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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - They Don't Know Who We Be - -PART- -7H1R7Y sIx-

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posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I'm getting something's my similar. Need to catch up on my end as well. This is the first time I am noticing this happening.

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox
Wow! Thank you for that, appreciated.
Spookily, I was thinking of posting here earlier today asking what the latest on 3G dam is. I've been getting 'little flashes' of it busting wide open!
Thank you also MetalThunder for the video, really puts things into perspective if she blows!
Mile and a half buckle.......Wow! That is defo not good!


posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

I believe that is an old picture from last year or earlier this year. I watched a video a few weeks ago about the dam and the video showed that Google had overplayed the real dam picture with a computer generated picture. I logged onto Google Earth and indeed there was a fake overlay which could be proven if you go back to the time lapse of the sat. images.

There is a guy on Youtube (The James Neil Cooper Channel) that gives updates on the dam daily and he has been struggling to find updated photos of the dam as the internal sources have dried up but he did have some zoomed in photos of side sections of the dam a few weeks ago with significant cracking and large chunks of concrete coming off.
Now how deep they go is hard to see from the photos but there for sure is some significant superficial damage for sure.

Going off of this guys reports the area around 3G dam has been fairly dry so far but the sections upriver have been getting pounded and of course the daily water levels given by the CCP can't be trusted. There have been several water releases from the dam already to try and control the water level before the major flooding starts. It is a really bad situation because from what he has reported when the water is released no one downstream is informed. The only way they know is the power is cut and they have to scramble to prepare for water. If/when it goes it will be ugly

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 11:46 AM
We are at a precipice (serious Berenestain bears syndrome.) Remembering the Mayan timeline (vaguely) as we enter our next realm it is a period of change hard change. Cool link for volcanic and earhquake activity.
There currently is massive terra forming occurring right here on earth by mother nature and we think we can do better on mars
a reply to: angelchemuel


posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

That dam don't look good.

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 12:13 PM
I had a feeling you and others were going to respond to that comment. Not saying I'm correct, just the first impression that popped in my mind.

What I mean by "Organic" is the natural spiritual consciousness that we all possess. "Synthetic" being a digital creation of an 8th sphere virtual reality realm environment in space. Just seems to me some of these people involved on the AI/transhumanism path are attempting to tether us to a synthetic or fake alternate reality, moving away from the natural spiritual evolutionary path of humanity.

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog

Thank you, and thank you CrazyFox.


posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 12:26 PM
This seems to be a good explanation of the supply shortages...
Why There are Now So Many Shortages (It's Not COVID) [20 min]

Tom Clancy's The Division - Story Trailer - 2013

"The System is built on a global supply chain, that gets things where they're needed "just in time"...."We've created a house of cards. Remove just one and everything falls apart..And what's fueling this system...MONEY.” Some of these 'game' scenario narratives have strong freaky realism.🙄

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 12:29 PM
This is a repost/reply to self, - see below for reason and new additions.

I'll put this out there for those interested.

The last 36 hours there has been a rather large timeline jump. But for whom or what?

It appears not for all. This is rather unusual, as the last few years has shown pretty consistent shifts where most if not all are bounced around. In this case it is not universal, which, in an of itself creates a very deep sense of separation for those feeling it.

When we speak of timelines they are really not linear in nature, although that is how we all see them because we can only observe seQuencial events with the linear mind, as in 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 = perception.

But folks can be bounced out of a large collective POV into one that suits their particular objectives (death is the extreme jump). It seems the later has occurred and for me and this one is rather rough - navigating is like following the coastal line in a boat and feeling good, and the poof - middle of the sea with no reference points.

I mention this as some may feel this now, or possibly in a few days. The immediate results are a loss of orientation relative to past present and future self, as well as, the collective connections to job, purpose, family and even the world. And boy, what to do, not do and who we are now relative to just days ago.

Designing a life around old 3d thinking and plans, while lodged in 4d, but itching to get to 5d perceptions, while the world spins is tough. To be a part, to separate, to stay, to go, here or there? It used to be easyish. Factoring in all aspects of self now for determining one's course of life is very confusing, let alone for more then one person at a time.

The later might be insightful for some re: jab. Folks have mentioned they are connected to those who jabbed (family, friends, coworkers), but they themselves are not jabbed and it has stretched the nature of the relationships. Such a minor thing seems to have major impact.

