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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 03:29 PM
Big Pharma is now literally peddling vitamin supplements as Flu Vax. The real purpose is to continuously bleed you dry while re-enforcing your submission and subservience to their authority:

Oramed Pharmaceuticals Inc. is working on the drug (a JV of Israeli-American Oramed Pharmaceuticals and India-based Premas Biotech), announced in a press release that it hopes to begin the first phase of clinical trials for its drug Oravax in humans by June.

“An oral COVID-19 vaccine would eliminate several barriers to rapid, widescale distribution, potentially enabling people to take the vaccine themselves at home. While ease of administration is critical today to accelerate inoculation rates, an oral vaccine could become even more valuable in the case that a COVID-19 vaccine may be recommended annually like the standard flu shot,” said Nadav Kidron, CEO of Oramed.

Read as eventually every 6 months to Quarterly, then monthly, weekly, and finally DAILY like a vitamin supplement...use your speculative imagination skills on what comes next.

Established in 2006, with offices in the United States and Israel, Oramed has developed a novel Protein Oral Delivery (POD™) technology.

"POD" 😳🙄


Merck & Co. who bowed out of the vax jab race last year has one of the few corona pills that is ahead in the pill factory race in human testing. Its experimental antiviral drug molnupiravir works by a different mechanism than the Pfizer drug and is in late-stage human trials. or link to the Bloomberg article.

What does the little brown pill logo & number tell you? This is a RNA modifying drug.
Merck is a German multinational pharmaceutical and chemical company. It was founded in 1668 by Friedrich Jacob Merck and is the world’s oldest company in the industry, as well as one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. Yet, another old German connection, again.

Merck logo | Merck symbol

The wiki conveniently leaves out whatever they were doing during the Nazi regime.

Some ritual gematria synchronicity:
Boris Johnson's father has authored books on Climate Change, the "Population Problem" and one entitled "The Virus" published in 1982.
1982 was 38 years before 2020. *Pandemic & death = 38
Bill Gates, who gave us the "Innovating to Zero" lecture about why we need to depopulate and how we can lead the way with vaccines.
Innovating to Zero = 82*
First US case of Corona in "Seattle" - 82
Oxford man, 82, first in world to get Oxford/AstraZeneca jab.
Oxford = 82
Covid* = 82

There is much more but I draw the line on the endless gematria hole.

However, 'pillifying' the vaccine will make it easier to convince people to take the X doses per year we all 'need' for the rest of our POD lives, Ever Given. And if you haven't seen the movie The Giver, now would be a good time.

Big Pharma has the vast majority of the population addicted to pills from OxyContin to SSRIs to vitamin supplements, from cradle to grave. The have an arsenal of drugs to blitzkrieg the entire world.

In a Nutshell, SOMA from Aldous Huxley Foresaw America’s Pill-Popping Addiction with Eerie Accuracy.

We're Now Living in the Brave New World...

[...]is administered to “indissolubly” forge “instinctive” psychological reflexes in infants; and hypnopaedia techniques brainwash older citizens in their sleep, cementing their minds with “suggestions from the state.” Taken collectively, these bio-engineering processes ultimately mass produce an “elementary class consciousness” which conditions every individual to accept the state’s official ideologies “not merely as true, but as axiomatic, self-evident, utterly indisputable.” The fruits of this bio-engineering can be seen in the state’s complete indoctrination of its citizens to accept such sociopolitical bromides as:
edit on Fri Mar 26 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: Do Not Evade the Automatic Censors

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
New Term ...
Chemical Possession
a reply to: crankyoldman

edit on 3262021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: butcherguy
David Weiss ( DITRH ) is offering One Bitcoin for anyone who can prove the Globe model.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 03:57 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
New Term ...
Chemical Possession

Double, triple meanings! 😲👀 Good one, very fitting.🧪🧫🧬

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 04:25 PM
How bad do you want toilet paper?

