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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 03:08 AM

originally posted by: RsaWarhawk

originally posted by: dashen
, what really makes me wonder is what were these people thinking when they rushed into the capital?

What did they think was going to happen afterwards?

It really is a Wonder.

it was obvious from the live feeds they didnt have plans.. they did not think they would get in.
it was antifia mixed in with emotional trump supporters.. see unity! I think you would find the average libertarian and anarchist have a lot of commonalities.

The girl who was shot was literally just standing there i dont believe it was justified. but because its a trump supporter the news willl gloss overthe death.

Also, disagree. The media will dance on her bones if possible and exploit her death to condemn Trump supporters, Q people, 'alt-righters', and anybody else they can try to stick it to.

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Jay Electronica

originally posted by: dashen
, what really makes me wonder is what were these people thinking when they rushed into the capital?

What did they think was going to happen afterwards?

It really is a Wonder.

A better question is what did Trump think would happen when he announced to all those protestors "we are going to walk to the Capitol"?

When the President angrily said this morning, "We are not going to take it anymore"...TWICE... It gives the impression he wants action from the "We".

It's time for President Trump to stop complaining and do what he has made possible. Get Ratcliffe to release the Election Interference report, and then execute the 2018 E&O. He's planned what's the hold-up? Ratcliffe is really a Pence?

They could still be gathering evidence. Maybe the Army or whoever said 'no', and it won't happen. I dunno. I guess we'll see.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 03:08 AM

This doesn't make sense. The president of the United States was literally just censored infront of the world, has to have Dan post for him, and Biden is the president.
What in the flying # is going on? lmao

I'm not buying any of this. It doesn't make sense!
edit on fThursdayAmerica/Chicago0303699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 03:11 AM
Hard to bring my thoughts together. 4am post. I will just post though threads.

I have repeatedly warned against Pense.

I have repeatedly warned against republicans and always maintained dems/reps two side of same coin screwing us over.

Q, for any flaws, has exposed many in the world to the truths we here on ATS have been exposing but no one listened.

These people are evil.

Linwood might be crazy but he’s describing typical MKULTRA techniques. Or the techniques the people behind it use to control people who aren’t split. Split = ptsd+ in w threads. PTSD DID NOS.

The group doing it are not USA. They are international group using USA resources. Much of it happened in Canada.

Q has exposed much. It has emboldened others to speak up.

The ties between MKULTRA and pedo is many and deep. They use it to split children and control people. What Lin described is typical. Thousands and thousands are used abused and killed.

These people are sick.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 03:38 AM

originally posted by: panoz77
a reply to: saladfingers123456

Tons of video showing many of the "bad actors" today were ANTIFA infiltrators. Video of white buses full of ANTIFA being police escorted into the area. Also, the actors with helmets and riot gloves were infiltrators as well as the actors breaking the windows.

This is all 100% False and lies

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 03:44 AM
Sounds like Rudy confirming the plan was to get supporters to stall and delay the confirmation as long as possible.

There doesn't seem to be any other plan to trust or evidence they have to drop.

I'm calling you because I want to discuss with you how they're trying to rush this hearing and how we need you, our Republican friends, to try to just slow it down

Not only is it another blunder by Rudy but maybe shows that Trump has used all the cards he had left.

Makes sense why he is now asking for a peaceful transfer.

If Lin Wood.... Q..... General Flynn or anyone has anything more than just words and hyperbole then it needs to happen now.

(post by Flesh699 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 04:09 AM
Let's not jump the gun. No-one has been inaugurated yet. Trump is still President.

Trump hasn't conceded. The word 'concede' hasn't been spoken by him except when saying he'll never concede.

Remember, politicians we thought were loyal, always on our side, we thought would never betray us under any circumstances and especially so if we should come under any kind of threat - turns out we were mistaken. They were loyal to the dark side all along, and right up until the critical moment had us all convinced otherwise.

They think they are safe from the consequences of their most diabolical betrayal to mankind and country, because they think they have won this election.
But what has happened is not a victory for them. It has caused them to expose who and what they really are to the entire world. Now we see them. We didn't see them before, and likely never would have. This vote has exposed them. The world sees them, and sees what they have done, and knows now without any shadow of a doubt the extent of crimes these 'people' are prepared to commit to achieve power and dominance over everyone else, including other world leaders.