The jab is rooted in 3rd density thinking: Fear, Fear, Fear, power, control, panic and so on. Let's be clear here, everyone who got the jab got it out of fear - no exceptions. None. While 5th density thinking is rooted in: calm, love, compassion, trust. The trust for the non jabber folks is being tested.

4th density thinking is a hodgepodge of both rates and none, and that 4d vibratory rate is really neither here nor there, but more a weigh station of sorts between lower thinking and refined thinking. It is really a place where one rids themselves of the 3d thinking patterns by not living them minute to minute but it has its downsides - not feeling located or a part of any vibratory rate.

This means that there is a distance between those rooted in the fear, panic, control thinking and those who cannot stand it anymore. I can't stand those wallowing in the fear of The Rona, The Jab, The Climate, The Racists etc.

Think of it like folks most out of the basement with no view and up to the 50th floor with a great view - no one wants to go back. Especially after realizing there are 300 more floors to the ultimate view.

As such, folks in the basement don't get what those on 50 are on about, and those on 50 find the basement folks too limited in their view. Basement = fear, because one cannot see. 350 = love, because one can see all (or most anyway).

So here we are, or at least some. Not sure what to make of it yet, but I can say it is very significant for those who are feeling it and will be for those who are about to feel it.

One might feel a bit like this.

Replying to self to keep this all together. Schuman

We've tracked the correlations to the resonance graph and changes we feel collectively or big news events for a bit here. This popped up after I wrote the above.

After a bit of time to digest, I get the sense (YMMV) that the great choice point RE: Jabs is over. To condense it. One way to view the "to jab or not to jab" is a basic fear based decision - the most basic. No one got the jab that wasn't fearful or doing it out of fear of either The Rona or not being able to "Do Things" if they aren't jabbed.

It is/was the ultimate in PERSONAL fear/love choice point for the entire planet. Folks were allowed to decide for themselves, they weighed side effects, peer pressure, government goons, doctors, eneMedia etc. vs Inner Faith, Trust, Love etc. Planet wide - everyone.

My sense is that the directions we are all taking has been set: fear or love. Enough have decided their direction we're done with that part of this journey. It will play out as all things do, but the bigger picture is fixed.

What does that mean? No idea, the point needed to be reached before the new game reveals itself.

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: panoz77


posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 01:06 PM


US-linked Chinese military scientist filed patent for COVID vaccine just after contagion emerged: report
edit on 6-6-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 01:09 PM
Storm Rider has posted an interesting picture of a dynamite bomb with timer set to 11:03!

STILL having problems uploading pictures - so you'll have to view the telegram post link above.

However, Note that:

a) There is a Red "Q" on one of the 7 RED sticks of dynamite - is RED7 what comes after RED6 in #4414?

b) The bottom BLACK border has "Done in 30 Q" - this is aligned under the "11:03" such that "in" is under "11", and "30" is under "03" - forming a MIRROR.

c) Therefore, do we MIRROR the "11:03", giving "30:11" leading to "Done on 11th"? This would mean "Ten Days. Darkness." from #88 then "Done on the 11th" day?

d) Note that the G7 meeting starts in Carbis Bay, St. Ives, Cornwall, England on the 11th, Matches the 7 sticks of dynamite!

e) Carbis Bay is 70.4 miles/1:31 hr drive from Bude which appears in #2021

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d9f30e No.2807174 📁
Aug 30 2018 19:12:19 (EST)

i) date stamp encodes a MIRROR of June 8th... this coming Tuesday and 3 days before the G7 start! BBC G7 breakdown
ii) Time of 8:09 adds to 17 = Q but ALSO = June 8th when mirrored both horizantally and vertically!

f) I posted yesterday that RED OCTOBER could mean the G8 that is now G7... but actually it is STILL G8 because the EU is not counted as a country - link:

The G7 – which is made up of the UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the USA and the EU – is the only forum where the world’s most influential and open societies and advanced economies are brought together for close-knit discussions.

It also has just occurred to me that "RED OCT" can be read as REDOCKED, which in turn could reference our BIRTH CERTIFICATES?

g) This year the G7 has invited also Australia, India and South Korea as guests on top of the usual 7 (8).