“Another attempt to re-float the vessel earlier today, 26 March 2021, was not successful. Smit Salvage team on board confirm there will be two additional tugs of 220 – 240 T bollard pull arriving by 28 March 2021 to assist in the re-floating of the ship.”


Tsar Bomba

It has actually been proposed to use nuclear weapons to bomb a channel between the Mediterranean and the Qattara Depression to create a new lake.

Qattara Depression Project

In 1957 the American Central Intelligence Agency proposed to President Dwight Eisenhower that peace in the Middle East could be achieved by flooding the Qattara Depression. The resulting lagoon, according to the CIA, would have four benefits:

* It would be spectacular and peaceful.
* It would materially alter the climate in adjacent areas.
* It would provide work during construction and living areas after completion for the Palestinian Arabs.
* It would get Egyptian president Gamel Abdel Nasser's "mind on other matters" because "he need[ed] some way to get off the Soviet Hook."

@wellerstein (creator of NUKEMAP)
Livermore report from 1963 on the feasibility of excavating of a canal through Israel's with 2 Mt nuclear devices, spaced at 4 per mile for 130 miles = 520 nukes = 1.04 Gt of explosives! "Another problem which has not been considered is that of political feasibility..."

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

The media is attempting to jumpstart an artificial TP shortage using this incident, and 99% of the morons out there will believe it.

TP is produced domestically.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: Observationalist
...Here's a free thinking thought, don't dwell

What if follow the wives
Was meant to mean , the result of Doing so....
They'll lead you to their husbands .. ..

where's Jill ?

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Keep in mind. You create your reality, so what you believe you manifest into your reality.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: lambros56

Then I assume no ones getting a shiny new bitcoin.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 05:13 PM

^^^^^ legit me. is that normal though?

I still love this thread 🧵

But you guyzez, every now and then we gots to let that 3rd eye 👁 get some rest .... even the woke need sleep to survive! 😂🤪🥴

I’m too young for all of the information I’ve been exposed too. I was drugged with red pills at such a young age without my consent. 🙃
I said what I said. 😫

Love 💕 and Laughter 👒

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: Creep Thumper

Welcome back CT! Yep, very true. Maybe a shortage for EU countries but like the oil barons will use every & any excuse to instill panic and jack up prices. Never let a (fake) crisis go to waste.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: SouthernGift

Whoa!! In just one year? Mind blown. Wow, you have sources for that comparison?

Searching tineye now...still workin on the goat.🤔

LOL! Well, you know this is a very unique mother of all conspiracies thread that one has to cherry pick based on his/her own interests & beliefs. Not enough hours in the day to seek or reply to them all.

Keep the red pills (& brown), smartphones, tv, Internet, politicians, scientism, and this thread away from new baby. 🙃🐸😂

Even if this happens...

...the World will keep turning. (I think)

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: SouthernGift


These are Quite a ship without cargo

edit on 3262021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 06:20 PM

Defense Department Linguist Pleads Guilty to Transmitting Highly Sensitive Classified National Defense Information To Aid A Foreign Government

A Minnesota woman pleaded guilty today to one count of delivering national defense information to aid a foreign government. According to court documents, Mariam Taha Thompson, 63, formerly of Rochester, Minnesota, worked as a contract linguist at an overseas U.S. military facility where she was entrusted with a Top Secret government security clearance. Thompson pleaded guilty to transmitting highly sensitive classified national defense information to a foreign national who she believed would provide the information to Lebanese Hizballah, a designated foreign terrorist organization.

Following Suleimani’s death, the unindicted co-conspirator started asking Thompson to provide “them” with information about the human assets who had helped the United States to target Suleimani. Thompson admitted that she understood “them” to be Lebanese Hizballah, including an unnamed high-ranking military commander.

