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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - They Don't Know Who We Be - -PART- -7H1R7Y sIx-

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posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 06:30 AM
Troy and a few will get a real charge out of this in a good way. This Jesus freak some might say when I was a kid, seems to get it in spades IMO. "We were seeing the Light return" really hit a good nerve for me.

Sheep training 101 video

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 07:21 AM
Just an update from my Clinic.....
Please listen to this 8 minute interview below.
All I can say is, I can back up what this Dr is saying from what I am seeing in my Clinic. I can also back it up by saying that other therapists I speak to are seeing the same/similar things.
First, I want to clarify, my clients who HAVE NOT had the jab, and in some cases like myself, have also had C19, are presenting with no more than either fit and well or with ongoing health issues PRIOR to C19 which we are managing with treatment. These clients make up 25% of my client base.
Now on to those 75% of clients who have had the jab. I can state the following, and list them in the same order/in conjunction with what this Dr says.
#1. 3 clients who have been having chest pains ie, they have been checked out at hospital and been told they have 'indigestion' and not having a heart attack 'undiagnosed' medical myocarditis? Important to understand myocarditis can give the symptoms of a heart attack/indigestion, but it is not the same thing. (look it up) The hospitals were checking them for a heart attack NOT myocarditis.
#2. Almost all 75% are showing (through reflexology) something is going on in their brain/brain stem.
#3. All are showing Lymphatic System problems. (your immune system)
#4. Almost all are presenting with a 'depleted' Spleen.
#5. A smaller amount are presenting with something going on in their Livers.
#6. Adrenal glands are shot in almost all cases. This correlates with them feeling fatigued since their jab.
#7. Ovaries and Uterus. Almost all (including post menopausal) are presenting with something going on in both areas, and 2 female clients have experienced abnormally heavy and/or prolonged mensuration.
#8 Almost all are presenting with Sciatic or Vagus nerve problems, but not sciatic pain. Sciatic Nerve disfunction are presenting as: heavy legs, restless legs, pins and needles in legs, sore feet. As to Vagus nerve: digestive issues, Ileocecal valve and associated problems, breathing issues, heart/chest pain (see above), lack of appetite, odd bouts of constipation or diarrhoea, pressure headaches and numbness in hands (particularly the little finger, which in Complementary medicine is part of the heart meridian) and numbness, but not Bell's Palsy in the face.
With reference to breast feeding mothers who have had the jab, I sadly read a report just 2 days ago, of a mother whose 1 month baby girl started haemorrhaging from her vagina. This Dr is reporting "suckling infants are experiencing bleeding disorders in the gastro-intestinal tract".
As a little aside, as the deltoid muscle is mentioned in the Dr's interview (I do have video evidence of a phone call to back this up) blood donors in the UK who have now been vaccinated are being told, (whereas normally with other 'old fashioned' vaccines you could donate blood 7 days after your jab), with this 'vaccine' you have to wait 28 days AFTER ANY symptoms, including a SORE ARM before they can donate blood. A SORE ARM IS NOW REGARDED AS AN ADVERSE REACTION BY THE UK BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE. Japan is refusing any blood donations from vaccinated people.

It's a minefield being a therapist treating vaccinated people.

Protein in jab a BIG mistake


posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Thank you, Jane.
This is very concerning...and none of this bodes well for the "vaccinated".

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel
My parents had both jabs. They have had at least one cold I am thinking two since the 2nd jab. Had a family outing and they were fine but I will keep you posted. They rarely get a cold but had one Dec 2019 that lasted until Feb for both of them so that makes me think they had the Wuhan flu already. They both smoke cigarettes since childhood and are in their 80's. Fit as a fiddle but some joint pains. I am still concerned about the Jabs.

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Protecting against Acute Myocardial Infarction from Covid-19 'vaccine' Spike Protein.

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

My wife and both kids had the jab, I did not and do not plan on it. My son had his first jab a few weeks ago and I just got a bad cold this past weekend. Did get a PCR test which was negative for COVID.

Now my son is sick with a cold. I was very concerned about the shedding issues that I have seen reported and my illness began about 10 days after his first shot. My wife is in the Biotech field and arguing with her about the vaccine is a pointless exercise. I haven’t been sick since the end of 2019 and haven’t been around any sick people that I know of.

