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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 34 -

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posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

Never fall asleep again?!

Literally people on this very thread still think trump will remain in office

You never woke up!

As long as you put your faith into garbage larps that admit they have to lie to you, you will remain asleep

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:45 PM
Obamagate released tomorrow?

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: Parksy1981
Not sure of the authenticity of this, but damning if true. Roberts, Pence, Clinton.....


Witness testimony uploaded by Lin Wood to Telegram on 19th Jan 2021 following text posts implicating Mike Pence, Hillary Clinton and Chief Justice John Roberts in horrendous crimes.


posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

So if there are 91k troops on duty right now, then saying 65k seems off. That a lot of troops missing. Where's the 26k troops, or are those the 25k+ troops that were moved to DC?

91,000 - 65,000 = 26,000. Could the troops in DC not be NG anymore?

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: interupt42

another possibility is that it was a trump gorilla marketing tactic for re elction. Q had no loyalty to either party besides Trump and often overlooked trumps questionable actions.

I believe this is correct. I think Q is the brain child of Parscal and Kushner. I've also suspected for a long time that there is a bigtime talk radio host and the associated research team who played an integral part in this. Throw in a few former insiders (mil/pol) and you have the makings of Q.

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:50 PM


posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: wdkirk

originally posted by: Grambler
a reply to: wdkirk

You’re right

By all means sorry to question your cult

You guys are winning so hard!

You can make any inference as to what kind of person I am

I think I’m a person who is upset that your cult helped the intel agencies and Joe Biden they brain huge amounts of control over this country

But hey, small price to pay to have fun larping, right?

But if I were you I’d be less concerned with what kind of person I am, amd ask what kind of people fall into a cult like this

You still talking?

I’m just feeding you disinformation cause it’s necessary

Future proves past

Trust the plan

Amen, Brother.

Hey...I really do wish you had won your're a smart and entertaining guy.
Your videos were fun too.

I know it's frustrating to not have things work out the way you'd have wished.
Many here, feel that way here...right now.

I guess sometimes people just have to take their own frustrations out on others.
It doesn't really do a damn thing for anyone else...but if it makes that person feel a little less like a loser...even if it's only for a little while...I suppose it's best we all just humor them and let them self-medicate.

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Grambler

Given the Importance of tomorrow is, is anyone else wondering why AOI or "KU" hasn't posted anything?

Nope. That Op ended on Dec 8. Mission Accomplished. Q will disappear like vaporware and MAGA will live on.
We boldly go where no MAGA has gone before...onto a new chapter.

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: wdkirk


...yeah ya fired up a few neurons lol

Fredrick Brennan
This guy can't be the right one now lol

C'mon MAN

edit on 1192021 by MetalThunder because: Ssdd

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Yeah I’m being too harsh I know

But I honestly hoped I’d come on here amd find people saying man we’ve been lied to, how to we ho forward

Instead it seems many will continue to believe the lie

This will make it so much harder to start achieving meaningful victories against the establishment for the people of this country

Biden can just post as q, and literally convince so many people here will March along with his orders with a smile on their face unquestioningly

I don’t dislike the people who believe q, I pity them, which is worse

But I should be above these posts which are temporarily cathartic on my part

Perhaps next week

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

He said they're in other parts of the world.

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:55 PM


posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:56 PM
Same here. It is so obvious.

originally posted by: CoramDeo
a reply to: interupt42

another possibility is that it was a trump gorilla marketing tactic for re elction. Q had no loyalty to either party besides Trump and often overlooked trumps questionable actions.

I believe this is correct. I think Q is the brain child of Parscal and Kushner. I've also suspected for a long time that there is a bigtime talk radio host and the associated research team who played an integral part in this. Throw in a few former insiders (mil/pol) and you have the makings of Q.

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:56 PM
Are people STILL not understanding that Q was a hoax from day one? I mean come on. It's not even a secret any more.

Secret insider leaks? Regular failures disguised as intentional disinformation?

How naive can anyone be?

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: Grambler

What part of larp are you not getting?
Like, I feel like we're not hearing one another.

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: CoramDeo

Well, the marketing angle of psyop tactical language can be traced all the way back to Wilcock & Co 8 or so years ago.

This thread is now moving at Grambler speed.😂
edit on 19-1-2021 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: steaming
a reply to: carewemust

The Whole World said to be , Awakening' and the first thing seen is an Advert for Pillows.............. I give up.

Wait, don't you see the irony?

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 05:01 PM
Seriously, love him or hate him, you won't see another President like him in your lifetime.
Definitely not a politician. Honestly, that's why he earned my respect.

Some of his best moments. To some it's some of his worse.

edit on 19-1-2021 by Quadrivium because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 05:01 PM
Too all.

"After a long arduous journey - the team set up camp and sit around the fire to discuss the perils and pitfalls of the trip.

The troop leader gives a little motivational speech before retiring for the night. Before he leaves the camp fireside, he throws on a a couple more logs and leaves a few bottles of good stuff to share.

The conversation goes on late into the night, with people leaving for their tents every now and then.

A few of the less hardy folk think it is funny to piss on the fire before they go for some shut eye, leaving the rest who still have the energy to see the night through, having to keep rebuilding the fire.

Depsite the sabotage by the full bladders, a weary few stay up all night to see the new dawn.

It aint over til the toothless alcoholic sings...
Stay the distance... this is still part of a 9? year plan.

Peace and love to larpers, lurkers, bakers and boffins...


posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: fencesitter85
Are people STILL not understanding that Q was a hoax from day one? I mean come on. It's not even a secret any more.

Secret insider leaks? Regular failures disguised as intentional disinformation?

How naive can anyone be?

It’s sad

Imagine believing an online riddler, who made predictions that were wrong over and over, but said it was all part of the plan and he had to lie to you when he felt like it

Yet so many people will never let it go

Facts don’t matter

Literally nothing could ever happen that will make some disbelieve q

Anytime you prove them wrong, they can default to “wel disinformation is necessary “

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