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There is no actual evidence of voter fraud; here's how we know:

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posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 01:34 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I find it funny that Hillary was never put under oath so she could never be convicted of a process crime.

Hillary Clinton has testified many times under oath for many different reasons.

Once, she was cross-examined under oath by a group of hostile men for 11 hours who have been seen on occasion to participate in chanting "lock her up" at ego-rallies.

I find it funny that you think that doesn't count.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 01:36 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

Even one illegal vote - whether by a dead or fictitious person, illegal alien, or by someone illegally voting for someone else, disenfranchises each and every one of us.

If you cannot see and comprehend this, then you are lost.

You are so blinded by your hatred of the Left and so gushing over the Annoying Orange that you seem to think only the Left would participate in voter fraud. You think the Right is beyond that? I wonder if the Biden votes uncovered in the recent recount were due to Voter fraud from the Right? Funny how that isn't being spoken about, doesn't fit your narrow world view I guess...

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 01:38 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
originally posted by: Xtrozero
"Row vs Wade was not constitutional based as example."

Of course it was.

Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States protects a pregnant woman's liberty to choose to have an abortion without excessive government restriction.

Yes, it was... and that very same argument can easily be made to support the womans right to terminate her unwanted child one day or one year after birth, too. Sick, sick, sick.

In America you can terminate a 1 year old child? What a sick country you live in!

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 01:39 AM

originally posted by: rnaa

originally posted by: Mandroid7
a reply to: johnnylaw16

Which lawsuits have been dismissed?

All of 'em.

Not true, one example

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 01:39 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Xtrozero
But that is at the State constitution level. Those rules are done at the state level and one state had a few 100k votes that were not asked for and that was against the state level constitution, so for one state Trump can win that state on this alone. I do think those vote will be thrown out and for some reason they are extremely heavy Biden.

Yep, that reason being... FRAUD.

Yet you can never prove it because no proof exists.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Who exactly was spouting that the election HAD to be called on the night of 3 November? Who was pressuring it to be so ASAP?

So you are using that as an excuse? That Trump tried to pressure the States certify the election on the night (which has never happened in the 250+ year history of the United States elections, by the way), and now because of that 'perceived' rush, Trump hasn't had time to gather evidence?

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: rnaa

No, She couldn't remember anything related to the server or bengazi. But she can remember when she writes a book, or speaks at the ywca

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 01:50 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl
I agree, but that is irrelevant. No one has made any demonstrably false claims like that.

Tan, have you read any of the affidavits? I have.

Like the one fella who believed the military were all Right leaning. He was shocked and offended by the number of military votes for Biden. Do you think that's evidence?

Or one lady who was an adjudicator at one count was being told to stand back, she said nobody else was told this and swore she never got closer than 6ft from any other staff member. Then she posted her photos of her proudly doing her civic duty, breathing down the neck of one of the vote counters, no more than a foot behind them. Also she swore in her afdidavit that there was a black man of intimidating size wearing a BLM shirt (funnily enough her name wasnt Karen but she is one)

Would that count as evidence to you? The affidavits are a joke!
edit on 29/11/20 by djz3ro because: Sp

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 01:54 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl
All that needs to be done is demonstrate a strong likelihood that it occurred. That will invalidate it.

I wish I could be a fly on the wall near you on Dec 14th when the EC votes Biden.

ATS is gonna self implode that day...

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 01:55 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth
Stop lying to yourself. You want there to be no evidence, I get it. But there is more than enough to warrant a courts consideration AND for the media to be updating you and every other citizen, which they are failing to do miserably. hence your lack of knowledge.

Can you share some of the actual proof from this link?

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 01:59 AM
a reply to: rnaa


russians i think busted the water pipe in georgia, and they stopped the count in multiple states. nothing to see here. votes leaving the country going to spain and germany to be tabulated or manipulated. nothing to see here

I watched it live, as the votes were adjusted around 4am or so. Nothing will be done about this.

The billionaires have spoken and this was the most transparent election in history of elections on earth, perhaps the galaxy or the entire universe. orange man caused all the world's problems. global warming, flat earthers, the china flu, antifa, blm, and pronoun-tards.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 02:00 AM

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: UKTruth
Sad if there was this much irregularities in any other process there would be audits down to the foundation, and out the wazoo. From taxes to businesses dealings.

What irregularities? No states had more votes than registered voters, the dead didnt rise to vote Biden. Hugo Chavez didnt invent the voting machines, Smartmatic, Dominion and Scytl aren't in bed together. None of the evidence is holding up in court. It's a big fat Nothingburger but you're all choking on it.

Roll on Dec 14th so this $hit$how can be over and all this insane REEEEEEing from the right can be over. Triggering will intensify though, on the Right...

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 02:02 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: djz3ro
I'd trust the Professional Opinion of a Federal Court Litigator in this case over anyone else. They know the law of the land.

Why do you never see all 9 SC judges vote the same?

Because they are 9 individuals, they don't share a hive mind.

(post by Hogleg removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 02:09 AM
a reply to: onthedownlow

Would you feel this way if Trump won?

Voter fraud exists but it does so on both sides of the bipartisan divide, it's never enough to swing the election either way.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 02:14 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

Well it is suggested they already have the servers... Also did you read my last

No it isn't. See U.S. Army Didn't Sieze Servers in Germany

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 02:15 AM

originally posted by: djz3ro
a reply to: onthedownlow

Would you feel this way if Trump won?

Voter fraud exists but it does so on both sides of the bipartisan divide, it's never enough to swing the election either way.

Very little on a large scale. Even in 2020, only a few key counties needed "help" from Fraud, and simple laws broken, like not verifying signatures on mailed-in ballots.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 02:15 AM

originally posted by: djz3ro

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: UKTruth
Sad if there was this much irregularities in any other process there would be audits down to the foundation, and out the wazoo. From taxes to businesses dealings.

What irregularities? No states had more votes than registered voters, the dead didnt rise to vote Biden. Hugo Chavez didnt invent the voting machines, Smartmatic, Dominion and Scytl aren't in bed together. None of the evidence is holding up in court. It's a big fat Nothingburger but you're all choking on it.

Roll on Dec 14th so this $hit$how can be over and all this insane REEEEEEing from the right can be over. Triggering will intensify though, on the Right...

coomer with gates no connection with covid or the election
edit on 29-11-2020 by Hogleg because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 02:29 AM

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: johnnylaw16

Ballots in ditches, trash dumpsters, etc. dead people voting, people voting multiple times. Pick a date have a re-vote and see how those numbers change. But, I know that will never happen.

I deleted all the childish parts of your post.

Can you provide some proof of any of what I quoted above?

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 02:38 AM

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: johnnylaw16
they all call him hitler. but why?

Well their last name is Drumpf (they changed it to sound more American) and he has just sanctioned the use of Gas Chambers again, so there's that.

Trump want exactly popular before his entry to politics. He was well disliked for being exaclty what is wrong with America, a Millionaire who has more money than sense and uses his money to buy political favour, he went a step further though. The Orangebois who worship him are the ones who confuse me.

On a personal level his bullying people when acquiring land for his Scottish golf resort hit very close to home. He keeps trying to involve himself in things that are nothing to do with him. If It walks like an a$$hole and talks like an a$$hole it certainly isn't a duck!

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