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 08:39 AM
" Here is the reality folks just can't grasp. In the sports gambling world the bookies work to get 50 percent of folks to be on X and 50 percent to bet on Y and take the Vig. The regular gambling world also works numbers to give the ILLUSION the "bet" is fair relative to the outcome - keno anyone? They manipulate opposing forces THEY set up themselves, so, in essence they win by controlling the game, the patron and the outcome."

I agree with your post but only nitpicking because there's a point inside the point you made with the analogy I think. Technically, the books go for a 50/50 money bet split and not a 50/50 split on the bettors. Because smart money bets more money than the squares. It's the smart money that can be dangerous wiping out a weeks profit like we are the smart money they are trying to silence and destroy to keep their agenda going.

Fade the sheep!
edit on 3-6-2021 by JGIII because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 08:42 AM
Thank you. You get all of the stars today! =)

originally posted by: angelchemuel
Just an update from my Clinic.....
Please listen to this 8 minute interview below.
All I can say is, I can back up what this Dr is saying from what I am seeing in my Clinic. I can also back it up by saying that other therapists I speak to are seeing the same/similar things.
First, I want to clarify, my clients who HAVE NOT had the jab, and in some cases like myself, have also had C19, are presenting with no more than either fit and well or with ongoing health issues PRIOR to C19 which we are managing with treatment. These clients make up 25% of my client base.
Now on to those 75% of clients who have had the jab. I can state the following, and list them in the same order/in conjunction with what this Dr says.
#1. 3 clients who have been having chest pains ie, they have been checked out at hospital and been told they have 'indigestion' and not having a heart attack 'undiagnosed' medical myocarditis? Important to understand myocarditis can give the symptoms of a heart attack/indigestion, but it is not the same thing. (look it up) The hospitals were checking them for a heart attack NOT myocarditis.
#2. Almost all 75% are showing (through reflexology) something is going on in their brain/brain stem.
#3. All are showing Lymphatic System problems. (your immune system)
#4. Almost all are presenting with a 'depleted' Spleen.
#5. A smaller amount are presenting with something going on in their Livers.
#6. Adrenal glands are shot in almost all cases. This correlates with them feeling fatigued since their jab.
#7. Ovaries and Uterus. Almost all (including post menopausal) are presenting with something going on in both areas, and 2 female clients have experienced abnormally heavy and/or prolonged mensuration.
#8 Almost all are presenting with Sciatic or Vagus nerve problems, but not sciatic pain. Sciatic Nerve disfunction are presenting as: heavy legs, restless legs, pins and needles in legs, sore feet. As to Vagus nerve: digestive issues, Ileocecal valve and associated problems, breathing issues, heart/chest pain (see above), lack of appetite, odd bouts of constipation or diarrhoea, pressure headaches and numbness in hands (particularly the little finger, which in Complementary medicine is part of the heart meridian) and numbness, but not Bell's Palsy in the face.
With reference to breast feeding mothers who have had the jab, I sadly read a report just 2 days ago, of a mother whose 1 month baby girl started haemorrhaging from her vagina. This Dr is reporting "suckling infants are experiencing bleeding disorders in the gastro-intestinal tract".
As a little aside, as the deltoid muscle is mentioned in the Dr's interview (I do have video evidence of a phone call to back this up) blood donors in the UK who have now been vaccinated are being told, (whereas normally with other 'old fashioned' vaccines you could donate blood 7 days after your jab), with this 'vaccine' you have to wait 28 days AFTER ANY symptoms, including a SORE ARM before they can donate blood. A SORE ARM IS NOW REGARDED AS AN ADVERSE REACTION BY THE UK BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE. Japan is refusing any blood donations from vaccinated people.

It's a minefield being a therapist treating vaccinated people.

Protein in jab a BIG mistake


posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Thanks for sharing

Something defo not right with this jab, time will tell - 75% of UK now vaxxed as well.

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 09:41 AM
Trump in August!!!!

NAKD stock is interesting.

