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Finally! Forensic Election Audit in Maricopa County (AZ) Begins Next Week

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posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 05:10 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: carewemust

That being said, as far as Arizona is concerned, it looks like the truth will be known soon, if the investigation is thorough and the results reported accurately.

2.1 million ballots are enroute to the AZ Senate:

Cool. It's happening. Better late than never.

My best guess is that the machines and/or ballots have been altered already in such we cannot know the whole truth -- no matter how extensive the audit. But the audit will hopefully produce enough in terms of results to determine where the greatest problems lay, and possibly how to correct them.

The State Legislators have stated repeatedly that they are not working to overturn the election, but to investigate and examine the process(es) for election integrity. But the end result of the audit should show us both.

The sad thing is at this point you could have an audit that proves everything, and then what? You just hold it in the air and shout? This is the fundamental problem. Apparently every criminal and civil enforcement mechanism has collectively decided election fraud is "not their thing" and pointed randomly outward as if someone else would deal with it.

The only place this can play out potentially with an impact is in the court of public opinion. All we can do is hope it gets traction at some point and maybe media will do its job which might drive a real investigation out of embarrassment.

Keep on the path of truth.

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 06:34 AM

originally posted by: Halfswede

The sad thing is at this point you could have an audit that proves everything, and then what? You just hold it in the air and shout? This is the fundamental problem. Apparently every criminal and civil enforcement mechanism has collectively decided election fraud is "not their thing" and pointed randomly outward as if someone else would deal with it.

The only place this can play out potentially with an impact is in the court of public opinion. All we can do is hope it gets traction at some point and maybe media will do its job which might drive a real investigation out of embarrassment.

Keep on the path of truth.

You're right. Definitely right! There seems to be no enforcement mechanism built into the election system, no means to verify and confirm election integrity means there is no election integrity.

But we needed to know this, in order to correct it, and I'm hoping Arizona's State Legislators are and will be leading the way. They have stated that their investigation and the audit will be used to reform our election laws as necessary and proper to secure the integrity of our elections. If nothing else, those who are truly concerned with safeguarding election integrity are paying attention, and are equally alarmed that there is so little (if any) authority or power to examine any/all part of the process.

I'm happy to have Trump out of the equation in these cases, and have it strictly focus on the process. One, for the above referenced reasons, we need to know the problems in order for the problems to be corrected. Maricopa County's efforts to stop the State Legislators from performing their Constitutional duties have really highlighted this lack of transparency and accountability. Two, there is too much partisanship and partisan nonsense involved when it's anti-Trumpers v Trumpers. It's so much bigger than the parties, or their candidates. It's about We The People, the integrity of our election process, and our ability to have confidence in our election process. And, three, Trump is not the man for the job. He failed miserably in challenging the process, for whatever reason.

Everything happening in Arizona is a precedent, and a learning experience for other states to capitalize on and benefit from. Other states will have to tweak and adapt for their particular state's needs and circumstances, but there is no doubt that whatever happens in Arizona will snowball exponentially across the nation.

FWIW, if there is fraud/tampering/interference to be found, I expect that guilty parties have already consulted their criminal defense attorneys, and are either planning to strike a deal (throwing their cronies under the bus to save their own sorry arses), or they've got plane tickets in hand to a destination with no extradition treaty...

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 06:56 AM
I've gotta say, I'm very impressed and heartened by those of you keeping up with this. Thank you. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

We've gotta play the long game here. Not just while it's the story of the hour. We have to see this through to it's proper conclusion -- election reform -- come what may. Arizona Legislators have said that they are overwhelmed with constituents from ALL political ideologies contacting them and demanding an investigation and reform, and thanking them for pursuing it. We have a very diverse population here in AZ -- both racially and politically, with a high share of big and small "L" libertarians. I'm not surprised, but I am very proud to hear that the support is across the board.

For those that just cared whether Trump "won" or "lost", once Biden was installed, too many stopped paying attention. If it didn't pertain to Trump specifically -- whether for or against -- they didn't care. And that's how we got here. But it's not how we get it fixed for the future and for future generations.

So all this to say to you "Thank you for being awesome!"

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 07:16 AM
Links for the oral argument present by AZ AG Mark Brnovich at the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday, March 2, 2021, regarding mail-in voting requirements:

Audio: Supreme Court Oral Argument in Arizona vs DNC

Text: Supreme Court Oral Argument in Arizona vs. DNC
edit on 3-3-2021 by Boadicea because: formatting

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
Links for the oral argument present by AZ AG Mark Brnovich at the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday, March 2, 2021, regarding mail-in voting requirements:

Audio: Supreme Court Oral Argument in Arizona vs DNC

Text: Supreme Court Oral Argument in Arizona vs. DNC

Fixed text link... didn't work some reason:

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: Skooter_NB

Fixed text link... didn't work some reason:

Thank you!

I hate when that happens...

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
So all this to say to you "Thank you for being awesome!"

