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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: More1ThanAny1

Fair enough. If you think the evidence suggesting they were antifa outweighs the evidence suggesting he was not then there is nothing left to discuss.

When BLM were burning down a store, if they all shouted Proud Boys and then ran off would you have accepted this as suitable enough evidence? No? Does it need to fit your agenda to meet the criteria?

Having seen what the Proud Boys clashes with police prior to the rally were like. Do you really think its beyond reason that they could have smashed windows and participated in violence?

Why after months of Trump supporters claiming Antifa are wimps and losers have they allowed them to infiltrate and walk freely among the patriots? How many Antifa make up the Trump rally crowds?

You think there were thousands of Patriots there but every single piece of violence and destruction was probably done by antifa right.... right? Sounds logical.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 05:32 AM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: Guyfriday

Im with you . Time has run out. Put up or STFU.

It looks like from the data and the affidavits that Lin Wood is posting the Marines are working now. The major moves are coming now or we can say it's over and done.

There simply is only a 14 days or less timeframe we are under. So no matter what, either Q did the job or the Cabal did.

I am a person of Hope and I know we will survive no matter. I hope the evil ones don't survive.

edit on 7-1-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: carewemust

My biggest question is why are they all so scared and running with their tails between their legs?

What is the hold the left has over them? Are they ALL compromised??

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 05:44 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Guyfriday
Bingo! I'm ignoring Lin Wood's "revelations" now, because he's becoming the Adam Schiff of Republicans. Hopefully, unlike Schiff, Lin will provide PROOF to match his accusation tweets, like CodeMonkey Ron did this morning, regarding Seth Rich and Mike Pence.

Rudy Giuliani is trying to follow the legal path, with real evidence of election irregularities. But every judge in America must fear for their life. They all throw the cases out before examining the evidence.

Here is where we have to have citizens arrests and elect new judges who follow the COTUS and don't throw things out without allowing evidence to even be presented.

We need to have a Magna Carta type event with the Government cheaters.

They need to be retired. They can go quietly in the night or the citizens will arrest them and we will let the process work for them. I suspect they prefer we come and arrest them before they will give up their position. They are stuck supporting the Cabal from their own doing not ours. Just because they are beholden to something other than the COTUS they swore to preserve, we have to arrest them.

We need to carefully find a way to arrest these criminals wherever they operate. We are right to arrest them and we need to do it the right way. The data is there to prove who is in on the gaming of the elections. They can defend their actions before a jury of 12.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 05:47 AM
Now they have accepted the fraudulent results despite all being fully aware of all the 'irregularities' that were clearly stated in the objections, the crime has escalated from 'attempted' coup to a real actual coup.

An 'attempted' coup - they could argue that they likely wouldn't have gone through with it when it came to the vote, a change of heart, a sudden attack of conscience at the 11th hour, so to speak. They would have to have the benefit of any doubts, from a legal standpoint?

But they can't use that 'seed of doubt' here and now, because they actually went through with the coup and voted for/with it. Witnessed by literally the world.

We all saw and heard the fraud detailed in the objections. We all know that any doubts cast upon the integrity of elections means they cannot and should not accept the results. They heard the many objections and ignored every word.

Now they're bang-to-rights guilty, not of attempting a coup de tat, but of actually successfully committing it. All evidenced. The world as a witness.

It all had to go this far to expose these people for what they Truly are, they would have stayed hidden otherwise and therefore would have always posed a threat that we would be unprepared for. Expose them and get rid. We have to have clean members in governments going forward, or all this last few years would all be for nothing.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 05:50 AM
Any chance of a brief update, ended up burnt out and crashed by the time the vote count restarted, things ain't looking good as far as I can tell.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 05:52 AM

originally posted by: More1ThanAny1
a reply to: Hamlin

Oh would you look at that. Someone who has been talking in absolutes wants evidence and proof all of a sudden. You're transparent.

There are some posts you should skip right over, as they are designed to enrage you.

That being said, this foolishness about impeachment and the 25th Amendment is just that - foolishness.

Only a moron would consider such a remedy with only two weeks left to go until inauguration. It's all an act, and a very bad one.

From the breach yesterday, this is all high theatre. We're being walked through a script designed like an abattoir, to guide us to a predetermined destination.

We won't know what that is until we get there. but I'm pretty sure it won't be pleasant.

We the People, the average citizens of the United States are not wanted. They only things the swamp wants from us is our labor and our money. Other than that they'd rather we all f**ked right off.

We are chattel.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: doobydoll


Their is no charge of Attempted Treason.

Now ... Treason is the charge ... and whatever else these miscreants have done.


On another issue, why would the good guys need computers reportedly stolen from inside the Capitol.

I assume it was needed. Perhaps the encryption used by the black hats has had an upgrade.

Just a thought.


posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: Catch_a_Fire

My view only, Trump is done. Not just 'done over' by the Dems but also Republicans.
Now they are baying for his blood.
Whether he can or even does run again in 4 years is another matter, I personally am not hanging around to analyse and dissect what is coming down the road and whether it is right or wrong.

This was, not just America, but the whole World's one and only opportunity to expose world wide corruption, fraud and evil and it has failed.
I have one life to live and I'm going to live it in my own little 'bubble' while the world, not just America, will now go to hell in a handbasket.

This is how I feel waking up this morning.

Sad Rainbows

edit on am16America/ChicagoThursday2021-01-07T06:03:49-06:0006America/Chicago01000000 by angelchemuel because: spelling!

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: onthedownlow
a reply to: carewemust

If nothing can stop whats coming, there is no need to shudder their confidence. I am climbing out of my skin here. But, what are our options?

