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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: Heirophant
Would someone please suggest a site where we in the UK can watch the rally, particularly the 11.00am address ?

RSBN twit link


posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:31 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: texasgirl

Just as long as the media isn't swooning over his "glistening pecs" (yes, exactly those words appeared in one the MSM's puff pieces on him when he was POTUS and vacationing in Hawaii).


Is that an ankle monitor bracelet on Obama?

Now I have read many ideas people had about what it could be. A frequency device to scare off sharks, a gps tracker or some other type of smart device. So what are your thoughts? Is he secretly on ‘house arrest’? I doubt it but we can only hope Hillary Clinton has one of these trackers on her ankles as well.

edit on 162021 by MetalThunder because: 7 7 7

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

I have to be honest PJ, I know little about the Seth Rich murder, only what I've learned from this. It's probably why it seemed a bit of a bombshell to me.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: Heirophant
Would someone please suggest a site where we in the UK can watch the rally, particularly the 11.00am address ?

This is the YouTube link to live broadcast. It will be around 4pm GMT when Trump is scheduled to speak.

Full link in case that one doesn't work as there are several = signs

Not much of a crowd ATM sadly


posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

You guys really think he'd be out and about, in shorts, in the ocean, if he was secretly under arrest and ordered to wear an ankle monitor?

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:34 AM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: Catch_a_Fire

JohnHereToHelp (Ryan Dark White) has been saying this exact same thing for a couple years via his Twitter account. He even called out someone named "Rosie" (now, obviously Joseph Rosati) for quarterbacking the Rich hit. So, this is NOT something that just cropped up out of the blue. White has been telling this same info to anybody who would listen for a while now.

Agreed. I listened to his interviews with... what was it, Beach Santa? on Twitter. He laid it out regarding Rosenstein and Rosati. They tried to kill JHTH. His health remains compromised due to the attempts.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: PokeyJoe
Thus is why I added the Text below the Pic ... I do not believe he'd be sporting it out in the open for all to see ...

Anywho ......

was just checking out Blacksky

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edit on 162021 by MetalThunder because: 7 7 7

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:37 AM
Believe it or not, with the exception of the Pence-Rosenberg arrangement and the naming of Rosati (Rosie), all of this in Neon's blog has been previously reveled and discussed here on ATS since SR was killed.

Actionable evidence is what is needed now.
edit on 6-1-2021 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: RsaWarhawk
Is that why the PA legislature just asked for more time to investigate the certification?
Is that why Ms Ruby freeman was filling out ballots and posted a video to her facebook?
is that why they pulled out cases from under a table matching the description of cases used to house test ballots? this description was given under oath.

The facts are they was a 2800% increase for mail in ballots in PA while the average through out the country was no where near that.

finally California has 80% turnout, New york had a 65% turn out Ohio had around 70% and that trend goes on and on. So how do you get to 94 percent voter turnout nation wide if the the individual states never reach the threshold?

It was a con job by the dems that has been enabled by the GOPe

There was an article posted not long ago where someone asked a former employee of the State Department what are the warning signs they look for when monitoring foreign elections for evidence of fraud. His answer was essentially an itemized summary of both the 2018 & 2020 elections:

* Unusually high voter turnout. Anything significantly above normal is a warning sign that they may be stuffing the ballot box.

* Unexplained long pauses in counting the vote. This is so the losing party can ascertain how many votes they need to "find" to swing the election.

* Lack of transparency / blocking access to observers. This means they are up to something, and are trying to hide it.

* Large batches of votes suddenly appearing, especially after one of the aforementioned long pauses. There are very likely fake votes.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: Catch_a_Fire
a reply to: RTbigTOE

Yeah I'm sceptical myself, but an aubituary was found and filed in philadelphia, it's my only reason for highlighting it. We'll see what becomes over the day.

Thank you Catch for sharing- wishful thinking

Thank you to Mountain Laurel for posting this meme
one of my favorites !!

I'm 62 years old - I wore a mask yesterday for a short time-sanding drywall ceiling at my son's house. I survived measles party, chicken pox, jimmy carter, disco, Y2K, and Obama. I am thankful and grateful for time I can spend with my kids. I'm divorced and all other family have all passed.
I see more people are appreciative of the time the spend with family this year. I have a feeling the things will be fine - not worried about specifics of how, when or who. I do enjoy (all but a few of) everyone's contributions

What ever happens- I got popcorn and toilet paper and some ice cream cake Indica.

Thanks everyone
edit on 6-1-2021 by RTbigTOE because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: interupt42
LOL, if pence attempts to override the votes trump better utilize Ezra and declassify everything possible or its going to be chaos for decades.

