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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - They Don't Know Who We Be - -PART- -7H1R7Y sIx-

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posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

Who is Olivia you say?

Who else is such a devoted follower of eugenics king Fauxci they'd have framed images/pillow of this troll in their house?

This was ALWAYS about the JAB = psychopaths****. Those at the top view the population as cattle, one dead or 1 million dead matters not - they didn't loose sleep over Mao's dead, Stalin's Dead, VN's Dead or any other dead - ever. The jab was not about saving lives in 1900 and it isn't now. It was and is about controlling consciousness, and those who do not value theirs are a bigger problem to us who do then the Controllers themselves. about generational disfunction and delusions of grandeur, what could have been possibly said and done to make all these “ abandoned “ kids play along with this deception ? Didn’t end up so well for JP’s son, can any amount of money or fame really take the place of a Mother or Father’s unconditional Love ? Sigh.....

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 06:28 PM

originally posted by: MayRenee
Not on that blog he wont. It is officially ended. He now has Hope's of developing an actual platform one day. a reply to: tanstaafl

Is this like that time when you stated that Hillary Clinton was at a speaking engagement one morning and when I asked you if there was a video of it you just moved on to the next lie?

What is your evidence that Donald Trump has shut down his site permanently? Further, provided it is true, what are your thoughts on the matter? Why do you feel it is important enough to bring to the thread's attention, but not important enough to evidence your claim?
edit on 2-6-2021 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

I see that WHO R&D Blueprint site is on "Maintenance break"

Here's a copy from the Archives

The data sharing site is hosted at the Chatham House which is all about the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Yep, Klaus & the Davos Crowd, and CFR.

PREDICT, a project of USAID’s Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT) program, was initiated in 2009 to strengthen global capacity for detection of viruses with pandemic potential that can move between animals and people. PREDICT has made significant contributions to strengthening global surveillance and laboratory diagnostic capabilities for both known and newly discovered viruses within several important virus groups, such as filoviruses (including ebolaviruses), influenza viruses, paramyxoviruses, and coronaviruses.

Human Genome project / Global Virome project is perhaps two giant shared databases for genetic manipulation using viruses...gene therapy vaccines.

Along with Jonna Mazet, Dr. Peter Daszak is on both boards of PREDICT and Global Virome Project. That guy is everywhere!

GVP is a Founding Member of THE TRINITY CHALLENGE

Founding Members:

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 06:45 PM

Here come the army of apologists: "Fauxci never said, it was the CDC, no it was BIrx, not it wasn't BIrx it was the Governors and local health folks, No no no no it was the WHO..."

Yet, the battle cry from the drooling class in 2020 was "Fauxci says..."

Why? Because he's a stooge and he was there to take the bullets for those do not give a damn about either us or the absurdities that come from their stooges.

Fear is their drug, the trigger it and feed off of it. End.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 06:57 PM
I would love to learn more about it. Why don't you share some data showing how it destroys the immune systems, I am again trying to survive and am very defensive because in case you couldn't tell I trust no one. I think it was more of a placebo effect of the zpack will make it better and I will not be freezing for no reason what so ever and I wanted it to be true. I had already missed a month of work (if you take any fever reducing medication in the last 24 hours you must stay home) currently my temperature is about 1.25 degrees up I have not been taking anything (only took 6 zpack) and occasionally I feel like I am freezing cold but it seems to be limited too when I am around groups of vxd. I do not take any medications any longer and use natural remedies to heal.
a reply to: tanstaafl

First of all I said get, in order to get you have to have a prescription which in turn requires a doctor to prescribe.
edit on 2-6-2021 by CrazyFox because: ETA

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 07:01 PM

originally posted by: MountainLaurel

originally posted by: crankyoldman

Who is Olivia you say?

Who else is such a devoted follower of eugenics king Fauxci they'd have framed images/pillow of this troll in their house?

