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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - They Don't Know Who We Be - -PART- -7H1R7Y sIx-

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posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

I feel like Storm Rider is likely on to something here with the Nuremberg Code thing. It would make perfect sense if this is what they use to bring it all down. Governments involved in violating international post-war treaties. It would allow them to round up the Cabal worldwide and do it all by the books.

Here's to hoping anyways. Thanks for sharing.

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating


posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Interesting times.


The Day X plot refers to plans allegedly formulated in 2017 by elements within the Kommando Spezialkräfte (Special Forces Command) of Germany's Bundeswehr to assassinate several left-leaning politicians including Dietmar Bartsch. Others have dismissed the allegations as a conspiracy theory, saying a more routine criminal matter was exaggerated in order to embarrass the ruling Christian Democratic Union of Germany in advance of federal elections.

Information about the supposed plot came to police attention during the investigation of a different alleged plot by German military officers to assassinate the President of Germany. The planned killings were made public in November 2018.

edit on 21-4-2021 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi


posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 09:04 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: Guyfriday

Interesting times.


The Day X plot refers to plans allegedly formulated in 2017 by elements within the Kommando Spezialkräfte (Special Forces Command) of Germany's Bundeswehr to assassinate several left-leaning politicians including Dietmar Bartsch. Others have dismissed the allegations as a conspiracy theory, saying a more routine criminal matter was exaggerated in order to embarrass the ruling Christian Democratic Union of Germany in advance of federal elections.

Information about the supposed plot came to police attention during the investigation of a different alleged plot by German military officers to assassinate the President of Germany. The planned killings were made public in November 2018.

"Right Wing Extremist" is said 10x in the first three minutes!!!

The presentation patter is mind control central. Good to know that Germany has the same writers and editors as we do.

How come there are no alt-left-wing-extremists? I guess because pushing the envelope on the left is not considered extreme.

And why do the alt right extremists not name their groups Foodies for Trans Paragliding Justice to throw the social media snoopers off the scent?

When I die folks will cry, not because I am dead, but because there are no convenient labels to affix to my lifetime. In retrospect it was rather thoughtless of me not lead a better bumper sticker life.

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: Guyfriday

Interesting times.


The Day X plot refers to plans allegedly formulated in 2017 by elements within the Kommando Spezialkräfte (Special Forces Command) of Germany's Bundeswehr to assassinate several left-leaning politicians including Dietmar Bartsch. Others have dismissed the allegations as a conspiracy theory, saying a more routine criminal matter was exaggerated in order to embarrass the ruling Christian Democratic Union of Germany in advance of federal elections.

Information about the supposed plot came to police attention during the investigation of a different alleged plot by German military officers to assassinate the President of Germany. The planned killings were made public in November 2018.

"Right Wing Extremist" is said 10x in the first three minutes!!!

The presentation patter is mind control central. Good to know that Germany has the same writers and editors as we do.

How come there are no alt-left-wing-extremists? I guess because pushing the envelope on the left is not considered extreme.

And why do the alt right extremists not name their groups Foodies for Trans Paragliding Justice to throw the social media snoopers off the scent?

When I die folks will cry, not because I am dead, but because there are no convenient labels to affix to my lifetime. In retrospect it was rather thoughtless of me not lead a better bumper sticker life.

Cranky, I'd bet that your bumper sticker will read as mine: "Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill."

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Seriously, at what point does collecting BILLIONS of words assembled into phrases like "whomp, just got kick ass wings and a free drink" become an exercise in galactic pointlessness???

Never and as computers get better and we keep coming up with better and more efficient ways to analyze and manage larger and larger sets of data, it becomes even less and less an exercise in pointlessness and more and more an exercise in an automated, algorithm and data based authoritarian technocratic dystopia where computers make decisions about your life based on massive sets of data that have been collected and aggregated from every moment of your existence from the moment you draw your first breath to the exact second you rattle out your last gasping breath.

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: Guyfriday

It's the Infection Protection Law

More info:
Coronavirus: Can Germany's infection protection law be compared to the Nazis' 'Enabling Act?' 


That's an interesting analogy to the Nazi Enabling Act from DW article. Almost 3 months ago I used the same in a post as a possible ominous parallel brewing in the Biden Administration.

The video I posted earlier with Israeli Holocaust Survivor speaking, describes creepy parallels with big pharma, the rising medical fascism under the guise of a pandemic, & Dr. Ernst Stavro Klaus Blohschwab to the Nazi Aktion T4 program. She claims the only way to take down this Fourth Industrial Revolution cabal is via the Nuremberg Code.

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

I sent a POST 17th of this month...

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 10:07 PM
You have to say, the more compliant type folks are the ones getting the vaccine. It does make your wonder what the vaccine is actually for.

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 10:18 PM
A reminder.

