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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Be sure to check the 'warm' message left for You at link 👆 

Lolz! Thanks!

Mid-late 90's I had a friend of a friend that exhibited really bad fits of rage.
So we're taking a road trip in the middle of nowhere civilised and he puts in sister's of mercy after ministry played through a couple of times.

Later learned fof's guardian went to prison for sodomy of a minor. An entirely different little boy.

More than 20 years ago.

In '84 I watched 2 punks climb into the back of a white van after failing to give me a proper ass kicking/mugging late at night while riding bicycle home from dish washing job.

Nowadays I can recognize it upon approach so steer according.

I'd prefer the nature/nurture debates over delving anymore into this subject, it's not something I should've posted as I'm about to abandon it as not for me🙋
edit on (3/15/2121 by loveguy because: TMI

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 04:00 PM

How many kids to make...?

The problem is the children must be in a certain state, as what is desired is the chemical agents related to fear. Dogs smell fear, Lions smell fear because it exists in a vibrational form as well as scent, consumers of adrenachrome consume fear primarily. It is a thing.

IIRC many years ago a fast food company - maybe McDonalds, stopped taking meat killed in a certain way because the stress from the cows made the meat taste bad and people could taste it - yes the irony.

I've done a post, if interested search for it, on how the nature of an animal can be felt, EASILY, by eating fresh, raw meat from the animal. Bison = strong, grounded, Ostrich = fearful, wild, high energy. Folks know the difference between cow and steer meat, cage free birds and caged etc., at the cooked level, the raw is another ballgame.

So, kids is a touchy subject indeed. Certain DNA configs are desirable for those who know and the harvesting is the issue, not the molecule. Just like not all wine is the same, not all mushrooms are the same, not all humans are the same.

Synthetic isn't the same anymore then synthetic meat is meat, or fake olive oil is olive oil or synthetic blood is blood. Many don't know the difference, sure, but to those who set up the entire planet for this harvesting the know exactly who and what serves their addiction - as well as those beyond the realm.

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 04:07 PM


posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: loveguy

Yes, ugly stuff. Agree, I'm done too.

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: daskakik

I think phil Schneider (supposed alien whistleblower) mentioned adrenochrome. Saying it's like crack for the ETs.

Perhaps human adrenchrome from humans has some unknown property to it. But, could also just be a myth.

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: blueman12
You'd think aliens would have a better way to keep livestock.

The idea that they would have to kidnap/traffic children when even humans are at the point where they could perform in-vitro fertilization and supposedly a decade or so from developing an artificial womb for humans would make for some poorly advanced aliens.

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 05:20 PM
I bet it depends on how long each one lives before these people kill them. The adrenaline is flowing when they capture th blood. Do they murder them or bleed them like a lab rat?

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: Justoneman

Just how many children does it take to produce 25 kg of adenochrome?

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: Justoneman

If it's real, what's the difference between a regular shot of adrenaline?

Also, could it be some person trying to make money off the conspiracy? Its price is much higher than regular adrenochrome.

Adrenaline can kill you if you take it for just any reason. The Epinephrine shots are Adrenaline and if you take it when you don't need it it can give you a Heart attack. Adrenochrome is the oxidized Adrenaline and this appears to be much safer to ingest. Using children or adults in perpetual fear is just maniacal and sinister. An expired epinephrine tube could be worth tons to these people.

edit on 15-3-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 05:29 PM
B757 99-0003 callsign AirForce2 left Las Vegas at 6:22 Eastern heading south.

Now on course for LA
edit on 3/15/2021 by pteridine because: update

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: pteridine

Yup, local news said steer clear of what's her name coming to yammer on about some bs.

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 05:46 PM
If one is part of mockingbird media, does one know they are part of mockingbird media - asks the mystic?

Audio shows the media got the Trump-Georgia story all wrong

But recently released audio of the phone call shows that Trump never said these things. He never urged the investigations chief to “find the fraud” in Georgia’s presidential election results. He never promised the investigator would be a “national hero.”

The Washington Post got it wrong, plain and simple.

It’s one thing if a single news outlet botches an anonymously sourced “scoop.” It’s another thing entirely if multiple newsrooms claim to have independently “confirmed” the botched “scoop” with anonymous sources of their own.

Folks standing around the office Keurig trying to figure out how this happened, while Anons stare at them thinking only one phrase: 4:00 AM talking points.

Never interfere with the enemy while it self immolates using gasoline as the fire suppressant.

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 06:05 PM
This "Trump Intel" telegram post seems to strengthen the case for March 17th being swap over to QFS day?

17 - learn the comms ====================

Feels to me like JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo are saying "You want to take us down, well we'll make sure you get blamed for closing us down before the people get their money!"?

Telegram users are saying Nesara starts March 17th because that's St. Patrick's day, when there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow - QFS is a rainbow currency because backed by Gold, Silver, Palladium, etc.

edit on 15-3-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

If one is part of mockingbird media, does one know they are part of mockingbird media - asks the mystic? 

I'm fairly certain the anchors are in as deep as their titles imply. These people are expected to be Johnny on the spot when new articles of inquiry hit their the editor's and higher ups...where it is determined newsworthy to begin broadcasting.
They watch corrected, updated articles (Floyd opiodes on top of trying to push a counterfeit 20) leave their desks for the dust bins. Then they come to work the next day and do it all over again.