This was ALWAYS about the JAB = psychopaths****. Those at the top view the population as cattle, one dead or 1 million dead matters not - they didn't loose sleep over Mao's dead, Stalin's Dead, VN's Dead or any other dead - ever. The jab was not about saving lives in 1900 and it isn't now. It was and is about controlling consciousness, and those who do not value theirs are a bigger problem to us who do then the Controllers themselves. about generational disfunction and delusions of grandeur, what could have been possibly said and done to make all these “ abandoned “ kids play along with this deception ? Didn’t end up so well for JP’s son, can any amount of money or fame really take the place of a Mother or Father’s unconditional Love ? Sigh.....

Salient point.

This is an interesting interview start at the 12:00 mark or so. For me it sort of goes off the rails about 45 minutes in, the distractions annoy me. But. It is worth listening if you accept the premise for purposes of expanding awareness.

I've mentioned often that there are worlds where Mad Max, Pelosi, The Clintons, The Controllers etc. would not be invited because their hostile horrifying existence is toxic to those who do not live like we do. In fact, as you point out, many of us here can't live among this either - it is literally spiritual poison. So where do they actually go if no one will accept them - in body or out of?

Listen to how we treat people that are not like us. Listen how "helping" is all but impossible if folks are not really at the same level and communication is all but impossible. Meaning, folks here need to learn how to not hate at the very least - BE that, not think it, BE IT.

They are hardly ready for med-beds, as they cannot even love one another without booze, drugs, teeeveee, etc and most accept psychopathic murderers are their leaders. Hell the C Church only NOW, NOW,,,,,,, frowns upon molestation, and yet folks supported this all along because something something angry vengeful god will get pissed off???????

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I agree, cranky, Fauci was never in charge of anything. His job was to manipulate the TV-watching public. Simon Says…wear a mask. Simon Says…stare at the screen and cower in fear.

The latest headlines and finger-pointing about gain-of-function and Wuhan are more distractions. Keeping the illusion/confusion going.

Like you said, the people are responsible, not Fauci. If you choose to live in fear, to the point of allowing yourself to be injected with who knows what, it’s on you.

The thing is, the individual psychosis and fear-based choices affect the collective experience. We are one.

All I can do is send love to my fellow humans, including the little worm Fauci, lol.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 07:09 PM

originally posted by: CrazyFox
I would love to learn more about it. Why don't you share some data showing how it destroys the immune systems, I am again trying to survive and am very defensive because in case you couldn't tell I trust no one. I think it was more of a placebo effect of the zpack will make it better and I will not be freezing for no reason what so ever and I wanted it to be true. I had already missed a month of work (if you take any fever reducing medication in the last 24 hours you must stay home) currently my temperature is about 1.25 degrees up I have not been taking anything (only took 6 zpack) and occasionally I feel like I am freezing cold but it seems to be limited too when I am around groups of vxd. I do not take any medications any longer and use natural remedies to heal.

CF, as mentioned the chill can be due to changes in consciousness. I get it often, not a sign of illness as much as change. YMMV of course. Monitor it with how you feel and what is going on around you.

If you haven't looked, this is a wealth of home remedy stuff: Earth Clinic

To add a few cheapass remedies that have come through my own experience for most things. Turpentine (look it up - Jennifer Daniels is good). Miracle Mineral Supplement (home version of HCQ). Combo's of ACV with baking soda and other mixes. All cheap, all work well for many balancing issues, with no side effects except die off.

Thing is, everyone is different, that is by design. We have to know ourselves, sometimes a fever is just a fever and really doesn't matter. Other times it is a marker of some sort.

For those looking for super advanced, but sort of pricey, look into peptides. "research purposes only" but well worth the effort to look into.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 07:11 PM

originally posted by: CrazyFox
a reply to: tanstaafl
I would love to learn more about it. Why don't you share some data showing how it destroys the immune systems,

You have to first understand a basic tenet of health - essentially, that health begins in the gut. It is the foundation of all - including and especially your immune system.