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 10:06 AM
Rel I think that this post is very significant. Reading through all of these posts once again the public, enemedia, politicians attention is focused on the e-mail scandal meanwhile we have Klaus speaking about serious cyber attacks. The attacks so far have been in lock step with the areas targeted by the Biden administration and the puppet masters. Oil was attacked first with the cancelling of the Keystone pipeline and then the cyber attack of Colonial Pipelines on the east coast. Now they have just announced the terminating of leases for drilling in the arctic. This is to drive the agenda of green energy or fusion energy and the number of victims is irrelevant.
Next up was the JBS meat packing plant cyber hack to disrupt the protein source. The plan to introduce artificial meat and make the supply line vulnerable. Also the Biden administration is paying farmers to let the fields go fallow and of course we have Gates buying up farmland along with other billionaires. There is zero concern over harm to the public.
But SR connection to an electrical grid cyber hack has enormous implications. Depending on the length of time, people will die and many harmed but they really do not care. We have been warned years ago about the electric grid weaknesses.
Who benefits? ChiNa manufacturing solar panels, solar battery production by Tesla. The public cannot just switch gears overnight.
So watching the news outlets what are we seeing? An obsession over Faux-Gate e-mails. Our attention is being diverted.>content
Biden suspends Arctic drilling rights sold in Trump's last days

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

To build on my ETA that Storm Rider has had a tweet removed by Twitter...

I've just noticed SR is "following" 64 and has 55.5k "followers" - EYES ON #64

Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No.147683156 📁
Nov 2 2017 18:31:24 (EST)
Fellow Patriots,
I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions.
We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack.
Watch the news outlets.
POTUS' Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago).
Should the lights go out please know we are in control.
Do not panic.
We are prepared and assets are in place.
God bless - I must go for good at this point.


Seems appropriate given the happenings today and the tweet deletion!!

Here's a screen grab of the banner numbers:

ETA to save space:
...and here's an update to my meme the other day - converted to wallpaper size and a few additional details:
Can you find Nadler, Schiff, NoName and HRC?


posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

Wow! Nice work brewtiger - that's a heck of a proof!!!

1 Year DELTA including "2 days ahead of schedule" on the Beef it's what's for dinner link to JBS cyber attack!

It's worth considering just what that proof alone is telling us:

a) They knew one year ahead of time exactly what date the JBS cyber attack would occur, this means one of the following:
b) Looking Glass told them when the cyber attack would occur?
c) They knew the date of the cyber attack because it was a White Hat operation to create a growing awakening?
d) They have access to detailed deep state plans from which they learned the scheduled cyber attack date?

(d) is LEAST likely because "Plans change" over a year, especially with Game Theory applied - so there would be a significant risk the Marker wasn't hit!

(c) Is most worrying! It implies that other actions we see as bad/criminal were commanded as part of the White Hat plan - this makes Law of War VERY messy to prosecute. For example, how could Fauci be cleanly prosecuted for genocide if some of his actions were orchestrated by White Hats?

The other implication of "Beef, it's what's for dinner" is that Jun 1st was The Last Supper?
If so, then we should next expect:
i) an arrest in a garden (of President Trump?),
ii) a public trial (new election?) with the people being offered pardoning of Pres. Trump or a "Barrabbas",
iii) a Crucifixion-like event,with the sky going dark for 3 hours (coming eclipse?),
iv) a "resurrection"/reveal on the third day.

Interesting implications!

edit on 3-6-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel

#8 Almost all are presenting with Sciatic or Vagus nerve problems, but not sciatic pain. Sciatic Nerve disfunction are presenting as: heavy legs, restless legs, pins and needles in legs, sore feet. As to Vagus nerve: digestive issues, Ileocecal valve and associated problems, breathing issues, heart/chest pain (see above), lack of appetite, odd bouts of constipation or diarrhoea, pressure headaches and numbness in hands (particularly the little finger, which in Complementary medicine is part of the heart meridian) and numbness, but not Bell's Palsy in the face.

Protein in jab a BIG mistake


Hi Jane. I always appreciate your info, thanks. Just want to share this experience I had recently that in many ways points to vagus nerve issues so I am concerned about the mythical vaccine shedding as my boyfriend just admitted to getting the vaccine a month ago.

I haven't and won't get the vaccine but woke one night last week with terrible pain in my back and a sense that something was very wrong as I was feeling faint as well. I sat up to shake my boyfriend awake and literally passed out in bed. I felt nausea and was in a cold sweat, crawled to the end of the bed and passed out on the dog's bed on the floor. For about five minutes I was stuck in a "tunnel" of consciousness, like not quite passed but certainly not ok. My boyfriend was seconds away from calling an ambulance when I started being able to talk a little. I had had issues with digestion in the month prior too, mild constipation, little appetite. Tingling in my back and extremities going purple.