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 06:24 PM
10 Types of Internet Trolls You'll Meet Online

1. The insult troll is a pure hater, plain and simple. And they don't even really have to have a reason to hate or insult someone.

2. The Persistent Debate Troll They believe they're right, and everyone else is wrong. You'll often also find them leaving long threads or arguments with other commenters in community comment sections, and they're always determined to have the last word – continuing to comment until that other user gives up.

8 more.

The list is rather complete, though it seems to suggest these folks occur in a vacuum and not at the direction of systems like the CCP, Shareblue, CIA, hired by lawyers PR firms etc. I'm sure there are some that just wake up in this state of hate, some, but most I simply cannot believe do this for their person fun.

(post by EndtheMadnessNow removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 06:56 PM
Ummm... say what???

originally posted by: steaming
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Tread very careful on this platform. Those we have so trusted and sincerely relied upon since the day we were Born, are - like it or not - still to be Trusted. It is they who are carefully selected by the ever invisible puppeteers to run for office and so succeed. However they do have a deeper knowledge than we will ever have access to. A knowledge that is steadily shaping up a shocking, disgusting new style Society. Those we have Trusted , are in a sense, somewhat close to us. Suppose we follow the coming , but shaded terms of tomorrow. Suppose we have done what the Pupeteers so wish and have created a New sort of Mis-trusing Barrier between what we knew and what is springing up? The mistrusted connections will consider it safer for they to step back and look after the Future of themselves. We the apparenting rise of - said to be awake- will become a well confused composure of 'What Now Fools?'. Does that not make it easier for the self invisiblised crews to nigh on turn back time ?? To form a consistent mole of self defence for the you know who, while we are left to to somehow sort out a world helpless ignorance?? Is there a well know reply ? 'Doubt it', but all I can say time after time, is to continue the ability to somehow keep track of what is really happening. Who was it that decided to create the WEF and slowly introduce the said RESET 19 ?? Etc. etc. etc. Even Q seems to have somehow missed the Boat of reality. Which leaves us on a well Anchored Boat, that nowadays seems to change direction as the Governing Sea continues the Tide incoming, a slight rest then Tide outgoing. Strange times eh ??

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: pteridine

edit on 3152021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 07:50 PM
New Mr. Pool... mirror looP.

Seems 3rd time this pic has been posted.

For those who don't know, some are saying Mr. Pool account has some insider insight, not Q, but some insight into related events. FWIW, vibe is not larpy, cryptic yes, but not larpy.

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
a reply to: pteridine

I did not like that last line she mumbled...

Maybe the Marines salute her, because they clearly don't salute the Commander In Chief.

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 08:33 PM
Speaking of trolls...

For those who are new, a refresher...

Russia troll farms, at the direction of Vladimir Putin, spent hundreds of dollars on facebook adds which were the deciding factor in DJT's election. This is election meddling of the highest order and makes DJT an illegitimate president.

Fast forward 4 years.

81 Million votes, Joe Biden is the most popular president in history.

Introducing The Biden-Harris Paid-For Online Troll Farm

It’s no secret to anyone in the digital subcontracting business thatIndia’s troll farm industry is the largest in the world. It boasts a global clientele, and it is also the cheapest, and most decentralized and robust in the world. This service is available for anyone who is willing to pay – western PR agencies, fashion brands, entertainment companies, and political campaigns. The more money you have, the more online muscle you can flex. As it turns out, in 2020 one of this shady industry’s biggest and best paying clients has been the Biden-Harris campaign.

81 million votes.

With very little popularity onlineand with the election drawing near, in August the Biden campaign reached out to troll farms in India in order to artificially boost Joe’s lack luster Twitter presence, and received an immediate injection of tens of thousands of fake followers which were literally purchased from troll farms located throughout rural India.

81 million votes. No election interference, just democracy in action.

Somewhat ironically (or not), it was during Kamala Harris’s failed primary campaign which claimed it was under siege by armies of “Russian bots.” Upon closer examination though, her wild claims turned out to be hollow indeed. Still, her story was dutifully laundered through most mainstream outlets. During her appearance on The Breakfast Club radio show, Harris was asked point blank if she thought she was being targeted by Russian bots, to which she answered, “Well, we already know we are.” The story was so outlandish that even CNN was forced to walk it back after it emerged there was no evidence to support her tale. She literally made it up. So much for character.

Russian bots at the direction of Vladimir Putin.... Oh FFS...

Best part. Harris is Indian.

So folks here, were arguing on twit, FB and whatever with slaves (kids?) in India who were literally trolling for a guy who would still prove to be so unpopular it would take MILLIONS of votes flipped through the efforts of the CIA, satellites foreign countries and Stacey Abrams network of goons.

Like his campaign in general, Biden’s social media operation was a fairly mild affair in comparison to other campaigns. Rather strangely, it’s only really become activated after the election on Nov 3rd.

Now, why would the man who was the most popular elected official in US history, 81 million votes, need an online slave labor troll farm from India post election at all? Any of those trolls try and sell the US on the insurrection not insurrection? Any of those slaves work to sell that total BullS#$% story about DJT threatening the Georgia treasonist on vote fraud?

Does Joe's twit account actually have a single living breathing United States Resident subscribe to his twit? Judging by the view totals on the WH darpatube page and this troll action, I say - no, none, zero.

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