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Finally! Forensic Election Audit in Maricopa County (AZ) Begins Next Week

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posted on May, 6 2021 @ 04:21 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Halfswede

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Halfswede
a reply to: Boadicea

Imagine if they (Maricopa Co.) just would have cooperated and let them do the audit where the machines were already held in a nice secure existing facility.

If this was reversed the Reps would have fought it.

Again -- process.

When will people realize this isn't a dem republican thing. It's people who want to dig out the full truth, and those who don't. It's liars and lie-ees. There is no room for wanting to cover up a fact finding mission except wanting to hide the truth. You are either on the side of wanting truth or you are part of the problem.

It’s a opposition thing.

One side doesn’t trust the other side.

If you see it that way, you will never be part of the solution. You will remain nothing but a drop of fuel for the problem.

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 04:44 AM
a reply to: carewemust

It might explain why he was such a douche with Covid as well...

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 04:57 AM
A couple interesting articles here...

Judge rules on audit issue separate from Arizona Senate's current election recount

PHOENIX — Political parties have no legal right to observe extra audits that counties perform on election equipment beyond those required by state law, a judge ruled Tuesday.

The Arizona Libertarian Party was invited to oversee the four audits that are required by state law, said Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Joseph Mikitish. Those include two before each election and two afterward, including a random hand count.

This year, the judge said, Maricopa County supervisors agreed to two additional "forensic audits'' following complaints by some, including Republican state legislators...

But in both additional audits, the county declined to have party observers. Instead, it invited the League of Women Voters and deputy registrars, arguing that the space restrictions at county offices due to COVID-19 precluded party participation.

The Libertarian Party sued, contending its exclusion violated the law. The Arizona Republican Party filed arguments in support, arguing that keeping out the political parties "aggravates the atmosphere of distrust that the county has fostered over the past year through their own misconduct and lack of transparency.''

Such a big difference that this audit, in which members of all parties -- especially Dems -- have been asked to be involved. The Dems have publicly refused to be involved, while trying to sneak folks in. Including the two observers that were supposedly from the SoS's office.

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 05:05 AM
Arizona GOP should shine its UV lights on new voter registration numbers (they aren't good)

New quarterly numbers show nearly 24,000 Republican voters have walked away from the party since January, when Senate President Karen Fann issued the subpoena that launched her elections audit.

Granted, it’s not a big number – just 1.5% of the party now gone.

LOL -- this isn't quite what it seems...These former Republics have not joined the Dems!

Meanwhile, independent voters grew by 1.7%, picking up nearly 23,000 voters during the first quarter. There are now more independents in Arizona than there are Democrats.

There's also this:

Before Democrats start cheering the Republican losses, they might want to look at their own voter registration numbers.

More than 6,000 Democrats disappeared during the first three months of 2021, according to the latest voter registration numbers. That’s well under Republican desertions but still a loss of 0.5% in a growing state.

The article doesn't say if or how much other parties might have grown -- Libertarians, Greens, etc. But the numbers say the people aren't happy with either major party!

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 07:22 AM

originally posted by: Annee
If this was reversed the Reps would have fought it.

The difference between you and I?

I would have strongly supported the dems efforts to do the same full forensics audit and out the traiterous rat bastards. For those of use who value simple election integrity, regardless of party affiliation, it is a no brainer.

You, on the other hand...

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 07:52 AM
Not many details, but this sure doesn't seem right:

‘External Devices’ With Up-to-Date Vote Totals Were Taken Offsite Nightly During the Election by Maricopa County or Dominion Employees

Dr. Kelly Ward, Chairwoman AZ GOP Twitter

Now the county is worried about security and privacy? But this was okay???

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Annee
If this was reversed the Reps would have fought it.

The difference between you and I?

I would have strongly supported the dems efforts to do the same full forensics audit and out the traiterous rat bastards. For those of use who value simple election integrity, regardless of party affiliation, it is a no brainer.

You, on the other hand...

Me -- on the other hand am not taking a side in this.

It has no bearing on the outcome of the election.