Antibiotics destroy virtually all of your gut flora, wreaking havoc, especially with ... your immune system.

One time, a short regimen, can save a life, but if you don't re-establish your gut flora, your immune system will be compromised until it is - and for many, it never fully recovers, because most people don't eat a healthy diet that supports it, or know how to quickly re-establish their gut flora in the event they do have to take antibiotics.

MMany children have taken many courses of antibiotics by the time they are 6... my kids have never taken them.

I am again trying to survive and am very defensive because in case you couldn't tell I trust no one.

You shouldn't. I don't either. If I'm in a situation where someone is telling me something that I am unaware of, I will research it to either confirm or deny it (that is the hard part, because there is a lot of bad/dis-information out there).

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 07:13 PM
One of my members posted this today. It's what she called a "Satire" of the truth. I felt she did some excellent work on it and it needed to be shared. Though I hated doing it, it was such a huge graphic I cut it in half where I could so I could share it here with you folks. Thought maybe after reading you yourselves might want to keep and or share it.

edit on 6/2/21 by onehuman because: add part 2

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 07:15 PM
Apparently we are entering that part of the story when genetic engineering of human chimeras or "hybrids" as Netflix likes to call them, become common place... So, will outrage over the Gain of Function insanity be enough to put the mad science back in the bottle?

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 07:50 PM
Anyone have access to the SWIFT Payments system?

I ask because I think Storm Rider has just spent 3 tweets creating a reason to include:
"Try to connect Swiftly"

The setup was to make it look like a typo of "I try to correct (mistakes) swiftly"!

Here's the relevant tweet - Jun 02 2021 16:09:24, delta from previous = 00 07:00:34 (EBS within a week?)

Lin Wood just redacted the information!!

(I was really surprised as you were All!!! Since it was coming from LIN WOOD and thought was creditable ///

I erased as quickly i found out it was old...//

*Mistakes happen..

Try to connect Swiftly

Note the capitalisation of Swiftly!

Here's hoping it's still working, as I'm waiting for an overdue 25k transfer into my current account!

ETA - SR tweeted something just after 19:03:48 that violated Twitter rules and has been removed? Looks like SR is on the path to a ban...
edit on 2-6-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 07:58 PM
They can't see me, i cannot see them even odds. Look at the technologies they have vs us JohnQpublic.
Closest thing to a fair engagement we may ever get.
a reply to: FlyingFox

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 07:58 PM

originally posted by: MayRenee
Trump gave up his blog. What does q and the gang think about that?

Trump shifting platforms, in order to better attack traitors.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 08:03 PM
Another Fauci email:

Scientist Kristian Anderson told Fauci SARS-CoV-2 has “unusual features” that “potentially look engineered”. Not long after this email, the scientists authored a piece insisting the virus was natural and Fauci said the same publicly. This is a massive cover-up.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 08:17 PM
It is true, widely reported as before with Hillary, and my thoughts? I think his attorneys told him he needs to stop digging a hole. a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

To build on my ETA that Storm Rider has had a tweet removed by Twitter...

I've just noticed SR is "following" 64 and has 55.5k "followers" - EYES ON #64

Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No.147683156 📁
Nov 2 2017 18:31:24 (EST)
Fellow Patriots,
I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions.
We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack.
Watch the news outlets.
POTUS' Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago).
Should the lights go out please know we are in control.
Do not panic.
We are prepared and assets are in place.
God bless - I must go for good at this point.


Seems appropriate given the happenings today and the tweet deletion!!

Here's a screen grab of the banner numbers:

ETA to save space:
...and here's an update to my meme the other day - converted to wallpaper size and a few additional details:
Can you find Nadler, Schiff, NoName and HRC?


edit on 2-6-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

All that has to be done to pull the carpet out from under these techno-tyrants is simply to release a free replacement for their precious OS and search engines.

