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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: Flesh699
a reply to: crankyoldman

Vibrational frequencies as addresses just blew my mind.
So you're saying we're living in a symphony of vibration. Lizards hijacked the instruments?

Yes, but not in the way you might think. The hijacking occurs through mostly manipulating personal awareness systems and the tools we use to perceive reality - the consensus reality. IIRC Ingo Swann said he found us to have [17] subtle senses - not five. The hijacking occurs by turning the five we are led to believe are it into mush - scented everything killed smell, vision issues for most (including third eye), dumbed down assaulted hearing, touch - forget about it at this point and taste = junk food nation. That's the big five blown to bits for most, so what about the rest?

Subtle example, for the most part the only thing I smell in public, or often even just out, are the chemical waste smells designed for mind control: Soap, perfume, lotions, dyes, fuel, plastics.... nothing natural and it is impossible to smell others - subtle smell senses destroyed.

Control the way in which we perceive things and we perceive what they want us to perceive. Those who perceive more will just go to hospitals, be outcast, arrested or killed to keep the scam going. The goal is to control most by continuously dumbing things down, making people sicker, more addicted and so on.

The other highjack system is far more complicated, and that is frequency manipulation at the grand scale through a complex method, mostly electronic/AI/tech. Think the "Matrix" films. Essentially an electronic hologram/web blankets the earth. Look at folks using the phone, it will tell you A LOT about the network - A LOT.

It gets more complicated when other factors are put into the mix, DNA, Soul purpose, Personal and Group Lineage, Earth itself and on it goes. A boatload of people meddle, some with good intentions, some with neutral intentions and some with malevolent intentions. This works, or doesn't, because we've lived in a VERY slow vibrational system --- 3d is glacial and because of it one can manipulate people 100 years in advance.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
Lin Wood

I am disappointed. I thought Justices Roberts & Breyer would avoid public scandal & simply resign. Only a fool wants their dirty laundry aired in public. Maybe I should consider filing a formal motion for recusal & hang their laundry on the clothesline to be exposed to sunlight?

crazy like a fox

What I say to that is he should stop talking and just do it for christsake.

Blah, blah, blah. It's more of the same crap we've been hearing for four years. All these accusations and Jack crap done about it.

Lin Wood, put your f'ing money where your mouth is and just bloody deliver. It's way past time.

Pay the F up, or shut the F up. Otherwise, you're just stealing my air.
edit on 1/2/2021 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 06:57 PM
It never ceases to amaze me how many proofs are coming from films!

I've just watched the closing scene of Castaway, starring Tom Hanx:

I don't recall anyone making the link when this James Comey tweet came out on April 1st, 2019 - also standing in the middle of a road looking to the horizon:

Note that Comey may have chosen April 1st to tweet as a pointer to the C_A 01.04.21 tweet yesterday (posted on previous page)

Note also that Comey is also wearing Black and White NIKE trainers, which is a pointer to the Tom Hanx Forrest Gump movie:

Gump wears NIKE trainers and a Black and White Nike T-shirt, as well as a baseball cap (another item both Comey and Hanx have worn in tweets).

He also runs through a CORN field which links to #3525 picture of Comey in a cornfield:

Back to the Castaway clip - notice that the Lady who stops to help him, "Bettina", has a DOG in the back of her truck and the tailgate has an Angel's wings on it. Hanx is only at the crossroads because he has just dropped a Fedex package at her ranch when she was out.

In the clip Bettina says to Hanx: "Good Luck, cowboy!" - which ties in to Hanx being the voice of Woody the cowboy in Toy Story in 1994, the year before Forrest Gump was made! Now look how Bettina looks like Jessie from Toy Story:

1) Comey was messaging to or about Tom Hanx... "Which way to Go?" ... "Run, Forrest, Run" or "You'll get trucked away by Whitehats like the other dogs, when you deliver the package"?

2) There is obviously a lot more and deeper messages going on in films than we have been aware of to date! Have these deliberately been filmed with symbols and scenes that bad actors in the cult can use to communicate with in real life?

edit on 2-1-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 07:07 PM

When the dove of peace is released, Trump is no longer there.

