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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - They Don't Know Who We Be - -PART- -7H1R7Y sIx-

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posted on May, 15 2021 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: BoomGiggle

"Nothing is what it seems."


posted on May, 15 2021 @ 10:08 PM
Much of this video by Amazing Polly might be redundant to some, lol, sometimes I donā€™t totally understand things the first time ( or few times ) I hear them ! I like Polly, sheā€™s a great researcher and communicator, at the end of this video she talks about the CIA ā€œ Alice in Wonderland ā€œ program...although weā€™ve talked about this here many times, in many ways, this ā€œclickedā€ for me in a new way...worth watching.

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Bumping this Mr Pool post I made because it took so long to make the rest of you had moved to next page before I hit send!

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 10:17 PM
Link to Glen, I won't do the Pravda. But WTF is going on here? There is ZERO, as in renOgade, reason for them to do this. None. They get nothing from it, in part, because this is known to everyone who has a brain.

But. NYPravda is the Nexus point of information distribution, and they've revealed a few things this week, which should be seen as harbinger of some sort.

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: pheonix358

I am trying my hardest to post to the boards. Keep getting the captcha of all things wrong.

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: BoomGiggle

There is so much that needs to be told. Didn't mean for this to Dragon so long.

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Bumping this Mr Pool post I made because it took so long to make the rest of you had moved to next page before I hit send!

Link for lurkers

The seQuence presented is pretty clear. The Q-uestion is what part of this we will see, and or, when? The implication of the eyes forced open suggests it will be undeniable, question is always at what level? The pewblick, DS, Controllers, Stooges, or maybe all?

Joe's looking like the towel is coming in from the corner man right now, but he has to be the one who gets the "The audits show Joe did not win, Joe refuses to step down, Joe must be removed." Sparklers show maybe the 4th brings goodness, so audit done by end of the month? Seems soon.

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Interesting this was posted on the day the AP building gets demolished by the IDF. Perhaps this is the start of a new war...the mil/intel community vs Corp media hyenas. This may be a good show!

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 10:37 PM

originally posted by: BoomGiggle
a reply to: pheonix358

I am trying my hardest to post to the boards. Keep getting the captcha of all things wrong.

That is the algorithms setting you up. Also, if you want to watch the video, it will take a very long time to start and may stall a few times. If it is one of their videos, it starts as fast as it should.

It is just them trying to keep a lid on things and it is not working but they have nothing else.

Many of these peeps are going to jail, owners, mods, programmers ... they will all go down IMHO.


posted on May, 15 2021 @ 10:43 PM

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 10:44 PM
a reply to: pheonix358

Yeah. I can only imagine the beginning of it all. Everything is so connected nowadays as well. Still am struggling with this captcha thing. This is truly painful.

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 10:50 PM

Bibi speaking (in English skip to 8:20) earlier today about what the IDF has done thus far.
Not a ceasefire announcement or anything like that, just sounds like an operational update to the Israeli public.

"We've assassinated senior Hamas and PIJ officials."

"The operation will take as long as it needs."

"We hit Hamas and terror infrastructure all around Gaza."

To top it off he thanks Biden for his support.
Netanyahu's constant kicking the can down the road over the years has only allowed Hamas and the other groups in Gaza to get stronger. The battle against Hamas is going to be much more bloody BECAUSE of that.

Seems a repeat of the tactics used in the 2006 Lebanon war: Bomb-high rises in response to major rocket attacks hoping it will deter future strikes. It probably won't.

Water cooler small talk...

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 11:18 PM

originally posted by: BoomGiggle
Ok. I am losing my mind or the information warfare is just that intense. I have managed to end up in a peculiar place. I apologize in advance if this is the case. Weird how the world works. Nothing is what it seems.

What's going on? Are you shifting from reality to reality?

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
I hope you know how fortunate you are, to be able to see the deeper meaning of so many photos, and written communiques. Is Mr. Pool now the most reliable prognosticator?

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 11:33 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: crankyoldman

Interesting this was posted on the day the AP building gets demolished by the IDF. Perhaps this is the start of a new war...the mil/intel community vs Corp media hyenas. This may be a good show!

After hearing about the CDC modifying their mask "mandates", I said to my wife, wouldn't it be amazing if Joe Biden turned around and became an awesome president? I meant it mostly as a thought exercize; is it possible?

Weirdly, I could not rule it out. Anything is possible.
edit on 15-5-2021 by FlyingFox because: Thinking about it further, what better way to gain the compliance of rabble-rousers...? A fool fooling the fools?

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 11:36 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: crankyoldman

Interesting this was posted on the day the AP building gets demolished by the IDF. Perhaps this is the start of a new war...the mil/intel community vs Corp media hyenas. This may be a good show!

(IMO) The New York Times is attempting to change its image in order to garner sympathy. With the election fraud coming to light, there will be several news organizations fingered as co-conspirators. Obviously, the New York Times will be one of them. Fox News and the Associated Press will be in the mix too. (IMO)

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Yeah. Something like that. It's hard to explain. I feel my family is on one page and I am on another.

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Funny thing is care, seeing things in pictures only really developed thru' this thread as I never really took much interest in art beyond the superficial view before. So thanks to all in the thread who helped evolve that for me. Once I got interested then it just became another form of data analysis.

I wouldn't say Mr Pool is the most reliable protagonist yet... but definitely the most illusive and intriguing. Gut feel is it's someone in the Q mil intelligence team, with the role to focus on art.

