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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Well the issue with that picture is that it's only been stated as being taken in 1978. How do we know that, has there been any confirmation of this evidence. The issue here is that the woman looks just like Omar, could it be her, her mother, or a look alike we just don't know for sure.

What we do know is that Omar came on the scene getting arrested for civil disturbance, she also violated immigration laws by lying about her husband, and then cheating her way into office. We really don't know anything about Omar that she hasn't controlled through her political presence and has attacked people who have openly questioned her narrative. Kind of like how Obama did when his place of birth was brought up (even though he openly states that he was born in Kenya, if anyone else says that they get attacked as racist)

So it doesn't really matter if the photo was taken in 1978 or in 1998. What matters here is that we neither know how old Omar really is, nor do we even know what her agenda is. Seems to me that she is just as much a Trotskyist as Obama is, and just like Obama Omar's father may be a warlord as well. Funny how that seems to work isn't it.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 03:11 PM
Possible Coup attempt in Jordan...?

Nearly 20 arrested in alleged plot against Jordan’s King Abdullah II

Jordanian authorities on Saturday arrested nearly 20 people and sought to restrain the movement of the kingdom’s former crown prince amid what officials called a “threat to the country’s stability.”

Prince Hamzah bin Hussein, the oldest son of the late King Hussein and his American-born fourth wife Queen Noor, was told to remain at his Amman palace amid an ongoing investigation into an alleged plot to unseat his older half brother, King Abdullah II, according to a senior Middle East intelligence official briefed on the events.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

That is all he really talks about before going into the usual spiel of people waking up and earth becoming a better place.

I know that this isn't the meat of your post, but it brought to mind a discussion I was having with a rather religious friend of mine. They were saying that the day will come where god wakes up all of humanity, and when that day comes we will find that we've been in heaven that whole time and that this was all just a test to see if we are worthy to stay in heaven.

My reply was, what if we're just in hell and that this is all an illusion to prevent us from terrorizing the place too much?

Their response was, are you serious?

Dogma = It's not just a Kevin Smith movie, for some it's a way of life.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 03:20 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
Well the issue with that picture is that it's only been stated as being taken in 1978. How do we know that, has there been any confirmation of this evidence. The issue here is that the woman looks just like Omar, could it be her, her mother, or a look alike we just don't know for sure.

The real issue is that people are just accepting that it is, without digging.

The rest is neither here nor there in regards to the claim made of the picture.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 03:24 PM
Source for that unidentified Somalia woman if anyone cares:
AP Images

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Is it though? The claim of the picture is what's driving the narrative. Let's say that that the photo is genuine, but the date is 1998. When then it's a valid photo, but if the accepted date is 1978 then Omar can cry that it's all a HOAX since the accepted year is before she claims to have been born. On the other hand let's say that that the date of 1978 is correct, but Omar is older than she states. Well then she can call out the photo as being a HOAX because it doesn't match what she say's is her accepted age.

This photo is a grey area, in that the context and the date are important as knowing more about who Omar is. The people who've brought this photo forward are the ones that need to provide us all with the source and context of what the photo is. So while I agree that more information about the photo is needed. I do disagree that claim of what's going in the photo isn't as important as the date. I think all the information about that photo is needed.

When something like this is presented, we all should be asking questions about it. Accepting it as what we are told to accept it as is both an injustice to the evidence as well as to ourselves. In my world if something is bad, a person needs to be able to explain what is wrong with the item, but inversely if the item is good they also need to explain why they like the item. We should be the same here, if evidence is presented we should backup as to why the evidence should be believed, and if evidence is declared bad then we should be able to express why we think that. Just because a photo fits with what we like doesn't mean that it's true or even half true. Just like this phot of Omar we need more information in order to understand the truth behind it and make a judgement.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: daskakik

So, it doesn't matter what type of government Somalia had at that time.

It doesn’t matter to you.