Overriding would not be a good idea, although technically he could do it.

Most likely to happen - if he does anything other than rubberstamp it - is he will throw any States in question (the 7 that sent dueling electors) back to the State Legislatures and ask them to make the determination (as opposed to the Governor and the Election Boards), and if they don't provide a formal certification response by a certain deadline, their votes are not counted, and if this happened in enough States to reduce Bidens count to less than 270, it would turn into a contingent election.

Pence should also absolutely make it clear that for any and all votes on objections in the House are to be done by State Delegations, not a simple majority of the whole House.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

If certain agencies are holding evidence to protect others, then it makes sense why this hasnt come to fruition yet. It makes sense to do it now so it's more in the limelight and gets a bit of publicity. If certain players are to be moved out of the way then the case should get the attention it needs now.

Or am I reading it wrong.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Yeah exactly. After being arrested and put in an ankle monitor Obama decides the best way to keep this secret is to do an activitiy that is guaranteed to show it off.

Come on, there is a lot of desperation rising today.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 09:00 AM
I need some good news ASAP friends

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: PurpleFox

Maybe look at what Q posted and the decodes. There must be something in there that suggests Q had this planned out and not to fear. This isn't a chit chat thread.

Has Q actually mentioned Lin Wood directly? Or is he linked via the dark to light? Trying to understand why Lin Wood is appearing so heavily in this Q thread. Wasn't their a bunch of Q hints at "ll" which could be linked to Lins twitter handle? I couldn't see any relevant ones in my search.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 09:08 AM
Michelle Malkin Twit
Hello Facebook. They funded $9.4 million last month plus $5 million for get out the vote in DeKalb County in Georgia for the election yesterday. Decals County had record breaking early voting so it looks like a good return on the investment. KeCalb County is just outside of Atlanta and from the Wall Street Journal Fulton County and DeCalb were in play with late night voter tabulations and halted votie counting in Fulton.
How can it be even remotely legal that a corporation, such as Facebook, is able to fund elections. And they fund in specific areas identified as voting Dems.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: MetalThunder

You guys really think he'd be out and about, in shorts, in the ocean, if he was secretly under arrest and ordered to wear an ankle monitor?

Sure, why not? Especially if he can pass it off as a shark deterrent band. He’s got the media looking out for him, after all...

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 09:12 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

I'd love to head to Daytona, but am not crazy about being out on the road until things simmer down a little.

That spot had a wave shortly before those idiots drove there. There are smart places to drive on the beach if you aren't worried about rogue waves but that is a dumb spot. I would say go to the mountains with water and a solar panel to charge your phones.

I live in the country, if you have family outside the big cities, now might be the time to go visit.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: PurpleFox
I need some good news ASAP friends

Reflection - From Sept 2020

Its a lot to know - to not do anything about it ...

8 & 15 especially ... ....

Q post 4688

How do you accomplish the following:

1. Terminate history-making economic gains made by POTUS prior to the election

2. Stall US-China trade phase II _buy China time _prevent loss of billions [locked new agreement]

3. Terminate [hold] POTUS record attendance rallies across USA _deplete and remove enthusiasm

4. Protect Biden from embarrassment re: mental health [clear cognitive decline], Q&A, rally attendance crowd size, lack of enthusiasm, etc.

5. Protect Biden from Ukraine scandal re: himself & son _C19 change of narrative

6. Protect Biden from sexual assault allegation _C19 change narrative

7. Protect and shelter #MeToo [D] created movement _preserve to target future [R] sexual assault allegations _allow hold vs Biden due to C19 narrative change

8. Create non_digital pathway to rig 2020 Presidential election _engage 80 million mail-in-ballot distribution [coordinated as early as April/May] to sidestep election night defeat [no 'concede'] attempt ballot harvest media push 'we don't know how many ballots are left undelivered by postal service' re: legal challenge battleground states _stall_challenge_push division/chaos _CLAS1-99

9. Create division hatred fear campaign primarily scare senior citizens from voting in person on election day _riots _protests _C19 death _eliminate enough senior [R] votes counteract [D] to [R] defection(s)

10. Create impression country divided _use EU-early war election gaming tactics against current administration

11. Propaganda blame attack current administration economic hardship(s), death toll, attack plan re: safety and wellbeing re: C19 failed _push Biden _stage Biden had answer to Pandemic early on _country will heal w: Biden victory _violence will end w: Biden victory

12. Change narrative 44 administration treason & corruption to POTUS C19 failure and death blame

13. Isolate faithful from each other _remove ability to attend Church [house of worship]

14. Justify social media censorship by using C19 W.H.O. claims as primary foundation _extend beyond C19 to other 'political' areas to remove and cut off forms of anti-narrative communication [seize control]

15. Leave door open to Constitution crisis
16. Avoid/delay public exposure of corruption & accountability _prevent loss of control/power

17. Avoid/delay loss of US taxpayer trillions due to loss of control _inability to enact corrupt policy to send money overseas disguised as goodwill/climate _unregulated _no audit policy







How do you accomplish the above?

