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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 03:35 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Perhaps it is time for another Charles -- Martel, that is.


posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 03:54 AM

originally posted by: Fowlerstoad
a reply to: cimmerius

Hey ... I will own that comment, because I was the MD.

I didn't say to take tylenol and alcohol at the same time ... because yeah, that will burn out your liver potentially pretty fast.

I did say that I took tylenol and ibuprofen before my jab, and a bit afterwards each time, and drank alcohol when NOT ON CALL at the hospital in my free time, but not the alcohol with the tylenol. I guess I should have explained better, because I don't want anyone to get hurt.

But for me, I chose to take the jab for the paperwork and documentation, but did not think the effects of the vaccine were really important to me, because I think I have already had COVID, for one. And for two: I didn't want to take any risk of unknown side effects later, because for me COVID currently seems less of a risk than the jab, at my age, with my blood type, and in my current overall healthy state of being. THAT was my own personal choice, managing my personal risks, as I weighed them.

Okay, back to the thread ... but yeah, don't take alcohol and tylenol together. EVER.

Edited to add: DISCLAIMER - I do not recommend that anyone else make the choices that I made. Each person must weigh their risk factors individually, and we are all different

As a heavy drinker of 30 years, and now sober 18 months. I took tylanol (paracetamol) regularly (for hangovers) for the whole of those 3 decades. Even abusing them in the form of co-codamol over long periods of time too. Paracetamol is the go-to in Britain, so I'm not in my own either as we are a bunch of pi55heads in general lol.

I'd imagine liver failure is rife here, but i just wanted to point out that my recent LFT came out normal (used to be slightly high during my drinking days). So I guess I am one of the lucky few with a great working liver.

The liver is an AMAZING organ, but I wholeheartedly agree with your post, never EVER take tylonol with alcohol. The majority of you probably won't be as lucky as me. x


posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 04:06 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Just reflagging this post as I've added 3 new pics of view from Reagan airport... definitely looks like the tunnels under DC are being smoked out!

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 04:27 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: Guyfriday

Perhaps it is time for another Charles -- Martel, that is.


More like another pope.

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 05:23 AM
Good morning all!
Well, on my morning perusal of Facethingy over my morning brew, I came across a coment somebody made that according to them DJT is still in charge of the Military for 60 days after the inauguration of you know who. This would make March 20th an important date.
Now this person provided no link to this statement (it is Facethingy after all) but what he did draw my attention to was DJT's inauguration speech in 2017, particularly at just before 2 minutes, in where the military appear behind him and at this point he asks people to pay very close attention to the words of DJT. The military then leave.

It could be something, it could be nothing......but it is defo strange. Here's the vid of his speech. Go to just before 2 minutes in if you want to save a minute or two

DJT speech


posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Proof that White House Live CAM is showing old footage? Note light difference compared to reagan airport live cam:


posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 06:13 AM
Pretty much it is dangerous to use Alcohol and ANY Meds accept antibiotics at the same time. I do know, I am an Environmental Chemist/Scientist. Alcohol changes the delivery mechanisms path to your cells. Mixing them can damage the liver badly. Ibuprofen is bad for the lining of our gut. Narcotics and too much alcohol mixing have killed a lot of famous musicians. It is ok for a spoonful say in the commercial brand cough medicine, but not with a few shots and Narcotics, Tylenol or Ibuprofen. Aspirin is fine accept it gives me an acid stomach problem and I don't take much.

originally posted by: cimmerius

originally posted by: MountainLaurel
Good Evening All...

On another note, this whole jab thing is really, really Scary !! I read something here on ATS, by a member claiming he was an MD, and he seemed to imply that IF you had to get a jab, that taking Tylenol or Ibuprofen and drinking alcohol might counteract the effects ? I have no idea if this is true, but I did hear that people getting the jab shouldn’t take Tylenol or Ibuprofen ?

I am not a doctor, but I have heard that mixing alcohol and Tylenol is a really bad idea.

“Acetaminophen, also known as paracetamol or Tylenol, is a drug that people use to treat mild-to-moderate pain and fever.
In combination with alcohol, acetaminophen can cause side effects or severely damage the liver.”
Acetaminophen and alcohol: Safety and risks ( Linky

Be careful who you follow.

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 06:31 AM
The silence of the phones in their possession apparently not having one iota of proof they need is telling.

originally posted by: crankyoldman

WITHIN HOURS OF the storming of the Capitol on January 6, the FBI began securing thousands of phone and electronic records connected to people at the scene of the rioting — including some related to members of Congress, raising potentially thorny legal questions.

Using special emergency powers and other measures, the FBI has collected reams of private cellphone data and communications that go beyond the videos that rioters shared widely on social media, according to two sources with knowledge of the collection effort.

The cellphone data includes many records from the members of Congress and staff members who were at the Capitol that day to certify President Joe Biden’s election victory.


posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 06:49 AM
I had heard rumors from some interviews that excavation is going on around the Whitehouse. If the livestream is old footage that could be a reason. The reason for the excavation was getting rid of the tunnels.

