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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 12:03 AM
a reply to: ujustneverknow

Could be UJNK!

The watch on it's side has a time of 4:49 or 4:50... and a date of 19th.

If you can find a link between those figures and the Evergiven then it might prove the link.

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 12:40 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Or was the EverGiven stranding used to block the missing sub in the canal?

The canal is only 20 meters deep. A sub can go through it but would be easily visible from above.

Who's sub are you thinking of. Would have to be a small one to go underwater. Perhaps they just ain't gonna pay no toll.


posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 12:49 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

The White House is preparing the world for the upcoming hand-off from Biden to Harris.

The White House website now says: "The Biden-Harris Administration"

Source for this revelation:

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: pheonix358

It was just a thought but seems like we can discount it if the canal is only 20 metres deep!

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 01:13 AM
a reply to: carewemust

According to the Wayback machine it was changed to "The Biden-Harris Administration" back on Jan 20.

White House

Also, Biden was announcing "The Biden-Harris Administration" back in Sept.

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 04:44 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman


- Red Castle? Where have you seen that before?

- Wall in NM completed Jan 30, 2019 - 47 days ahead of schedule
- Jan 30 + 47 days ahead = March 17 (St. Patrick's Day)

Date of President Trump's Tweet in post = Feb 20, 2019
- Feb 20 - 47 days before = Jan 5, 2019
- KU starts posting again on Jan 5 (after 14 days)
- includes a "Red Castle" repost (where have you see that before?)

POST 2649 = Red Castle / Jan 5
- How do you outmaneuver the obstructionists?
- How do you expose the obstructionists for what they really are?
- Image: RED CASTLE repost of KU 963 = Mar 23, 2018
- Ever Given runs aground in Suez Canal - Mar 23, 2021

POST 963 = Mar 23 2018 12:14:06 (EST)
- reposted at least 6 times (delta between original & last one = 47 weeks + 6 days)
1) POST 2582 - Dec 11 2018 12:27:39 (EST)
2) POST 2649 - Jan 5 2019 19:50:25 (EST)
3) POST 2684 - Feb 10 2019 17:04:06 (EST)
4) POST 2711 - Feb 14 2019 18:19:51 (EST)
5) POST 2738 - Feb 16 2019 14:00:44 (EST)
6) POST 2836 - Feb 20 2019 14:12:08 (EST)

Image name in each repost is changed:
1) DZDsPa1U0AEa8sy.jpg
2) DuJ04KmWwAAOkF1.jpg
3) DwM4IauV4AIX2Pc.jpg-large.jpg
4) 70B2D3F5-B9FD-4898-A87C-CFBB550B5939.jpeg
5) DZDsPa1U0AEa8sy.jpg
6) RedCastleGreenCastle2nn09a.jpg
edit on 29-3-2021 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 04:50 AM
The Ever Given's stern has apparently been freed from the side and the whole ship therefore partially refloated, the rear end of the ship is now 102 metres away from the bank, but the bow still stuck. They hope to have it completely freed when another attempt is made at midday local.
edit on 29-3-2021 by TigerDrew because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Ever Given is now FREE!

It's not actually free. It's been "refloated" but they're saying it drug a lot of rock off the sides of the canal as they moved it and it is still immovable. The Egyptian President has ordered people to prepare to offload some of the ship's cargo.

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 06:23 AM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Ever Given is now FREE!

It's not actually free. It's been "refloated" but they're saying it drug a lot of rock off the sides of the canal as they moved it and it is still immovable. The Egyptian President has ordered people to prepare to offload some of the ship's cargo.

An effort to mitigate early market reactions - maybe

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 07:07 AM
This caught my EYE - Watch the Water
Egypt building secret tunnels to take water out of country, says Mohamed Ali-18 October 2019

The Egyptian government has laid secret tunnels under the Suez Canal to transport water to destinations almost certainly outside of Egypt despite the country’s crippling shortage, whistleblower Mohamed Ali told Middle East Eye.

“Engineers who worked on these tunnels told me about them and said they had cost billions of dollars,” Ali told MEE from a secret location in Spain.

Ali, who for years worked as a contractor for the Egyptian military and government, said his contacts in the construction business told him that there was a lack of infrastructure built around the tunnels, raising questions about the intended destination of the waters.

edit on 3292021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

Just a thought
& an additional link to Netherlands

Netherlands suspects trafficking of Vietnamese minors through asylum centres

"This confirms assumptions that a large number of these children end up in the hands of human traffickers," said Herman Bolhaar, the government's independent advisor on trafficking, in a statement on Wednesday.

He said it was "incomprehensible" that authorities had still not put regulations in place to combat this.

