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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 07:16 AM

originally posted by: nofear46

originally posted by: Catch_a_Fire
Reports going around on social media that Joseph Rosati has passed, no news on the reason yet but apparently didnt have health issues!....... how very very convenient.

It's starting all right.

You couldn’t make it up ..

Clearly you can and clearly people would still believe its true.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 07:19 AM
“Nothing can stop what is coming.”

I always took that as “justice” but it turns out it was socialism and a bigger/deeper swamp.

Oh, if Assange does get released and he returns to the USA, would any of you fly on that same commercial flight? The Deep State has never been this embolden and protected.

14 days to prove me wrong. I hope I’m wrong. I don’t think I’m wrong.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 07:23 AM

originally posted by: samuelsson
No idea if this has been posted.

Statement from Trump regarding Pence for tomorrow

I hadn't seen that, thanks for sharing.

originally posted by: queenofswords
Somebody said 5,000 votes just vanished for Perdue in real time and posted a link of the video. You had to be quick to catch it. Would they really try the same shenanigans again?!

Sure they would. It would not surprise me to find it so. Remember, 'We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it'.

originally posted by: loveguy

originally posted by: Sostratus
a reply to: carewemust

About the only way I can see this having any positive outcome is if we are still on the plan and everyone is still playing their role;
Declass will happen
Biden will capitulate
Public indictments to follow
Military tribunals due to a collapse/compromised federal court system

I cannot see anyway Biden does not become President unless he has already made a deal and will publicly capitulate

It would make one hell of a movie anyways...

Attempted shoplifting is a slap on the wrist compared to grand larceny...

Biden has to be inaugurated for the go order to be legitimate.
Trump can wipe his hands clean and go on vacation .come back in a few days ready to get American liberties back on track.

...piles of bricks reported in DC construction site without any visible safety barriers.

Back to reading up for me.

Correct. Evidence gathering is probably still underway, and may be up until the twentieth, if that is actually a thing. It sure looks like that is actually a thing to me. Probably actually a thing, as far as I can tell.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 07:31 AM
nvm. my snarky gif did not show up for some reason
edit on 6-1-2021 by PokeyJoe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 07:33 AM
I keep seeing Trump tweet about Pence needing to do the right thing. Doesn’t he already know what Pence will do?

This makes me think Pence won’t do the right thing and Trump is laying groundwork for social media fury Trump will put out in the coming days.

In the end, Trump is behaving exactly like HRC when she lost. Both had it their control to win but failed to do what was needed. Then proceed to blame everyone but themselves.

Slovenia? Malta? Portugal? Costa Rica? The expat route into my retirement years is looking more likely.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Maybe thats what the X-37B has been up there doing on one of its year long missions?

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

I totally see this, he is setting up Pence to be the fall guy.

He knows its over and he'll go out as a loser but he needs to have an excuse or someone to blame it on to save face.

Whatever the plan was or is its far too late. It either never existed or was massively flawed.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: MagesticEsoteric

originally posted by: Caled
I know. That makes me nervous. And most of the good guys won't be armed due to DC law, and those that are may get arrested. And in case nobody noticed, the DC mayor called up the National Guard (which I consider martial law), but ordered that they also will be unarmed.

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Caled

Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon says all hell is going to break loose in Washington DC tomorrow.

I posted last week that I was heading to DC tomorrow and, asked if any other members were planning on trying to get there.

I’m pretty sure there were 4 or 5 members that mentioned going or, they knew of others going.

I’m probably going to sound like a looney toon for saying this but, hey, it’s ATS Q thread 33..

I feel as though things are working against me and my plans to get there and the thing is...they really are not subtle

Give me a bit and I will post more

I’m still planning on going , I already tried once but, had to come back home.

I don’t want to say one way or another but, I’m sensing it’s not a good idea for me to go

I'd said I might if a path were presented to me. That path has not presented itself, so I will not be there. It sounds as though the universe is steering you away from it as well...

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
So....haven't seen this brought up, but what if Trump concedes tomorrow? It will likely be one of his largest rallies and likely broadcast by all news stations.

Seems highly unlikely.

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

When they said 'You will own nothing and you will like it!', it didn't mean that they would also own nothing, only that you would own nothing (and like it!).

Yeah, it will be one of these things -- "... and if you don't like it, how about inhaling turf six feet under?"

The sickness behind these schemes is not new, but it surprises how many continue to find it attractive.


