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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 08:06 PM

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: pteridine

2021 incoming BOOMS..

Root is just a Vegas bullhorn mouth piece. He makes Lin Wood look tame as a kitten.

Maybe we'll all go out with a proverbial bang or a whimper...Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno.

No kidding? I've heard his name before, but know nothing of his history or personality. Is Mr. Root being a "Vegas bullhorn" good or bad? President Trump needs more bold supporters, IMO. McConnell, Graham, and company, are not it.
edit on 12/31/2020 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 08:30 PM
Heres wishing all of you amazing people a very Happy New Year and here's hoping 2021 is going to kick some serious ass

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 08:33 PM
WHY is VP Mike Pence (allegedly) seeking to have the suit filed against him by several Republican Congressman, thrown out?

Vice President Mike Pence asked a federal judge in Texas on Thursday to dismiss a Republican congressman’s attempt to give him the power to decide which electoral votes to count when Congress meets on Jan. 6, dealing another blow to GOP efforts to install President Trump for a second term.

In court filings signed by Trump appointees, the Justice Department called the lawsuit, filed this week by Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, a “walking legal contradiction” because it takes aim at the vice president, “ironically the very person whose power they seek to promote.”

The lawsuit, filed by Gohmert and a number of Republicans in Arizona, challenges the procedures governing Congress’ counting of electoral votes next week, which will cement Democratic President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.

Those long-established measures, spelled out in the Electoral Count Act of 1887, say the vice president’s role in announcing the election results is purely ceremonial. Gohmert argued the process unconstitutionally binds Pence from exercising “exclusive authority” to determine which elector votes to count at the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress he oversees.

Would the DOJ request this dismissal without Pence's knowledge and approval?

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: carewemust

He's a heavy right wing radio host conspiracy theorist in Las Vegas. He's out there on tin foil hat territory. I've listened to his show a number of times when I lived out near Vegas but back then I thought he was bat snip nuts.

He has an extensive wiki page but have to judge for yourself.



posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 08:47 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
Thank-you for sharing your experience with Wayne Root.

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: Flesh699

How do you kill a draco anyway?

Easy, separate the head from the thorax.

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 08:56 PM
60% of nursing home staff in Ohio are refusing to get vaccinated, according to the state governor

"We aren't going to make them, but we wish they had a higher compliance," said DeWine at a press conference.

Peter van Runkle, executive director at the Ohio Health Care Association, told Business Insider that social media misinformation was among the factors leading to care home staff avoiding the vaccine.

edit on fThursdayAmerica/Chicago4508699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: carewemust

The slant of the story reeks...
Election 2020: Gohmert Suit About So Much More Than Pence's Powers

Rep. Gohmert's lawsuit seeks to clarify the constitutional process for counting the Electoral College votes for president. In the end, it could also solve the century old confusion and ambiguity of what should happen in a questionable election like we are experiencing.

The headlines of a United States congressman suing the vice president appear strange. However, there are several important constitutional questions raised by the lawsuit that could be addressed and bring some much-needed guidance to our presidential election process.

The Most Important Question

First, if Rep. Gohmert wins the suit, it will mean that on Jan.6, Mike Pence has the sole authority to accept or reject electors. This could, and should, result in several states having their electoral votes rejected and the House ultimately choosing the president.

This is the most important question raised by Gohmert's suit. It focuses on whether Congress can strip a constitutionally granted power from the vice president through a federal law, rather than a constitutional amendment.

The World is Watching
Interesting Times

edit on 12312020 by MetalThunder because: 7 7 7

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 09:10 PM
Time and date this end is ;

01/ 01/ 2021

Each time I log in to ATS, well, take now for instance, the last message i just read is Dated 31 / 12 / 2020.

Reminds me of old song, 'Help Me Make It Through The Night'. ................ Yesterday is dead and gone - - and tomorrow's out of sight (Grin),

Why did I say that ????????? I was just wondering If anyone had watched the Large Ball Drop in or at Times Square. ??

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

The three powers, Presidential, Justice and House/senate are each equal and have equal power each against the others.

In reality, this needs to go back to We The People.

What you end up with is a Constitutional Crises that should have lead to a Constitutional Convention.

As long as the Chief Justice is a crook there can be no easy solution.

Is Rep. Gohmert a good guy or a bad guy ... that is the question we need to answer first.


ETA. Happy New Year and may 2021 shine some much needed Light and Justice for We The People to find their proper path and reclaim their Freedoms.
edit on 31/12/2020 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: steaming

I was just wondering If anyone had watched the Large Ball Drop in or at Times Square. ??

kinda looks like it's gonna be a "virtual" thing since Times Square is essentially empty right now. edit: almost as if we have been wiped out by a virus lol

edit on 12/31/2020 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: who paid for all those ads no one is watching haha

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

Greetings plus Full Best Wishes for a Happier than Happy New Year and Years Ahead.

Yes, I watched it all happen, Abscence of average Citizens , yet a hack of ' Planet Fitness advertisers ?', whatever that means. to the Right on the watched video 9-1-1 , kept appearing and surprised to see how the Maker /s of that Ball, 'Waterford', are in Ireland...

Bottles of Bubbly etc. seen yet as you say, a new selected style happening. Curious eh ??

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: Flesh699

Something the Media, Pundits, and Medical "Experts" refuse to see, is that most Americans believe our EYES and EXPERIENCES by magnitudes more than we believe THEM! They are simply arrogant, blind, azz-holes.

This clip of Senior Citizens protesting face-diapers, drives the MSM and Fauci crazy:

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: dashen

Read thru 9 pages and I just see the index of past stuff, followed by lots of bickering. I've tried the Q threads a few times but never cracked the code I guess.

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 09:53 PM
My Fellow Patriots,
Happy New Year!

2020 was a wild year. 90% behind scenes. 10% wall to wall coverage to distract.
The Traitors WILL NEVER be President.
Have faith.
Our Lord NEVER fails.

Pray for guidance, strength and courage.

Remember old drops (REL + others, ty!)

Read Art of War if you don’t understand what’s going on or feel downtrodden.


Semper Fidelis

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 09:58 PM
Happy New Years warrior!
I pray you're right on all fronts.

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 10:03 PM
Now I know who Flesh works for...

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 10:06 PM

originally posted by: 0311Warrior
My Fellow Patriots,
Happy New Year!

2020 was a wild year. 90% behind scenes. 10% wall to wall coverage to distract.
The Traitors WILL NEVER be President.
Have faith.
Our Lord NEVER fails.

Pray for guidance, strength and courage.

Remember old drops (REL + others, ty!)

Read Art of War if you don’t understand what’s going on or feel downtrodden.


Semper Fidelis

EXCELSIOR ! To the New Year Brother !

God Bless & GODSPEED

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: 0311Warrior

Happy New Year!!


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