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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 01:52 AM
ATS may have sold too soon.

We may be one of the last bastions of free speech soon.

Crazy how many accounts are being banned on all social media platforms.....even crazier are the folks that say it is ok.

Everyone should read about Wilhelm Reich....only person in US history to have his works banned and burned by the US government....

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 01:57 AM
a reply to: saladfingers123456
Awesome! Thanks saladfingers!!! and RelSciHistItSufi!!!!

edit on 9-1-2021 by Starcrossd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: saladfingers123456

We don't need to post as you'll be seeing new ones in your dreams anywho!

Thank God I don't dream in Spreadsheetese any more...

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: saladfingers123456

At the rate things are going, you won't have to read 15 pages in the morning. We might have thread 34 waiting for you by then.

This has been a crazy week and just think next week starts up by Earth going through a what again? SOLAR SECTOR BOUNDARY CROSSING

Earth is about to cross a fold in the heliospheric current sheet--a vast wavy structure in interplanetary space separating regions of opposite magnetic polarity. The crossing, called a "solar sector boundary crossing," is expected on Jan. 10th and (in combination with an incoming solar wind stream) could cause geomagnetic activity around Earth's poles this weekend.

Thank you to panoz77 for bringing this to our attention.

So last week we have a "Storming of the Capital" (or as Omar would say; some people walked somewhere), and this week we have an Earth sized issue dropping into a galaxy sized puddle. Anyone else wonder how big the following week is going to be?
edit on 9-1-2021 by Guyfriday because: why not

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 02:10 AM

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Yea, that poor soul got the Nazi treatment and later died in prison. Unreal!!

Those times are returning unfortunately.

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 02:26 AM

originally posted by: queenofswords
Tens of thousands of people are returning home from Washington DC and the absolutely glorious show of solidarity for our POTUS and for free and fair elections.

They were peace...passionate...and exercising their right to speak out and make their voices heard.

Whatever happened inside that Capitol bldg. is anybody's guess.

But, outside, patriots were merely showing solidarity for what is right. They were singing, holding flags, holding hands, and expressing their concerns.

As these patriots return home and share their experiences and videos across the "town square" platforms, are their videos and personal stories also going to be snuffed out by Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and others?

Will the pictures of fellow Americans singing and marching in peace to make their voices heard also be wiped off these platforms so those unable to attend won't get to see the first person unedited raw personal videos showing the enormous crowd and the enormous love expressed for each other and for our country, and for our POTUS? It was so evident, so real, and the crowd was enormous.

Some had to walk miles to get into the area from their hotels. But they did it. They did it! Patriots all.

Talk to someone that was there. Hear their incredible stories. Look at their pics and videos. They were 99.99999 per cent peaceful and no one thought anybody was advocating for rioting.

If you meet a patriot that took the time and effort to be there, thank them. Thank them for representing us and this movement. Shake their hand and tell them how much you appreciate their one drop of water that together with the hundreds of thousands of other drops was an ocean of American patriots.

I can believe it. There's nothing wrong with marching from the Oval to the Capitol Building, I think it's sooo idiotic of the press to try and make that out to be some sort of incitement. Those clowns...

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Twitter is also violating U.S. law by interfering with communications between the U.S. President and the people of this (and other) nations. The military would see this as the prelude to a coup attempt. I hope they treat this severing seriously, since the DOJ has been on the side of the coup plotters, to this point.

The FCC can shut them down by law for that, can't they? I'm not saying they WILL, but I think by law they can...

It literally was a threat to national security at that time, especially when you consider what he was trying to communicate. 'Go home. There needs to be peace.'(paraphrased)

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 02:30 AM
a reply to: 0311Warrior

Thanks for the radio check, Marine.



posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: carewemust


QMAP - 4856
See both sides using symbols, word play/double-triple meanings.
Like the "perfect call" - allows meanings to change based on reader.
Besides "disinformation", could it be a hidden "we know" warning:

"FBI has confirmed that "Hackers have...."

1) Blaming "hackers" = distractions to control the narrative
2) Hackers vs inside job (via build-in backdoor in software)
3) Some in the FBI in on the disinformation campaign.
(Same playbook used with DNC "Russia hackers"/Wikileaks vs Seth Rich???)