The writer asks: "Will the dove of peace become his albatross?"

Manhattan, inc November 1985 - The story behind one of the weirdest photos of our current president.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I told you guys this like two years ago. They use art, literature, film, and music to communicate amongst themselves.

Someone jumped me and said I don't understand the message.

No, I don't, but I see WTF they're doing. ‼️

See, now I'm pissed because I got the bloody great STFU, you're a fruitcake label because I say some off-the-wall sh*t sometimes.

If someone had taken me seriously two years ago we could have worked the problem as a team and creamed the code by now. 🌽🌽🌽
edit on 1/2/2021 by Creep Thumper because: UTTER MF'ING FRUSTRATION.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 07:14 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: Flesh699
a reply to: crankyoldman

Vibrational frequencies as addresses just blew my mind.
So you're saying we're living in a symphony of vibration. Lizards hijacked the instruments?

Yes, but not in the way you might think. The hijacking occurs through mostly manipulating personal awareness systems and the tools we use to perceive reality - the consensus reality. IIRC Ingo Swann said he found us to have [17] subtle senses - not five. The hijacking occurs by turning the five we are led to believe are it into mush - scented everything killed smell, vision issues for most (including third eye), dumbed down assaulted hearing, touch - forget about it at this point and taste = junk food nation. That's the big five blown to bits for most, so what about the rest?

I keep finding all these things weird. Like what are the chances covid affects your taste and smell in relation with your paragraph? What else is it doing?
And I was just thinking the other day that if the control grid is a frequency matrix of sorts and a group of people know how to escape that control grid, or "more in the know" so to speak, they're legitimately summoning stuff through sacrifice (energy release) and interact with whatever it is they're summoning. That act of sacrifice probably creates such force things can enter and leave when the door is opened, they use our bodies as doorways—or something.
There's probably crazy stuff all around us we don't see because that control grid.

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I told you guys this like two years ago. They use art, literature, film, and music to communicate amongst themselves.

Someone jumped me and said I don't understand the message.

No, I don't, but I see WTF they're doing. ‼️

That was the first thing that woke me up this year! Realizing they were communicating under our noses this whole time! Then I stumbled upon Q.

edit on fSaturdayAmerica/Chicago5007699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: Creep Thumper

Well I can now see you were right CT!

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 07:19 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
It never ceases to amaze me how many proofs are coming from films!

Have you seen "Deja Vu" [2006]? FedGov has the ability to look back in time like 4.5 days, any angle on a given physical point, which they use to solve a domestic terror incident. Sorta.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: kreinhard

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
It never ceases to amaze me how many proofs are coming from films!

Have you seen "Deja Vu" [2006]? FedGov has the ability to look back in time like 4.5 days, any angle on a given physical point, which they use to solve a domestic terror incident. Sorta.

Great movie, but I'm certain they're well beyond that now. It's like they're laughing at us, actually. Laughing at us flailing while they play their "fun and games", spook-speak for what the C👁️A does.

At 8chan they're always calling each other fags, which is why the whole Q thing is probably a sophisticated intelligence op.

We're a joke to them.
edit on 1/2/2021 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 07:29 PM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
Great movie, but I'm certain they're well beyond that now. It's like they're laughing at us, actually. Laughing at us flailing while they play their "fun and games", spook-speak for what the C👁️A does.

At 8chan they're always calling each other fags, which is why the whole Q thing is probably a sophisticated intelligence op.

We're a joke to them.

Mm, but take the premise of the movie further. In the movie they found a way to fold time-space on itself and interact with the past. Given the prescient (maybe) posts by Q, could they have figured out how to fold time-space forward and not just backward? What are the implications of that, if it were possible? Would you be viewing *this* time line in the future, or another one? An average of possible time lines?

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: Flesh699

Flesh, it goes beyond even that, the overt comms.

We're just a meatbag. That's why the truth would put 99% of us in the hospital.

What we really are is terrifying.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: kreinhard

Yeah but that’s a work of fiction.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: kreinhard

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
Great movie, but I'm certain they're well beyond that now. It's like they're laughing at us, actually. Laughing at us flailing while they play their "fun and games", spook-speak for what the C👁️A does.

