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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: Justoneman


Cargo is there, just lousy resolution in that image.


posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: SuperStudChuck

Lets say the earth is flat and we fond out it is true. Look at how much involved in tech, space, etc has revolved around that one lie.

Where is all the money NASA has used if there is no “space” look at the 1000s of pictures they would have doctored to keep that lie going. Is that why Elon and some of these other companies are pushing for space flight to expose the lies? This would be one huge lie perpetuated on the world but for what purpose? If all of this is true how deep is the earth and maybe the alien cities under the ground don’t seem so far fetched.

Symbolism, Icon, Idol.
They need the earth to be fragile so they can implement policies and justify inventions of control.

Look up the history of the Whole Earth Catalogue. It was the first published picture of the whole earth. I watched a video that has Stewart Brand speaking at a convention, saying that he called NASA and asked why they haven’t published the images of the whole earth yet, He sake them to send him an image for his cover of his catalogue. He needed something Iconic.

50 Years Ago, the Whole Earth Catalog Launched and Reinvented the Environmental Movement

The title and iconic cover image of this counterculture classic celebrated the first publicly released NASA photographs showing the whole planet Earth from space. These images profoundly changed the way humans thought about the environment. And the Catalog played an important role in that chang

Starting with that amazing image of the planet in a sea of inky black space, Brand helped change the trajectory and constituency of the American environmental movement by bringing together a new community of environmental thinkers and advocates who invented what came to be known as “sustainability.”

I think the flat earth is more a distraction to discredit the geocentric earth. Which is packed with theological implications that would threaten a secular mindsets.
edit on 26-3-2021 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

Ah even better here is a video that talks about all this. The video is from the above link.

3:00 is where it talks about the image of the earth.
edit on 26-3-2021 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

Is 2046 when the alarm clock rings, ML ?

Honestly not sure I'll make it that far. (Perhaps) oddly, in my 40s I came to the realization that I had lived a good life and would not resent passing away. The only thing that brakes those thoughts is that I do not wish to bring hardship for my wife or others in our household.


posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: SuperStudChuck
a reply to: PillarOfFire

... They blindly trust Bill Nye and celebrity scientists. Like if they are gonna lie to you about everything else... earth is a globe would be the biggest lie there is.

You know, for older people like me who grew up in the greater Seattle/Tacoma area - there was a local show (which was briefly done nationally) in Seattle called Almost Live. It was our local version of the Letterman show originally, and then became more like a comedy skit show in later years (sorta like Saturday Night Live) and made fun of local stereotypes, etc. Really funny show back in the day. Anyway, the first host of the show, Ross Schaeffer, asked a local Boeing engineer to do some little science type skits. That local Boeing engineer was Bill Nye. Local comedy show guy Ross Schaeffer literally created Bill Nye the Science Guy. As a comedy skit. So, while he certainly does know some science-y stuff, he's actually a character created for a Seattle comedy skit show - not really an "authority figure".

Just thought I'd throw in a little Bill Nye truth bomb from someone who watched the creation of the Science Guy comedy skit as it happened years ago.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

GOOD, or GO2D maybe?

For studying complex human diseases, GO-2D can extract functionally compact and detailed modules such as the cellular-localized ones, characterizing disease-relevant modules in terms of both biological processes and cellular locations. The application results clearly demonstrate that 2-dimensional approach complementary to current 1-dimensional approach is powerful for finding modules highly relevant to diseases.

Speaking of Hollow Earth and such. A friend of mine was digging around into the so-called "Ascended Masters", and they had a weird and very wild thought. I'm only putting this down since Richard Shaver made statements about Deros using organic robots to spy on and corrupt the surface humans.

What if Biden isn't what he seems to be at all. Given how much damage Trump did to the elitist's agenda maybe Biden is one of those Organic Robots? I know stupid, but if something like that was true then it would explain his weird behavior, his insistence that he's been in the Senate since 1901, and it would explain the desperation in his side acting so fast in destroying the world. Shaver said that the Deros wanted to retake the surface world, but couldn't fight the war like surface humans. We've seen and experienced the other side do everything they can to placate people so that they just sit back and let crap happen without intervention.

Biden and Harris have had a number of facelifts, and other cosmetic surgeries, so who really is to know what they both look like if they had never had those surgeries. Maybe there is more to the rot smell people notice when around Hillary, and other members of the "elites".

I'm still sticking with the Merchant Class theory, but I thought my friends idea might be worth discussing if Hollow Earth is being brought up.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 11:34 AM
Pacific Northwest Just Had a Sky Show

What was that flash across the night sky in Oregon?

edit on 3262021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog

So I come at flat earth from a biblical perspective, but I am finding people who agree earth may be flat who are atheistic. It shows me that there may be more to it.