Release a _____?

Who benefits the most?


China says it will respond to planned Taiwan, U.S. defense talks

China urges the United States to "immediately stop any form of official exchanges and military links with Taiwan, to avoid further damaging stability in the Taiwan Strait and Sino-U.S. relations", she added.

God Bless America
edit on 162021 by MetalThunder because: 7 7 7

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 09:13 AM
Just a couple of thoughts this afternoon (in the UK). EDIT: Actually, quite a few thoughts having re-read it : D

Firstly, I think the Stephan Serafini investigation is the real key here, especially if they have proof of Obama stealing 400,000,000 as well. But one thing that caught my attention was when the lady (name unknown) in the audio said about one of her team releasing some info a bit too early... I think that was Tore. I saw those pics of Stephan Serafini a good week ago.

Tore, on this case seems to know what is happening. So, assuming she is legit, then what she has said previously needs considering.

1) The end date of this operation is Feb 21st/22nd. Don't give up on it all, whatever transpires until that point.
2) She has also said that it has been designed to finish on a high, a hell yeah!!! moment. So it might be unstable up until this point.
3) Biden may be sworn in for a period of time. If that happens, don't think it is over.
4) Julian Assange... the pardoning of Julian may be one of the last things to happen, but I do believe it will happen.

I think his pardoning will be part of the "hell yeah!!!" events, a part of the high. Keeping Julian locked up until then, keeps him safe. He has spent years locked up, so a few more weeks for an outcome that completes his work is worth it to him. He might not know what is going on, but the cause is one of the reasons he has endured. So, that's what I've got.

The confidence surrounding Tore and the people with her seems very high despite everything happening. She seems very legit and has had access to information ahead of time. She is no doubt in the loop. So, I place a fair bit of confidence in this. Given the recording from last night, it's started to make much more sense. It'll be interesting to see what comes out of Italy today/tomorrow. I'd try and share it with as many people as you can when it surfaces, as per the recording, they are asking for people to get it out there.

Remember, that when it comes down to it, all this talk of "Lin/Q was there to keep people distracted so they don't do anything" is total BS. What does someone think people are going to do exactly?? It HAS TO go this route. Remember the show not tell? Until the people are unified in recognising the corruption, you ain't going to be doing diddly squat. Nothing.
You'd be knocked off within days without big money/military backing etc.

However, there are enough now that see the corruption, that if the plan fails, then the kind of action that can be taken from a revolutionary point of view could be successful. There is reasoning/anger/resolve. The "people rising up" option is the very last option after all others are exhausted.

Give it time and see how things play out. I think it is under far more control than we are lead to believe. Not 100% safe bet, but certainly high probability of success. Also, don't forget, that the US is in a very good place given the world circumstances. You have a united people who are ready to fight. If you saw what was happening here in the UK, then you would be in real despair! A real tyranny is rising here, and the UK people seem way too complacent... beaten... or over programmed. 3rd major lockdown... businesses ruined/closed... calls for anti-vaxers to be sued by government! Vaccines touted as our passport to liberty... Laws passed that makes the various agencies totally unaccountable for taking and killing anyone they want... on and on and on.... and still, people are accepting it all.

So, appreciate the situation you are in right now... an awakened populace, a leader who is fighting for you, you have guns if it gets really bad, you've got so much going for you. So just take a moment to realise this. Do not lose your resolve or become defeated at any point. See it through to the end. This is the final game in this centuries long battle. You are the beacon of hope which will set the world on fire for serious change.

I really do believe in you all. And though as just one person reading this, you might seem or feel insignificant, you aren't. Your intention and leaning, standing for what you believe in your sphere is what matters. The combined voices of many make a movement. It gives confidence to others to stand up. Every little counts.

Stay strong friends, we need to change the world... there is no defeat worth accepting. We see what they have planned.
And if someone falls, help them stand back up. I say all this, and I falter and fall. No one is immune, and you are not weak for doing so. It isn't falling that matters, it is the standing back up again. Forgive yourself and move on.

No retreat. No surrender.

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