to make a joke a Kudlows expense.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: NightFlight

Howdy, Do not forget the date that such started and what you experienced from such. Secondly, If a sort of Itch plus the Night Sweating crops up note that - Date etc. - If it continues to occur, have a word with Doctor. Not trying to create a worry, But have been there, Felt such, it was a bit long term, and that eventually gave a reason to seek True Medical Action.................Hope you fully Recover and it all becomes a one-off. okay?


edit on 26-4-2021 by steaming because: correct a spelling

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: PillarOfFire
More 12 monkeys material.

Vrill Society
Infiltration vs Invasion
"The Invisible Enemy"
Think logically

Droning occurs when a Vril injects its quill/proboscis into the human eye where the lizard parasite takes over the human host brain. It is terribly painful for the human being until the human consciousness dies and the vril parasite consciousness is in full control. All (or most) memory and ability of former human is retained & the lizard consciousness now mimicks the former human's behaviors. The former human is now a drone. These are the 'people' that are used by vril to infiltrate governments, religious, legal & financial systems, organizations and/or corporations. 

im to link science to Vril lizard possibilities as I believe this is the one area that people are unable to wrap their minds around, as was I. 

Humans, animals, insects & REPTILES can all become infected with a parasite. This is not a new concept and is widely known. Parasites 'take over' the thought process of the host (body) that it invades.

Nothing weird creepy or abnormal about that riiiight? Anyway, nothing a shot of turpentine, a gun, a hammer, chainsaw or knife couldn't fix if one ever reared its ugly face while let's say... you were having a spot of humble tea on a cold dark windy night.

Nothing creepy at all POF.


There are parasitic worms on facemasks and Covid-Swabs, which is now confirmed to the absolute horror of a medical doctor.

After seeing numerous videos on the internet, the doctor decided to take a look under the microscope, and to her shock every mask she tested was contaminated with parasites.

This information is very important for people to know, please share. The Evil humanity is facing is far more sinister than people realize.

I believe the worms are transgenic DNA recombinant organisms and the most likely candidate would be the "Kamikaze hookworm" which actually takes over the mind of its host.

In nature such creatures were not able to infect humans, however with our current level of technology, inserting a DNA sequence that would enable it to survive in the human body would be a simple task.



Bolding mine. A possible 1-2 punch? Everyone wear a mask and take the "vaccine"!

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

I haven't taken any vaccine and I am not planning on it. I feel that if I have already gone through it, a vaccine would undo any defense I have to future viruses.

Speaking of loss of smell and taste, I don't believe I lost any of my sense of smell, maybe just a little, but I noticed that when I put Tabasco sauce on my food that before, it would only take a few drops on anything to set my mouth on fire. Since then, I have to use about half a bottle to get any taste (or burn) from it. I loves me some Tabasco...

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 12:39 PM

Amazing how Jim and Hotwheels keep delivering on connections like this. And they never got arrested. /sarc off.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: steaming

Howdy Steaming, I hope you are doing much better as well!

I haven't had anything viral since February 2020. I only hope my antibodies and luck holds...

Good luck, man!

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: doobydoll

Interesting, Dooby.

Two online translators tell me the word ה‎ simply means "the".

"The werb" ... "The Word". Hmm.


Hello F2d5thCavv2.

Very curious.

Because the word 'brew' kept changing to 'werb/verb', I looked up the definition of 'brew'.
The first two words in the definition are 'brew' and 'verb' lol. Jaw drop lol.

'He' is 5th Hebrew letter . ..

'He brew', the words that Spirit showed me as written on the white paper, means He/17/Q/God be ominously close, on the horizon.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: doobydoll


This is also a bit on target; I took the process a step further:

The word “Hebrew” in the Hebrew language is עברי (Ivrie). The root letters are used to mean cross over, or pass through. Today in Israel, we can use the word to talk about moving houses, transgressing laws, going through some difficulties, crossing the road, crossing over a river, and so on.


A "crossing over" sense resonates with the idea of moving away from the morass of the 3-D world.


posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: VinMan

originally posted by: cimmerius

originally posted by: FlyingFox
You have to say, the more compliant type folks are the ones getting the vaccine. It does make your wonder what the vaccine is actually for.

Perhaps it is based on reverse psychology.

The purpose of the vaccine is to cull, but only selectively.

Nature automatically culls selectively: it takes the weak and the strong survive.

The depopulation cadre wish to do the opposite. They want to cull the strong minded, free-thinking individualists and have the compliant followers survive.

Here is how it would work:

The Covid virus is released and hysteria is pumped up. It isn't bad enough that everyone would automatically accept a vaccine, however It is a real virus and somewhat dangerous, though it kills mostly the elderly and health compromised. Those people aren’t needed anyway.