Its still talked about quite a bit on

Some people to follow for election updates

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: 111DPKING111

Some people to follow for election updates

Thank you for posting these!

I'm not on Gab -- and have no desire to be -- so I can't see them. But I'm sure the folks who are on Gab will appreciate the links. The more the better, right?

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Boadicea
As with Twitter, you can see GAB posts without being a member/subscriber. I belong to neither, but can click on a provided link and read the post(s) with no problem.

edit on 3/3/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Boadicea
As with Twitter, you can see GAB posts without being a member/subscriber. I belong to neither, but can click on a provided link and read the post(s) with no problem.

Well, so we can! I stand corrected -- and thank you for doing so

I was sure I had tried before, and gotten a message to log in to both read and post comments. I'm glad to be wrong!

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

There is an undercurrent of there will be no more free elections in many posts(at least on gab). People are somewhat defeated/angry.

I think there will have to be an underground movement to ballot stuff every state as much as possible to force voter reform.

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: 111DPKING111
a reply to: Boadicea

There is an undercurrent of there will be no more free elections in many posts(at least on gab). People are somewhat defeated/angry.

I've seen this around, and it's the defeatism that makes me angry.

I think there will have to be an underground movement to ballot stuff every state as much as possible to force voter reform.

I think a much better idea would be for people to take some initiative, figure out exactly what went wrong, and then dig in to fix it at their state/ county level. The right way.

Much of what I see is based on a very shallow understanding of the fraud/tampering, with no practical purpose to go forward. No wonder there is such defeatism, but no "leaders" are providing us the guidance for practical and productive steps going forward, or what proper reform and improvements would look like, or any vision at all. It's just riling up the masses and getting them discouraged and disheartened -- and it freaking works!

For example, Trump's speech at CPAC really emphasized that election rules were changed/created outside of the State Legislatures, and therefore outside the law. That's true, but in and of itself, that just sounds like whining about technicalities. What Trump did not make clear -- and should have -- is that the changes made invariably weakened or eliminated safeguarding practices which opened the door for widespread fraud and tampering. Big enough for a Mack truck to drive through and drop off hundreds of thousands of ballots in the dead of night... that are all miraculously for Biden.

There are no Statesmen in DC. Just political critters. We don't want or need the Feds to "fix" it. We need the States to fix themselves.

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 04:43 PM
Oh my... From Populist Press and Lin Wood:

Transcript of (Pence) Whistleblower Interviewer
From Page #12:

16· · · · · · INTERVIEWEE:· · · · There was leverage on Mike
17· Pence because of surveillance from way back in the 2013
18· range.· They had gotten FISA warrants to exploit, and Rod had
19· that.
20· · · · · · He wanted the vice president slot himself.· Then if
21· they could remove President Trump, Vice President Pence
22· becomes president, and Rod [Rosenstein] felt that he would be the natural
23· selection for it.· Paul Ryan felt differently, as did Mitt
24· Romney
, but that was the overall goal, each one of them vying
25· for the vice presidential slot.

Page #13:

·1· · · · · · Rod thought he was the clear winner because of his
·2· legal brilliance and his management of the Mueller
·3· investigation and special counsels and things, you know, he
·4· would be the one to remove the president, damage him so
·5· thoroughly he could be removed, and he deserved it.

How was Pence compromised you ask?

·8· · · · · · INTERVIEWEE:· · · · The vice president has had
·9· homosexual relations in the past -- it's not a problem.· Many
10· of them were adults.· This is something he had done
11· throughout his time in the Congress.· When he became governor
12· he had thought that he was free to explore them more.
13· · · · · · There were two specifically that they had recorded.
14· One gentleman roughly 20 years his junior.· They had a fairly
15· steady relationship.
16· · · · · · There was one about half his age that was much more
17· sporadic, because it was more dangerous, harder to get time
18· alone.· This person would introduce others, bring people with
19· him.· He'd have people waiting when he showed up.
20· · · · · · And it was that second one that introduced younger
21· and younger people, "This is whomever, he's 17" and he's
22· really 15, "This is whomever, he's 15" and he's really 13.

I have not yet read it all -- almost 200 pages. It goes on next to talk about Epstein and Chief Justice Roberts.

If anyone has the time and inclination to post a proper thread, I hope you do...

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 07:53 PM
This may prove interesting... it's certainly intriguing. Kari Lake has been a #1 prime time news anchor at CBS (local) for 20+ years. I don't watch the news, local or otherwise, but I'd bet she reported plenty on the election debacle here. She doesn't say if that is a factor in her decision, but she doesn't say it isn't. Nor does she say what she will be doing next. But I'm sure intrigued and will be watching.

Top rated Arizona news anchor resigns: "I no longer want to do this job"

posted on Mar, 4 2021 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: Halfswede
The sad thing is at this point you could have an audit that proves everything, and then what?

If I were a State Legislator?

I'd introduce a bill immediately to revoke our certification of the Biden Electors, and award them to Trump.

