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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 05:57 PM
You'll like the strike...

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I think we should reflect on what Swalwell said about gun owners, then pause for moment and think about how bad this would have been if the driver had a nuclear weapon.

Swalwell threatened to nuc American cities that refused gun control measures, and now we have Omar wanting to insert a gun into every situation they can.

What next for these people? What next?

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 06:11 PM
Q-uick rhetorical Q-uestion. To get into a Federal Building one needs a Real I.D. If voting takes place in a place that requires Real I.D. is that considered racist? Can one then enter without showing the Real I.D.? Can one show ID to get a rental car, to take to an airport, to get in the airport, to get on the plane home, land, get a rental car, get a beer at the bar, then go to the voting place and then refuse to show ID?

Good god the logic is stupid. But, that said, we have a guy who isn't who he says he is in the Oval Office and got in with the above logic.

This is baffling to me. That clearly isn't Joe, it just isn't, or the other guy wasn't Joe. Either way, there are lies going on about who or what Joe is. So why do I have to call him Joe, he isn't.

I remember once seeing this rather curious Rod Stewart impersonator. He was terrible. I didn't call him Rod Stewart, because he clearly wasn't even though he was pretending to be him as a hobby/profession. It would be utterly stupid to call fake Rod, Rod. So why do we call totally fake Joe Biden, Joe Biden in order not to feel awkward in a conversation with others???

For me it is like "well, look granny isn't in her right mind, so just let her think you're her dead husband, it makes her feel better." Now I'm obliged to indulge the madness so not to hurt the feelings of those who are delusional?

A year ago I said that isn't Joe. When Kamala was picked I said she will replace fake Joe, that's the plan. I was being insensitive and not respecting the democratic process. Now fake Joe is fading, Kamala - who everyone hated from the get go, is going to hold the nuclear launch keys and, judging by her face, she's a fake too.

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 06:25 PM
before Declas/Deliverance.

Forwarded from
(Danielle Stotijn
How do you dismantle the

Back in ancient times like Lemurian and Egytian, these grides where used to create healing magnetic fields via temples.

Ancient technology that was common knowledge back then used in combination with astrology and numerology under universal laws. Stonehedge, Macha pichu and the other eart chakra,s all still there. But we forgot how to use them.

The ley lines were hacked centuries a go. By the masonic ans satanic elite via the catholic churches, palaces and government buildings.
Mason technology that was once used to alter the frequency of the earth grid into the field of humans on that area, then turned dark and evil.

This technology was abused to create the 3D matrix around this planet.
With buildings on the grid and later satellites in the sky a low frequency field was created.
A field that interferes and effects the human field connected to it.


A field of vibration that keeps you stuck in the loop of reincarnation in fear, shame, guilt and pain. Dependend on outside systems like religion, government, education, pharmaceutical and entertainment. The same systems that feed you the low vibration of fear, shame, guilt.

Via Mind Body and Spirit manipulation we were prisoners living the free life illusion.
Dumb down like sheep living a 9-5 linear life.
Unaware of our true divine highly evolved spiritual self.

If we get our earth grid back.
Our frequency on the planet rises.
We can transmute and ascend from dark to light.
We can evolve as human beings.
We can reintegrate ancient technology with inate quantum abilities to prosper this planet to heaven on earth.

How do you dismantle the matrix?
Think of buildings and satellites....

The Mind is powerful.

This is the reason we woke up. Without technology like computers, how could we? Why was the scare scenario necessary? Why were the "Stay at Home orders necessary? What do people do when their trapped in their homes? They Research. Then when they reach that Precipice they put 2+2 together and it dawns on them.

edit on 2-4-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Justoneman
Do those like Phage here on ATS want to answer if Math is racist or that teaching it is?

There is a thread on that here. Some people couldn't grasp that math or teaching it wasn't what was being called racist.

This was about AOC last few days literally saying Math is racist.
AOC and her spin

Its not a joke anymore they're really actually claiming Math is Racist
Wow, just wow!
edit on 2-4-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
It is the same argument.

AOC says humans creating the math based algorithms can program racism into them, dumb but not that math is racist.

The other article is about a guy saying the creation of math is accredited mostly to whites, which is wrong, but also not saying that math is racist.

edit on 2-4-2021 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 06:58 PM
racist math ... Guess whos funding the movement

Gates Foundation

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 07:07 PM

Lady Goth

"Jill Biden plays April Fools' Day prank by dressing as a flight attendant named Jasmine to hand out Dove ice cream bars on Air Force One."
Daily Puke

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

...and if the victims were armed, no wait, they were.

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: PillarOfFire

Thank you for sharing this. I shared it in the awful land of twitter. That and darpabook are ground zero for the digital battlefield. Tagged a nice array of blue check marks from the left and the rightful sane. We'll see if it attracks someone that is starting to question things but have been living under a rock of propaganda for most of their lives.

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 07:54 PM

Less than two hours before he was shot and killed, Green posted a number of Instagram stories on an account that appears to belong him, including links to ​other Instagram videos of Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan speaking.

