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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 34 -

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posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

That is very possible.

Its just very demoralizing. All the "Nothing can stop what is coming" crap was just that - crap. Apparently something could stop what was coming, because nothing ever came.
edit on 19-1-2021 by PokeyJoe because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-1-2021 by PokeyJoe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 03:45 PM
Noobie mistake posting before i got cought up.
edit on 19-1-2021 by samuelsson because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: pteridine
a reply to: CanadianMason

Looks like cargo ships. Link to video please.

Full of immigrants, Ccp soldiers, slaves and drugs. Waiting for Joe Biden to be sworn in.

Almost has to be one or two ships like that at this stage. The thing about it our way of life is infectious to Communist who even brain washed to hate our success love it when they get a taste of it too. Why not it is fun and good for everyone to do it our way where anyone can do most anything they want if they can figure out how. That is magical.
We will win them to our way just like in their history. Where the Mongols instead of absorbing China into their culture they converted to the Chinese culture during Kubla Khan IIRC.

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 03:46 PM
Joe Biden was so exhausted after his 20-minute flight from Delaware to DC, he did not get off the plane until 15 minutes after it landed.

Joe and Jill disembark at 20 minutes 30 seconds.

I remember when Donald Trump landed in DC in January 2017, CNN used the image of a rifle scope to show him coming down the stairway.

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: azbowhunter

originally posted by: PokeyJoe

Will we ever actually get to the bottom of what happened over the last 4 years?

Does it matter anymore?

All that we have now is our future, and that future looks bleak as hell...

I am seriously bummed the hell OUT!

We could start doing real things to get our country back

Or we could keep following online riddlers that tell us we are winning through messages we have to decipher that admit they have to give us disinformation

I think I know the choice most in here will make

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 03:47 PM
Trump wished the incoming administration "luck". Then he said that is a very important word.

Why is the word "luck" a very important word?


posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: bradychick
Haspel resignation


It would end rumors in one second if she gave an interview or sent out a video. I don't think she is dead but I don't know one way or another and the last report we heard wasn't good for her.

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Perhaps she was q

If so mission accomplished indeed!

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

There is still time. Remember, 2000 National Guard troops were deputized as US Marshals on Monday.

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

Thanks butcherguy, still doesn't work though. Yes, I'm in UK but using a New York server thru VPN at the mo.

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: Grambler


posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: Tukota

originally posted by: PurpleFox

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
This is interesting:


Do you think the letter could be a scam since they're asking for money? It would be easy to target people with a letter like that if they have Trump signs in their yard. I already emailed the GOP/RNC with my thoughts after the 2nd impeachment and asked to be removed from their mailing lists, which always just asked for money. This type of letter would even be a new low for them though. I could see a city government sending them out, but the RNC?

Look what came in the mail today-
BTW Here's another post you can delete- I wonder which side you guys are on sometimes

Thanx Dashen for a place to go from here

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: Caled
So...if the cargo ships are full of enemy we fight back immediately, or just watch until after they are done in California? Asking for a friend.

originally posted by: CanadianMason
Not trying to be an alarmist here but Shepard Ambellas has some pretty intriguing Twitter posts up right now.

1. 65,000 troops in DC (not 25,000)

2. Chinese cargo ships off Cali coast Trojan Horse

3. Enormous air traffic over the US

Scroll his Twitter Page to investigate: Shepard Ambellas (@ShepardAmbellas)

We've got lots and lots of tech weapons and personnel all over the Coast of America. They can penetrate somewhat before we can repel them is how this will work. The question is will the military fire the big one on them and wipe out the enemy and Cali? I hope they have precision that we think they have and don't need nukes.

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: PurpleFox
"The best is yet to come" - DJT

In President Trump's mind, The Biden Administration is merely a bump on the road to an even better and stronger America.

Ummm. Did they ever figure out how to have real elections?

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: PokeyJoe

There is still time. Remember, 2000 National Guard troops were deputized as US Marshals on Monday.

Will you finally admit q was garbage after Biden in sworn in tomorrow?

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: [post=25719063]Grambler[/po

New tweet from our fren....storm rider

Camera cuts/ length/
Everything has MEANING

(By the way of you don't know// FULL MILITARY NAVAL FLEETS ON BOTH OCEAN+++

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

As I have stated in the past. One of the possibility about Q was that Q could be an entity with the goal to radicalize the right and cause civil unrest.

The left was and is already radicalized but had nobody to tangle with. Now we have a large portion of the population on the right that is very passionate and convinced the election was stolen.

So we have the required 2 opposing parties ready to tango and hanging by a thread. that thread is the economy and if the economy collapses then its going to get really ugly.

Coincidentally there are Chinese finger prints over our education system, hollywood, msm, and both political parties. Also the chinese virus v2 should be coming up real soon.

Its almost like China took over what the Russians started back in the 70's- early 80's as warned by ex KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov during the 80's.

So I wouldn't be surprised if Q had relations with China and its goal was to start a civil war by radicalizing the right .

another possibility is that it was a trump gorilla marketing tactic for re elction. Q had no loyalty to either party besides Trump and often overlooked trumps questionable actions.

We shall find out very soon.

edit on 29131America/ChicagoTue, 19 Jan 2021 16:29:08 -0600000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: ModusPonus

I watched the RSBN feed, and watched it after it faded out, and caught this pop up, is this just a glitch from RSBN, or was this actually in the Trump video?

edit on 19-1-2021 by Parksy1981 because: (no reason given)

You can still see it here, it's definitely part of the Trump video, not from You Tube!!
edit on 19-1-2021 by Parksy1981 because: Excited

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Interesting that it was a chinese looking guy who was immediately behind Biden getting off the plane!

posted on Jan, 19 2021 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Take one guess as to what agency of active or former actors have decades of experience, expertise, unlimited funding & resources and toppled many foreign goverments. I decided it is what it is over a year ago but always been in it for the research and the many, many places it has led me. It was a highly entertaining and educational reality game of life. Redpillin oneself was like an education you cannot receive from any university and the closest I'll get to a mystery school initiate. The greatest psyop larp in Internet history? Playing both sides of the opposition? Call it what you will, it really doesn't matter to me anymore; I already got my awakening long ago.

"In conclusion, there is no conclusion. Things will go on as they always have, getting weirder all the time."
— Robert Anton Wilson

No, we will never get to the bottom of what happened over the last 4 years. Far too many layers and they have already moved on in creating the next reality construct for our minds.

Ultimately we are in a psychological war that's been created to pit the extreme left against the extreme right... Both sides are bordering on the absurd and both sides are receiving massive support from the shadow side... the ones who profit from war.. remember them?

The new circus tents are being raised.

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