This is uncharted territory. Just do it. Massive fraud like this cannot be allowed to stand.

Seriously - the reason the Courts including the Supreme Court - has refused to hear these cases is because this is purely a political problem, and there is only one way to fix it... the people... through their State Legislatures.

If any judge gets in the way, the State Legislature can either impeach them (if a state Judge), or pass a law removing such things from their purview/jurisdiction. This would, of course, require a Governor and Legislature with the balls to actually do it, and be willing to back it up with the National Guard if necessary.

posted on Mar, 4 2021 @ 05:41 PM
EXCLUSIVE UPDATE: New Information — FBI Took Possession of Suspicious Ballots in Georgia in Early January and Ordered Them Destroyed With a Shredder
This is the initial report from Patrick Byrnes:

Update on Georgia ballots: DHS had been trying to move forward this week. Two days ago FBI jumped in claiming jurisdiction. Yesterday 3 PM FBI took control of shredding truck and materials, directed they be returned to shredding operation and the shredding job completed.

— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) January 9, 2021

More information:

After the shredder operator obtained the material to shred he noticed something unusual and eventually connected with members of the Trump team who were in Georgia at that time. He explained the situation and brought the material to this Trump-related group. This group of individuals who were connected to the investigation to uncover the 2020 election fraud immediately began sifting through what was not yet fully destroyed. They reportedly found shipment transit receipts linked to China, ballots, and other sensitive information related to the 2020 election.

A local DHS investigator was also invited to review the material. When the China information was found, the information was immediately shared with the Trump White House and the DHS in Washington DC. One of our sources believes it was the DHS in Washington that then notified the FBI about the situation.

I've been hoping and praying that this does not -- can not -- happen in AZ. To the best of my knowledge, the ballots have been transferred to the custody of the State Legislature and its auditors.

I am also hopeful that our local authorities would not allow any federal agents to confiscate our ballots, and would stand on states' rights to handle state matters at the state level.

posted on Mar, 4 2021 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
EXCLUSIVE UPDATE: New Information — FBI Took Possession of Suspicious Ballots in Georgia in Early January and Ordered Them Destroyed With a Shredder
This is the initial report from Patrick Byrnes:

Update on Georgia ballots: DHS had been trying to move forward this week. Two days ago FBI jumped in claiming jurisdiction. Yesterday 3 PM FBI took control of shredding truck and materials, directed they be returned to shredding operation and the shredding job completed.

— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) January 9, 2021

More information:

After the shredder operator obtained the material to shred he noticed something unusual and eventually connected with members of the Trump team who were in Georgia at that time. He explained the situation and brought the material to this Trump-related group. This group of individuals who were connected to the investigation to uncover the 2020 election fraud immediately began sifting through what was not yet fully destroyed. They reportedly found shipment transit receipts linked to China, ballots, and other sensitive information related to the 2020 election.

A local DHS investigator was also invited to review the material. When the China information was found, the information was immediately shared with the Trump White House and the DHS in Washington DC. One of our sources believes it was the DHS in Washington that then notified the FBI about the situation.

I've been hoping and praying that this does not -- can not -- happen in AZ. To the best of my knowledge, the ballots have been transferred to the custody of the State Legislature and its auditors.

I am also hopeful that our local authorities would not allow any federal agents to confiscate our ballots, and would stand on states' rights to handle state matters at the state level.

But also why would the DHS be handling them as well... ?

posted on Mar, 4 2021 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: Skooter_NB

But also why would the DHS be handling them as well... ?

My presumption is that once it was discovered a foreign power was involved in the printing/distribution of actual paper ballots, that the federal authorities claimed it was a federal matter (and proceeded to destroy the evidence).

I have seen/heard reports that there was cyber interference/tampering with the Chinese in Arizona, but I have not heard anything about Chinese involvement with the actual paper ballots.

It's fair enough to wonder if the same happened in Arizona, particularly (for this thread's purposes) in Maricopa County. And I supposed it's fair to wonder if the Feds will somehow find "reasonable suspicion" of same and use an excuse to try to take our ballots as well. (If they haven't already sanitized them...)
edit on 4-3-2021 by Boadicea because: clarity

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 04:47 PM
Looks like the lie will continue

posted on Mar, 7 2021 @ 05:58 AM

originally posted by: 111DPKING111
Looks like the lie will continue

Hmmmm... that was quite the tirade. But short on context. There is no date given for the video, which seems odd to me. There is no date given for the interview with Farnesworth. Farnesworth was in the State House, not the Senate; and is no longer in office at all. There is no reference given to a specific audit and it's methodologies, so I assume this is discussing auditing practices in general and not a specific audit. The distinction is important, because it's true that other audits have relied on the scans in question, but the State Legislature has been quite specific that their audit will examine the physical paper ballots. In fact, it was the subpoena for the release of these paper ballots to the State Legislators that Maricopa County was fighting tooth and nail.

Never say never, but all currently available information says that this ballot scanning concern is not applicable to the State Legislator's audit being conducted now....

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