Still, the public demands a vaccine. This is the “problem-reaction- solution” trick to create the perceived need for the vaccine that is the actual important step.

The vaccine is supplied. It provides no protection against Covid, but that isn’t its true purpose. Its purpose is to provide actual protection against a much more deadly virus that has not been released yet.

Now the new deadly virus is released. The compliant herd that took the vaccine under false assumptions is protected. The stubborn individualists that refused the vaccine are unprotected and die.

It would be very difficult even with all our genetic technology to create a virus that kills free thinkers selectively and spares the compliant. But by creating a voluntary choice point where individuals self select as one or the other and choose to be protected or not, that goal is accomplished.

This is of course just a speculative possibility mentioned conversationally.

This very notion has been keeping me awake at night for months. Once they vaccinate 500 million of the most compliant, boom. 12 monkeys

Same. Too creeped out to get it, too creeped out not to....really don't know the end game...

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: NightFlight

I've had something viral recently. Brief period of chills (maybe 30 minutes) followed by a fever that was gone the next morning. Lots of sinus problems and now (3 weeks later) has settled to an occasional cough. Also lost most of my sense of smell and taste.

Out of curiosity, and because I had other blood work to get done, I had the lab check me for covid antibodies. The result was weak-tea, a doctor said it indicated a "light exposure" to covid which didn't make much sense to me -- I thought one either got sick with a virus or not, but perhaps my immune system was on the ball and kept things tamped down. I have not had repeat sore throat, chills, etc., just this damn cough that only occasionally manifests.


"Light exposure" is the concept behind a usable vaccine. You are good to go! If you can get a light case of it your body knows now what it is when you get a big case. You should donate to the blood bank too.

What type of Dr doesn't know that a light exposure is the real way to get your immune system dialed in 100% on the strand you were exposed?

edit on 26-4-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: doobydoll


This is also a bit on target; I took the process a step further:

The word “Hebrew” in the Hebrew language is עברי (Ivrie). The root letters are used to mean cross over, or pass through. Today in Israel, we can use the word to talk about moving houses, transgressing laws, going through some difficulties, crossing the road, crossing over a river, and so on.


A "crossing over" sense resonates with the idea of moving away from the morass of the 3-D world.


Thank you for that. Very very interesting.

Until recently, say the last year or so, I never knew how interesting the Hebrew language is. Each letter has a meaning. The story of the 'BERE#' word that with each letter tells the entire story of creation from the beginning right thru to the end times - His entire plan from beginning to end. Absolutely fascinating. Hebrew is much more than just a spoken language.

Why aren't we taught all this stuff, or even any of it (ha as if I didn't know).

Thank you for replying.

posted on Apr, 26 2021 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: SideEyeEverything

originally posted by: VinMan

originally posted by: cimmerius

originally posted by: FlyingFox
You have to say, the more compliant type folks are the ones getting the vaccine. It does make your wonder what the vaccine is actually for.

Perhaps it is based on reverse psychology.

The purpose of the vaccine is to cull, but only selectively.

Nature automatically culls selectively: it takes the weak and the strong survive.

The depopulation cadre wish to do the opposite. They want to cull the strong minded, free-thinking individualists and have the compliant followers survive.

Here is how it would work:

The Covid virus is released and hysteria is pumped up. It isn't bad enough that everyone would automatically accept a vaccine, however It is a real virus and somewhat dangerous, though it kills mostly the elderly and health compromised. Those people aren’t needed anyway.

Still, the public demands a vaccine. This is the “problem-reaction- solution” trick to create the perceived need for the vaccine that is the actual important step.

The vaccine is supplied. It provides no protection against Covid, but that isn’t its true purpose. Its purpose is to provide actual protection against a much more deadly virus that has not been released yet.

Now the new deadly virus is released. The compliant herd that took the vaccine under false assumptions is protected. The stubborn individualists that refused the vaccine are unprotected and die.

It would be very difficult even with all our genetic technology to create a virus that kills free thinkers selectively and spares the compliant. But by creating a voluntary choice point where individuals self select as one or the other and choose to be protected or not, that goal is accomplished.

This is of course just a speculative possibility mentioned conversationally.

This very notion has been keeping me awake at night for months. Once they vaccinate 500 million of the most compliant, boom. 12 monkeys

Same. Too creeped out to get it, too creeped out not to....really don't know the end game...

(Said with respect to the vaccine)


Since the beginning, I have felt my emotions cycle through concern, confusion, annoyance, and finally anger.

Either the pro group or the anti group are lying through their teeth, and I deeply resent being put in the position where it feels like I'm gambling with my health no matter what I do.

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