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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 11:27 AM
Merry Christmas, err, I mean, uh, you know, the thing...

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: Phoenix
New Covid strains are popping up all over the globe. The FBI is already issuing a warning to people who use fake passports---there's going to be a market for them. Being vaccinated is no guarantee of effective immunity. A passport doesn't hold a guarantee to stop the spread. There is no strong argument in favor of mandating passports. That's why pro-vaxxers will instead stick to the argument that private businesses have the right to establish guidelines. Even guidelines that serve no real purpose except to expose and weed out dissenters

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 12:23 PM
You want a reveal movie? Its been in our faces for a long time...

This coincides with things said by Ezra and Whiplash374
This is going to be -- Biblical --

Watching this now and had to share. All about Babylon, under the earth cities and slaves to run it. The Symbology is thick with this one.

Covid Strains Indeedy.

Metropolis 1927

edit on 4-4-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Thankfully more people are demanding sources for these Covid-19 doom and gloom statements being spouted by Satan-possessed media, govt officials, and medical spokespeople.

The "Covid Variant" warnings aren't having much effect, because the public is learning that without accompanying death facts, the warnings don't mean squat.

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
Just dropping this one in here.
Egypt moved 22 mummies yesterday. 18 male 4 female from one museum to another with a lavish ceremony.
Could be something or nothing. Just found the whole parade a bit 'sinister'.

Photo's and video at link.
Egyptian mummies on the move.


Thanks for posting that!
Pharaohs’ Golden Parade of 22 (Twinty-Twin) ancient royal mummies...the entire journey from departure to the National Museum of Civilization.

Longer video: @skynewsarabia

Vibes of secret society shenanigans afoot.

A series of unfortunate events followed the Suez Canal accident: train collision killing 39, a building and a bridge collapsing in Cairo and Mariotiya, and fires at a busy station. Is this the curse of Pharaoh El-Sisi?

Our old chum Zahi Hawass:

"The parade is very important not only for Egypt but for the whole world because 22 kings will walk in the streets of Cairo as magic," he added.

Instead, Hawass said locals and foreign tourists will be able to see for themselves the "secrets" held by each mummy once they're on display.

The oldest mummy in the group is that of King Seqenenre Tao, the last king of the 17th Dynasty, who reigned in 16th century B.C. and is thought to have met a violent death.
NBC News

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: carewemust
Here's the paradox--either the current vaccines are going to be ineffective against these highly mutated deadly new strains which renders a passport obsolete. Or these reports of deadly new strains are fabrications based on false data and propaganda

Either way, it's all b---s---

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Justoneman
A company being public ally traded does not make their places of business a public spaces.

Not even the point at all, as seems to be normal for some of you repeat offenders.

If a place of business is open for John Q Citizen to do business with them, then they are open for black, hispanic, and asian folks too and you know this. Open for one open for all that is the law. No tyranny allowed on any non laws I have to follow as a Black or any other race or creed. Black people can't be told they can't come in a public place, and that is the point where the argument hits a logic flaw when you extend it to mask "rules" that are not at all laws nor should the be. Truly private places like your home are ok for you to make me wear a mask to come in. Yes, it is your right or I don't go in there.

Are you saying then that they can make people do what their told without a law to force them if they are white? But not if you are black?

If I am required to wear clothes or not go in is upheld by the laws on the books. Not going in because I don't wear a mask is not and it will be tyranny when it is law.

These constant fake arguments are as lame as several others on here and are quite boring at this point.


It should be easy to end this argument if it bores you. Find a citation for the law you claim exists making it illegal for companies to require masks and makes a distinction between your definition of public and private space. A public company is only open to public patronage. It has nothing to do with physical rights to property or local ordinances related to wearing clothes (which probably falls under obscenity laws). Being a public company does not make you a public commodity for use by the public at large and that extends to property rights. Laws against discrimination have nothing to do with their dress code.

