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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 07:49 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
That's like a heavy accusation, man! (in his best Lebowski voice)

If untrue, I would think that would be a career ending accusation.

posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 07:56 PM
The DoD and DARPA are considering using blockchain technology to control America's nuclear and thermonuclear arsenal. Yes, you read that correctly. What could possibly go wrong.🤪


posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

A libel lawyer pushing the limits.

Note, he isn't accusing. He is asking....

posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 08:09 PM

CDC WHO and 100 years of garbage science said that jabs don't stop one from contracting anything, but might, maybe, possibly, perhaps, might make the possible infection less dramatic but definitely, positively, unequivocally will NOT keep one from infecting another.

Screw this, I'm off to study...

posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 08:16 PM
I posted footage of this Pence hand off just a couple days ago. This doesnt have the first view the other one does, but I do have the interaction between the woman and Pence slowed down and if you watch real close at the end, he does slip something into his pocket when he walks away.

She had 2 pieces of paper. She did transfer one back to her left hand. You dont see the one in her right hand because of the angle she is holding it to pass it off. Wasnt the smoothest move ever made that's for sure, but something did pass between them.

eta: Also watch POTUS as this is going on behind him. He almost looks like he is watching someone himslef for conformation maybe about what happened behind him? Or waiting to know when its okay to turn and move again.

I also agree that Scavino pic of POTUS was taken at the debate. Great eye. Sorry I cant remember who found it, but really good eye on your part!
edit on 12/30/20 by onehuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: dashen

True, however, lawyers don't typically ask unless they already know the answer. Can't wait to see where this one goes.

posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 08:23 PM
Random thought. What if POTUS is declassifying intel about the Chinese paying Afghanis to attack US soldiers as a warm up to telling us the Chinese were behind 9/11 and the government covered it up?
edit on 12/30/2020 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 08:23 PM
Sh*t just got real... or fake... hard to say these days.


I wonder who his source is...

edit on 30-12-2020 by More1ThanAny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: panoz77


posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: dashen

PM for you.

posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

What disturbing about that? Honestly I think it’s a great idea. We should use the same technology to secure our elections.

posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 08:28 PM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
a reply to: panoz77


Watch at 312-314, driver turns, reaches back, there appears to be a handgun in his hand pointed directly at JFKs head and kaboom.
edit on 30-12-2020 by panoz77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Yeah, they think we're stupid.

This Corona thing completely destroyed my expensive 2020 vacation. I'm not going to forget that. It may destroy this year's as well. I worked my a** off for the pension I get with the intent to enjoy myself upon retirement, particularly since I qualified for early retirement at 55. They are f**king with me.

I'm resisting in my own way. Everyone with brains is doing the same thing.

Right now, the worst thing we can do to them is ignore them. I highly recommend it. Their bitching shows up in the media daily.

I eat it with a chaser of Liberal tears.


a reply to: panoz77

Panoz, I'm familiar with the theory. I've been researching the assassination since the 60's.
edit on 12/30/2020 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 08:38 PM
I hadn’t noticed that until recently. It makes sense. Leave nothing to chance. Shooter with a rifle somewhere, doesn’t matter, hit or miss, while everyone is looking around driver turns around and shoots. 100% guaranteed hit. Would the agency settle for anything other than 100% guarantee? Jackie scared to heck and would never say a word.

originally posted by: panoz77

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
a reply to: panoz77


Watch at 312-314, driver turns, reaches back, there appears to be a handgun in his hand pointed directly at JFKs head and kaboom.

posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Ha, yea, perfect for 2020 going forward. The technocrat corporations would be in heaven.

2021 Corona-Manhattan cherry bomb

edit on 30-12-2020 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: More1ThanAny1

Why do I feel like he is hinting that Epstein is, in fact, still alive?

Mr. Wood is on fire tonight.

posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 08:49 PM
24 Posts With "Missile"

When this came up way way back, we wondered here how this would be taken by the pewblick. I wonder if this will be part of the Presidential Address? FWIW, BDAnon and Fren suggest the focus of the Presidential Address will be the Frankfurt Affair and not the local fallout, but the 7million votes the C_A goons flipped, leaving the locals to hang by association.

posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

I’m starting to think you don’t really understand how blockchain tech works, no offense. The technocrats as you so lovingly call them, don’t even know who invented this tech. They hold no power over it any more than you or I do. That’s kinda the point of the whole thing.

posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: More1ThanAny1

From Wales !!! That's a long and very risky journey! I thought from when this was previously discussed the children were from South America ? Is there any record of Epstein having contacts within Wales, I think particularly of people like Ian Watkins (ex Lost Prophets lead singer convicted of paedophilia in 2013).

posted on Dec, 30 2020 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper

originally posted by: FinallyFree72

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Mmm, I could swear Jackie wanted them sealed for 75 years. Believe I've posted that in an earlier thread.

While I certainly want to see them just like everyone else, I don't think we older members will.

What Jackie wanted shouldn’t even be a discussion at this point - JFK was the president, not a private citizen. They don’t have an expectation of privacy at all and certainly not one that continues on after both of their deaths. This being used as a reason/excuse should not be tolerated by anyone as far as I’m concerned. In fact, it should tick people off that the CIA and other government entities are using this as a reason to continue hiding information we have a right to.

I don't think you understand the power these people have. They respected her wishes because what happened to her husband was horrific and she was right next to him when it happened.

She crawled up onto the trunk of the limo to retrieve a piece of his head.

Have some respect.

That’s not why they respected her wishes. IMO, there was more to Jackie than meets the eye but my opinion of her is irrelevant... she is not alive anymore and whatever I thought or think about her Has nothing to do with keeping secrets about who killed her husband. I’m sorry but I don’t care if she was St Theresa - JFK was the president of the US and was likely assassinated by members of our own government. Our tolerance of their secrecy is what has allowed the DS to exist and grow in the time since JFK died. We should never be tolerating secrets that involve national security and we should never be placating any one person’s request for such secrecy - it shouldn’t matter who the heck you are. Quite frankly this is nothing more than the DS pandering to peoples’ sense of civility and using it against them to further their agenda.

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