At 8chan they're always calling each other fags, which is why the whole Q thing is probably a sophisticated intelligence op.

We're a joke to them.

Mm, but take the premise of the movie further. In the movie they found a way to fold time-space on itself and interact with the past. Given the prescient (maybe) posts by Q, could they have figured out how to fold time-space forward and not just backward? What are the implications of that, if it were possible? Would you be viewing *this* time line in the future, or another one? An average of possible time lines?

I hate to be brutal, but I knew this a long time ago. They've f**ked everything up by messing with timelines.

I think it's highly likely we're dealing with interdimensional entities or entities from the future, possibly even our distant descendants.

Remember Arthur C. Clarke - "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." That is my favorite GD quote because he nailed it.

Think about CERN. Why did they blow magnets as soon as they powered that sucker up? CERN is playing with fire. Ask yourself why they have Shiva out front. Why they had a pagan ritual performed when they opened the joint.

Lucifer is spitting in God's eye.
edit on 1/2/2021 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: kreinhard

Yeah but that’s a work of fiction.

I have been reading Science Fiction for a long time. A lot of things were fiction. Until they came true.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: kreinhard

Yeah but you can’t just pick a random movie and then decide that that one is actually a hidden clue to their actual capabilities.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 07:44 PM

originally posted by: kreinhard

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: kreinhard

Yeah but that’s a work of fiction.

I have been reading Science Fiction for a long time. A lot of things were fiction. Until they came true.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 07:45 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: kreinhard

Yeah but you can’t just pick a random movie and then decide that that one is actually a hidden clue to their actual capabilities.

Some creative media are more densely packed than others. "The Ninth Gate" is a good example.

Maybe it's like weaving a tapestry. They manipulate crap to correct mistakes or to wreak havoc or to steal. The tapestry gets rewoven. Who knows.
edit on 1/2/2021 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 07:46 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: kreinhard

Yeah but you can’t just pick a random movie and then decide that that one is actually a hidden clue to their actual capabilities.

“Dumb and Dumber” and “The Spy Who Shagged Me” we’re chocked full.

But seriously there was some documentation on old films that were supposed used as information/communication back in WW2/Cold War.
edit on 2-1-2021 by 38181 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 07:47 PM
Just 4 fun...TIMELAPSE OF FUTURE TECHNOLOGY: 2022 - 4000+ and time travel too in 17 minutes.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

The only thing that has ever convinced me that Q might be legit is #888 on March 8, 2018.

Thank you Kim.
Deal made.
Clowns out.
Strings cut.
We took control.
Iran next.

This drop implies someone from the US made a deal or agreement with North Korea / Kim around March 8, 2018. However there was ZERO mention of ANY trip by ANY US diplomats at the time.

It wasn't until weeks later April 18, 2018 that the MSM started to report a "secret CIA trip" by Mike Pompeo to North Korea took place saying the trip happened weeks prior.

CIA Director Mike Pompeo made a top-secret visit to North Korea
April 18, 2018 at 5:12 a.m. PDT

Mike Pompeo: CIA chief made secret trip to North Korea
18 April 2018

The "secret CIA trip" was so secret somehow Q knew it was a positive visit and it happened in March?

The MSM reported it happened over Easter weekend which would have been March 31st and April 1st. Either the MSM got the "secret CIA trip" date wrong, or Q knew about the trip as it was happening, or knew the outcome of the trip before it happened, or it was a lucky guess.

This is the only reason I ever continued watching Q. I am not focusing on the dates too much, after all if it was a "secret CIA trip" I feel the dates would be purposefully fuzzy for security reasons (to prevent someone tracking past flights, events, movements, etc.).

So I am mostly focusing on the fact that Q implied a US diplomat positively met with Kim, and then later the MSM reports a "secret CIA trip". It leaves me thinking Q is at least in communication with CIA assets.

Just thought I would mention this as Pompeo and Kim are being discussed again here.
edit on 2-1-2021 by More1ThanAny1 because: (no reason given)

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