We live in a polarity based reality. Easy for anyone to see. Defining Up gives us Down. Defining Good gives us Bad.

This is not confusing on even the most basic level. One needs to define one side in order to give the "opposite" side.

If there is a NWO push, and there is, then by polarity reality definition there MUST be an oppositional force. One cannot have a NWO without the opposite being defined - simply not possible. Each defines the other through the process of contrast.

So, there is a liberation force by definition - there must be. The key difference is the liberation force elements are hidden within each of those representing that NWO oppositional force.

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Re: ory-state/

Independent researchers have found enough illegal Biden ballots in PA-AZ-GA-WI-MI to overturn the election in those states.

So what's the problem?

IMO, it's a combination of Selfishness, Corruptness, Laziness, Blackmail, and Cowardice....from those who are (or were) in positions to do something, on BOTH SIDES.

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Interesting, I missed the German insurrection version. Did they take this "Day X" plot codename from the movie 'Salt' (2010)? From the Russians no less.

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 10:27 PM
a reply to: cimmerius

The experienced, well-funded, conservative advocate group Judicial Watch is being shot-down over and over again by Federal Judges since November 2020.

Like you said at the end of your post, we are now at the 2nd to last option, which is action my some section of our military which may have been carved-out, just for this role.

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Me thinks the problem is BOTH sides are controlled by the same brain.

Basic Research in Adaptive Intelligence and Neurocomputing; announced by the Obama administration on April 2, 2013.

Bonus trivia: Brain (SW virus), first released in 1986, considered to be the first computer virus for MS-DOS. Created by two Pakistani brothers, not for malicious intent but to protect their medical software from illegal copying. Ironic in hindsight.

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 10:41 PM
Israeli Jews Petition International Criminal Court, Say Israel’s Mandatory COVID Vaccines Violate Nuremberg Code

Israel became one of the first nations in the world to mandate COVID-19 vaccines, and to introduce a COVID passport system that would only allow individuals to participate in society – including commerce – after they received the vaccine and were approved to join the system.

Now, a group of Israeli Jews are suing the Netanyahu administration in international court, making the case that Israel is violating the Nuremberg Code by essentially making Israelis subject to a medical experiment using the controversial vaccines.

The Anshe Ha-Emet (People of the Truth) fellowship — comprising Israeli doctors, lawyers, campaigners and concerned citizens — complained to the ICC prosecutor at the Hague, accusing the government of conducting a national “medical experiment” without first seeking “informed consent.”

When the heads of the Ministry of Health as well as the prime minister presented the vaccine in Israel and began the vaccination of Israeli residents, the vaccinated were not advised, that, in practice, they are taking part in a medical experiment and that their consent is required for this under the Nuremberg Code,” the Anshe Ha-Emet suit states.

The  Nuremberg Code was “written after Nazi doctors were put on trial for performing their medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners, stipulates that it is deeply unethical to force or coerce a person to take part in medical experiments,” according to a Jewish anthropologist. Those behind the lawsuit believe this is especially relevant after Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla called Israel the “world’s lab” due to its ready acceptance of the company’s COVID-19 vaccine[ed itby]edit on 21-4-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 10:54 PM
Just interesting... Flood

5 22 2018 11:52:25 (EST) GF begins 5-25-2020

6 21 2018 21:12:19 (EST) GF ends media day 4-21-21

The GF was a WW thing, for zero reason if one looks at it with reason. So it must be seen as a marker.

Nancy looked to HEAVEN when speaking of GF sacrificing himself and his porn/rap career.

The Q-uestion is what is the flood? 3G? FISA? Election Fraud? Joe/Harris? Aliens?

I noticed yesterday a very curious stillness just before the verdict. Something not present prior to any large event, and certainly one that was likely to bring more chaos and during sacrifice hell week.

posted on Apr, 22 2021 @ 01:09 AM

originally posted by: steaming
a reply to: Guyfriday

Is this of any use;

2 minutes to Midnight.

Yet another familiar song (Iron Maiden) to go with the theme of this movie.

The movies/songs/ just keep flooding my mind now.

"The entire world is like a green screen." - a very smart kid.

posted on Apr, 22 2021 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Rewatched parts of Donnie Darko again for clues. The Rabbit in that movie's name is Frank. Frank died because Darko lived when he should of died, and shot Frank in the "eye" leaving a " black" hole. Adreno symbolism.

In the end, Darko makes the right choice. He let's the plane engine kill him so that he can go home.

posted on Apr, 22 2021 @ 01:25 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

I'm sure there is at least one root-cause influencing all the individuals we refer to as Anti-America scum. But as you can tell from my posting history in the Q threads, I leave the deep-thinking to you guys/gals.

All I want to know is who are the "scum", and how can we (Patriots) take them off the playing field. Unfortunately, ATS does not allow for discussion of all options for removing them, after they have been identified.

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