Yeah pretty much. Such is the nature of the slow, quiet genocide of 'death by government'. According to the book by the same name, written by RJ Rummel, between the years of 1900 and 1987 peacetime governments killed five times as many people as all the wars of the same time period combined. The authors had set out to write about the horrors of nuclear holocaust at the beginning of their research, but said in retrospect 'it was as though the holocaust had already occurred'.

Evil globalist plots aside, we may find that some of this type of activity stems from a natural vestigial type tendency for centralized authorities to develop this sort of approach to dealing with their social problems that needs to be addressed irrespective of rule of law or corruption issues. Our constitution and its amendments attempt to prevent this, though it has certainly been an imperfect execution to date. Many nations make no such guarantee in their systems of government.
edit on 6-1-2021 by TheBadCabbie because: because

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
I keep seeing Trump tweet about Pence needing to do the right thing. Doesn’t he already know what Pence will do?

This makes me think Pence won’t do the right thing and Trump is laying groundwork for social media fury Trump will put out in the coming days.

In the end, Trump is behaving exactly like HRC when she lost. Both had it their control to win but failed to do what was needed. Then proceed to blame everyone but themselves.

Slovenia? Malta? Portugal? Costa Rica? The expat route into my retirement years is looking more likely.

originally posted by: Hamlin
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

I totally see this, he is setting up Pence to be the fall guy.

He knows its over and he'll go out as a loser but he needs to have an excuse or someone to blame it on to save face.

Whatever the plan was or is its far too late. It either never existed or was massively flawed.

Perhaps he's just going to let Pence do whatever Pence decides to do.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 07:59 AM

originally posted by: Alliterayshun
a reply to: carewemust

This all came from JHTH (aka White).

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:04 AM
Michigan goes all in and filing to have Lin Wood and Sydney Powell disbarred and others involved to be disbarred and face other sanctions such as fines. One way or another they are going to do everything and anything to shut investigations down.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: Catch_a_Fire
Reports going around on social media that Joseph Rosati has passed, no news on the reason yet but apparently didnt have health issues!....... how very very convenient.

It's starting all right.

similar to Haspel reports last week? same site

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: Catch_a_Fire

JohnHereToHelp (Ryan Dark White) has been saying this exact same thing for a couple years via his Twitter account. He even called out someone named "Rosie" (now, obviously Joseph Rosati) for quarterbacking the Rich hit. So, this is NOT something that just cropped up out of the blue. White has been telling this same info to anybody who would listen for a while now.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: RTbigTOE

Yeah I'm sceptical myself, but an aubituary was found and filed in philadelphia, it's my only reason for highlighting it. We'll see what becomes over the day.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:19 AM
Lin Wood Twit Trump is heading for a trap. Even if Trump makes an EO to examine foreign interference in the election, at this point there is so little time left to have any effect on what is occurring right now. So I am not sure why he is posting this now. And even if Trump did make an EO over this Biden can just reverse this after assuming office.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: Catch_a_Fire
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Yeah it appears to be gaining steam, looks like they might get obama after all. We may see him arrested yet.

There’s a photo of Obama surfing in Hawaii with what looks suspiciously like an ankle monitor in his right foot. (no, I’m not talking about the surfboard leash, which was on his left ankle). I’ll see if I can find it!

***It’s supposedly a shark deterrent band so never mind. Sorry. Still looks like ankle monitor to me!
edit on 6-1-2021 by texasgirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: texasgirl

Just as long as the media isn't swooning over his "glistening pecs" (yes, exactly those words appeared in one the MSM's puff pieces on him when he was POTUS and vacationing in Hawaii).

edit on 6-1-2021 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:22 AM
Would someone please suggest a site where we in the UK can watch the rally, particularly the 11.00am address ?

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:23 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Lin Wood Twit Trump is heading for a trap. Even if Trump makes an EO to examine foreign interference in the election, at this point there is so little time left to have any effect on what is occurring right now. So I am not sure why he is posting this now. And even if Trump did make an EO over this Biden can just reverse this after assuming office.

Because it was all a show. A "movie" if you will, to keep people subdued with their popcorn thinking someone else was going to take care of it. It's just that everyone thought it was aimed at the other side. Now that it's over, he is trying to save face.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Well, a precedent has been set with DACA and some other Obama EO's. The next President cannot just strike them down willy-nilly.

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