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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT
I wasn't talking to you or about you when I jumped into the topic at hand.

I was pointing out that even a flawed analysis, as you think mine is, wasn't done by anyone here who had bought into the claim that it is her in that pic.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: dug88
Makes no difference. It is a very loose analysis just adding a bit to what is already out there.

The pic is from 1978, Omar was born in 1982.

If the pic was from a letter date it would have to be before 1995, when she immigrated to the US.

She was 13 at the time and the girl in the pic doesn't look under 13.

Slap on this loose analysis and it seems the girl in the pic is shorter than Omar by more than a few inches.

Compare to "it kinda looks like her" and I'd personally go with "it isn't her".

Here is the thing, even if it was her, so what?

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 07:36 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: IAMTAT

I was pointing out that even a flawed analysis, as you think mine is, wasn't done by anyone here who had bought into the claim that it is her in that pic.

What use is flawed analysis?
Some might argue it is more detrimental to finding truth, than no analysis at all...especially if it goes unchallenged.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: daskakik

I dunno man, I was just commenting on the part of the topic I knew about...I don't really give a # about Omar or the validity of the picture. From what I've heard of her policies and the things she says...she's pretty #ed.

Whether or not she's a Somalian terrorist or whatever the claims are...I still wouldn't vote for her.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Ilhan Omar's grandfather, Abukar, was the director of Somalia's National Marine Transport

Ilhan Omar
-- --

Ill bet she ended up in Kenya because of grandad.... Imo....
Human trafficking in Somalia

For decades, military dictator Siad Barre committed widespread atrocities, which effectively destroyed Somali civil society. Then, in May 1991, Barre was overthrown. The east desert region of Somalia declared itself the “Republic of Somaliland” after the overthrow of Barre. Somaliland now has a population of 3.5 million people, a functional political system, its own currency and a police force.

Before 1991, the federal and regional laws criminalized slave labor and certain forms of sex trafficking. Then, after Barre was overthrown, No progress was reported again until September 2017, when a human trafficking law was drafted and endorsed by Somaliland.

edit on 432021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
What use is flawed analysis?
Some might argue it is more detrimental to finding truth, than no analysis at all...especially if it goes unchallenged.

So there is no more digging to be done by the qanons?

That was actually my point all along. The claim that it was her going unchallenged isn't going to lead to the truth either.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: dug88
Since the validity of the pic is the topic being discussed then that is the pertinent part.

Whether you would vote for her, for whatever reason, is neither here nor there.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Well...ok then...I was adding my part to the discussion on validity by criticizing the part of your analysis I happen to have knowledge in. I don't have any other comments about the rest of your analysis or the overall discussion apart from that, because I lack knowledge on it, because I don't care. I only commented on the part I did because I enjoy the technical discussion around such things. Therefore, rather than speak from a place of ignorance, I framed my comments only around the part of the conversation I knew and not the parts I didn't know.

Does this make it more clear?
edit on 3/4/2021 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 07:50 PM

originally posted by: Phoenix

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: Justoneman

So you don't respect private property rights nor do you respect a persons right to decide what they believe.

So you'd trash all the civil rights legislation that force just the opposite of the idea you stated above.......or.........

the idea is selectively based upon subject matters you agree with...............??????

My opinion is statement defies logic in todays climate.

We have Bingo!

Great observation!

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: dug88
There was no need to clarify since it was already clear.

Also, that part was small and insignificant, actually made to criticize the lack of digging/analysis done by the qanons.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to: daskakik

I've never really understood the incessant need of a few folks to drop in and prove why all the q crap's wrong.

As I've scrolled through this thread, I've seen things that are clearly complete bull# and other things that are not.

The bull# seems to fade on its own over time as even the most adherent q followers realize it's bull#.

It's funny, I remember when the kind of stuff talked about in the q thread here was pretty much what every ATS thread used to be about.

I mean really, that's why I browse this thread. It's like old ATS compressed into one thread.

This did used to be a conspiracy site, not a political circle jerk site...

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 08:00 PM
So that answers the question I asked that we all want to see you share? No it doesn't.

I stand on lets audit the Dominion machines and see where the chips fall. More importantly we should never have or ever again use such voting machines.

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Justoneman
Is it racist to teach math in you or Phage's opinion?????

In my opinion, no.

Let me ask you something. Where do you stand on the Dominion machines counting Trump votes as fractions?

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: dug88
Odd, since this thread is a political circle jerk most of the time.

The BS fades and then re-appears when the Q-clock hands come back around or when a spelling error or timestamp in a tweet/fb post gets everyone going again. Just yesterday "c before d" popped right back up.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 08:10 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
So that answers the question I asked that we all want to see you share? No it doesn't.

It wasn't a yes or no question?

I stand on lets audit the Dominion machines and see where the chips fall. More importantly we should never have or ever again use such voting machines.

Do you believe the machines counted Trump votes as fractions?

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: daskakik



This thread is one of the few places on ATS that still discusses the creeping globalist agenda that's consuming everything, the fact that the capitol of the United States is still barricaded and military, that looks for links, however misguided they may or may not be, between current global events and the powers that be that be discussed openly on ATS.

If Biden and crew get brought up a lot in this thread, it's likely because they have been blatantly doing things that follows the above mentioned agenda.

It's unfortunate the q peeps have rallied around Donald trump as their savior, but their criticisms of the current us administration and the people surrounding them are completely valid as well as the discussion on those people's involvements in globalist agendas that have brought our world to its current state.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: dug88
You need to get out of this thread more often. There are other threads that discuss these things as well.

None of that makes it any less of a political circle jerk.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 08:35 PM
Russian Military Satellite Breaks Up Over Pacific, US Air Force Reports

Russian military satellite Kosmos 2525, which was launched in 2018, has descended from orbit and broken up over the Pacific Ocean, according to US Air Force data, published at


posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: daskakik

I rarely post in this thread...and I regularly post threads on a range of topics.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
Russian Military Satellite Breaks Up Over Pacific, US Air Force Reports

Russian military satellite Kosmos 2525, which was launched in 2018, has descended from orbit and broken up over the Pacific Ocean, according to US Air Force data, published at


What does it mean? Is the Storm upon us?
edit on 4/3/2021 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: dug88
I know, I've seen you around, which made your claim odd to me and made me make that cheeky remark about getting out of this thread more.

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