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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 34 -

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posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 04:21 PM
Citizen journalist videotaping the front of the white house, today. Showing the stage or platform and a bunch of trailers. I have no idea if this is normal but it doesn't appear to be
more footage
edit on 25-1-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 04:44 PM
I HAVE A THEORY - and please... treat it only as a theory, NOT a desire:

IF the Cabal is to be removed LONG TERM,
THEN a major SHOCK to humanity's Psyche is required, so that we fight any attempt at it's return.

1) The shock would need to be larger than 9/11 as we are not even 20 years from that and the effect seems to be already wearing off!
2) PEACE is the prize - so it can not involve significant death.

WHAT IF: The Capitol Building, Monument and the White House are being emptied and lights out...

BECAUSE: They are going to be BLOWN UP by the military?

This would explain:
a) Capitol Building being shut down for the week,
b) White House appearing "Lights Out" over last few days,
c) Late night arrival of people to Capitol building (to set charges?),
d) Retaining the stage in front of the White House = limiting blast zone,
e) Lights out at the monument too,
f) Stories that DC main sites will be kept as a reminder "park" ( as mentioned in an anon's vid recently,
...and lastly...

g) The need for National Guard, fences and razorwire... they are guarding it like a dangerous building/demonitions site!

From a circumstantial evidence perspective, I think this is a real possibility.

edit on 25-1-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
Biden has reversed Trump's transgender military ban. -uniform/

What a revolting development this turned out to be.

Trump nor his supporters don't have to defend his many achievements, no need to say another word from now on because from here Biden will be the one to show everyone all the good things Trump did for America, by bringing the darkness back one EO at a time.

Four years of Light then back to darkness. People previously didn't know they were living in the darkness because that is all they knew. The Light was strange to them and they feared it. They were convinced they wanted the darkness back.

Well now they've got it back - but will they still want it now they've had a taste of Light? Do they all really want to go back to crazy-world?
We'll see.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

It's been shown in enough movies, Independence Day, White House down etc, a bit of conditioning I suppose.

It's certainly all building up to something, it could be to accommodate the press pool for trumps return, theres even been suggestions of it being temporary holding cells, a far reach but ..... who knows.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I have thought of this same thing. There is nothing more I would like to see. Its my opinion that the activities we have seen and the high cleaning costs with the white house transition were a cover that allowed valuable relics, documents, etc to be moved and preserved while the steps are being taken to demo or flood them. It would for sure be an eye opener and is something that the media could not hide.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Translating mainstream media code words into everyday English:

"Because Science" = "shut up and obey your rulers"
"Listen to *the* scientists" = "peasants should always obey" else censored.
"The science" = selling you a toxic product
"Settled science" = selling you a toxic product + gaslighting

This "planscamdemic" is by far the most ridiculous transparent psyop in history. If you cannot generate at least a modicum of curiosity or skepticism about the situation by now, over 10 months in, then you are basically an anchor on the human race, pulling it down into a genocidal abyss.

Just need the Twin Peaks “ Dance of the Little Man “

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 05:14 PM

Got to be a joke, too funny if true, truth being stranger than fiction.

edit on 25-1-2021 by igloo because: forgot link

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog

Regurgitating my theory, I've come to the obvious question - Why just in the USA?

If it were to happen, then would it's effect increase many-fold if it were also UK Houses of Parliament? Vatican? EU headquarters in Brussels? The german parliament building, Elysee Palace?

How would the world react to lose so many of their "grounding points"?

Maybe this gives real meaning to why we have been told to be ready to support people?

Ironically, most people would be more personally impacted to see these places demolished than to see 2000 children freed from underground farms?

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 05:28 PM
Dark (white house?) to light?

Here is where it gets interesting. I never noticed the name on the pic Christian Christensen . Gematria for Christian Christensen

810, 1410, 235

This is a reply post to 810.


Insurrection Act
Ready Or Not
Angel Of Destruction
World Is Waking Up
What You See Is a Screen

Saturn Moon Matrix (for those who understand)

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Agree, but we are already seeing large demonstrations in the UK, Denmark, Germany and others. Maybe the US would be the first to kick it off.