Remember this:
Researchers Find Critical Backdoor in Swiss Online Voting System

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 02:38 AM
Here they go... David Cicilline tweet of the new "Articles of Impeachment", tweeted at 9 mins past midnight:

NEW: I am circulating Articles of Impeachment that @RepTedLieu, @RepRaskin and I have prepared to remove the President from office following yesterday's attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Click link to see pics of the document!

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 02:45 AM

originally posted by: combatmaster
a reply to: PokeyJoe

WHat about this....

I chat to a mate most nights.... simple friend talk out of boredom.... he is overseas... anyway, he tells me that a few times already in the middle of our chat the line cuts me off and then he hears our conversation being played from the beginning of the call, like it was recorded.

That got him paranoid.... what do u make of that?? its a watsapp call btw!

Sounds like you might have gotten 'Maxwelled'(a reference to Jordan Maxwell, not Ghislaine) as I like to call it, although I think that qualifies as being 'Bennewitzed' as well. The thing where they create a glitch because they want you to know that they're listening, and they can monitor or disrupt your communications whenever they feel like it.

I'm not sure if it is a psych tactic, or just a running gag, or perhaps a little of both. You think about it, our modern telecom has any number of middle men that could step into the signal and pull some voodoo if they felt like it. Not just three letter types, but bored techs or whatever. It could just be a glitch of course. Also, possibly a local EW actor close to you or your pal I suppose.

I've experienced something very similar, and it was intentional. We were talking through the screen, mocking the imaginary serveillers that we didn't actually believe were there, when we encountered fifteen minutes of unexplainable disruption that occurred for no good reason. They'd let us call each other back, give us a good signal, then zap us once we started trying to chat again. Somebody was messing with us. It was wild.

originally posted by: Stevenmonet
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Couple of hooterite kids hold the record for a 60 odd inch pike on that lake. I've caught my share of pike and walleye outa there. Usually head home with about 25- 35 lbs worth. Them female walleyes all should come in a few days. Mostly males while I was out, so might check out again soon. I just don't know if the smoker and freezer will be able to keep up.

That's cool. Sounds like fun. Be safe out there.

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Is Parler no longer allowing comments on E or Wood posts?
Latest ones have no comment section.

Perhaps they have an option of turning the comments off?

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 02:57 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

So more "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" but no real statements of what Trump did other than gave a speech. Typical Trotskyist deflection; "Look at what I can do, now you let me do that so your the guilty one here".

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 03:08 AM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: Guiltyguitarist

The military is not going to do anything. More than half the Generals in charge are lefties and the rest are politicians who are more worried about their cushy jobs at Northrup Grumman than doing what is right. The military is not going to ever be used for political issues like we’re seeing now. That is a fantasy.

You really think anybody is going to stick their necks out and risk their reputations, safety and livelihood for Trump and his supporters after what happened Wednesday? Even if it was a good thing realistically and not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things, it’s being made to be the worst thing since 9-11 in the world of the regular people. NOBODY has Trumps back anymore. And when I say nobody I don’t mean regular folks like us. I mean people in positions of power and authority. The optics are so bad it’s ridiculous.

Nobody's going to support him publicly at least, at this point. The press and the congress in this context to me conjure the image of a pair of rabid pitbulls in the courtyard of a hotel, waiting to maul the next person that sticks their head up from cover. Their rage seems absolutely psychotic to me. Of course they've been consistently unhinged for awhile now, but seems up a notch or two.

Of course, when you look at it in the context of how corrupt these people really are, it all seems to make a lot more sense. If they think Trump can bring them down, they've got to be freaking out right about now. A lot can happen in ten days.

Hopefully they don't do anything to rash-oh-too-late!

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Here they go... David Cicilline tweet of the new "Articles of Impeachment", tweeted at 9 mins past midnight:

NEW: I am circulating Articles of Impeachment that @RepTedLieu, @RepRaskin and I have prepared to remove the President from office following yesterday's attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Click link to see pics of the document!