It's said that we all learn better using one of the senses in particular; sight, sound, logic etc. ... so it would make sense for the team to have sub sections outputtiing information in those formats? Hence podcasts, MAP drops, videos, ART.
edit on 16-5-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2021 @ 12:28 AM
Biden official warns cyberattacks on US are 'here to stay' after 'Russian ransomware gangsters DarkSide' shut down America's largest fuel pipeline (May 10, 2021)

The cyberextortion attempt that has forced the shutdown of a vital US pipeline was carried out by a Russian criminal gang known as DarkSide, sources say.

DarkSide cultivates a Robin Hood image of stealing from corporations and giving a cut to charity. The group, which first emerged in August 2020, are relatively new but very organized, experts say.

Experts say DarkSide was likely composed of ransomware veterans and that it came out of nowhere in the middle of last year and immediately unleashed a digital crimewave.

"Sources say, experts say" - LOL. DarkSide is Russian??
Media propaganda. ZERO evidence. This hack could of been done by state-sponsored actors, non-state actors, to Warren Buffet, or anyone within our own deep state.

And this is happening when Dr Globalist Klaus - Oberwelt fĆ¼hrer Bloschwab warned us all of a Cyberpandemic back in July 2020. Here's the narrative point:

It comes as Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo warned that technological attacks such as these were 'here to stay.'

'This is what businesses now have to worry about,' she said. 'Unfortunately, these sorts of attacks are becoming more frequent... and we have to work in partnership with business to secure networks to defend ourselves.'

Painting a narrative for sweeping policy changes. This is likely another crisis of opportunity to promote gov't/corporate cooperation for national defense towards fascism.

Biden says ā€˜no evidenceā€™ Russia involved in US pipeline hack but Putin should act (May 10, 2021)

Joe Biden said on Monday that ā€œso farā€ there has been no evidence that the cyber-attack late last week on a US pipeline had any involvement from the Russian state ā€“ but Biden did say Russia ā€œhas some responsibilityā€ to deal with ransomware attacks emanating from its soil.

But wait, our trusted incompetence bureau says...

ļ»æThe FBI confirmed today (May 10) that a Russian hacking group called DarkSide was behind a recent cyberattack that shut down the largest fuel pipeline in the US.

Servers Of Colonial Pipeline Hacker Darkside Forced Down: Security Firm

Recorded Future, the security firm, said in a post that the allegedly Russia-based Darkside had admitted in a web post that it lost access to certain servers used for its web blog and for payments.

While there was no evidence of who might have forced down Darkside's website, the twitter account of a US military cyber warfare group, the 780th Military Intelligence Brigade, retweeted the Recorded Future report on Friday.

ā€œA few hours ago, we lost access to the public part of our infrastructure, namely: Blog. Payment server. CDN servers,ā€ said Darksupp, the operator of the Darkside ransomware, in a post spotted by Recorded Future threat intelligence analyst Dmitry Smilyanets.

But Smilyanets warns that the groupā€™s announcement could also be a ruse, as no announcement has yet been made by US officials.

The group could be taking advantage of President Bidenā€™s statements as cover to shut down its infrastructure and run away with its affiliateā€™s money without paying their cutsā€”a tactic known as an ā€œexit scamā€ on the cybercriminal underground.

While we may never know who or what is driving these changes among ransomware gangs, it is pretty clear that the Colonial Pipeline attack and its aftermath appears to have broken the camelā€™s back, and US authorities have started applying some sort of pressure on these groups.
Recorded Future

Article attached to 780th tweet...
In Cyber, Differentiating Between State Actors, Criminals Is a Blur

"The line between nation-state and criminal actors is increasingly blurry as nation-states turn to criminal proxies as a tool of state power, then turn a blind eye to the cyber crime perpetrated by the same malicious actors," said Mieke Eoyang, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for cyber policy, during a hearing today before the House Armed Services Committee.

"To protect the 2020 elections," Nakasone said, "Cybercom conducted more than two dozen operations to get ahead of foreign threats before they were able to interfere with or influence elections.

Look, another one, this time in Ireland...

Ireland's health service shuts down IT systems over ransomware attack by 'international criminals'

A hospital is forced to cancel routine appointments and a child protection IT system goes down, but vaccinations are unaffected.

HSE chief executive Paul Reid said: "We have been the subject of a very significant, major ransomware attack.

"It's a very sophisticated attack. It is impacting all of our national and local systems that would be involved in all of our core services.

"They've all been taken offline as a precaution. We have systems in place to revert back to what you might call old-fashioned paper-based record-keeping."

Paper! Cyber Monday...1924

So like war on terrorism, corona, the clowns are either manufacturing another invisible boogeyman...this time it's a Quantum CyberBoogeyman where both sides are good & bad at same time and change when the observer views the signature...Or they have no clue who is behind it all. DarkSide may have shutdown but will resurface at a later date under a new name.

For the historical record...

Exactly 1 year ago...

The Cyber warfare like an AC-130 gunship is REAL but what and how much of it nobody knows. All modern countries are now engaged.

5th generation warfare: the battle of perceptions and information. The best weapons are the ones with plausible deniability. Stealth jets are less powerful than autistic foreign trolls with an internet connection and state sponsorship.

posted on May, 16 2021 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

5th generation warfare: the battle of perceptions and information.

This will only work if the population is asleep. Wake up the population, teach them the tricks that were used against them and this form of warfare will be ended.


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