The politicians accepting the fraudulent results, they all are aware of the fraud. They've chosen their side of their own free will.

No-one is inaugurated yet. Trump is still President. We are now aware of the enemies that were hiding amongst us. We see them now.

Let's see how much more we will see now they think they have got away with their fraud. How many other hidden enemies will crawl out from the deepest-darkness where they've always lived, unseen, quiet, un-famous, because they think it will be safe to do so now they think they won?

Remember friends, this is God's Plan. He works in the most mysterious and unpredictable ways. And He always wins. Amen.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 04:14 AM
The narrative to push that any trouble was purely caused by Antifa who infiltrated Trump supporters is being widely debunked and discredited. It is damage control and denial that keeps people pushing those lies.

The Capitol police wanted to avoid violence. They decided due to their lack of numbers and lack of preparedness the best course of action was to regroup as a last stand to try and keep protestors out of the chamber (they failed).


Allowing Protestors to enter the Capitol, shout and chant and hopefully then leave was the plan.
Instead some of these patriots whipped up by the crowd went further, this is when the capitol police and secret service had to use violence to keep them back.

Anyone pushing the antifa infiltration angle is clearly ignoring the facts. Those prominently pictured in the senate chamber and breaking the capitol windows have long, searchable, researchable histories of supporting Trump and or in most cases supporting the Q Movement.

It looks like Trump/Rudy etc whipped the crowd into a frenzy, and once they arrived at the capitol they tried to get as far as possible. Ultimately things got out of control.


Capitol police seemed to be outnumbered.

The White House said National Guard troops along with other federal protective services were sent the Capitol to help end the violent occupation.

Armed FBI agents were also seen wearing bullet-proof vests on the streets of Washington.

Once they got inside, guns were drawn
In the House Chamber, guards were forced to barricade the entrance and draw their guns as protesters attempted to break in.

They held position... retreated and regrouped until they could bring in more numbers and then finally barricading to try and keep the mob out. This was a Patriot mob, the ones that Trump asked to walk to the Capitol.

Was it poor planning to not have more police presence? Or was this orchestrated by Trump? Or the Dems? Who gained from letting them get this far?

Either way. It was "patriots" not antifa. Deny ignorance people.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 04:20 AM
Here is proof Antifa started the destruction of property.

Trump supporters were trying to stop them. People yelling Antifa in audio. They cheered when Trump supporters pulled Antifa away from breaking the window.

They thought they can just slap a Trump bumper sticker on their helmets and everyone would think they are Trump supporters.

You can now stop claiming to know anything when you clearly don't.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 04:27 AM
Many at the gathering were already on the lookout for Antifa.

Here is a video where someone suspected two of being Antifa:

None of us have the same amount of context as the creator of the video above, so we can only assume they saw something more suspicious than what was captured in the short clip. So any comment that it doesn't prove anything is just null. You were not there.

With the full respirator mask and odd googles. They were clearly trying to hide their identity even when they were not doing anything wrong which is suspicious. Especially wearing a mask that heavy outdoors, they must be really scared of the virus.
edit on 7-1-2021 by More1ThanAny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: More1ThanAny1

If you consider this proof and not evidence then you have already set the bar so low.

Who was it at the front? Name, history, proof they are a known antifa agent?
Was this the start of the destruction? Proof please.

How is this any different from QAnon turning on QAnon supporters claiming they are Antifa.
Your video shows Trump supporters turning on each other, some wanted to cause destruction others didn't.

There is no proof of Antifa in your PROOF video other than a woman screeching "Antifa".

I grant you its a good talking point, but to label it as proof is disingenuous. Deny ignorance, don't just see what you want to see.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 04:35 AM
a reply to: Hamlin

Oh would you look at that. Someone who has been talking in absolutes wants evidence and proof all of a sudden. You're transparent.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 04:37 AM
a reply to: More1ThanAny1

Yeah thats a weird looking Trump supporter.

No we cannot "assume" the creator is correct. They are extremely biased source.

Have you seen the Proud Boys and how they dress and their modus operandi?