It's opposition sides challenging each other. If the situation was reversed -- the Reps would be trying to stop it.

Blaming Dems for using legal process available to them is ridiculous.

It's simply politics playing out.

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: Annee

It's opposition sides challenging each other. If the situation was reversed -- the Reps would be trying to stop it.

The team lines actually get a little blurry in this pic... Sure, it's the Pubs in the Senate that have brought it this far. But before that, it was the Pubs at Maricopa County trying to stop it!

Blaming Dems for using legal process available to them is ridiculous.

You're right, and your point is well taken, but I still would have preferred that they used that process to influence the honesty and integrity of the audit rather than to stop the audit.

It's simply politics playing out.

Politics, definitely... but how much is fear as well?

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Annee
If this was reversed the Reps would have fought it.

The difference between you and I?

I would have strongly supported the dems efforts to do the same full forensics audit and out the traiterous rat bastards. For those of use who value simple election integrity, regardless of party affiliation, it is a no brainer.

You, on the other hand...

Me -- on the other hand am not taking a side in this.

It has no bearing on the outcome of the election.

It's opposition sides challenging each other. If the situation was reversed -- the Reps would be trying to stop it.

Blaming Dems for using legal process available to them is ridiculous.

It's simply politics playing out.

it's simply truth vs. fiction. The truth can't hide from this, and if you don't want the truth, or are afraid of what it might look like, you would oppose this, On the other hand, if you welcome the truth, and want it to simply end the speculation of that orange guy complaining about election fraud, this is exactly what you need. If no fraud is found with an audit that looks at the mail in ballots and find nothing wrong, it's as good of an indication that this is universal and there is nothing to see here. On the other hand, if the mail in ballots show some illegal things happened, that also could translate to a universal issue.

At the end of the day, after all the complaining about this election, an audit of this magnitude is exactly what's needed here. I'm willing to accept the truth. And if it points to no fraud, then no fraud it is.

Are you willing to at least let this play out?

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Annee
If this was reversed the Reps would have fought it.

The difference between you and I?

I would have strongly supported the dems efforts to do the same full forensics audit and out the traiterous rat bastards. For those of use who value simple election integrity, regardless of party affiliation, it is a no brainer.

You, on the other hand...

Me -- on the other hand am not taking a side in this.

It has no bearing on the outcome of the election.

It's opposition sides challenging each other. If the situation was reversed -- the Reps would be trying to stop it.

Blaming Dems for using legal process available to them is ridiculous.

It's simply politics playing out.

it's simply truth vs. fiction. The truth can't hide from this, and if you don't want the truth, or are afraid of what it might look like, you would oppose this, On the other hand, if you welcome the truth, and want it to simply end the speculation of that orange guy complaining about election fraud, this is exactly what you need. If no fraud is found with an audit that looks at the mail in ballots and find nothing wrong, it's as good of an indication that this is universal and there is nothing to see here. On the other hand, if the mail in ballots show some illegal things happened, that also could translate to a universal issue.

At the end of the day, after all the complaining about this election, an audit of this magnitude is exactly what's needed here. I'm willing to accept the truth. And if it points to no fraud, then no fraud it is.

Are you willing to at least let this play out?

I'm focusing on the Process.

The outcome will be what it is.

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 11:55 AM
Maricopa County Did not Have ‘Admin’ Access to the 2020 Election – This Means They Ceded Ownership of Election to Their Outside System Provider

System administrators are individuals who have access to the systems at their highest levels. These individuals are able to perform all sorts of duties. They are able to perform most all the functions and changes in a system. They have complete and total control and can even delete or alter system logs.

The fact that the County does not have system administrators who have administrative access to the Dominion voting machines is a big concern. By allowing Dominion to have the administration access only, the County has basically turned over the system to the Dominion voting machine system people. There is no IT control here because that’s been ceded to Dominion.

A video from OANN at the link explains that the County just recently admitted that they do not have these passwords, after stating they had provided auditors with all the passwords they have. But they claim they don't have these to hand over.