ETA This Whiplash/Aquila telegram post says the replacement Israeli government will be sworn in on Wednesday 9th, so we now have:

8th = GCHQ Bude distress - NSA no more
9th = Benjamin Netenyahu replaced as Israeli government,
11th = G7 meeting start

edit on 6-6-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 01:48 PM
Gen Flynn's brother took over U.S. Army Pacific on Friday 4th and this Stripes article shares some interesting detail:

Addressing the audience, the Army’s chief of staff, Gen. James McConville, praised LaCamera for his part in developing and testing the Army’s first Multi-Domain Task Force, which is aimed at coordinating air, cyberspace, land, maritime, space and the electromagnetic spectrum in a battle environment.

Flynn said he expected to build upon that soon by incorporating long-range precision fires and integrated air missile defense.

Sounds like DEWS and Rods from God?
edit on 6-6-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Vaccine Decision.

Fear or Mistrust.

No "love" in the equation.

For me, "Mistrust" won.

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: crankyoldman

Vaccine Decision.

Fear or Mistrust.

No "love" in the equation.

For me, "Mistrust" won.

I would argue your mistrust was rooted in self love my good friend.

You raise a good point, many have struggled to find that inner voice among the screaming jackals, in times of struggle the voice/intuition/reason/love/hint may come in various forms. It is usually the quiet voice.

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Gen Flynn's brother took over U.S. Army Pacific on Friday 4th and this Stripes article shares some interesting detail:

Addressing the audience, the Army’s chief of staff, Gen. James McConville, praised LaCamera for his part in developing and testing the Army’s first Multi-Domain Task Force, which is aimed at coordinating air, cyberspace, land, maritime, space and the electromagnetic spectrum in a battle environment.

Flynn said he expected to build upon that soon by incorporating long-range precision fires and integrated air missile defense.

Sounds like DEWS and Rods from God?

Whatever space based weapons the mil has above our heads I'm assuming is controlled by Air Force & Space Force commands.

Anti-Ship too? U.S. Army Testing U.S. Navy and Air Force Bombs and Missiles for LRPF

As reported earlier in the Naval News’ Land Based Anti-Ship Missiles (LBASM) article, the U.S. Army has now decided to purchase the U.S. Navy’s Tomahawk cruise missile and the dual-role Standard SM-6 Anti-Air and Anti-Surface/Ship missile and use both for the Long Range Precision Fires (LRPF) priorities.

Sounds like the Army and Marines are going to play a more active role in long range targets and perhaps anti-ship warfare from land.

Long-Range Precision Fires

Long-Range Precision Fires Missile: will replace the aging Army Tactical Missile System. The Long-Range Precision Fires missile provides a “10x” capability through a combination of an increased range, double the capacity per launcher, improved lethality, faster time of flight to the target, increased rate of fire, and jamming resistance.

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Thank you Rel, I think I have mentioned a few pages back I have had an ominous feeling about G7, but I'm not sure we will hear about it.
Son is at that place in Bude.
I would also like to add it is also New Moon on the 10th, there is also an eclipse on the same date!
I am pretty sure they will play some roll in what happens in Cornwall.


posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Switching 3s and 1s...
Anyone remember where 3301 comes from?

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 03:38 PM
There could be 20 BILLION alien civilisations in universe’, claims scientist Brian Cox ahead of Pentagon’s UFO release

In a BBC documentary, he said: "We’d all like ET to be real. We’d like ET to arrive. But we don’t want Darth Vader coming down.”

It seems kind of silly to me that people would be scared of 'bad' aliens coming to Earth in order to destroy human civilization. How do we know that lower density beings aren't already here? What if they had a hand in the diabolical scheme to 'prune' the human genome in order to turn us into incapacitated yet well functioning work animals?

People believe that we'll never make contact because if other worldly civilizations do exist, they're too far away for us to ever reach. In a quantum system comprising quantum entanglement, distance is not only measured in time and space but also measured in vibrational frequency. You don't necessarily have to physically traverse the universe to discover intelligent life. Through entanglement, making contact is a matter of shifting your vibration in order to 'tune in' to their frequency range

star sound
edit on 6-6-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 03:41 PM
Biden claims every single hospital bed in America will have an Alzheimer patient in 15 years.

Does ramblin Joe mean everyone who got the vax.?🙄

By engineering “mini-brains” from Stem Cells using CRISPR derived from Alzheimer’s patients, scientists from Stuart Lipton's lab at Scripps Research establish a new model of studying the disease – a model which manifests some of the same key symptoms.

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