After receiving this request for information in early January 2020, Thompson began accessing dozens of files concerning human intelligence sources, including true names, personal identification data, background information, and photographs of the human assets, as well as operational cables detailing information the assets provided to the U.S. government. Thompson used several techniques to pass this information on to the unindicted co-conspirator, who told her that his contacts were pleased with the information, and that the Lebanese Hizballah military commander wanted to meet Thompson when she came to Lebanon.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 06:36 PM
This totally reflects my post earlier about the Comedy World We Live In

They CANNOT be serious

Now, I have a bit of insight here. Most of the "honor" events are actually a reverse effort. Most of these "events" are fundraisers in disguise. Folks are selected to be honored for two reasons, one they donate in order to be honored (Mittens gives them a donation of 50k and gets an award) or they drag someone in because they will pull others in (Mittens brings his friends) - or both.

I was at an event where Harvey Weinstein was honored. He donated money to the cause, which, got him the award. He had ef-all to do with the charity or the cause. Quite often it is hard to get folks to do this, so the list starts with 100 people and 99 don't even return the call.

But for the love of all things holy, even Mittens own family sees him as professional sellout.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 06:38 PM
A few pages of Info'

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman


One of the boys in the Alfalfa Club...

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) were all in the room together.

Former secretary of state and outgoing club president John F. Kerry hugged incoming club president, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah).

Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. delivered the “Crop Report,” which is the official introduction of the club’s newest inductees, or “sprouts.” This year’s new crop included Sen. Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.); Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.); Robert Bellinger, chief executive of ASB Real Estate Investments; Timothy Collins, chief executive of Ripplewood Advisors; Kenneth C. Frazier, chief executive of Merck & Co.; John Hess, chief executive of Hess Corporation; Doug McMillon, chief executive of Walmart; and Phebe Novakovic, chief executive of General Dynamics.

Course, Bezos was there and since he owns WaPo is how the Alfalfa story 'leaked' out since no press is allowed.

The Alfalfa Club, founded in 1913, is an exclusive social organization, based in Washington, D.C., in the United States. The Club's only function is the holding of an annual banquet in honor of the birthday of Civil War Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Its members are composed mostly of American politicians and influential members of the business community, and have included several Presidents of the United States.

Motto: "Bis dat, qui cito dat"
Latin for he who gives/pays twice who pays promptly; meaning that a gift that is given without any hesitation is as good as two gifts.

In 2017, Michael Bloomberg was elected president of the club. In 2018, John Kerry was elected and in 2019, Mitt Romney was elected. In 2020, David Rubenstein was elected.

David Rubenstein of the Carlyle Group 👀 and Mad Dog Mattis is the current Vice president. Some notable members: JFK, RBG, Joe Biden, John Roberts, Bush family, John Kerry, Romney, Baal Gates, Valerie Jarrett, Feinstein, and many others. One big social club and you, I, and Trump ain't in it.

List of Alfalfa Club members

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 07:17 PM
Knowledgable person on the Ship situation.


Bio for the last 18 months: Made In America | Logistics Is A Map Of Human Intent | Watch The Chokepoints | Senior Fellow @secstudiesgrp

On the odd map/route outline...

AIS (ship's transponder) can be hacked directly or intercepted via man-in-the-middle attack to show a different course, route history, or even change the vessel's name and type.

It's possible the ship never actually sailed that route but the AIS data was made to display it.


The plot thickens.

MSC is the #2 steamship line in the world, and apparently, is now undergoing a cyber breach that is notifying all customers worldwide that all bookings have been suspended.

Someone is trying to throw the global shipping industry into chaos.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 07:51 PM
Two from DJT - not his account just reposted @gab

Looks like he's hinting Durham might fall on President Harris soon. Wonder how she'll handle it, her weird hyena laugh will be involved somehow no doubt.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Celebrating Robert E. Lee sounds like something that goes against current alt-left rules.

It'd be a shame if some loud voices started asking questions about this organization.

They don't mind when the peasants institutions are torn down, but I wonder if their little elitist cultural traditions getting cancelled would be "progress" on the abolition of whiteness too?

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