I wonder if this crucial information is covered by the NDA agreements governments signed with Dominion. I also wonder if this isn't illegal (and if it isn't already, it should be!)

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Foreign Election Interference #2: Dominion Sent Information Election Night To 5 Countries, Frankfurt Saw 30% Spike Election Night

The Dominion Voting system is owned and controlled by foreign entities. We lose control of the data when it goes to a foreign country.

o The electronic information went to Germany, Barcelona, Serbia, and Canada

o Dominion Servers are in Belgrade Serbia. P (ASN Range:

o Dominion Servers with IP (ASN Range: is located in Toronto, Canada

o with IP (ASN Range: is located in Frankfurt Germany

o with IP (ASN Range: is located in Barcelona, Spain

o with IP (ASN Range: is located in Ireland

o On election night the DE-CIX Frankfurt reached a 30% spike.

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Is that on any news site besides Gateway Pundit?

I can't find it.

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: Annee
Me -- on the other hand am not taking a side in this.

It has no bearing on the outcome of the election.

That is yet to be seen.

The State Legislature would be well within the lawful exercise of their power to void the Biden Electors due to fraud - along with any of the down ballot races that are proven to have been stolen due to fraud.

If the situation was reversed -- the Reps would be trying to stop it.

RINOs, yes, because they are just as likely to avail themselves of this kind of fraud.

But the new MAGA Republicans? Nope. It isn't about party with them. It is about the truth.

Blaming Dems for using legal process available to them is ridiculous.

It is when they are doing so in blatant ignorance of the fact that the Arizona Legislature has the full authority under the law and both the State and Federal constitutions to do this audit.

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

They are not going to yank Biden out of the White House.

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: tanstaafl

They are not going to yank Biden out of the White House.

Fraud vitiates everything dear girl. Even political elections.

It's never happened to a Presidential race before, but it has to Congressional races - yes, even after they were seated and sworn.

I admit it could get ugly. But nothing could be uglier than the crap-show we are watching right now.

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: tanstaafl

They are not going to yank Biden out of the White House.

But watch what they WILL BE doing 😎

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: Boadicea

Is that on any news site besides Gateway Pundit?

I can't find it.

So far, every link I'm finding is sourcing back to the OAN video at the GP link. It's a Rumble video, and I don't know how or if we can post it here. And Rumble videos don't play well for me so I can't really check it out for myself. They seem to have an email though from the Maricopa County Attorney, Allister Adel, to Ken Bennett and/or the auditors stating this is the case.

The National File has also picked up the story, and adds this:

“Additionally, you wrote me on April 30, 2021, asking that the county provide additional passwords, user names, and/or security keys utilized with the County’s precinct based tabulators. The County has provided every password, user name, and security key in its custody or control, as commanded by the Senate’s subpoenas, and does not have any others,” said Maricopa County Attorney Allister Adel in an email to Ken Bennett.

I'm hoping we'll hear/see more later today, or at the latest tomorrow. But that's what I know right now.
edit on 6-5-2021 by Boadicea because: grammar and spelling

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Thank you... I've seen the same/similar information, so it makes me wonder, especially regarding the as-yet-to-be-turned-over routers.

I'm keeping it all in mind, but I think it's also important to keep it at the back of my mind in regards to this specific audit... and any other specific audits. Primarily because the entire point of the audit is to show exactly what happened and when and by who and so on. Even if every state/county/municipality do their own forensic audit, all will have different results to one extent or another, due to the nature and specifics of their own laws and processes. And I don't want those results tainted or confused by misinformation and disinformation.

For now, we really need to see the audit brings... then we can start comparing and contrasting with other information where necessary and appropriate!

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: tanstaafl

They are not going to yank Biden out of the White House.

Fraud vitiates everything dear girl. Even political elections.

It's never happened to a Presidential race before, but it has to Congressional races - yes, even after they were seated and sworn.

I admit it could get ugly. But nothing could be uglier than the crap-show we are watching right now.

Crap show from what side?

I closely followed the Diebold fiasco. Basically, slap on the wrist.

This doesn’t even come close to all the shenanigans of Diebold.

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