This feels like being cut off, maybe this is our 10 days of darkness. Hang tough brother, your faith has helped keep me sane the last four years, don't lose faith now

Maybe it is. We are certainly at a poop or get off the pot time.

Jan 20 seems like an eternity when every news bite is a spin chance to slam good people trying to preserve the Republic of the United States wherever they are. No matter who they are if they support common sense with everything from biology to math the crybabies try to cancel them. If China seeming involvement is true here, we have to clean house and the DOD needs to move or we are Chinese subjects now.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

I must admit I slept with similar thoughts, was really worried about what this may have changed.

Surely this had to of been expected, it was obviously going to come to this, at some point. The plan was coming to a head, hows it failed in the very final throws. I can understand your point, therell be many here sharing your sentiment. I do wonder if this is the necessary 'scare'.

I personally think any hope of recovery is very slim now, he would have to out every dirty politician and air their laundry, with all associated evidence. Every action that's been against him needs to be made public, the assassination attempts need to come to light.

When you think about it, he should still have enough to swing a lot of these politicians by the neck, weve all been made aware of the deeds of these people.

He needs to do it before he loses the platform to do it.

Thanks for your take on this, you always give a valued opinion

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 06:35 AM
I think we are now Through the Looking Glass, having watched the evidence build over 3 years:

As we are now on the other side of the Glass, MARKERS are reversed and give us an indication of key dates through inauguration:

MARKERS now indicate:
[0] = Jan 6th,

[1] = Jan 7th,

[5] = Jan 11th (= (202)1.1.11 = 11.11),

[10] = Jan 16th (=1.1.6 = 11.6 = HRC arrest?)

[15] = Jan 21st = day after inauguration... POTUS45 or POTUS 46?

We've been told that we will understand what will happen next at the end of the plan - I think this explains it... we can now look up relevant posts. For example, Ten days. Darkness takes us to Jan 16th and on Jan 11th these 11.11 posts become relevant:

#1234 AMERICA WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN! 11.11.18. (6pm?)

#1357 What must happen pre 11.11? 11.11 provided as strategic marker. Post midterms. RED wave coming? Strength. Justice.

#2288 MIDTERM ELECTIONS>>> [Days Prior] 11.11 What a wonderful day!

#2396 POTUS meeting PUTIN on 11.11 Now what are the odds of that?

#3579 /agg_image_failure/ /route_DoD_11.11.18/ America Will Be Unified Again. Future Proves Past.

edit on 7-1-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

You may be right. I really can't bear to watch the destruction of my country.

I dumped cable a decade ago. I removed most of my news bookmarks since last night. There isn't much out there that isn't vicious, hysterical propaganda.

I'm descending into a personal bubble to protect myself, as I live alone. My sister is 1500 miles away and doing the same.

The DS is firmly entrenched. It's going to take more than one good man, Trump, to destroy it. With a loyal team he might have succeeded, but when you are surrounded by cowards it's a hard thing to do. You spend all your time firing jellyfish and plugging holes in the dike.

I'm sure they'll smear the hell out of him and try to charge him with all kinds of crap. I hope he goes out and plays golf, plays with his grandkids, goes back to his normal life and his businesses.

He will be recognized as vilified at some point in the future after we are all dead, the one man who made an effort to make the world a better place by reigniting American patriotism.

It's very hard to see a human being so badly treated, attacked multiple times a day for four long years. I'm amazed he's still standing.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 06:43 AM


posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 06:47 AM
I am thinking that I will get a Babel course to learn Mandarin. Is that the predominate Chinese language?
Not going to side with our new overlords, I just want to know what the guards are saying while I am in the prison camp waiting to donate my organs.
Not really kidding.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:07 AM
At least we got past the hump - the best Q drops were always the "Ending"

Now we can get on with the show ... ....

Ever see a concession stand at a "Riot" ?

edit on 172021 by MetalThunder because: 7 7 7

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:11 AM
You boys and girls need a pep talk.

What part of "You are watching a movie" don't you understand!

This is designed to wake up 95% of damaged Citizens who have fallen under the spell of the Deep State.

Once the Media starts to tell the truth, and that may well be by putting a great many away in prison, then the steps can be laid bare.

This is an actual coupe in progress.


posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

I mean its a CIA Triad.


But sure, whatever floats your boat and your own symbolism fetishes.
Its telling how quickly you'll fabricate something to go after me personally rather than provide counter points.

Trumps staff are dropping like flies.

I guess this was one way for him to drain the swamp? Just strange he's surrounded himself with so much of it.

Rels decodes are going to give more dates going forward, I'm thinking they can stretch this out for another few weeks while Lin Wood stokes fires on parler/twitter.

Did Rudy not hint that they have more voting evidence from the Georgia election? This needs to be released asap, there can be no rational reason to withhold everything they have now. Rudy/Lin need to drop evidence NOW. No more stringing people along for followers and donations.

Can people please stay on topic, its a thread about Q not personal feelz about Biden/Chinese. Personal attacks on members is really poor etiquette.
edit on 7-1-2021 by Hamlin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:17 AM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
At least we got past the hump - the best Q drops were always the "Ending"

Now we can get on with the show ... ....

Ever see a concession stand at a "Riot" ?

1:23 god that was funny.

Hey FlyingFox, please a simple meme for 1:23. I needs it pleeeasee. Lol


posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 07:18 AM
a reply to: pheonix358

This is designed to wake up 95% of damaged Citizens who have fallen under the spell of the Deep State.

From what I can see, very many more have fallen under that spell just yesterday.
Your pep talk has not done a great deal to inspire me. Not your fault, just not seeing any reason to believe that something is suddenly going to change.
Trust me, I want you to be able to shove this post in my face very soon and say "I told you so!"

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