You have people dressed in pro-Trump gear, attending a pro-Trump rally amount people you freely call "patriots".
But as soon as you don't like something they do, you say its most likely they are antifa.

This is illogical, the most logical assumption is YES they were patriots/proud boys/qanon.

Speculating that they could be undercover antifa is a very valid thought process. This is a conspiracy site. But trying to just blanket wash this as antifa with less evidence than their is to suggest they were trump supporters is ignorance.

And this isn't labelled at you More1 because I actually think you are bringing more evidence and are more balanced in your discussion than anyone else has been. But the most logical explanation is still... it was Trump supporters.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 04:40 AM

originally posted by: Hamlin
Either way. It was "patriots" not antifa. Deny ignorance people.

Come on now... Who was it at the front? Name, history, proof they are a known "patriot"? Proof please.

originally posted by: Hamlin
No we cannot "assume" the creator is correct. They are extremely biased source.

I never said to assume the creator was correct. If you can't get your act together and read my posts correctly I will have to terminate our communications.

Where is your proof they are extremely biased? Name, history, proof they have a known "bias"?

edit on 7-1-2021 by More1ThanAny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: More1ThanAny1

Absolutely, I shouldn't be using absolutes. More most logical thoughts. I concede I have used absolute language too much.

I just wish you'd call out those who used absolutes to describe all trouble makers as antifa. You should take a balanced approach to the difference between evidence and proof.

You have evidence of people being suspicious and of suspicious behaviour. It does not outweigh the evidence that these people have already been identified as long term Trump supporters.

Keep posting your evidence, those were videos I hadn't seen posted anywhere before. I do like the insight into how split the crowd was.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 04:44 AM
a reply to: More1ThanAny1

I can't provide that. And neither can you.

So do you jump to "must be antifa" or "must be trump supporter"

Its suspicious yes... but the weight still lies with Trump supporter.

I don't have proof. I have evidence. He was a Trump supporter at a Trump rally who marched on the Capitol. I would say that he has a vested interest.

If you can't get your act together and read my posts correctly I will have to terminate our communications.

Easy. No need to get angry and resort to personals.
edit on 7-1-2021 by Hamlin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 04:48 AM

originally posted by: pheonix358
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

I agree with your thoughts but I would add a caution. They still have not caught up with the number of US overseas bases.

This is not the Chinese people, this is the CCP in concert with the 13 families trying to control the world.

1.6 Billion people in China can throw off the yoke if they get woken up.

This is what the CCP fears.



posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Clock Time = 2:45 = 8 POSTS
4086 = Logical thinking.
3751 = 5:5?
3498 = Nothing can stop what is coming.
3441 = Sheep no more.
3004 = Do you believe the timing is a coincidence?
SESSIONS’ Senate vote? 52-47
[RR] Senate vote? 94-6
2791 = Source = Trump friend Chris Ruddy. (CEO of NewsMax)
1591 = JA in the news?
Think JC.
Server unlocks SR.
MS_13 (2 187'd nearby) phones unlock command & control.
ETA (estimated).
It has begun.

Add to recent "puzzle piece" posts:
Seth Rich - Rod Rosenstein / Pence - Julian Assange - Senate - DNC/RNC actions
New Clip of Julian Assange warning FBI about a leak problem:
Older Clip of Julian Assange warning HRC (Sec of State) Office:
Risk | Julian Assange's Emergency Call to Hillary Clinton's Office
Lin Wood drops (now suspended from Twitter)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 04:52 AM

originally posted by: Hamlin
I can't provide that. And neither can you.

I will not fall into pathetic traps set by those who ask for irretrievable evidence. I don't play that game. Obviously you don't either when those traps are set for you.

originally posted by: Hamlin
So do you jump to "must be antifa" or "must be trump supporter"

How about we vote. You vote, I vote, they lady yelling Antifa in the first video votes, the guy claiming Antifa in the second video votes, and all the people that cheered when the guy breaking glass was tackled I will just do you a favor and nullify their votes.

Looks like its 3 against 1. Antifa it is.

originally posted by: Hamlin
I don't have proof. I have evidence. He was a Trump supporter at a Trump rally who marched on the Capitol. I would say that he has a vested interest.

You have less than nothing according to your own standards.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 05:18 AM


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