Personally, I think that Sheol (death, hell) is under the earth. It’s the cover story for “molten core” earth that is purely speculation since we haven’t drilled deeper than 8 miles. And I think heaven and the throne of God is above the dome of our heavens. I have other things I’m still researching... namely a mountain at the North Pole— where Jesus was taken by the devil to see all the kingdoms of the world. But we have such limited knowledge and no access to things. I’m done taking anyone’s word for anything. All my life I have been told lies. Not gonna blindly trust ever again.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: MountainLaurel

Is 2046 when the alarm clock rings, ML ?

Honestly not sure I'll make it that far. (Perhaps) oddly, in my 40s I came to the realization that I had lived a good life and would not resent passing away. The only thing that brakes those thoughts is that I do not wish to bring hardship for my wife or others in our household.


Me too exactly Cavv! While I don't want to die yet - I'm still a young-ish 56, but I am satisfied with my life as it has played out. I married my best friend ever and she knows me better than anyone else ever has - no secrets at all. But same as you, I don't want her to go through that pain.

If I make it that far, I'll turn 81 in 2046, so I guess that's as good a time as any... I just hope it's quick and painless!

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 11:47 AM
Yesterday TAT pointed out an image I posted was from the Bee - parody, satire, farce in one image, but oddly sooooooo much truth. A CNN joke about "morally white" gunman.

For me, the two things that make this planet bearable are comedy and music. Without those this place is grim IMO.

Yesterday's presser showed me we have past peak comedy. It was a parody of the old Soviet Pressers - without the executions after it was over. It was a satire on every single level. The farce occurred after, as Blue Anons furiously tried to polish that explosive diarrhea to make Joe look heroic.

So little can be truly funny anymore, as it is getting almost impossible to discern what is a send up and what is meant to be real. The Joe presser for me was meant to be a send up, a joke, a place where Anons could look and see the joke is in full swing - how can it be seen any other way?

For Blue Anons it was as serious as a Rona Diagnosis, a 65 day late coming out party for a man who is clearly not in control of his own bowls, who was given pre-digested questions, who read predictable answers on a card written by another and who used a chart to tell him who is who and who to call in what order.

Folks are taking medical advice from a used computer salesman. Folks are looking to a demented child molester to save them from themselves. A mass murder in NY is given an emmy and wrote a book about his killing. Vote fraud happens in GA, then GA enacts voter legislation to fix the fraud they claimed never happened. The largest ship in the sea, controlled by GPS and a SPECIALIST in canal navigation, is stuck in a canal, evidently "blown by the wind."

WTAF could possibly be going on but some giant cosmic comedy movie, staring so many cosmically unfunny people in the staring roles - Whitmar, Cuomo, Joe, Harris, Gates, Macron, Merkel and more. A comedy cavalcade of despicable people doing despicable things while folks wear useless masks in an homage to these dressed up unfunny ghouls.

This is a VERY strange moment for us all. Each POV offering something wildly different, and some POV's so far from each other as to be in an entirely different universe. This brings me to the last problem, it used to be we could agree on what was funny or meant to be, to a degree, and allowed each to ultimately decide what was funny for them. Now we have social media Karens, both professional and self appointed, telling ME, and US, what is funny and what isn't - and destroying the lives of those they think aren't funny. Yet they leave Cuomo, an unfunny killer, alone entirely.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: SuperStudChuck
Agree, I am at the stage right now where I feel that not a lot can shock me anymore. The lies I see everyday from media, celebrities, etc is just gross. I used to think the Bible was just a bunch of stories but the more I read about it and more I see that correlates to ancient history I think there is more thruth involved.

The real interesting thing is what other books of the Bible and other documents is the Vatican storing in the archives that would totally change the accepted narrative today? The only fact I know anymore is we are being lied to all day everyday.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: SuperStudChuck
a reply to: Charliebrowndog

Personally, I think that Sheol (death, hell) is under the earth.

This is somewhat of a personal pet peeve of mine. The Hebrew word Sheol, properly translated, means pit or grave. The word Sheol is used 65 times in the Old Testament and is translated to "hell" 31 times, "grave" 31 times and "pit" 3 times. While the Old English word "hell" originally meant to conceal, hide, or to cover - hence concealed, hidden or covered place. Old English literature used phrases like the helling of potatoes, the helling of a house, etc., which meant covering potatoes and covering or thatching a house. The word hell, then, was properly used as a word for grave or pit (as in your dead body being covered in a grave or pit). The same thing was done with the Greek words Hades and gehenna (and an instance of Tartaroo) in the New Testament. None of these Biblical references was ever meant to be translated into this burning eternal punishment that we are incorrectly taught today...

I could go on an on, but I don't mean to cause any thread drift here so I'll shut up now.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: SuperStudChuck

I have been resonating with this guys work since this pandemic started. Keep an open mind and see if anything resonates.

edit on 26-3-2021 by RenegadeOfTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 11:57 AM
What was the significance of Moses parting the Red Sea? It was to FREE THE SLAVES

Just a thought

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: SuperStudChuck
Agree, I am at the stage right now where I feel that not a lot can shock me anymore. The lies I see everyday from media, celebrities, etc is just gross. I used to think the Bible was just a bunch of stories but the more I read about it and more I see that correlates to ancient history I think there is more thruth involved.

