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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 34 -

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posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 07:41 PM

I'm hearing rumours.

Something about something Voice of America is going to be the only broadcaster broadcasting for a while .
Curfews, the whole nine yards.
I didnt actually think it'd happen.
But I think its happening.
Buy food now.
Dont forget the popcorn

posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 07:43 PM

originally posted by: SoulReaper

originally posted by: Caled
Where did that come from?

originally posted by: SoulReaper
Take it for what you will... no substantiated source.. but this came across my radar.

I'm skeptical.. but will tune in anyways


Believe it or not... supposedly Ricky Medlocke of Lynard Skynard. Not as the original source... but as a pass through. I can't track down an original source hence it being unsubstantiated.


There is no specific date attached to it.

posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: tallcool1

Sorry about that.

You know how most people think, oh one of the greatest things in life is "caring deeply"?

At a certain point, maybe our age, you find out that one of the best things in life is actually not caring.

posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 07:46 PM
More E...

Luke 12:2-10 NLT
"The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all. Whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be shouted from the housetops for all to hear!"

This drumroll is getting monotonous.

posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 07:46 PM

originally posted by: dashen

I'm hearing rumours.

Something about something Voice of America is going to be the only broadcaster broadcasting for a while .
Curfews, the whole nine yards.
I didnt actually think it'd happen.
But I think its happening.
Buy food now.
Dont forget the popcorn

Voice of America? Good thing I held on to that shortwave radio my folks bought back in the '80's...maybe I'll actually make use of it soon!

posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

I don't have any other link to this video. It's just a clip from Good Morning America. 🤦‍♀️

posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 07:48 PM

originally posted by: MountainLaurel

originally posted by: MotherMayEye

originally posted by: carewemust
Slow news day. Calm before the storm.

Watch the video here, care. It's just one minute and some....


“ We are here to help with peaceful transfer of Military power “ that’s what I heard....WTH does that mean ??


DOD Law of War Military Manual

posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 07:50 PM
Edited by me.
Don't want to derail.

edit on 19Mon, 18 Jan 2021 19:53:09 -0600pmvAmerica/ChicagoMondayb20211America/Chicago by Gravelbone because: None

posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: Gravelbone

Google dicktarn

posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 07:52 PM
I don’t have my hope up about an announcement tonight after seeing something similar posted 5 days ago:

originally posted by: SoulReaper
Take it for what you will... no substantiated source.. but this came across my radar.

I'm skeptical.. but will tune in anyways


posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 07:52 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
More E...

His latest posts read to me like damage control. But I'm skeptical that way.

posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

P.M. for you in regards to my deleted post.

posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 07:55 PM

originally posted by: kreinhard

originally posted by: IAMTAT
More E...

His latest posts read to me like damage control. But I'm skeptical that way.

I've been skeptical of E since he asked for donations.

posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: dashen

Voice of America has been a part of several agencies. From its founding in 1942 to 1945, it was part of the Office of War Information, and then from 1945 to 1953 as a function of the State Department. VOA was placed under the U.S. Information Agency in 1953. When the USIA was abolished in 1999, VOA was placed under the Broadcasting Board of Governors, or BBG, which is an autonomous U.S. government agency, with bipartisan membership. The Secretary of State has a seat on the BBG.[62] The BBG was established as a buffer to protect VOA and other U.S.-sponsored, non-military, international broadcasters from political interference. It replaced the Board for International Broadcasting (BIB) that oversaw the funding and operation of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, a branch of VOA.[48]

check mate

posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 07:55 PM

originally posted by: kreinhard

originally posted by: IAMTAT
More E...

His latest posts read to me like damage control. But I'm skeptical that way.

yep imo i think all these insiders 15 minutes of fame will be up on the 20th once biden becomes official and they are covering their tracks to keep the jig going past it

posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: Caled
All you have to do is go to the Twitter sites for NewsMax, RSBN, OANN. All of them are now in full post-Trump mode.