Here in canada, while our medical is free, the doctors rarely care to look into non emergency presentations of symptoms so I didn't even bother going. I read online about vagus nerve and a recommendation to not sleep on the left side, which I usually do. Someone here mentioned a breathing pattern that I adopted for a few days and both of these things helped tons.

Anyhow, shedding. Who knows but it's all very interesting. And frustrating.

Rainbows back at ya!

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 11:16 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Metalcrack
a reply to: CrazyFox
As a devil's advocate (not implying you are wrong), Z-Pack displays some anti-viral capabilities. Early on, when they (Docs/Trump) promoted the combo of HCQ and z-pack, I was in disbelief, as I am very allergic to Z-Pack.

Z-pack is an antibiotic - specifically, a 5-day course of the antibiotic azithromycin.

Correct. There are studies on how it has anti-viral properties (which is why I mentioned it) . Reduces virus entry into cells among having a wide-range effect. This paper is a good read azythromycin paper

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi

iii) a Crucifixion-like event,with the sky going dark for 3 hours (coming eclipse?),


So the next few days.

I wonder if this might be more about Benjamin Netanyahu, than it is about Trump? Given that its a Biblical reference, and well he currently is the PM in the land of the Bible. Also he's in the process of being removed by political factions of his own.

I guess we'll see, but the important thing here is that a Solar Eclipse will be on the 10 of June.

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 11:22 AM
So here is my "people are stupid" post for today. Someone told me how concerned they were about the vaccine, and had I heard anything. I sent them this information, and I think they made it one or two minutes into the video and she told me the Dr. was wrong. So I told her to turn it off if she didn't want to hear it. I got a little irritated because then I got criticized for her "not agreeing with me." It's really amazing how everyone is smarter than doctors now.

originally posted by: angelchemuel
Just an update from my Clinic.....
Please listen to this 8 minute interview below.
All I can say is, I can back up what this Dr is saying from what I am seeing in my Clinic. I can also back it up by saying that other therapists I speak to are seeing the same/similar things.
First, I want to clarify, my clients who HAVE NOT had the jab, and in some cases like myself, have also had C19, are presenting with no more than either fit and well or with ongoing health issues PRIOR to C19 which we are managing with treatment. These clients make up 25% of my client base.
Now on to those 75% of clients who have had the jab. I can state the following, and list them in the same order/in conjunction with what this Dr says.
#1. 3 clients who have been having chest pains ie, they have been checked out at hospital and been told they have 'indigestion' and not having a heart attack 'undiagnosed' medical myocarditis? Important to understand myocarditis can give the symptoms of a heart attack/indigestion, but it is not the same thing. (look it up) The hospitals were checking them for a heart attack NOT myocarditis.
#2. Almost all 75% are showing (through reflexology) something is going on in their brain/brain stem.
#3. All are showing Lymphatic System problems. (your immune system)
#4. Almost all are presenting with a 'depleted' Spleen.
#5. A smaller amount are presenting with something going on in their Livers.
#6. Adrenal glands are shot in almost all cases. This correlates with them feeling fatigued since their jab.
#7. Ovaries and Uterus. Almost all (including post menopausal) are presenting with something going on in both areas, and 2 female clients have experienced abnormally heavy and/or prolonged mensuration.
#8 Almost all are presenting with Sciatic or Vagus nerve problems, but not sciatic pain. Sciatic Nerve disfunction are presenting as: heavy legs, restless legs, pins and needles in legs, sore feet. As to Vagus nerve: digestive issues, Ileocecal valve and associated problems, breathing issues, heart/chest pain (see above), lack of appetite, odd bouts of constipation or diarrhoea, pressure headaches and numbness in hands (particularly the little finger, which in Complementary medicine is part of the heart meridian) and numbness, but not Bell's Palsy in the face.
With reference to breast feeding mothers who have had the jab, I sadly read a report just 2 days ago, of a mother whose 1 month baby girl started haemorrhaging from her vagina. This Dr is reporting "suckling infants are experiencing bleeding disorders in the gastro-intestinal tract".
As a little aside, as the deltoid muscle is mentioned in the Dr's interview (I do have video evidence of a phone call to back this up) blood donors in the UK who have now been vaccinated are being told, (whereas normally with other 'old fashioned' vaccines you could donate blood 7 days after your jab), with this 'vaccine' you have to wait 28 days AFTER ANY symptoms, including a SORE ARM before they can donate blood. A SORE ARM IS NOW REGARDED AS AN ADVERSE REACTION BY THE UK BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE. Japan is refusing any blood donations from vaccinated people.

