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Finally! Forensic Election Audit in Maricopa County (AZ) Begins Next Week

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posted on May, 9 2021 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Republicans might not be making a mistake... at least not in the sense you intended!

I totally get what you're saying, and I don't disagree, and I could make myself crazy thinking of all the ways this could be sabotaged whether by incompetence or malice. But I always come back to the same conclusion: No matter what happens, we know that agents -- both known and unknown -- are working double time to make sure nothing practical or positive comes from this.

We cannot trust anyone to do the right thing. We're just going to have to stay on top of it like hawks and play the hand we're dealt.

I wish I had started this thread sooner, because it's become a good chronology of events for future reference.

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

So why would they do that is the question...

And a damn good question it is. I wish I knew.

If we go with the most obvious possibilities, we've got bribery, blackmail or personal gain. My best guess is a combination of the three.

Power and politics makes for strange bedfellows sometimes.

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 02:18 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Xtrozero

So why would they do that is the question...

Power and politics makes for strange bedfellows sometimes.

Power, Money, Control - - rules the world.

In my honest opinion - - there is no real separation except giving everyday people the concept of choice.

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: Annee

Power, Money, Control - - rules the world.

In my honest opinion - - there is no real separation except giving everyday people the concept of choice.

I want to argue. I really REALLY want to argue. I want to make the case that love actually rules the world. That there are still enough good-hearted and loving people in the world that the money grubbing power mongering control freaks still have to restrain and disguise their true evilness.

Maybe soon I can do so again in good conscience.

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

So why would they do that is the question...

D'oh! Took me a while, but I just remembered this:

Maricopa County Was Given $3 Million of ‘Zuckerbucks’ Before Election But No One Knows Who Received It and What It Was Used For!

Now, come to find out it appears the MCBOS accepted almost $3 million in Zuckerbucks in 2020 – grant money dumped from progressive Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Pricilla Chan’s foundation – as well as from other Big Tech billionaires and radical philanthropists – into the hands of somebody in Maricopa County through a 501(c)(3) “nonpartisan charity,” the Chicago-based Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL).

According to the Capital Research Center (CRC), which investigates corrupted and crooked nonprofits and foundations and which broke the Arizona/Nevada piece of this national Zuckerbucks story, almost $3M went to “Maricopa County election officials.” We assume that means the MCBOS. However, until the nonprofit grant paperwork surfaces and the MCBOS answers the public’s outraged questions, we’re totally in the dark.

It seems to me that these $$ could have been used to pay off the county officials -- left and right -- to let other parties do their dirty deeds... or that these funds were taken and distributed for personal use and NOT election purposes... or perhaps the county officials -- left and right -- took these funds as payment for committing the dirty deeds for others... or something I haven't even thought of!

Plenty of possibilities here, eh?

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Annee

Power, Money, Control - - rules the world.

In my honest opinion - - there is no real separation except giving everyday people the concept of choice.

I want to argue. I really REALLY want to argue. I want to make the case that love actually rules the world. That there are still enough good-hearted and loving people in the world that the money grubbing power mongering control freaks still have to restrain and disguise their true evilness.

Maybe soon I can do so again in good conscience.

Yes, I want the Star Trek utopia -- at least Gene Roddenberry's original concept.

But, I think we're headed for a Mad Max every one for themselves survival.

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 04:12 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Annee

Power, Money, Control - - rules the world.

In my honest opinion - - there is no real separation except giving everyday people the concept of choice.

I want to argue. I really REALLY want to argue. I want to make the case that love actually rules the world. That there are still enough good-hearted and loving people in the world that the money grubbing power mongering control freaks still have to restrain and disguise their true evilness.

Maybe soon I can do so again in good conscience.

Yes, I want the Star Trek utopia -- at least Gene Roddenberry's original concept.

But, I think we're headed for a Mad Max every one for themselves survival.

The Star Trek utopia never solved the authoritarian problems or came to terms with the Klignons or the Cardasians or The Borg 😧

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Annee

Power, Money, Control - - rules the world.

In my honest opinion - - there is no real separation except giving everyday people the concept of choice.

I want to argue. I really REALLY want to argue. I want to make the case that love actually rules the world. That there are still enough good-hearted and loving people in the world that the money grubbing power mongering control freaks still have to restrain and disguise their true evilness.

Maybe soon I can do so again in good conscience.

Yes, I want the Star Trek utopia -- at least Gene Roddenberry's original concept.

But, I think we're headed for a Mad Max every one for themselves survival.

The Star Trek utopia never solved the authoritarian problems or came to terms with the Klignons or the Cardasians or The Borg 😧

Why I specifically stated -- "at least Gene Roddenberry's original concept".

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 05:10 PM
Wow. I have no idea if this will go anywhere, but the implications and possibilities are endless:

C itizens Group in Arizona Drops a MOAB – Sues State for 2018, 2019, and 2020 Elections That Were Not In Compliance with Arizona Law

This all leads back to our investigation of the outfits that certified the Arizona elections and were called back after the election by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) to perform audits earlier after the 2020 election a few months ago.

And that would be this investigation: WE CAUGHT THEM: Arizona’s Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Lied – EAC Updated Website after Gateway Pundit Report Discovered Their Auditors Were Uncertified

Which has inspired a group of Arizona citizens to file this lawsuit against the state:

Now a group after reviewing Arizona law, claims that the 2018, 2019, and 2020 elections related to this law were out of compliance with state law. Their rationale is because the firms that reviewed their voting machine equipment were not certified by the EAS as Arizona law mandates.