Newsmax, for instance:

posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: dashen


Thanks Dash, made my night.

posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: Slichter

Too brain dead to try interpreting your post unfortunately Slichter.

I need a beach, a cocktail and 80 degree heat.

To save space... I'm defintely not feeling down, just calm, expectant and looking forward to relaxation at the backend.

posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 07:58 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Just so we cut to the chase here, would you keep one of those cars that I am telling you about if someone gave you one for your birthday? IF you could drive from St Louis to LA and back on 2 gallons of gas is that a deal for you? Something like that happened here on the 2nd prototype.

originally posted by: pteridine

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: pteridine

originally posted by: Justoneman
You forget we can borrow the extra energy for the 2H2O add energy = 2H2+O2 eqaution.

Use the two H2 molecule for combustion the one O2 molecule gladly accepts/takes back up the pair of H2 atoms under combustion that was split in step one to obtain the H2.

Add solar energy that doesn't cost much and there you go plenty of energy to get the H2. Store that solar energy in a car battery Then provided you have compression when the engine turns over, turn on the ignition which sucks in the H2 gas similarly to long chain hydrocarbon fuels. Then, produce the spark in the cylinder with timing and off you go. Since the sun is free energy we got this solved in spades.

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: angelchemuel

Seriously. They have engines that run on nothing but water. EVERYTHING is a lie or a scam.

Water? Where does the energy overage come from? Splitting hydrogen and oxygen from water is an endothermic reaction, combining it to make water is exothermic, but that means starting with free oxygen and hydrogen.

I guess the "engineers" assume that a certain amount of water "gives" you so much hydrogen and oxygen if it's "converted" or something.....then you can burn it again
It's up there with perpetual motion machines.

Ignoring the thermodynamics lands this stuff in the bin below junior-high physics, and it's just not a good look.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics says that processes that involve the transfer or conversion of heat energy are irreversible. ... It states that as energy is transferred or transformed, more and more of it is wasted.

You are invoking solar energy. Electrolysis of water and storage of hydrogen by compression is inefficient. If you have enough energy to do that, why not just put the solar power on the grid or into batteries/ultracapacitors and come out much further ahead?
The energy density of wind and solar is so poor that the land area requirement is 400 to 500 time that of a conventional power plant of the same output. If you are worried about CO2, develop modern nuclear power plants and not just oversized submarine power plants. Think HTGR.

Say what you want it works. They used to have one experiment doing said cracking of water at the Boston Museum of Science. I and my EPA buddies ate dinner one night there on an EPA event 25 years ago that Scientists in my field were invited to participate. One of the reasons they wanted us to go the Museum and have a private field trip was so that we could see the introduction of the ideas and using solar panels, storing the daytime sun on a battery they were able to crack and store H2 from water 24 hours a day was one of them. They were very proud of the idea at the time.

Of course it works. You are charging a battery with solar cells. Once the battery is charged, you can do whatever you want with it. Ask Tesla about the concept. This is a grade school science project and their idea has been around for many more decades than that.

Sunline Transportation in CA was running buses on H2. They had a big solar array and an electrolysis cell to show how they were making H2. I went out back and saw bottle racks and a tube trailer. They were buying the hydrogen to run the buses because they couldn't make enough hydrogen to run a go kart. The hydrogen was made by reforming methane.
The hydrofanatics were generally clueless on production, storage, transport, properties, and efficiency of use. When I told them about the amount of energy needed to liquefy hydrogen and the ortho-para problems, they were astounded. What they lacked in knowledge they made up for in zeal. I did provide some education and a few caught on but I think zeal won the day.

No, I would not want that vehicle. The ultramileage vehicles are one person test vehicles with support vehicles as they travel. They are generally not suitable for everyday use. Think about what you may have to sacrifice in order to get that mileage.

posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: MotherMayEye

No problem. I wasn't targeting that specific video but more so the platform in general.

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