A business can ask you to leave for not wearing what they seem appropriate clothing. I've been refused service for not having a shirt with tie and suit jacket. The laws that protect people from discrimination do not protect people that don't want to wear masks. Those laws set out specific reasons it is illegal to discriminate against people for. Masks are not on that list.

There is a significant distinction between a mask mandate ordered by government and a company making a decision to require masks independent of government mandate.

There's a whole bunch of room to argue that it is not within the rights of the state to require a business enforce their masks mandate, in fact some states make it illegal for the state to force local jurisdictions to enforce unfunded mandates. They know this which is why they send out their compliance gestapo. They hold the business license (and use the building capacity which is fire safety and has nothing to do with infectious disease) hostage. The fact that all these laws are being manipulated across city, county, and state jurisdictions, means that almost none of the government mandates were vetted properly and in almost all cases exceeded the spirit, if not the letter, of the public health laws they claim to use for the mandates.

I disagree with mask mandates. If individual companies want to have them there's nothing that can be done to stop them short of law. Forcing a company to not require masks is as much of an overreach as forcing them to require masks. It's two sides of the same authoritarian coin.

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: steaming
a reply to: PillarOfFire

Sorry but;

From that link:

This is all true but, needless to say, this is a pretty selective and misleading approach to translation and etymology.

Also from the link:

It said Zeneca is an invented name created by an agency which was instructed to find a name which began with a letter from either the start or end of the alphabet, was memorable, had no more than three syllables and wasn’t offensive in any language.

Since it is an invented name, how can any translation be selective or misleading?

All words are made up. What used to happen is words, symbols, memes, sounds, were combined to truncate the true meaning behind the "made up" word in order to be able to say "see, we told you, but you were just too dumb to listen."

Prozac is the most absurd version, is Prosaic. Most subconsciously read the name as Prosaic, but don't consciously.

Names matter, while it is fun to name your company Monkey Brand Chimp Chips, it does not tap into eons of history. Companies in the past spend a time and money working to configure logos and names to ride history. In some cases it can give some company instant credibility.

Rings of Saturn are in countless logos, Amazon, ATT and on an on. This associates the company with Saturn (we'll leave the reasons out for now) and this triggers folks to see it as authority. Most just see the "Nike Swoosh" but it was choses SPECIFICALLY because it relates to Saturn. But Nike created some wholly made up acceptable explanation for its origins to HIDE the Saturn connection.

Then there are the hidden meanings, or meaning from another POV. In the day to day, "understand" means to comprehend. In court it means to "submit" (inversion) "stand UNDER".

Word Magic = Spelling = Spells. This happens because of Agency. The words are "agents" that represent something and those who create the words create the control system. NY Times introduces words to the collective - often. Believe it or not, most realms don't have this problem as agency is not acceptable.

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: PillarOfFire


Metropolis Restored Version 1927, ripped from blu-ray.

According to the blu-ray production masters there were frames missing from original footage which they had to improvise and/or leave black.

Runtime: 153 min | 93 min (re-release) | 114 min (1927 cut) | 123 min (2002 Murnau Foundation 75th anniversary restored) | 80 min (Giorgio Moroder)
Sound Mix: Dolby Digital (1995 restored version)| Silent (original release)

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 02:04 PM
K-35R tanker 59-1648 has been circling the DC area at 24,000 feet for over four hours in a racetrack pattern centered roughly over Germantown with a southern bound of DC.

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Justoneman
A company being public ally traded does not make their places of business a public spaces.

Not even the point at all, as seems to be normal for some of you repeat offenders.

If a place of business is open for John Q Citizen to do business with them, then they are open for black, hispanic, and asian folks too and you know this. Open for one open for all that is the law. No tyranny allowed on any non laws I have to follow as a Black or any other race or creed. Black people can't be told they can't come in a public place, and that is the point where the argument hits a logic flaw when you extend it to mask "rules" that are not at all laws nor should the be. Truly private places like your home are ok for you to make me wear a mask to come in. Yes, it is your right or I don't go in there.

