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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe
Do you have a chainsaw or an axe and access to any dead trees?

Just an idea but if you have time on your hands and you've got dead trees or shrub nearby... pile up enough snow to build a small enclosure igloo style against the side of of your house. Preferably near a door that way, msybe you can leave the door open and let some of the heat generate inside... make a fire pit inside the enclosure using a metal can or bricks... build the enclosure in the shape of a dome leaving an opening at the top directly over the fire pit so smoke can escape. Like sabrechucker said, pour water over the outside of the snow enclosure to fortify the walls. The enclosure doesn't have to be very big and it shouldn't take too long to build if you have help. You'd be surprised how warm it stsys inside if the walls are thick enough

edit on 17-2-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: PillarOfFire

Catching up but I found the following excerpts of interest from your Japanese link:
a) Re Clones

To monitor cloned humans, Deep States remove their left eye shortly after they are born and replace them with surveillance cameras.

 Through this surveillance camera, the original monitors the behavior of the clone.

When viewed from the side, you can see that the eyelids of the left eye are raised and there is a shadow between them and the left eyeball.

 There is no human whose eyelids and eyes are separated.

 This is a phenomenon that occurs because there is a gap between the camera and the eyelids due to the structure of the camera. By looking at this, you can see the surveillance camera installed in your left eye.

b) Re Prosthetic masks

Modern rubber masks are elaborate and can change facial expressions according to the movement of facial muscles, making them indistinguishable at first glance.

There are no holes in my ears.

 This is due to the rubber mask manufacturing process, and this is always the case because if you make a hole in your ear, the rubber will tear from there.

edit on 17-2-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 04:59 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

This would be hilarious if it wasn’t t so goddam sad and draconian. So FB is trying today they understand the Australian laws better than the Australians who created them? I still do not understand the underlying issue. What is the real problem here?

It's not actually a law yet as it's still in front of a Senate Committee and here's a link to a news article about it.
US Government is asking Australia to back off.

posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: dashen

NoName and HW would be a twist... confessions on prime time, after having flipped on all their DS buddies.

posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy

Democratic NY Assemblyman Ron Kim told CNN that Gov. Cuomo called last Thursday to “threaten my career if I did not cover up for Melissa [DeRosa] and what she said.” Cuomo also said “I hadn't seen his wrath and that he can destroy me,” according to Kim.


sounds like a psychopath

Andrew Cuomo and his brother on CNN (Chris "Fredo" Cuomo) are both certifiably insane.

posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy

INBOX: FOX News Channel's Sean Hannity to Interview Former President Donald Trump Tonight


President Trump phoned in to Fox News this afternoon to share his sorrow and remembrances of the great Rush Limbaugh.

Short clip:

posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Consider that, in the thread early days (TED for short), we heard rumours that DS would run to Australia/New Zealand towards the end. Possibly as a half-way house to Antartica.

Maybe FB is just positioning to throttle news stories of who's run away to there?

posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 05:42 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I couldn't even imagine celebrating someone being ravaged by cancer. Absolutely contemptible.

I can...EASILY. CNN CEO Jeff Zucker tops my list.

#1 Enemy/Damager of President Trump and America.

posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 05:44 PM
A request...

I guess many outside the U.S. are like me; they've heard Rush Limbaugh was a celebrity and got the medal at the SOTU - but no idea what he did or was famous for!

In the interest of posterity, for those who read the thread in years to come, could someone throw a few paragraphs or links together on Rush? Or maybe link to a decently detailed obituary?

posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I never thought about that. I remember when Tom Hanks was down under, it made a lot of press even before his "covid" issue. Can a country be isolated?

Looks like Amateur Radio guys/gals might become more important now in spreading the word.

posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 05:47 PM


posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: Skada

originally posted by: carewemust

Another indicator that the Biden Administration is not functioning properly.

Or that the Biden Administration is not really in charge, or if they know Dems stole the election and could be kicked out being replaced with "the other party".

Any indication you've seen that this is about to happen?

posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: carewemust
And the crowd applauds the racist reply.

The Democrats don’t think minorities are stupid; they’re just culturally incompetent. But everyone should aspire to that same incompetence, because if we don’t we’re probably white supremacists and exercising white privilege, even if we aren’t white.

Joe sometimes mixes up the meanings of the words “incompetence” and “incontinence,” having both, so we really can’t blame him for anything he says. If we do, we are probably just prejudiced.

And people who know things are so annoying. Stupid, but politically woke, is the new “smart.”

Gosh, there are a lot of smart people these days.

posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 05:55 PM

I saw this posted on Telegram but did you see the relation ship between Dan Scavino's Tweet about the passing of Rush? When you add up the the numbers in the time and date of the tweet its total references to Q post 3292 which states

RIP Patriot
Your sacrifice will never be forgotten
Strength and Honor


Of all the Q posts that gave me a chill down the back of my neck.
edit on 17-2-2021 by Charliebrowndog because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 06:00 PM
Could be something, could be nothing...

There's a Northrop Q4 drone ping-ponging between MALTA and SICILY at the mo, at 48,000 ft.