It's a minefield being a therapist treating vaccinated people.

Protein in jab a BIG mistake


posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 11:29 AM
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett to build new kind of nuclear reactor in Wyoming

Power companies run by billionaire friends Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have chosen Wyoming to launch the first Natrium nuclear reactor project on the site of a retiring coal plant.

TerraPower, founded by Gates about 15 years ago, and power company PacifiCorp, owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, said on Wednesday that the exact site of the Natrium reactor demonstration plant was expected to be announced by the end of the year

We think Natrium will be a game-changer for the energy industry,” Gates told a media conference to launch the project in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

This is our fastest and clearest course to becoming carbon negative,” Wyoming’s governor, Mark Gordon, said. “Nuclear power is clearly a part of my all-of-the-above strategy for energy” in Wyoming, the country’s top coal-producing state.

The Terrapower Vice Chairman of the board, Nathan Myhrvold, is an associate of Epstein's

Epstein, Edge, and Nathan Myhrvold

Another indication of a relationship between Epstein and Gates prior to 2001 is Epstein’s cozy ties with Nathan Myhrvold, who joined Microsoft in the 1980s and became the company’s first chief technology officer in 1996. At the time, Myhrvold was one of Gates’s closest advisers, if not the closest, and cowrote Gates’s 1996 book, The Road Ahead, which sought to explain how emerging technologies would impact life in the years and decades to come.

In December of the same year that he became Microsoft’s CTO, Myhrvold traveled on Epstein’s plane from Kentucky to New Jersey, and then again in January 1997 from New Jersey to Florida. Other passengers accompanying Myhrvold on these flights included Alan Dershowitz and “GM,” presumably Ghislaine Maxwell. It is worth keeping in mind that this is the same period when Gates had a documented relationship with Ghislaine’s sister Isabel.

In addition, in the 1990s, Myhrvold traveled with Epstein in Russia alongside Esther Dyson, a digital technology consultant who has been called “the most influential woman in all the computer world.” She currently has close ties to Google as well as the DNA testing company 23andme and is a member of and agenda contributor to the World Economic Forum. Dyson later stated that the meeting with Epstein had been planned by Myhrvold. The meeting appears to have taken place in 1998, based on information posted on Dyson’s social media accounts. One photo features Dyson and Epstein, with a time stamp indicating April 28, 1998, posing with Pavel Oleynikov, who appears to have been an employee of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center. In that photo, they are standing in front of the house of the late Andrei Sakharov, the Soviet nuclear scientist and dissident, who is alleged to have had ties to US intelligence. Sakharov and his wife, Yelena Bonner, were supporters of Zionist causes.

What an unsurprising turn of events
edit on 3-6-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 11:34 AM
It’s Official: Russia to Exit U.S. Dollar – Other Countries Likely to Follow

This morning, the Russian Finance Ministry publicly confirmed “Russia to exit from all Dollar assets in its Wealth Fund and to invest in Euros, Pound, Gold, Yuan instead.”

The announcement was made by Russian Finance Minister Siluanov.  Specifically, he outlined The Russian Ministry of Finance will introduce changes to the structure of the National Wealth Fund within a month, as the share of the US dollar will decrease to zero and the share of yuan will grow to 30 percent.

Just as the Central Bank, we made a decision to reduce the National Wealth Fund investment in dollar assets … We made a decision to abandon the dollar assets completely and to increase the share of euro and gold instead. The share of Dollar will amount to zero, Euro will be 40 percent, Yuan will be 30 percent, gold will be 20 percent, Pound and Yen will be 5 percent each,” Siluanov told reporters at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).”

According to the finance minister, this will happen “quite quickly, within a month.”

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 11:39 AM
Thought I'd Share

Dr. John Trump on Nikola Tesla - Interview (Donald Trump's Uncle)

Full Documentry

Eye of the Storm (Nikola Tesla)

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 11:51 AM
So have you found out that it's true yet? trump was humiliated and told him to shut down his website. It was said that petfinder and delish had ten times the traffic that trump had had on his blog ..I still think his lawyers told him to quit, if he cannot post truth, he is only adding to his lies that have gotten him in trouble. reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

edit on 3-6-2021 by MayRenee because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-6-2021 by MayRenee because: Spelling

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