Are you saying then that they can make people do what their told without a law to force them if they are white? But not if you are black?

If I am required to wear clothes or not go in is upheld by the laws on the books. Not going in because I don't wear a mask is not and it will be tyranny when it is law.

These constant fake arguments are as lame as several others on here and are quite boring at this point.


It should be easy to end this argument if it bores you. Find a citation for the law you claim exists making it illegal for companies to require masks and makes a distinction between your definition of public and private space. A public company is only open to public patronage. It has nothing to do with physical rights to property or local ordinances related to wearing clothes (which probably falls under obscenity laws). Being a public company does not make you a public commodity for use by the public at large and that extends to property rights. Laws against discrimination have nothing to do with their dress code.

A business can ask you to leave for not wearing what they seem appropriate clothing. I've been refused service for not having a shirt with tie and suit jacket. The laws that protect people from discrimination do not protect people that don't want to wear masks. Those laws set out specific reasons it is illegal to discriminate against people for. Masks are not on that list.

There is a significant distinction between a mask mandate ordered by government and a company making a decision to require masks independent of government mandate.

There's a whole bunch of room to argue that it is not within the rights of the state to require a business enforce their masks mandate, in fact some states make it illegal for the state to force local jurisdictions to enforce unfunded mandates. They know this which is why they send out their compliance gestapo. They hold the business license (and use the building capacity which is fire safety and has nothing to do with infectious disease) hostage. The fact that all these laws are being manipulated across city, county, and state jurisdictions, means that almost none of the government mandates were vetted properly and in almost all cases exceeded the spirit, if not the letter, of the public health laws they claim to use for the mandates.

I disagree with mask mandates. If individual companies want to have them there's nothing that can be done to stop them short of law. Forcing a company to not require masks is as much of an overreach as forcing them to require masks. It's two sides of the same authoritarian coin.

Americans with Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became law in 1990. The ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public. The purpose of the law is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. The ADA gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities similar to those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, state and local government services, and telecommunications. The ADA is divided into five titles (or sections) that relate to different areas of public life.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

As discussed below, Title II’s substantive protections are contained in its first three sections.88 The first section generally provides that all persons “shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment” of goods and services of certain establishments that constitute places of “public accommodation,” “without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin.”89 Title II also prohibits discrimination or segregation where mandated by state or local laws or rules, regardless of whether the establishment at issue constitutes a place of “public accommodation” under the first section.90 A third section prohibits interference with those federal statutory rights.91

Both seem clear to me.
edit on 4-4-2021 by RenegadeOfTheLight because: fix

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 02:18 PM

Slightly Bigger

Dan Twit

Does this connect with the movement of the Mummies?

Q Egypt

From EMN post above: "Instead, Hawass said locals and foreign tourists will be able to see for themselves the"secrets" held by each mummy once they're on display."

Q: "craft objects of spiritual significance."

As an aside, how on earth did that swamp creature Hawass survive several upheavals in government? He has to be the brother of Fauxci - gatekeepers.

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 02:24 PM
DJT Speaks

Timestamp Difference? Used to be in the old days...

Strange Twit trending...

The posts are about Jesus/Easter, not politics.

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Justoneman
A company being public ally traded does not make their places of business a public spaces.

Not even the point at all, as seems to be normal for some of you repeat offenders.

If a place of business is open for John Q Citizen to do business with them, then they are open for black, hispanic, and asian folks too and you know this. Open for one open for all that is the law. No tyranny allowed on any non laws I have to follow as a Black or any other race or creed. Black people can't be told they can't come in a public place, and that is the point where the argument hits a logic flaw when you extend it to mask "rules" that are not at all laws nor should the be. Truly private places like your home are ok for you to make me wear a mask to come in. Yes, it is your right or I don't go in there.