The Netherlands has between 5,000 and 7,500 victims of human trafficking a year, according to government figures. About one in five are victims of cross-border sex trafficking and 20 per cent of those are minors.

Vietnam is consistently one of the top source countries for modern slaves in Britain - at least 3,187 suspected Vietnamese victims have been identified since 2009, official data shows.

But many come through other European countries and anti-slavery charities have said there is a lack of cooperation between different authorities to tackle the trend.

edit on 3292021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 07:18 AM
Nope, I didn't and neither do most noobies.

Thanks for the tip, but it is clear that the noobies need a manual.

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: Justoneman

Do you not know that you can simply click the member name in "originally posted by:" and "a reply to:" which will pop-up up a dialog box that you can read.

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 07:21 AM
But you didn't really have a question just an opportunity for one of us to ramble on with you over your spin attempts.

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: carewemust

That is not an answer to my question.

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

LOL and thats not even a backhoe - thats an excavator. The media really cannot even get the most basic details right, can they?

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 07:56 AM
Hey, sorry if this has been discussed a lot here already, but has anybody here actually been watching the Q documentary series on HBO? Turns out its not really a hit job at all, its very fair outside of having Will Sommer from the Daily Beast as a main contributor. BUT, the big thing is that they do a deep dive interview on Fred Brennan (HotWheels), CodeMonkey AND Jim Watkins. I would suggest everybody watch it because it goes into great detail about the drama behind the scenes with 8chan in the early and later days. It also tells us a lot about CodeMonkey and Jim Watkins that was not available before.

That being said I have come to a somewhat startling revelation that I actually discounted heavily before watching.

Jim Watkins, HotWheels and CodeMonkey are Q. They are the Q team. CodeMonkey and Jim are not good liars. Its all over their faces and in their mannerisms. This group of people is just autistic enough to pull something like this off. Please, don't attack me. Watch the show and then tell me what you think after that. At the very least, CM and Watkins are lying their asses off in this show. They know a lot more than they are letting on. Jim goes out of his way to make it seem like he doesnt follow politics, and like he does not even know the URL to the main Q board on his own website, but then once he sits down and begins talking about it, he almost sounds JUST LIKE Q. And get this - Jim Watkins has an obsession with old, expensive PENS. He plays the role of "humble pig farmer" well, but under the surface he is an EXPERT in chan culture, having been involved since the very beginning with 2chan (original Japanese image board, hosted by Watkins in the USA)

So, I implore those who have not already, please watch it and let me know what you think. Objectively.
edit on 29-3-2021 by PokeyJoe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 08:42 AM
Check this out. Very relevant to your post.

originally posted by: BoomGiggle
Good eveing ATS. I want to apologize how I may have been acting towards anyone if you may have felt that way. It actually helped a certain narrative along amongst many. So, I am going to open up about what I have personally experienced and will show you a link to my now ex-but some sort of 3 letter handler posted on here whilist I was over at her apparentment trying to figure out this equation to pass along and do my part to relay what I accididentally aquired several different times regarding Ku and passing things onto other platforms.

So, without further ado, I will post this intial post and tread lightly as to what I can say because I was shown an NDA, but it was online. I didnt read the whole thing and couldnt really becuase of vision impairment( this plays a bigger role in future posts. So, the craziness started on 12/21/20. I had gotten together with my family for a nice cook out and we looked at the conjunction(attempted) through a telescope. My brother had some great ideas with his booming business and I wanted to try to help. The next morning. I wake up to login into work, and a couple hours in, I get a random call. I decided to pick up this number for whatever reason. Well, it was an online institution. They signed me up for a BBA in Business and Entrepreneurship. Ariound this same time, I started to give dating a another go. I had never done online dating, so I tried out that bumble app. You have to pay, so it weeds out a certain element while attracts another.

So, long story short. I start texting with this nice beautiful black chick. We shall call her D. Well, she is very intellegent. She works in the IT industry but was secretive about what she did and where she worked. She was always trying to find Filed Engineers to go work on data hubs that might be experiencing a problem. Think France a few weeks ago with the big fire that knocked a lot of there internet offline and was, from what I had last read, it was information that wasnt recvoveredable. Idk if that was a lie or intentional, but whoever designed that failsafe landed safely in the failure zone.

Anyways, I start talking to D. We go on our first date and its to an escape room back in January or early Feb. It was cool. Had fun. We almost saved the "runnaway train" and completed our task. Then we got some food and then just talked for hours in her car. I was a gentlemen and left it at that with just a hug and a "I got home safe. good night" text.