Everything I have heard about the tunnels under DC is worse than anyone imagined. I heard one report say that there were people that had been down there for 30 years. Who knows if it’s true but if it is I think DC will be a pile of rubble when all is said and done.

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 06:53 AM
Just a Flashback on some of these Washington DC Tunnels - Remember this from Sept 2018 ?

Deadly Fire Exposes Millionaire’s Network of Secret Tunnels Under Washington D.C. Suburb

Bethesda, MD — Ever since the beginning of the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, rumors have abounded of a network of secret underground tunnels in which children are trafficked to the elite in Washington D.C. Now, although there were no tunnels found under the Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria, a network of tunnels was recently discovered that makes these rumors not so far fetched.

Daniel Beckwitt, a 27-year-old day trader who lived in Washington D.C. has recently been indicted on charges of second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter. The charges stem from the death of 21-year-old Askia Khafra—who died digging tunnels for the millionaire under his D.C. home....

and This from 2014

National Geographic 2014 - Why a Giant Machine Is Digging a Tunnel Under D.C.

edit on 2232021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I wonder who Richard is, or who this person could be working for?

That's Richard Citizen Journalist. He's just a dude named Richard I'm guessing. He has a telegram account up where he goes around making vlog posts posts from the Capitol. He's been doing it for awhile now. A week or so back he had a video up showing how they were moving massive flood lights and air compressors into the White House complex. It was quite interesting. The equipment they were moving in was industrial sized stuff. Flood lights brought in on trailers. Air compressors the size of a VW Beetle. The sort of stuff you'd expect to see either on a construction site or an excavation site.

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: Justoneman

They delivered Senator Kennedy a stainless bucket of brains at some point as "remains".

There's a creepy story behind it if you care to look it up.

Now with Comey and crowd proving the FBI corrupt and with JFK's assassination seemingly a bellwether moment for the Cabal, it should be noted again that the FBI had a case of the ass for JFK and was already in the pockets of the Cabal. We just weren't allowed to discuss it since CBS and Walter Cronkite would surely tell us since he was the most trusted reporter in history. Trusted as we were apparently brainwashed then to believe. I am not happy about this but I can't say it hasn't been like watching a slow motion train wreck.

At least I am mentally prepared for this and can be calm as I have already worried all I can for humanity to find this stuff for themselves and quit feeding the beast that brainwashes us all if we aren't already awake.

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
Good morning all!
Well, on my morning perusal of Facethingy over my morning brew, I came across a coment somebody made that according to them DJT is still in charge of the Military for 60 days after the inauguration of you know who. This would make March 20th an important date.
Now this person provided no link to this statement (it is Facethingy after all) but what he did draw my attention to was DJT's inauguration speech in 2017, particularly at just before 2 minutes, in where the military appear behind him and at this point he asks people to pay very close attention to the words of DJT. The military then leave.

It could be something, it could be nothing......but it is defo strange. Here's the vid of his speech. Go to just before 2 minutes in if you want to save a minute or two

DJT speech


Hi Jane.

I had read that too, that President Trump remains Commander of the military for 60 days from Jan 20.

March 20 = 3+2 =5. 2021= 5. 55.

Guys, I've been reading twit comments about what happened with SCOTUS yesterday and the comments are ''no recourse left now, we're doomed'' and ''yesterday confirmed that all key branches of govt are heavily compromised and filthy'' and ''when even the SCOTUS, the highest court in the land, won't listen to us, what do we have left?'' and more like that.
Hope has worn so thin it's almost gone. Just reading the comments I can feel the massive sadness there. Anger too.
Many, no, most, had pinned their last scrap of Hope on SCOTUS, which instead took the last tiny bit of Faith they had left and killed it on the spot in front of their eyes. Devastating.

It's actually a huge bonus, a massive new revelation - the much revered SCOTUS just showed itself to be a most putrid swamp. Not some of it. Not most of it. But all of it. And every creature that inhabits are now all complicit of aiding massive election fraud and installing a false President. That's what they just did.
But . ..
Who'd a thunk it if we hadn't actually seen it happen for real?
Who'd a even believed a word of it?
Who wudda ever guessed that EVERY single person that makes up the SC is really a traitor bent on destroying America?
Well now we don't have to wonder or guess or suspect it any longer. It's now proven fact.

SCOTUS is brimming with traitors. No justice exists there. Now what?
''The military is the only way''.

Q knew all this would happen. But the world needed to see with their own eyes the Truth of what these people really are. Telling them is just 'theory'. It isn't enough.

The military is the last resort when all else is compromised and the Constitution is placed in serious danger by an army of traitors that fill every key branch of govt.
And until March 20, the military is the only thing left that the swamp doesn't have control of. It is still President Trump's military.
03/20/2021 = 5/5.

Guys before I go on any further about the number 55, I just want to point out that the characters in the Hebrew alphabet are relevant when decoding Q's words and numbers etc. Hebrew characters are not merely a foreign language to learn, but each one has a magical and powerful Spiritual energy and meaning that are rooted in ancient times. Learning to recognise the characters and their meanings tells of unseen things happening. Spiritually powerful things.
This is what I believe.

