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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 34 -

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posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: texasgirl

The fact of the matter is people are trying to make it into something it is not. The other arm was the 226th patch, people are trying to push the narrative that the 10th mtn is in DC boots on ground, and it's false. Not a FACT.

You're pushing the twitter narrative that the 10th mtn is boots on ground in DC yet you have no proof of your FACT. Which is why you prefaced your comment about not having proof. If it were FACT, as you claim, you could produce one image with the correct shoulder with a 10th mtn div patch on it. I will wait...

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 07:50 AM
Trump declaring "we will be back, in some form" at his departure speech, the rumours of a new party may be true.

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: KnoxMSP

You’re responding to the wrong person. It is a fact that that there is a patch on the left shoulder, too, regardless of what the patch is. I’m not pushing a narrative, just pointing it out.

Good grief...

edit on 20-1-2021 by texasgirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: pteridine

I was just about to point out the uncanny relevance of posts 35 and 34 to current events when I decided to double check and saw your excellent post !

It really does seem that DC itself is the key - tying in to the 1871 Corporation of the United States Act.

Maybe it is the arrest of Ole Joe himself that kicks this all off.

We shall see ...

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: texasgirl

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: FlyingFox

on the twits they are saying its on his right shoulder which does appear to be the case which makes it a combat patch and not his unit.

Look at all the twitter replies to this and you will see someone posted a pic on the LEFT shoulder sleeve, too.

The only pic I saw was the one that shows the patch on the wrong side. Irregardless in a few hours will find out anyways and its not looking good.
edit on 54131America/ChicagoWed, 20 Jan 2021 07:54:51 -0600000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 07:57 AM
Trump what happened?...I mean he is nothing like he was a few months ago. I mean he left us out to lunch. It seems he could've pulled the insurrection Act. You hear nothing of it now. He's really defeated and I thought for sure he wouldn't take this lying down. It's rather concerning. He hasn't mentioned the election was stolen or anything. They got to him.
edit on 20-1-2021 by Darkstar12 because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-1-2021 by Darkstar12 because: (no reason given)

(post by dashen removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: Darkstar12
Trump what happen...I mean he is nothing like he was a few months ago. I mean he left us out to lunch. It seems he could've pulled the insurrection Act. You hear nothing of it now. He's really defeated and I thought for sure he wouldn't take this lying down. It's rather concerning.


The pardon list was the last slap in the face

The swamp won

January 6, as overblown as it was, gave the swamp and people like McConnell the last bit of ammunition they needed to make trump bow down to them

Trump pardoned rappers including one who called trump supporters klansmen, corrupt democrat politicians

But he couldn’t even pardon Assange that would have been a thumb in the eye for the deep state

And now the rest of us will be targeted even more thanks to this failure

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

How does a Whistle Blower in the NSA blow the Whistle when everyone is in on it ?

William Binney is one example of what can happen, lost his job. When management puts those issue in the too hard basket and ignores them, do you really want to be working there and supporting that kind of business?

Dealing with work or any conflicts can be difficult, best to keep the issue as small as required. If your work mate is being and idiot, talk to him fist about it before gradually working up the chain of command. Having some kind of answers helps when presenting problems.

Patrick Bergy is another working in the intelligence community trying to expose some issues, was in Shadowgate.

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 08:01 AM
Watching Trumps speech....the wheels of AF1 left the ground at exactly 09.00 hrs.......exactly on time.


posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Trump has pardoned Steve Bannon.

But not Julian Assange.

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

Kwame Kilpatrick pardoned.

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel

originally posted by: Hellas

Odd similarities

Just checking those are also flags in front of Hitler yes? Do we know if it is a genuine picture or has it been photoshopped to look like flags?


Troops, holding flags. Larger image here.


posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 08:06 AM

It's been a wild ride.

It was never boring.

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 08:07 AM

originally posted by: SouthernGift
Bide n to sign 17 executive actions, orders to reverse Trump policies, restore Obama-era programs on first day

17? Really?
👋🏽 Waves at Q infiltrating the Biden admin 🤡

No ...but what are the odds... I feel like we’ve been stuck on this episode of Sesame Street for 3 years.
Lol 😂

WTF?!? Is there ANYBODY in this country that wants to go back to the Obama Admin, besides the actual people who were in the Obama Admin? We are supposed to be ADVANCING as a country, not rehashing old, failed attempts.

Deep State Wars 2 - The Deep State Strikes Back.

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: scraedtosleep

Don't be sad because its over - be happy because it happened.

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 08:09 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2

originally posted by: angelchemuel

originally posted by: Hellas

Odd similarities

Just checking those are also flags in front of Hitler yes? Do we know if it is a genuine picture or has it been photoshopped to look like flags?


Troops, holding flags. Larger image here.


Thank you. Yes, I can just about make them out....I think lol!
Need to go to Specsavers lol!

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Because this crew are ideological idiots who can follow one playbook and only one playbook.


posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 08:09 AM

originally posted by: Catch_a_Fire
Trump declaring "we will be back, in some form" at his departure speech, the rumours of a new party may be true.

The party name or leader doesn't matter as long as conflict of interest isn't the priority. Trump really fkd up in multiple ways and unless he runs the new party completely different than he ran his own administration it will be pointless. Trump should have not continued to hire within the swamp and he should not have tried to fix or focus on issues such as healthcare,immigration,economy,taxes,etc.

In order to make a difference the party needs to ONLY focus on the following things to reduce conflict of interest.

1. term limits for congress.
2. Closing revolving doors
3. Doing away with money in lobbying and campaign fund raising by utilizing technology.
4. Doing away with pork bills.

If you don't reduce conflict of interest FIRST then you are either mentally challenged or you are part of the swamp. Trump just proved how worthless it is to try to fix anything while there is rampant conflict of interest. The only question that remain is whether trump was a useful idiot or part of the swamp all along.

BTW trump promised to drain the swamp and also term limits for congress and failed miserably in delivering both. So not sure he is worthy of starting a new party despite how horrible biden is .

edit on 13131America/ChicagoWed, 20 Jan 2021 08:13:56 -0600000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2021 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: Sakashima

I fail to see what one has to do with the other.

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