Just for the record, that govt was in power until 1991.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Source for that unidentified Somalia woman if anyone cares:
AP Images

Thank you. Important info:

Creation Date:
February 25, 1978 03:00:00 AM
Submission Date:
February 08, 2016 02:22:09 PM

If the photo was made in 1978 then why was it released in 2016?

A couple of things need to be addressed if this has a real date of 1978:

1 Does everything in the photo fit with the narrative of being in 1978 (ie nothing out of expectations for that year is being presented, like a button being only issues after 1980s for example)?

2 What was the reason for the AP holding onto this photo for such a long time before presenting it, or why did the original source hold onto the photo for so long before presenting it?

I would say that this photo demands it's own thread, but since people are making a "KU" claim based on the validity of this photo, we should really dig into the photo in order to verify the validity of those making the claim.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
She arrived in the US in 1995, according to wiki so that wouldn't have been her in 1998 either.

Also, she would have been 13, in 1995, and I doubt the US INS was going to mistake a 32 year old woman for a 13 year old girl, assuming the date of the pic is in fact 1978 and the girl in it was around 15.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: butcherguy
It doesn't matter in regards to the claim being made.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Guyfriday
She arrived in the US in 1995, according to wiki so that wouldn't have been her in 1998 either.

The year 1998 was picked at random as an example of how the year doesn't matter as much as the timeframe. Good point though.

Also, she would have been 13, in 1995, and I doubt the US INS was going to mistake a 32 year old woman for a 13 year old girl, assuming the date of the pic is in fact 1978 and the girl in it was around 15.

Look who was in office at that time, and how they not only defended Obama (even after they started the fake BC issue), and how they have been at the center point for more then a few issues with who and where people came from back then. Is there a public record of Omar at age 13 in the US that can be compared to her now, or even to that photo in question. It needs to be ruled out.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 04:00 PM
See Whiplash
New Post.

Just typed this out from one of many books I have. I believe there is a Real Light and a Fake Light. ( Think Mirror )

By Hilton Hotema

Astral Light

The ancient philosophy tells us that when the Water of Life is concerned for the body's use, and not consumed in generation, it then flows up the spinal cord as the "Nibodhika" Fire, energizing in its upward flow the SEVEN Nerve Plexuses above mentioned. As a result, the whole body, according to the Bible, is filled with (Astral) Light.
Matt, 6:22

The Bible says, " Take heed therefore that the (Astral) Light which is in thee not be in darkness ( because of its being consumed in fornication and generation).

"If thy whole body therefore be full of ( Astral ) Light, having no part of dark, the whole (body) shall be full of ( Astral ) Light as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee Light".
Luke 11:35, 36.

These statements make sense when they are correctly understood.

"He who has known the Great Void in the Sahasrara is freed from rebirth ( reincarnation ). He cannot be bound in any of the three worlds, and can travel ythe sky at will" (Kundalini power, Pandit Drishtva).

Thru these spinal sections composed of the twelve dorsal vertebrae , there is a Golden Glow radiating from a thread-like line that appears as a tiny river of Golden Fire.

These Deep anatomically physiological secrets, unknown to modern science, are described in the Bible as " Two Golden Pipes" (which) empty the Golden oil out of themselves".
Zach. 4:12

Still higher the Golden color fades to yellow, becoming tinged with a light green. Thru the cervical section of the spinal cord the color ofvthe Oil becomes faintly Electric Blue.

Thru "Two Golden Pipes", called the Ida and Pinga nadis by the Hindus, this Astral Stream of Living Fire flows incessantly up and down. ( me- like "Jacob's Ladder" ).

Were at the end of that wretched wheel.
Thank You Nikola Tesla!

edit on 3-4-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: PillarOfFire

“Once in a while you can get shone the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right” - Grateful Dead

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
How about the pic itself?

A standard AK is 34.4 inches long. The girl in the pic is holding it vertically and the barrel ends above her head while the stock ends at about mid-thigh. The grid shows 20 segments with the butt slightly extending into a 21st at the bottom and the flash suppressor into a 22nd at the top. We will exclude those. 34.4/20 = 1.72 in/seg.