Seems to have launched off a ship.
edit on 17-2-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Sorry about that. I don't know how I got you and that other poster confused.


Reagan Battalion

The US Attorney in Brooklyn in collaboration with the FBI has launched an investigation into @NYGovCuomo’s role in the thousands of deaths at NY nursing homes and the subsequent cover-up

posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 06:20 PM
TikTok goes wild over declassified 1983 CIA investigation into whether people could leave physical bodies to travel through space and time using sound and relaxation techniques known as Gateway Experience

The CIA commissioned an Army study of the Gateway Experience in 1983 
The technique uses sounds tapes to manipulate brainwaves with a goal of creating an altered state of consciousness 
Practical uses of the technique include manifesting goals, converting energy to heal one's body, and even traveling across space and time, per the report 
The report was declassified by the CIA in 2003 and largely went unnoticed
Nearly two decades later, the Gateway Experience is now receiving renewed attention after piquing the interest of TikTok users 
Over the past month dozens of users have recorded videos explaining the Gateway phenomenon and sharing their attempts to access it

McDonnell was commissioned to explore the Gateway Experience in the 1980s, at a time when US intelligence agencies were deeply interested in various forms of psychic research. 

McDonnell writes: 'By resonating the the earth's electromagnetic sphere the human body creates a surprisingly powerful carrier wave to assist the mind in communication activity with other human minds similarly tuned'. 

The report then progresses into a more abstract explanation of how consciousness is created through the brain's processing of energy in the physical world and transforming it into what McDonnell compares to a hologram

By changing the energy matrix in the brain, the Gateway Experience expands and alters consciousness in a way that allows the mind to perceive and understand 'ever more' of the universal hologram, McDonnell writes.  


posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
A request...

I guess many outside the U.S. are like me; they've heard Rush Limbaugh was a celebrity and got the medal at the SOTU - but no idea what he did or was famous for!

In the interest of posterity, for those who read the thread in years to come, could someone throw a few paragraphs or links together on Rush? Or maybe link to a decently detailed obituary?

Rush Limbaugh is by far and away the greatest conservative media personality in American history. He stuck it out on AM radio for decades despite having extremely lucrative offers to go FM and/or network but remained with the people who gave him his start for his entire career. Champion of conservatism. The man with the golden microphone is what they called him. His audience was massive.

posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog

Noice catch Charliebrowndog!

... and it gets MORE interesting:

1) Dan's tweet was at 12:52:14:


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 56807f No.1162020 📁
Apr 23 2018 18:27:14 (EST)
⬇(HRC and Sen. Byrd kissing)
⬇(History lesson; 13th, 14th, 16th amendments)
It’s time to learn the TRUTH.
Why are D’s inspiring activist groups to remove history re: slavery?
Why are history books painting a different picture than before?
Why are teachers following a new false script?
“Republicans are racists.”
Learn the term ‘Projection’.
Why are they threatened?
MSM has you brainwashed.

They want you controlled.
They want you enslaved.
They want you divided.
They want you dependent!
What has the D party done for the black pop?
What has the R party done for the black pop?
What has POTUS done in 1 year?
What is the net worth of black leaders today?
Why does Pelosi mention MLK 74% of the time during weekly addresses?
MLK was a conservative.
Learn the TRUTH.
Re_read drops re: slave grip of black pop.
Why do we look at skin color?
APART, we are weak.

#14 1st DURHAM BOAT picture

Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147433975 📁
Oct 31 2017 22:00:15 (EST)

Military Intelligence.
What is 'State Secrets' and how upheld in the SC?
What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?
What must occur to allow for civilian trials?
Why is this relevant?
What was Flynn's background?
Why is this relevant?
Why did Adm R (NSA) meet Trump privately w/o auth?
Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?
Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors?
Was TRUMP asked to run for President?
By Who?
Was HRC next in line?
Was the election suppose to be rigged?
Did good people prevent the rigging?
Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?
Has POTUS *ever* made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?
What is POTUS in control of?
What is the one organization left that isn't corrupt?
Why does the military play such a vital role?
Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?
Who guards former Presidents?
Why is that relevant?
Who guards HRC?
Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?
Why hasn't the MB been classified as a terrorist org?
What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?
What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?
What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?
Why is this important?
What is Mueller's background? Military?
Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering?
How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?
Who is helping POTUS?

2) CAPS only simple gematria for the tweet gives;
Simple 260
English 1560
Jewish 922
Equivalents: Murder from the beginning, Radio talk host Leslie Marshall, Patrick a cancer of the lungs, Live and Let Die.


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: cc0116 No.35004 📁
Dec 5 2017 00:24:14 (EST)
Who knows where the bodies are buried?
FLYNN is safe.
We protect our Patriots.

posted on Feb, 17 2021 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
CBS Chicago news ran a segment that mirrored what the NSA tweeted today. The segment was describing how the Catholic church wants Americans to Self-Reflect as we head to Easter. I wonder who got the "self reflecting" ball rolling.. (Church or NSA)? So much copycating and lack of original thought these days.

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