Are you saying then that they can make people do what their told without a law to force them if they are white? But not if you are black?

If I am required to wear clothes or not go in is upheld by the laws on the books. Not going in because I don't wear a mask is not and it will be tyranny when it is law.

These constant fake arguments are as lame as several others on here and are quite boring at this point.


It should be easy to end this argument if it bores you. Find a citation for the law you claim exists making it illegal for companies to require masks and makes a distinction between your definition of public and private space. A public company is only open to public patronage. It has nothing to do with physical rights to property or local ordinances related to wearing clothes (which probably falls under obscenity laws). Being a public company does not make you a public commodity for use by the public at large and that extends to property rights. Laws against discrimination have nothing to do with their dress code.

A business can ask you to leave for not wearing what they seem appropriate clothing. I've been refused service for not having a shirt with tie and suit jacket. The laws that protect people from discrimination do not protect people that don't want to wear masks. Those laws set out specific reasons it is illegal to discriminate against people for. Masks are not on that list.

There is a significant distinction between a mask mandate ordered by government and a company making a decision to require masks independent of government mandate.

There's a whole bunch of room to argue that it is not within the rights of the state to require a business enforce their masks mandate, in fact some states make it illegal for the state to force local jurisdictions to enforce unfunded mandates. They know this which is why they send out their compliance gestapo. They hold the business license (and use the building capacity which is fire safety and has nothing to do with infectious disease) hostage. The fact that all these laws are being manipulated across city, county, and state jurisdictions, means that almost none of the government mandates were vetted properly and in almost all cases exceeded the spirit, if not the letter, of the public health laws they claim to use for the mandates.

I disagree with mask mandates. If individual companies want to have them there's nothing that can be done to stop them short of law. Forcing a company to not require masks is as much of an overreach as forcing them to require masks. It's two sides of the same authoritarian coin.

Here is the challenge with these arguments. Each is using their own POV as the foundation. Sort of like one defining and elephant by the presence of a trunk, another by the thick skin, another by the social structure. Each wants there POV to be the one that defines it. The problem is folks never go back far enough in the problem.

There is a huge difference between what is "public" and "private" and I dare say to a person none understand it. Living in the Private Side, and the Public Side is really the opposite of what people think. But how you get into the private side or out of the public side is important.

A friend of mine had his gym closed down. He was actually training the lawyer who was arguing in FAVOR of the lockdown - in his gym in private training against the "mandate" (not law). Consider that. Anyway, I said to him, folks are fighting the wrong argument and the court will NEVER agree with the gyms. Never.

When a business gets a License they are agreeing to the STATE (insert all government) as giving them "permission" (permit) to operate under THEIR terms exclusively = jurisdiction. It is conditional, they can indeed shut it all down for the wrong lamp, the wrong chairs, the wrong sign etc. By signing the license one agrees to accept it all.

Now, one can avoid that and not sign a permit/license, but they must assert that PRIOR to ever getting knee deep in the bureaucracy. Once in, it is too late. But, the challenge there is they might not get a bank account, or a loan, or the landlord won't rent etc. So the system rigged itself to protect itself.

This is all about jurisdiction. Everything. Always.

Back to my friend. The gyms should have argued their license never included a provision that they'd be deemed "non-essential" and had no definition of such a thing PRIOR to signing up. As such, the license would either be void, or the agency claiming this MUST provide remedy under the law - remedy is the core tenet law. The arguments they made were doomed to fail because the state crafted the argument, not the business.

So what does it all mean. It means the point of arguing what defines an elephant is the problem, not the elephant itself. Folks let this system get into place because they believed license, permission is a qualification and not simply a way of obtaining jurisdiction. A driver's license is NOT a sign of proficiency - it was never meant to be, it is a legal way of obtaining JURISDICTION of the actions taken listed in the driver's contract.

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 03:38 PM
Points of interest for reference.