Build a better mouse trap.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Fear is their drug, the trigger it and feed off of it. End.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 08:53 PM
Jenna's Thread

The election was lawless, six states allowed their delegates to vote by false certifications, but the EC process happened.

The Constitution has only one process for removal of a sitting president: impeachment and conviction.

No, President Trump is not going to be “reinstated.”

This generated a bit of buzz the other day, coupled with the lie about what Flynn said. From this tweet, Jenna flogs the usual "well do better next time" theme. Which, is to say.... "look, the truth is... we haven't got it right in more then 250 years, but this time, we swear..."

Which begs the question: Why count the votes Jenna? If the election was as bad as we know it is, then "showing" it isn't going to spur folks to suddenly give the power of the vote to the population of slaves - voting is tooooo important to be left up the people, as such there has never been a fair election. Who believes Pelosi is going to say "oh look there was fraud, you know what I think it is time for a real----"

The reason for counting is to show someone something.

So Jenna mentions the constitution as remedy. She fails to mention that Fraud negates all contracts - all. Which means, the fraudulent contract created by fake ballots etc. voids the election. In a real world this would not be an issue, but lawyer drones will arrive to tell us all that while fraud was a part, remedy for slaves does not exist, so it doesn't matter but their explanation will be "uh, there is no remedy so no remedy."

Why is there no remedy for mass election fraud? So they always WIN! It is just logic.

Great THREAD about how everything you think you know about remedy is wrong, wrong and more wrong when one factors in all the layers.

Which leads to this.

Here is the reality folks just can't grasp. In the sports gambling world the bookies work to get 50 percent of folks to be on X and 50 percent to bet on Y and take the Vig. The regular gambling world also works numbers to give the ILLUSION the "bet" is fair relative to the outcome - keno anyone? They manipulate opposing forces THEY set up themselves, so, in essence they win by controlling the game, the patron and the outcome.

The whole system is rigged from top to bottom. All of it. Every. Single. Aspect. is rigged, there is no aspect that is not - none.

The only way to win is to not play.

The political polarity system is rigged the same way at ALL TIMES!!! 50% dems, 50% repubs, so that no matter who or what "wins" they other side will unload on the winners - or losers and the same people stay in control. Why did HRC flog the "popular vote?" Because the lost control and the KNEW IT!

It is an infinite war where the dead players are just swapped out for live ones, where the "generation" sequences conveniently remove memory about who is fighting who and why and often just flip the fighting POV's to keep it interesting for the Controllers. "We have always been a war with ____"

A military liberation to remedy this egregious fraud looks EXACTLY like a military coup. In fact, they are the same, the motivation is different, but only to the 50 percent on the "losing" side.

Really understand this. If any military general marches into DC and says "we are here to set things straight, proper, honorable and right..." 50 percent see it as a coup and 50 percent see it as liberation. They LOOK THE SAME! There is absolutely NO, NONE, ZERO possible way to make it look like liberation to 100 percent of the population. None.

The reason for Q, MAGA, the Great Awakening, Fake Joe, the 2021 hellscape, is to get folks to see the reality they have been creating to move OUT of this horror and not into another version of the same.

Let's assume the informed consent rooted in the REAL election numbers is 100m votes for DJT, and 35m for Joe. And we'll assume that the non-voter approval pushes the DJT side to 66% vs. 25+ of opposition plus the indifferent.

Things can proceed if that number is reached. THIS is what we are waiting for - not dates but events and NOTHING happens until enough get it - everything from here on out is designed to wake folks up. And it will be PAINFUL AS HELL for those awake.

We are waiting for the scales to tip out of the 50/50 polarity point control system far enough to warrant a collective consciousness shift. Any earlier and we're back into the hellscape for another 25k years or so.

The world is watching for a reason and at this point the world is watching the "opposition" to see what they will do, or rather, reflect.

***note, droids, clones, drones, holograms, bots and the rest don't count at all = irrelevant to the issue at hand but they are the noisiest and distort our view.

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