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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - They Don't Know Who We Be - -PART- -7H1R7Y sIx-

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posted on Apr, 27 2021 @ 12:43 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: crankyoldman
The Pentagon IP Address "thing" is too huge to be nothing. Just like the unprecedented number of sealed cases/indictments. Still no verified answer for either, to the best of my knowledge.

If you want to reset the internet how better than to give your citizens a brand new IP addy that bypasses all of the 'providers' who support the megalomaniacs goog, fb and all of the others on a long list.

Just one possibility.


posted on Apr, 27 2021 @ 12:49 AM
a reply to: pheonix358


posted on Apr, 27 2021 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Post 1 =Negative contrast video of getting caught in a Tsunami

Is that negative contrast or infra red recording?


posted on Apr, 27 2021 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

The cool thing is, how most everyone here "gets" each other.
edit on 27-4-2021 by FlyingFox because:

(post by pheonix358 removed for a manners violation)

posted on Apr, 27 2021 @ 01:13 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow


posted on Apr, 27 2021 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

I have had similar thoughts..I don't know if the same commercials are airing out west but..T-Mobile commercials on the east coast have been promoting 5G in an awkward fashion..why are these guys in Lab Coats?

Strange IMO

posted on Apr, 27 2021 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Is the würm finally turning?

posted on Apr, 27 2021 @ 01:33 AM
a reply to: pheonix358

posted on Apr, 27 2021 @ 01:42 AM


posted on Apr, 27 2021 @ 01:48 AM

originally posted by: pheonix358

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: crankyoldman
The Pentagon IP Address "thing" is too huge to be nothing. Just like the unprecedented number of sealed cases/indictments. Still no verified answer for either, to the best of my knowledge.

If you want to reset the internet, how better than to give your citizens a brand new IP addy that bypasses all of the 'providers' who support the megalomaniacs goog, fb and all of the others on a long list.

Just one possibility.


Joe Biden says getting the Internet into every home, is a top priority for his administration. His fixation over that isn't normal. You think the Pentagon/IP Address activity on his inauguration day is Anti-Biden in nature, thus making him want to take total control of the Internet?

posted on Apr, 27 2021 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: carewemust

There are seemingly enough for one to each home in the USA.

As I said, just one possibility.


posted on Apr, 27 2021 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: pheonix358

With IPv6, a whole lot more.

Chew on that!

posted on Apr, 27 2021 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

What type of Dr doesn't know that a light exposure is the real way to get your immune system dialed in 100% on the strand you were exposed?

JOM, that was my (perceived) take on it, not the doctor's. He was an interesting person to speak with. He conducted a house call and felt free to speak openly. FWIW, he also voiced doubts about the speed with which the vaccines had been developed and deployed.


posted on Apr, 27 2021 @ 05:13 AM
Breaking news that Saudi tanker NCC Dammam has been attacked in the Red Sea. Reports are that the vessel appeared to have either lost control or was commandeered.


posted on Apr, 27 2021 @ 05:20 AM
Heh heh. A new go-to phrase from BBC:

"Covid vaccine hesitancy".

Of course, they have Blair on how to combat this mentality.


posted on Apr, 27 2021 @ 05:30 AM
Mais non!

French generals read Macron the Riot Act--

Written by Jean-Pierre Fabre-Bernadac, a former officer, the letter warns Mr Macron “France is in danger”.

The open letter signed by some 120 former senior staffers and 1,000 lower ranked military personnel suggests the possible need for a military coup.

It said: “Several mortal perils threaten her.

“Even in retirement, we remain soldiers of France and cannot in the present circumstances remain indifferent to the fate of our beautiful country”.

Translated English here.

edit on 27-4-2021 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-4-2021 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2021 @ 06:42 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: Justoneman

What type of Dr doesn't know that a light exposure is the real way to get your immune system dialed in 100% on the strand you were exposed?

JOM, that was my (perceived) take on it, not the doctor's. He was an interesting person to speak with. He conducted a house call and felt free to speak openly. FWIW, he also voiced doubts about the speed with which the vaccines had been developed and deployed.


Doubts in the Medical field should mean we take it way slower and don't rush to use untried products we name a "vaccine" for something that doesn't kill 99.99 % of the "victims".

The obvious lack of logic will crash the whole thing in one swift blow when this all finally gets it's day of reckoning.

posted on Apr, 27 2021 @ 06:53 AM

originally posted by: Auntie Matter
a reply to: doobydoll

Never fear ridicule. Your opinion and input count as much as anyone else’s; if it comes from the heart and genuine compassionate concern for others it will hardly steer you wrong. No one here is any greater or lesser than anyone else. We are all on Team Humanity, yes?

The thing with “Woo” is that it’s central to Q and the Great Awakening. All paths lead to the same destination…eventually. Woo is one, political shenanigans another. All maps are pointing to the same thing, just a different route for each to get there. Some wake gently, some get the proverbial bucket of ice-water.


These are certainly unprecedented times.