[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming

NCSWIC Snowden

originally posted by: PillarOfFire

The Reptillian Brain
edit on 4-4-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Was watching elsewhere not youtube. Only able to post yt here. Still the Symbolism is glaringly obvious as is.

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 04:28 PM
Mark Zuckerberg message

Posted here

This is a typical bullying tactic used by psychopaths intent on getting their way. From birth, most of us are conditioned to follow the herd. Especially when we are placed into forced indoctrination camps (aka school) where we spend our early and most formidable years learning to become compliant sheep. We are taught lessons like:
Don't question authority
Don't think for yourself
Obey the system
Comply with mandates

We are conditioned to succumb to peer pressure through guilt, shame and bullying. We are gaslighted by adults and peers which instills self doubt. We are programmed to ignore our own intuitive impulses, go against our gut instincts and (mis) place our trust in authority figures because they know what's good for us. We're too stupid to figure things out on our own.

If we are rebellious, they have ways to break us down. One of their favorite methods is the threat of corporal punishment. The other is to first, get us strung out on their fake fiat currency to the point that we become emotionally and physically dependent on it... and then they threaten to take it away creating financial hardship. Most people are so strung out on money that they'll do anything to keep that supply valve open. The result of this addiction is that we are all compromised. This is why you get statements like "just doing my job/just following orders". You get low vibe words which are the antithesis of freedom. Words like 'duty', 'responsibility', 'obligation'.

Their fake money produced this horrible pyramidal power structure that has completely destabilized the balance of this planet and totally destroyed our value system.

We don't need their fake money. We have our own currency... not this fake sh*'s the real deal. It generates more power than they could ever dream of. The sooner humanity weans itself off of the fake money dependence, the better off we'll be. It's as bad as heroin

Don't let anyone ever pressure you into going against your own intuition using guilt as the ploy to hammer you with your obligation to society. We don't have an obligation to anyone here but ourselves. Unlike the money system, which is delved out unequally, every single conscious being on this planet has equal and direct access to the true source of energy. We are all equal under the sun.

Whether people decide to tap into that source of energy or not is a matter of personal choice. This is the true path to freedom. We each have the free will to consciously evolve or to stagnate. A lot of people are cut off from this knowledge and they are cut off from this source of energy. But that is their choice. And no one else is obligated to feed them energy simply because they refuse to learn how to generate their own. They freely allow themselves to become parasitic.

They are psychopaths
edit on 4-4-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 04:29 PM

originally posted by: onehuman
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I wonder why they get a deadline of Noon tomorrow, yet they will wait 6 days at least to spill the beans. That doesnt sound very intimidating if you are pressuring someone into a corner to come clean. Or am I reading it all wrong?

I would think if you hadnt come clean by Noon, I would be prepared to go with what I have by 1:00 pm same day at the latest.

I am like you on that. What good does Sunday April 4th do if # don't happen until Saturday or later? Sun Tzu philosophy being practiced normally leaves us all confused in a time of war. We will need more to know more. Anyway, here is to another big can of hopium Malt liquor!

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 04:45 PM
Darpatube takes the "dislikes" of off Joe's videos. Why didn't they rig them in the first place?

Now, if you go to SR the "you might like" are...

Joe is BELOW renegade. Harris is from renegade's crew, picked by his handlers. Symbolism matters.

The only Q-uestion that matters who controls Joe. Many Q drops use POTUS, not Trump, probably for a reason.

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: PillarOfFire


Metropolis Restored Version 1927, ripped from blu-ray.

According to the blu-ray production masters there were frames missing from original footage which they had to improvise and/or leave black.

Runtime: 153 min | 93 min (re-release) | 114 min (1927 cut) | 123 min (2002 Murnau Foundation 75th anniversary restored) | 80 min (Giorgio Moroder)
Sound Mix: Dolby Digital (1995 restored version)| Silent (original release)

Which version is this? There was a version for German audiences and then a heavily edited version for American audiences that changed up the story to reflect more about American business values.

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