The real interesting thing is what other books of the Bible and other documents is the Vatican storing in the archives that would totally change the accepted narrative today? The only fact I know anymore is we are being lied to all day everyday.

Definitely a video for you to check out. A solid breakdown of the lies trying to protect a globe earth and why.

Interesting that Flat Earth Society could be Disinfo.

There are different understanding of a Flat Earth.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: SuperStudChuck
Agree, I am at the stage right now where I feel that not a lot can shock me anymore.

After reading about the LEAKY Trump White House, vs the LEAK-FREE Biden White House this morning, it finally dawned on me that the President of the USA is not in charge of this country.

I'm going to start a thread later today asking if anyone has a good idea as to who or what really is running this country.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
I said this to my wife the second i saw the story. She 100% agreed.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

I'm going to start a thread later today asking if anyone has a good idea as to who or what really is running this country.

I kind of covered most of that:

What it basically comes down to is that descendants of both the Italian Merchant Class (ie the Deep State) and the descendants of Charlemagne were at war with each other and may still be, but the people like most of us here were nothing more then victimized bystanders to this war.

The Merchant Class started at some point in the past started to recruit new people and foster financial foot soldiers in this fight by backing revolutions and governmental overthrows. The use of cults, drugs, alternative lifestyles, and other tools of the extortionist were used to keep the population quiet and complacent. Since the only real power the Merchant Class has is rooted in commerce, they need the population to keep using the system.

The descendants of Charlemagne, on the other hand, is more about growing the society and allowing the people to expand their empires through exploration and scientific endeavors. Basically they want people fat and happy so that they don't have to deal with wars and conflicts.

As you can see since the agendas are completely opposite of each other, and in direct conflict, both groups can't work together nor can they seemly exist together. So we the people who are neither one of these groups are forced into suffering from their nonsense. None of this is new though, back in the Middle Ages during the early days of Knights, competitions would take place where competing Knights would play a form of "capture the flag" in which sometimes farmers fields and peasant's homes were burned to remove hiding places for other Knights. So that's where we've been for quite a long time now.

And just like the Middle Ages, we now have a wondering monk by the name of "KU" [snipped] that come around and say something cryptic enough to keep us all interested, but not clear enough to use as definitive proof of anything until it's too late. It's mot that the information is false or useless, it's just that it's never really complete enough without some one translate the words to makes sense of them.

edit on Fri Mar 26 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 01:05 PM
It would be interesting of both concepts were correct. Like, the Earth is flat, but for practical purposes round due to some kind of curvature in spacetime. I dub it the "have your cake and eat it too" theory.

originally posted by: Observationalist

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: SuperStudChuck
Agree, I am at the stage right now where I feel that not a lot can shock me anymore. The lies I see everyday from media, celebrities, etc is just gross. I used to think the Bible was just a bunch of stories but the more I read about it and more I see that correlates to ancient history I think there is more thruth involved.

The real interesting thing is what other books of the Bible and other documents is the Vatican storing in the archives that would totally change the accepted narrative today? The only fact I know anymore is we are being lied to all day everyday.

Definitely a video for you to check out. A solid breakdown of the lies trying to protect a globe earth and why.

Interesting that Flat Earth Society could be Disinfo.

There are different understanding of a Flat Earth.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: PillarOfFire

PoF, I'm getting more and more convinced that THE in JFK Jr.s posts, and in some KU posts is an ABBREVIATION!

I think it stands for THE HOLLOW EARTH!

Re-read the quotes in your posts using that definition...

ETA - The "a good news" would also make more sense if GOOD were an acronym? Here's two options:

a) Get Out Of Debt,


Thanks Rel, really glad you mentioned that.In wego months ago, John F Kennedy Jr mentioned Lord was jesus' real name?

Acronym for
C) Get Out Of Dodge? Came to my mind. It seems we may be soon.

I've often wondered if we were in Hell. My dad used to say Hell was an old English word for a hole in the ground.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Yes, comedy is about the only comfort I have these days to keep what's left of my sanity. Every time I think I've got this clown world figured out, up pops something else that blows my speculative theory outta the water.

This quote from a guy I absolutely despise has always stuck in my head:

“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality – judiciously, as you will – we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors... and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
— Karl Rove – as reported by Ron Suskind, NYTimes Magazine, Oct. 17, 2004

BY the time we figure it out the timeline will be 2030 and their agenda will be complete. The goal is a global plantation with one owner. Global Imperialism.?

Ideological subversion:

"Change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country."
— Yuri Bezmenov

“Go forth and set the world on fire.”
— St. Ignatius of Loyola

“The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.”
― Marcus Aurelius

edit on 26-3-2021 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

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