My only reservation on this would it give a bad impression to our world adversaries that we are at a weak point or would it be a show of strength to the world that the military is in charge and they can't be bought and are not going to F around anymore because they don't have to get permission from anyone.

If you look around the world I can't think of a more fragile environment in my lifetime for so many nations with the economy, lock downs, tyranny, and dissent. If all these countries were to revolt who would want to swoop in?

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

So the Vatican had that period of darkness, and now DC seems to be having a similar issue, so I wonder if Windsor Castle is/will be having the same issue. Could "Castle Lock" mean that the royal family is under house arrest?

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Once Upon A Time, A time when the Rabbit in 'Through the Looking Glass', noted how his watch said 03:59pm, when Alice became a Pawn etc. A time when Chess was being played, The 192 who first agreed to a known pre-planned idea, are gradually diminishing by taking seperate sides. The whole strength behind such will in turn shake the unknowing rest of the world. To find the facts requires a search, But the previous alerts have now disappeared. old / original homeland HQs are themselves preparing for a sort of 'toodle ooh'. and just like a new Geies bottle the cork will soon pop out, Many Infamous Journalist have, throughout the decades now gone, explained what they had found. They were ignored.Too much was ignored and maybe shoved aside. Not so funny now, even though 2 of their pre-schedulded meeting have - since 1954 - been changed from their usual meeting places. No more to say now about such. Dark & Light cannot be seen because neither were ever wide open. And so concludes a somewhat different style Bedtime Story...

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: steaming

PS the Rabbits watch - 03:59pm = 17.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 05:54 PM

Italy’s prime minister Giuseppe Conte will resign on Tuesday in a tactical move aimed at maximising his chances of leading a new government.

Conte will hold a cabinet meeting at 9am CET before officially handing in his resignation to president Sergio Mattarella, his office announced in a statement.

The Guardian
edit on 25-1-2021 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 06:05 PM
Leon Black steps down as Apollo CEO in wake of Epstein scandal

Leon Black, who founded Apollo Global Management Inc. three decades ago in the aftermath of one scandal, is retiring as chief executive in the aftermath of another scandal, this one involving the notorious sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

Just months after Apollo announced an internal investigation into Black’s long association with the late financier, the investment firm said in a statement Monday that he would retire as CEO no later than July 31 and would remain chairman.

LA Times

Funny how nobody's talking about Epstein, anymore

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Take a view at ZERO HEDGE

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 06:20 PM
Neon Revolt assessment

link gab


posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 06:25 PM
Trump creates Office of the Former President

link for screenshot


posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: bradychick
Trump creates Office of the Former President

link for screenshot


Total troll. Biden had a "office of the President Elect"....of which there isn't one.

This is Trump trolling Biden and it is pretty funny.

posted on Jan, 25 2021 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
I HAVE A THEORY - and please... treat it only as a theory, NOT a desire:

IF the Cabal is to be removed LONG TERM,
THEN a major SHOCK to humanity's Psyche is required, so that we fight any attempt at it's return.

1) The shock would need to be larger than 9/11 as we are not even 20 years from that and the effect seems to be already wearing off!
2) PEACE is the prize - so it can not involve significant death.

WHAT IF: The Capitol Building, Monument and the White House are being emptied and lights out...

BECAUSE: They are going to be BLOWN UP by the military?

This would explain:
a) Capitol Building being shut down for the week,
b) White House appearing "Lights Out" over last few days,
c) Late night arrival of people to Capitol building (to set charges?),
d) Retaining the stage in front of the White House = limiting blast zone,
e) Lights out at the monument too,
f) Stories that DC main sites will be kept as a reminder "park" ( as mentioned in an anon's vid recently,
...and lastly...

g) The need for National Guard, fences and razorwire... they are guarding it like a dangerous building/demonitions site!

From a circumstantial evidence perspective, I think this is a real possibility.

Who would they try to pin it on?

What would be their desired result of this? (I don't think chaos for chaos' sake is a logical reason)

How could this be pulled of with anything other than a surprise comet?
(All other bases are covered in D.C. ie sensors for explosives, chem, rad, Nuke, anti-aircraft, satellite interception of ICBMs, seismograph, literally every inch of DC is monitored.)
Can't be done.

I just don't see it.

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