These jokers...

originally posted by: Heirophant
a reply to: IAMTAT

E's latest post says that - "on a good note Twitter stock is currently tanking". Couldnt happen to a nicer guy

Well there's a silver lining. I hope Facebook is taking a pounding too.
edit on 9-1-2021 by TheBadCabbie because: because

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 03:38 AM

originally posted by: awhispersecho
OK so, in spite of it looking like it's about to get real and not in a good way, I have a question about something I just can't wrap my head around. We seemingly have 3 different narratives at play.

One is that this was not a normal 4 year election and the whole Last president thing. I interpret that as.. well, as this is the end of everything so to speak.

Another narrative is that things are going as planned but Trump may or will not be the one in office when it's all said and done.

The 3rd narrative is that Trump will end up being the President for a 2nd term.

Each of these seems to have certain people who consistently stick with each one. For instance Wood and Flynn say Trump will be in. Other sources have consistently gone with one of the other narratives. So my question is, how is there 3 narratives being pushed by different people if there is one plan? Hope I'm asking this right. But which is it? What is the prevalent belief amongst everyone here and doesn't the differing narratives give you pause or concern?

Interesting thoughts. I think it could go any way, or other, we'll just have to see how it plays out.

If one, doesn't mean it's the end of everything. Biden will probably be the dictator that many feared in Trump, doesn't mean will be the dictator that many feared in Trump. Honestly though I have serious concerns about a Biden presidency. His rhetoric and stated goals as a would be chief executive are scary, in my opinion. I think it will be very bad for our country if we go there.

If two or three, doesn't exactly mean that we can all relax right after that. Probably still going to be a wild time. I lean toward two or three, I'm not married to any particular belief though. I'm content to say that I don't know, and see how it plays out. Any outcome will not affect my point of view, or desires of good things for our great nation.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Just watched 5 mins of BBC News... it was so partisan I had to turn off after that. A few interesting "Agendas" were pushed though:

1) American "Law expert" saying that Donald Trump should NOT be able to pardon himself before leaving office... Let's hope that's correct because it means Obama's pardons to himself and his cabinet will be invalid!

2) That it should be possible to IMPEACH him before he leaves office "To stop him ever holding public office again", because Muh... Capitol Building... Incitement.

The above did make me think though... Could POTUS demand to be tried by Military Tribunal as C-I-C in such a case? Hence allowing him to put all evidence to date before a Military Court?

That's an interesting thought. Perhaps...

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 03:54 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Before Twitter started doing all the purging, I was reading about how the U.S. President account is critical to the President (any President) being able to communicate. Twitter disabling it for 12 days is a National Security violation. If President Trump is able to activate the 2018 Exec Order, Twitter will have hell to pay. Actually they would pay now, if the DHS or DOJ were to deliver a punishment. But, those two agencies have been infiltrated by either China or Aliens.

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 04:03 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: TheBadCabbie
I don't think there is a way to force a change of government leadership legally. And a forceful overthrown shouldn't be attempted unless a significant majority of the citizens are under severe duress. Maybe 70% or more of the U.S. population?

Lots that could go wrong with that for sure, and yes I believe you are correct. There is no provision in law for that sort of thing.

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: TheBadCabbie
DNI John Ratcliffe said on FoxBusiness in late November that there are hundreds of public officials and business leaders who have been compromised by China. Either by Bribes or Coercion or Blackmail. That's a huge story that 98% of the media will never cover.

The most frustrating thing to me is how our DHS-DOJ-Judiciary has failed every single American, by knowingly and intentionally refusing to expose and prosecute such rampant lawlessness by those at higher levels in our government and the business world.

When Q and certain pundits began exposing deep-state criminals, it was very exciting. You just knew that JUSTICE was coming their way.

Now, after tons of election irregularities and associated sworn affidavits have been ignored by every single authority, any new "revelation" is met with a, "So what, nobody's going to to anything about it" attitude.

All faith and hope rests with President Trump now. SINK or SWIM for TODAY's AMERICA is 100% in his hands.

Agree, I sure hope he pulls something awesome off here in a minute. Otherwise it's probably really gonna suck. Could be the end of America as we know it.

I share your frustrations. Our system of government is failing us horribly with the corruption that has been allowed to flourish, and there is no legal mechanism for fixing it. It's in our faces, and there's nothing that can legally be done about it.