Let's say from there to the floor there are 2.5 ft (30 in), being generous.

34.4+30 = 64.4 - 5 (offset the part of the barrel above her head) = 59.4

The girl in the pic seems to be a little under 5 ft tall.

Ilhan Omar is said to be 5ft 6in tall.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: PillarOfFire
The ancient philosophy tells us that when the Water of Life is concerned for the body's use, and not consumed in generation, it then flows up the spinal cord as the "Nibodhika" Fire, energizing in its upward flow the SEVEN Nerve Plexuses above mentioned. As a result, the whole body, according to the Bible, is filled with (Astral) Light.
Matt, 6:22

This sounds like Kundalini energy. My kundalini is active as I practice breath work and meditation daily to strengthen it and also had a spontaneous Khechari Mudra awakening around 2017. I had never heard of Khechari either and had to research what was happening with my body.

Have you listened to this? Tesla says that we are electricity(light?). He viewed himself as a failure for not being able to bring energy to humanity, if only he knew his impact even to this day.

TESLA - Everything is the Light - Interview with Nikola Tesla ⚡️

Always appreciate your posts Pillar!

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Guyfriday
How about the pic itself?

A standard AK is 34.4 inches long. The girl in the pic is holding it vertically and the barrel ends above her head while the stock ends at about mid-thigh. The grid shows 20 segments with the butt slightly extending into a 21st at the bottom and the flash suppressor into a 22nd at the top. We will exclude those. 34.4/20 = 1.72 in/seg.

Let's say from there to the floor there are 2.5 ft (30 in), being generous.

34.4+30 = 64.4 - 5 (offset the part of the barrel above her head) = 59.4

The girl in the pic seems to be a little under 5 ft tall.

Ilhan Omar is said to be 5ft 6in tall.

It's outdoors...Nature is notoriously uneven.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT
So you think they placed the table next to a hole?

Besides, I'm not measuring from the table top but from the position on her leg where the butt ends to the average length of a woman's legs.

As you can see the butt of the AK is well below the top of the inseam of her pants.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 05:05 PM
There is some promise in doing that based on grids. Just need to factor in the head tilt, or maybe measure waist to shoulders.

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Guyfriday
How about the pic itself?

A standard AK is 34.4 inches long. The girl in the pic is holding it vertically and the barrel ends above her head while the stock ends at about mid-thigh. The grid shows 20 segments with the butt slightly extending into a 21st at the bottom and the flash suppressor into a 22nd at the top. We will exclude those. 34.4/20 = 1.72 in/seg.

Let's say from there to the floor there are 2.5 ft (30 in), being generous.

34.4+30 = 64.4 - 5 (offset the part of the barrel above her head) = 59.4

The girl in the pic seems to be a little under 5 ft tall.

Ilhan Omar is said to be 5ft 6in tall.

It's outdoors...Nature is notoriously uneven.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: RenegadeOfTheLight

This sounds like Kundalini energy. My kundalini is active as I practice breath work and meditation daily to strengthen it and also had a spontaneous Khechari Mudra awakening around 2017. I had never heard of Khechari either and had to research what was happening with my body.

Incredible, an amazing time to be fully aware isn't it!

Will watch now, Thanks for adding / sharing.

Added more to my post 👆

I'd like to further add, that Krist is the Oil that rises up two candle sticks that take us back to Heaven, the head. . Its In Us. Thats the secret being kept from us. Tesla found out.
edit on 3-4-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: Caled
The red line is placed about where the top of her head would be without the tilt.

The 2 segments between the top of her inseam and the butt of the stock would make up almost 3.5 inches of the 30 in the table I posted above. Subtract boot heels and space from there to the start of the inseam of a pair of pants and we are close.

But, the real point of my posts is that the team who likes to think they are tops at analyzing things didn't do any of this, they just accepted the original claim because it fits their bias.

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