“The U.S. Government is the #1 enemy of Black people!" a caption on one video read. In another post on the Instagram account, Green wrote last week that he believed Farrakhan had saved him "after the terrible afflictions I have suffered presumably by the CIA and FBI, government agencies of the United States of America."

Responding to a comment on that post, Green wrote, “I have suffered multiple home break ins, food poisonings, assaults, unauthorized operations in the hospital, mind control.”

In a March 17 post on a Facebook account that appears to belong to him, Green wrote that he believed Farrakhan is “Jesus, the Messiah,” and that Farrakhan was “instrumental on my awakening and life’s work.” Green signed the post “Brother Noah X.”

Taxpayers Have Been Sponsoring Farrakhan's Nation of Islam for Decades


posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 08:23 PM
That you think they are not saying it is racist is not the question. The question was do people, like maybe you, think that math is racist or expecting students to follow the rules of math to get the correct answers is racist?
That was the question.

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Justoneman
It is the same argument.

AOC says humans creating the math based algorithms can program racism into them, dumb but not that math is racist.

The other article is about a guy saying the creation of math is accredited mostly to whites, which is wrong, but also not saying that math is racist.

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Sheriff Clarke: ‘If Lucifer had a son, it would be Louis Farrakhan’

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
That you think they are not saying it is racist is not the question. The question was do people, like maybe you, think that math is racist or expecting students to follow the rules of math to get the correct answers is racist?
That was the question.

But, if that is not what they are saying, then that question is being pulled out of thin air by those who think that is what they are saying.

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Sort of like the claim that Oxford is discontinuing the use of sheet music?

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 09:13 PM
Game Theory has been brought up here a few times. Delving further into that concept, there is a specific type of game called the Finite vs the Infinite game. The finite game is a competition between two or more opponents. The game ends with a clear winner. Our self-proclaimed "opponents" (the Cabal) are playing the finite game. They are competing for control of this planet and they've already projected themselves the winners. We can take solace in the knowledge that at some point this game will end. The ending isn't contingent upon dates. We have to allow the energy to expend itself until it's finally depleted. We can help the game end faster if we disengage and not add fuel to the fire. Instead of playing the finite game, we play the Infinite Game.

Rather than expend energy by fighting with an enemy in a battle over dominance, Infinite game players expand their energy instead by focusing on their goals, their dreams --their vision of their desired future. We are working to manifest the outcome that we want. The Infinite game is not about winning a war of duality. It's about evolving... leveling up.

Our "opponents" are clearly psychopaths. Their characteristic traits are defined by behaviors like manipulation, control issues, deception, obsession/compulsion, megalomania, violence and the list goes on. They are dangerous " people ". Anyone who's had a relationship with a psychopath knows that the safest move to make during an escalation is to completely disengage. Walk away if possible but never turn your back. We may not be free to walk away in this situation but we are free to disengage. When they push their tyrannical agenda on us, we can calmly but resolutely say " no ". Psychopaths generally don't like to be told no. They take that as a challenge to push harder. And that is exactly what these psychopaths are going to do. They are not out of ammunition, yet. Their reserve ace in the hole are nuclear weapons. We don't yet know how far these maniacs are willing to go in order to win this game. We have to let this play out to discover just how crazy they really are. We have to patiently stand aside and allow them to spin themselves out of control. They may have to reach the very brink of a global catastrophe before they wake up and realize that there are no true winners in this game. If they don't come to that realization then they will self destruct
edit on 2-4-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 09:40 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Justoneman
That you think they are not saying it is racist is not the question. The question was do people, like maybe you, think that math is racist or expecting students to follow the rules of math to get the correct answers is racist?
That was the question.

But, if that is not what they are saying, then that question is being pulled out of thin air by those who think that is what they are saying.

So I am left to think you think its racist and are using deflection. check. Phage gives a strawman that I have not heard such on Oxford. Enlighten us then.

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 09:47 PM
No technical test flight for SCoPEx from Esrange

Swedish Space Corporation (@SSCspace) has decided not to conduct the technical test flight planned for this summer on the Harvard run Bill Gates-funded controversial geoengineering project "SCoPEx" - Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment.

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
So I am left to think you think its racist and are using deflection. check.

No, you are just missing the point, like many people in the thread I linked.

You think they are saying that math is racist. They are not and I pointed out what those articles are literally saying. Can't do more than that.

Phage gives a strawman that I have not heard such on Oxford. Enlighten us then.

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 10:10 PM
Not seen this mentioned yet...

C comes before D (#3328):

RSBN tweet of President Trump statement:

Statement last sentence:

Are you listening Coke, Delta, and all!

Has President Trump highlighted this weekend as "C come before D"?

Bear in mind that in NATO phonetic alphabet:
C = CHARLIE and CHARLIE is a nickname for COKE (Cocaine)

Does this therefore mean that "Crucifixion comes before Deliverance"?

edit on 2-4-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

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