So what happens if the elections are ruled invalid... null and void?

How does Arizona get out of this? If this happened in Arizona what other states does this apply to?

Wow. This could be really big. This would mean that any elections since 2018 that were impacted by this law must be undone. New elections will be necessary.

I don't believe for a minute any judge would have the gumption to declare an election invalid and nullify the results. I'm not sure they should. But neither am I sure that would be necessary...

Putting my tinfoil hat firmly in place...

If election evidence for election wrongdoing continues to pile up, and/or if actual incontrovertible proof presents itself, how hard/easy would it be to have special elections called? I'm seriously asking. I might have to start looking into the legalities of how and when it is allowed in AZ.

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 06:56 PM
Maricopa County Elections Witness Testifies that Dominion Ran Entire Election – County Officials and Observers NEVER HAD Access or Passwords! (Video)

There is a video at the link, and it can be viewed on youtube, but I can't get the darn thing to post here. This is a partial transcript:

Transcribed Witness Text: Janice (Jan) Bryant
From Video Testimony here:
Captured 06:39:30 to 06:42:25
Nov. 30th 2020 – AZ Legislature’s Election Fraud Hearing (Hyatt Hotel)

Jan Bryant: ….and back to my opening, I wanted to tell you that I do have a pretty strong project management technology background. This is not, I would say, everybody, raves about how we’ll run and how tight this room is that we were working in. I was in the (MCTEC) tabulation center. You know the glass (wall) and the servers in a glass room. All the computers are on a single cable that you can see. None of that matters because of two things. One, the Dominion employees were the only ones that were running any of that equipment.

So I’m, I was in the tabulation center six different days. Day and night shifts. And no county employees, no IT people, no one else was touching any of the software. They (Dominion) did all the training for the adjudicators, they ran all the reports. And so I brought this up on my very first day in the room. I said this doesn’t seem right, as a person with my background. Never in a million years would I turn my company’s most important things over to someone else. And there’s only two guys (Dominion’s Bruce & John) and they had whole control of everything.

I also participated in the (2%) random ballot selection for hand audit. Picking the ballots, you know, determining which bins we were going to select. And even with that, Dominion ran the report for it (which bins to pull). So no one, I mean, they (Dominion) knew exactly what was in the hand audit boxes. That made me nervous also. And they also knew when we pulled the last box, which was probably eight days before they quit counting ballots. As a senior manager over big projects, never in a million years would I have allowed some of the stuff that I saw going on there.

RECAP: The exact bins to be pulled for the mandated 2% hand audit were decided by Dominion staff, using their EMS software, not randomly.

The other thing that I wanted to make sure. The final week that they were counting ballots, I came in on I think a Tuesday. When I had left the Friday before I did NOT notice there was a laptop in the room behind the (glass) wall, that “John” the Dominion employee was working on. When I came in on Tuesday and walked around where they were doing the hand entry of ballots, I noticed that laptop sitting there and John was working on it. It’s not a secure room if you’re bringing a laptop in and out of a room. Who knows what happened there. Every one of the 50 desktops that were in there had a row of USB ports on the side of it. So I get very angry when I hear some of our leader here saying “Oh, it’s secure, nothing can get in or out.”. That’s not true. I will tell you that is probably the biggest issue that I had.

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

This might be the vid . . . 🙂

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Yes! Thank you!!!

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: FlyingFox

Trump said the 2016 election was rigged.

Inaccurate meme is inaccurate

It doesn't say anything about Trump, nor the 2016 election.

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 11:05 PM
Just to add to the conversation.

Arizona’s ‘Cyber Ninjas’ Usher in New Era of Insane Ballot Attacks Jessica Huseman Sun, May 9, 2021,

A private company led by a conspiracy-minded CEO and concerned about security threats from antifa is using UV lights and assessing the “feel” of paper ballots to determine—using unclear and contradictory methodology —which votes in Maricopa County, Arizona, were supposedly fraudulently cast in November.

Never before has an election audit been conducted this way. That is why the results of the audit—ordered by the Republican majority of the state Senate, partially funded by undisclosed sources, and being conducted by an unqualified Florida firm—won’t reveal anything trustworthy about the accuracy or integrity of Arizona’s 2020 election. Rather, the partisan audit can only cause more damage to the public’s confidence in the vote.
edit on 9-5-2021 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: Annee
When did they release info about the audit?

Oh wait....
They haven't.

"Insane" is believing bs from someone who has no idea what is going on.
But spread that manure as high as you can.

Why do people hate sunshine so much?

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 11:23 PM

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: Annee
Why didn't you link it to the Author Jessica Huseman from Propublica the privately funded left reporting propaganda arm.

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: puzzled2
a reply to: Annee
Why didn't you link it to the Author Jessica Huseman from Propublica the privately funded left reporting propaganda arm.

I researched her.

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 11:36 PM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: Annee
When did they release info about the audit?

Oh wait....
They haven't.

"Insane" is believing bs from someone who has no idea what is going on.
But spread that manure as high as you can.

Why do people hate sunshine so much?

I’m gonna point out something.

All we’re getting is opinion pieces from any side.

The articles from Gateway Pundit are opinion pieces.

Nothing has been released yet from this audit.

posted on May, 10 2021 @ 12:03 AM
ATS might get a Michigan Forensic Audit thread in a week or two.

Just a cursory inspection found; Dominion transmitting US voter data to other countries. Truck loaded with ballots arriving at 4am on election night...95% for Biden with no "down ballot" boxes checked. And thousands of "ghost" ballots discovered.

Source: and

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