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 04:08 AM
a reply to: nerbot

My own thoughts as of recent months have been similar. The lockdowns were preparation for what’s coming. Maybe not preparing the general population but governments needed to restrict our lifestyle for whatever reason. “The Movie” is exactly what we see in US politics, pandemic, Brexit etc, it’s a distraction, smoke and mirrors for the blind.

Solar flare, I doubt they could predict that with such accurate precision, months or years in advance. Asteroids, then absolutely they could predict an exact date and point of impact and make preparation.

Regardless having followed this thread since it began I interpret the warnings as truly biblical. Not only here but other signs and articles I see and read. Especially the BS pushed out by MSM. It’s all out there that SOMETHING is coming, something big and we cannot stop it.

I read something recently that we (our spirits) chose to be here in our mortal existence at this particular point in time. We wanted to be part of what is happening and that we each have a part to play in its narrative. That is somewhat comforting.

But in all honesty I really do hope that I’m just a paranoid crazy conspiracy theorist

edit on 9-1-2021 by thesaint because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 04:09 AM

originally posted by: SuperStudChuck
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

I’m just here for them to bring out a surprisingly spry 103-year-old JFK as the Democrat who brings this all down.

Hehe. That would be epic.

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Before Twitter started doing all the purging, I was reading about how the U.S. President account is critical to the President (any President) being able to communicate. Twitter disabling it for 12 days is a National Security violation. If President Trump is able to activate the 2018 Exec Order, Twitter will have hell to pay. Actually they would pay now, if the DHS or DOJ were to deliver a punishment. But, those two agencies have been infiltrated by either China or Aliens.

Correction. China, aliens, or 'other'...

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 04:22 AM
Good morning friends.

Wow I just logged on twit and it's been well and Truly thinned out. Almost everyone I follow has gone.

Still some interesting things to see though - . ..

Go to this thread guys. There's a video of Lt. General Thomas McInerney posted an hour ago . .. listen to him . ..

Edit: Got the full vid on yt. Jump to 36.20 guys to listen to Lt Gen McInerney . ..

edit on 9-1-2021 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 04:41 AM

originally posted by: thesaint
a reply to: nerbot

My own thoughts as of recent months have been similar. The lockdowns were preparation for what’s coming. Maybe not preparing the general population but governments needed to restrict our lifestyle for whatever reason. “The Movie” is exactly what we see in US politics, pandemic, Brexit etc, it’s a distraction, smoke and mirrors for the blind.

Solar flare, I doubt they could predict that with such accurate precision, months or years in advance. Asteroids, then absolutely they could predict an exact date and point of impact and make preparation.

Regardless having followed this thread since it began I interpret the warnings as truly biblical. Not only here but other signs and articles I see and read. Especially the BS pushed out by MSM. It’s all out there that SOMETHING is coming, something big and we cannot stop it.

I read something recently that well all (our spirits) chose to be here in our mortal existence at this particular point in time. We wanted to be part of what is happening and that we each have a part to play in its narrative. That is somewhat comforting.

But in all honesty I really do hope that I’m just a paranoid crazy conspiracy theorist

I had seen nerbot's post as well and had meant to reply as well, glad I saw yours. I honestly share your apocalypse fever, and reasoning for it. The near future looks rough regardless of what happens in the next couple of weeks from my perspective. I have a building sense of premonition that usually precedes an important event for me that has not yet peaked. It's really intense, and has been building for some time. Kind of annoying, actually, but what are you gonna do? Life goes on.

Anyway, it's something. Q-plan? War? Giant meteor? Volcanoes? Tsunami? Killer robots!?! I dunno. Sure seems like something's about to happen. Not just premonition though. Current events are pretty bleak at the moment, what with the world as it is at present. Rona madness. Untested vaccine.(Mandatory? Not yet...) America culturally divided. Apparently widespread corruption in government, with no legal remedy. The perversion of science for nefarious ends, as a routine activity. A repugnant president elect who's supposed to be about to take office; that or go to prison, depending on who you're listening to.

Hell, after listing all that, I'm not sure that any apocalyptic fever is necessary for a little anxiousness. Reality's pretty intense on its own right now, no edited in sense of impending doom required!

It's alright folks, this too shall pass. You'll get through it. You are resilient.

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