An example . ..
The number 55 is Spiritually quite a significant number for me = God is in charge. The number 55 means God is in control. Why, and how?
The 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is HEH, or Hey, Hei, Hay, - and it looks like 17 . ..

So, '5/5' = 17/17.
The Hebrew characters 17/17 = The Tetragrammaton = YHWH = God. (It also looks like 'nin').

So, on 3/20/2021 = 5/5 = 17/17 = YHWH.
Powerful Spiritual things are happening.
God is in control.

Apologies for the miles-long post peeps, I just wanted to show how it's possible even for those without Faith to connect the images of numbers and ancient alphabet characters to Spiritual happenings that we can't see with our human eyes.

This is a huge test of Faith right now peeps. Colossal. We all have to hang on and don't let go. Trust the Plan. Trust God.

edit on 23-2-2021 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I think the storm drain angle is too shallow to see JFK inside the car. It would amount to shooting up through the middle of the door. Grassy Knoll, all the way.

That storm drain shot must've been hidden from our study by something or we were so focused on that knoll shot I guess?


That shot from the knoll in frame by frame is undeniable. Whereas when it was full speed you only can really see the splattering of brains and the start of Jackie climbing off the back a foot or so then got back in before they sped off.
edit on 23-2-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

Hey y'all, I'm still 100% comfy, but where are you coming up with this? ...

And until March 20, the military is the only thing left that the swamp doesn't have control of. It is still President Trump's military.

^^ says who?

Like I said, I'm still comfy. I think we have a shadow government installed and I think it's obvious that the military currently controls our government, but I would like to see citation for the above claim if possible. Quite frankly, I don't believe it. Just after the inauguration I was reading up on the nuclear football and how that process would work when transitioning between POTUS' and you would think that it would be mentioned in that particular literature if it were true.

Typically, the new POTUS receives the football on inauguration day. And in the case of this most recent inauguration day the way it was supposed to go is that Biden would receive the football on inauguration day and the military was to fly Trump's football back to DC shortly thereafter. Of course, I'm not sure all that actually happened, but that was how it was supposed to happen.

(post by RTbigTOE removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
Here is an interesting Twitter thread regarding one of the reasons (likely the main reason) why the establishment was so dead-set against Trump. Here is a list of prominent democrats that have gone down for sex crimes since Trump took office. There is a similar list for Republicans as well.

Something to consider too is that these arrests are still continuing even after Trump stepped down.

Agreed, it is very ... curious, and cause for hope that there is far more going on than is obvious.

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: Caled
It won’t be as simple as it sounds. I know for a fact we have two Departments of Defense. One comprised of the military and the other of civilians. When all heck breaks loose, watch for this. I don’t know how that will play out.

Agreed. I never said and never thought it would be simple. In fact, until I read that in the Q thread, I never thought it was even remotely possible.

Now, at least, I consider it 'remotely possible'...

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: crankyoldman

(It took 2 hour to find these posts! ATS/Google search failed to pick the main one up with FOUR different searches using excerpts from the post!)

I, and others, raised suspicion about whether AMY CONEY BARRETT was cabal, in part 30:

On page 47 with reference to her extreme similarity to Sally Yates and her coloboma, reply to my post by JustOneMan here because I can't locate original - graphic below:


On page 17 here, with references to her schooling, adoptions, coloboma, etc.

On page 20 (MBSC pointed out CONEY is a White Rabbit!), here,

On page 21 (SideEyeEverything) here,

On page 24 (Cimmerius ") here,

I wonder if someone could have set up President Trump to nominate Barrett.

Interestingly Lyndsey Graham said this at ACB's confirmation hearing (quoted on page 37, here):

Amy Coney Barrett, something tells me with you THE BEST IS YET TO COME

Did he know ACB was going to vote against Pres. Trump's election lawsuits now?

Was today's news the GO signal for the BEST IS YET TO COME to start?

I'm starting to think FUTURE PROVES PAST means that we can prove we manifest reality by comparing FUTURE realities against our PAST posts?

ETA - I'm starting to wonder if ACB actually IS Sally Yates? Those lips and teeth are just toooooo identical!

Is it just me, or does Sally Yates look like Cindy Crawford?

"" What makes a good movie? Great Actors! ""

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 10:13 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I think the storm drain angle is too shallow to see JFK inside the car. It would amount to shooting up through the middle of the door. Grassy Knoll, all the way.

That storm drain shot must've been hidden from our study by something or we were so focused on that knoll shot I guess?


That shot from the knoll in frame by frame is undeniable. Whereas when it was full speed you only can really see the splattering of brains and the start of Jackie climbing off the back a foot or so then got back in before they sped off.

At 3:00 am last night I was digitally assassinated by FB. No reason given, no recourse! I guess they hate "Real" news being shared on their platform...

Here is some evidence of the sewer shot. Again, no one followed the evidence, because half of the researchers were controlled opposition, CIA.

Its a very strong case...

ADDED: Any EBS, if it comes should start off explaining that the country was overthrown on that Nov day in 1963. How the enemy covertly infiltrated our Government. Many of the brain dead will relate to that .
edit on AMTuesdayTuesday rdAmerica/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago19210 by All Seeing Eye because: (no reason given)

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