She then came and met my family at a cookout that my brother had in his new house he bought recently. Had a great time. Didn't think anything suspicious at this point in time. The next time she wanted to hang out, she wanted to go shoot archery. lol I was like, that a very random and have you actually ever shot a real bow? There is technique and weight balancing factors that I dont really even know about, but I learned about the art of shooting arrows. So, I had a bad feeling about going to that and managed to finagle my way out of that. Fast forward.

The next time we hang out is Saturday, 3/13. I go over to her apartment and was then put under different tests. I was under the influence of something that I took willingly to help. I am now writing in my notebook and painting the whole picture with bloodlines and tying things together to bring down the deep state apparatus. Because I am blind in my right eye. I caught the attention of some other big wig techs eyes. They started testing me with visual stimuli on the computer screen as well as my own phone screen through telegram. They were wanting me to write the ending for Q. They were wanting me to take a vax as well. btw, my phone at this point and still is tapped. D set up two microsoft outlook shortcuts to my phones home screen that I discovered after I had left her place.

The day after the experiments, the Asian shooting happened here across Atlanta. She broke up with me in the weirdest of ways too. It felt so emotionally disconnected and fake. It briefly hurt, but charge it the game. So, my lyft ride home that day included a Hispanic driver that was pretty nice. However, he was playing Spanish music and then every now and then, the words would switch the English for a second, and then switch back to Spanish. I used to be able to speak it, but couldn't understand it as fast as a normal Hispanic speaks. So, I get home. Find out about the shootings. The kid went to my Highschool, he graduated in 2017. And he lived near where I grew up. Too many coinkydinks, right??? Too close to home really.

So, I figured out this equation that refers back to when Ewillhelp mention on Gab to look up post 957? i believe. Could be off with the numbers. Anyways, that's what lead me to figure out the spectrum of O. Think of it in terms of Q, Q+, Q++, and on the other side you have Q-, Q--, etc. So, Q is really O as in "zer0 poin+". Bc the operation was started, then compromised, black hat/white hat, vice versa, I forget atm, the ball got passed around. So, the saying be careful who you follow never rang more true.

So, with A.I. and the combination of a dating app that I paid for. And it did link me to a girl I was falling in love with. Because I am attrached to intellegence first. A chick can be smoking hot and not hold any depth in the conversation department. That is a big turn off. Add that to my school getting more personalized to me and my world. I feel I stumbled upon one of many ways that "they" try to recruit. So, I've had to play each side as to just make sure I got home safe and to make sure my family is safe. I will elaborate more if its ok. Here is a link to the the thread where my ex was measuring RR on a specrtum of some sorts. Check it out. link

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

I have been avoiding that "documentary" because I reflexively pre-judged it as a hit piece, but I'll give it a shot in the near future. I suppose that, even if it is just a hit piece - we should still try to understand the opinions that go against our own beliefs. I recently signed up with HBO Max (so I could watch the Snyder cut of Justice League - I'm a geek), and that show about Q is on HBO so I might as well give it a look. I have heard over and over how people believe Watkins is Q, so it may be interesting to see the argument.

Thanks for the recommendation PJ
Most likely I would not have watched this, but now I will.

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: tallcool1

No doubt. I was HIGHLY skeptical of it before I watched, just because I automatically thought - HBO, QAnon - its GOTTA be a hit-job. But, so far, it has really been very fair and does an awesome job going into the finer details of what happened behind the scenes with all the key players. Lots and lots of info/interviews with HotWheels, CodeMonkey and Jim Watkins. I've only seen the first 2 episodes thus far, but it is very eye opening.

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: crappiekat

There is a lot of information out there that is not True. Not factual.

Look into your sources of news.

Good advice, always. But consider the thread in which you post.

Then why are you guys here? Truly interested or need to stir the pot?

While I can't speak for everyone here, I do get the sense that most people committed to this thread don't take any info as true "fact" but rather gather information until there are enough clues pointing in one direction that it is worth noting as possibility. They are not stupid and are not promoting it as truth here or anywhere else. It's just gathering clues and putting together a puzzle.

I think you have a grasp of both our method and for shill's and Phage's method quite well. For them it is more about ridicule and obfuscation on the level of an epic scale of seriously avoiding the facts by using fake ones and straw men examples that insult our intelligence with their idiocy.

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: pteridine
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

One of many simulation videos....skip to three minute mark for simulation. It will not affect the Suez other than when China loses a large part of it's industrial base, there will be fewer ships going through it

So true Pteri. Now if the Ship was crossways downstream from a huge dam breaking it might not survive the Tsunami while being stranded at an angle to the waters coursings like that.

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: TigerDrew
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Whilst your work is so important Rel that it is quite understandable that people copy your ideas.

Genius has always generated copycat wannabes.

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