I only share my Spirit communications here on ATS, I don't share with everyone, not even my family. Well I did once. I tried to talk to my sister last year about the Spiritual experience when God's Army told/showed me what was happening, they showed me the diabolical living darkness on the Earth - it is shapeless, formless, purest evil, blacker than the blackest black and denser than the darkest matter. I could see the little children trying to flee from it but it blocked their paths and dragged them back again. It was pummelling them, punching them, pushing and shoving and pulling, chasing them. It was frantically trying to cover/hide their Light so they wouldn't be seen or found. They are so bright, like crystals, but the darkness is so dark their Light doesn't shine thru it. I could only see them when they were trying to run/get away from it.
The darkness knows God's Army has come for them.

I have asked Spirit why won't some people choose the path of Light, why will some choose to stay in the darkness? Spirit made me feel that it's because they cannot see the path of Light, they don't know it is there.
I said I don't understand, how can one not see it? When there are two paths to choose from, why are they choosing the ominous path of darkness? How is it possible to not see Light?
Spirit placed me in what looked like a playground, it was a circular area, grey coloured ground, everywhere ash-grey and drab. There were a few children there moving around, aimless. There was a wispy kind of dark-grey smoke-like stuff moving all around and in-between them. It was the darkness, watching them, monitoring them, prowling amongst them, it's everywhere.
I looked around me.
To my forward left I see a doorway of darkness against a black background. The doorway is brightly lit up with neon lights all around it. The path to this doorway is very short, just one step on the path and you be facing the doorway a millimetre from your nose. Two steps and you'd be inside it. Fake lights everywhere around it to entice God's children in there. It can only be seen because of the lights around it making it obvious that it's an entrance to something. There's no door, just a doorway, to pitch blackness.

To my near right I can see the path of Light. It is obscured by the wispy smoke stuff which is everywhere around. But I can still see thru it and see the path beyond that is there. It looks like a very long path. There's no doorway at the end, the path leads into the Light.
Some children are just stood around, doing nothing. Some are crowding around the dark doorway, excited, looking at the fancy glittering lights that attracted them there and curiously wondering what might be inside it. They don't seem to be aware that it is the doorway into darkness. If they decide/choose to step in, they will do so in all innocence.
Some children are just wandering around in the grey wispy smoke, they look sad, unhappy. They look very sick, dying. They are right next to the path of Light but it's as if they are not interested in it. They behave like it isn't even there.

I ask Spirit ''why don't they simply step onto the path of Light that is there?''
''They can't see it'' Spirit replied.
''But the path is right there. If I can see it, why can't they?'' I ask.
Spirit said ''you see it because you know it it there. You know it is there because you found it. You found it because you looked for it''.
''To find it, they must seek it''.

I look all around where the path is to see if there is some sort of clue that it is there. If the children can see a clue there is 'something' there, they will look for it.
The only thing I see is at the bottom of the greyish smoke there is a kerb, the smoke sits all around the edges of it and extends upwards like a wall of smoke all around. The kerb is continuous then it comes to a stop, this is where the path of Light is. The kerb starts again the other side of the path and continues on.
''To look for for the path, follow the kerb and it will lead you there. Be brave, do not fear, step thru the fog'' Spirit says.

Guys when I remember these Spiritual experiences it seems to re-establish that same connection and I am back in that situation again, re-experiencing it. I see things I didn't see the first time Spirit showed me. It's as if I can go back to it and look closer, just by remembering it.
What I mean is, as I have recalled things here, I feel as if I am back there experiencing it again as if it is 'now'. It doesn't feel like a 'memory'. Gosh, so difficult to put into words that would make any sense or logic.

Thank you for your reply. I don't post this kind of stuff often. I don't see many/any posts like mine on here, and I don't feel too comfortable sharing to be honest. I am aware how wild my posts sound to others. But I need to be Truthful with my words no matter how bonkers/scary/unreal the Truth is. And Spirit isn't showing me these things just to keep it to myself, I'm sure.

Anyway, I've taken up too much space here already so I'll politely step out (but I'm hovering around being nosey lol).

edit on Tue Apr 27 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: quote trimmed Trim Those Quotes

posted on Apr, 27 2021 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

The path to the light only becomes visable to those who see the darkness to begin with, a individual must first see the darkness before they can choose to denounce said darkness.

Only when the darkness is denounced/ rejected or in other words when the perceived normal is understood to be simply unacceptable can the choice be made to fight of that darkness which is the first tender step into the light.....Only then does the true battles begin.

The children are naturally attracted to the light, the younger the greater the attraction through pure love and innocence and that is why they are so closely watched and preyed apon as they are easily through naivety and dependance on nurture driven away from the light....first sign a child is loosing that light is traits of selfishness not sharing toys etc this is where the fog blocking the light builds up from.

But if you truly want to remain on a path of light you need to share as you put it as much as possible and not hide somewhat from the light is your duty and anything else is taking a knee to the darkness how ever small that bent knee bends.

"As i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil."

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