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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 04:05 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: MagesticEsoteric

No. You are okay. I had to use a different news source. I always test the link after I post. If it does not work I quickly look for something else that will provide the same information, and keep my fingers crossed.

So, I’m not completely losing it 🥴

posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 04:07 PM
DNI Ratcliffe says China is targeting Congressman with bribes and blackmail.

Maybe he's letting them know that they are being watched?

posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 04:07 PM
Learn to think like a lawyer - critical thinking when "consuming" propaganda...Mr Lawyer walks viewers through the Associated Press article narrative of Bill Barr and "widespread" fraud:

posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: MountainLaurel
Good Morning All...

Harris Faulkner said something very funny and profound, but it’s going to be one of my new go-to analogies, lol, it works for so many things the “ stuck on stupid “ folks try to push. She said, “ If someone offered you a tray of brownies and told you there was a little poop in it somewhere, would you eat any of it ?! “. This election and this rona / vaccine are one big poop brownie !

Just needs a little visual to make it po(o)p, wala, perfect brownies every time!

posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 04:31 PM

DNI Ratcliffe tells @CBS_Herridge that China is using blackmail, bribery and covert influence to target members of Congress and make sure “only laws that are favorable to China are passed"

There is a Plague: We are surrounded by liars, thieves, rapists and murderers and we are not nearly angry enough yet. “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” ~Shakespeare The Tempest.

Paul Harvey, 1965... And now you know the rest of the story...

posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 04:50 PM
edit on 3-12-2020 by Guiltyguitarist because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 04:59 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Learn to think like a lawyer - critical thinking when "consuming" propaganda...Mr Lawyer walks viewers through the Associated Press article narrative of Bill Barr and "widespread" fraud:

This breakdown of media manipulation really is the first day of kindergarten. Everyone should know this by now, really. If folks are still falling for this garbage then it is on them. The CIA goons invented "widespread" because it has no real meaning AND because they don't need widespread, they need tactical fraud and always have. Widespread = strawman.

That said,

This goes with that video, as one can see how it plays out in his breakdown.

posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: onehuman
Im still way back catching up but for just in case, I have the updated Heat Map of the Indictments. Still waiting on the old fashion lay out. Should be along shortly.

The New Numbers:
6,003 NEW / 216, 529 Total

It was hinted at by BigDAnon I think, many of those might be press folks. Nothing like an offer they cannot refuse: Tell the truth or get a visit from the hangman.

posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 05:02 PM
Heck at the rate this is going, it may not even need SCOTUS to step in. The state legislatures will scrub the electors and designate the winner themselves.

Porno Joe must feel it all slipping away.

posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
My guess as to one of the main reasons why people aren't yet angry enough is because they're still plagued by doubt, indecision and confusion. They still have disbelief that yes, the corruption is this widespread and deeply entrenched and no, this system as it stands is not salvageable. I think there is much fear about an unknown and uncertain future. That fear must be shed. Once we shed fear and doubt, confusion will give way to clarity. Clarity leads to determination, tenacity and a sharp focus on the goals we want to achieve. Once we have the trajectory laid out, it's full steam ahead

posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
Wow! That video and speech was very powerful.
Thank you for posting.


posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist
a reply to: PokeyJoe

I wasn’t a regular here then but I remember guccifer. Are you saying strzok is a good guy?

Waaaaay back, it was determined that Guccifer 2 was a guy within the DNC (IIRC on that) who used his own word program among other signs pointing our guys.

It seems the end result is Brennan may have ordered, or at least had a hand, in Seth Rich's taking of the DNC stuff and handing it to Wikileaks through Assange. This was to blame others as Brennan saw fit. Brennan hacks his own group, then blames it on the people he wants to take down. Just a False Flag.

Now the more prevalent story is Rich was a patriot, saw what was happening, and took the information to Wiki via a thumb drive and was killed over it (see Binney's work on both hacks for details). This does not conflict with the Rich/Brennan version as Brennan was just covering his tracks either way. The Brennan aspect is pieced together from information @Toresays included in her work and piles of it here in threads one and two.

Ergo Guccifer 2.0 was a badly conceived cover that failed even the most basic scrutiny. Brennan involved either way, brings in Pete, who, it would seem, was C_A undercover at the FBI, but really Muslim Brotherhood/Iran, which is, oddly enough, where Brennan's loyalty lies.

Fun fact. In all the digging it would seem that John Brennan is considered by everyone who ever met him to be both and idiot and scum bag.

Thanks for the breakdown. I was lost.
On a side note, something about Brennan reminds me of Yusuf Estes.

posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 05:11 PM

posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

That isn't Stacey Abrams.....size wise, her shoulders are much larger than that and the hair doesn't match up either.

I got a Donna Brazille vibe out of it. I dont think she matches up either, but that's who came to mind for me.

posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: awhispersecho
I agree, I actually don't trust Parler and I think it's a trap. With all this talk about Trump supporters need to be punished and retrained, now this site pops up, requires entirely too much personal info,

An email address and a phone number?

I also don't like how Bongino sits he owns it but he Doesn't, looks like he has an investment share or something but he is clearly not "the owner" as he says. I don't trust anything about it.

Stop lying. He has never said he owns it, he has said many times that he is an investor/partner in it.

He literally said and I quote "folks this is the kind of stuff we've been dealing with all week. This isn't real, I OWN PARLER". That is verbatim all the way down to the caps.

He said it on his Twitter in response to Fox New stating that George Soros was a majority owner in it. I'm staring at the screenshot I took of it on my phone for my Father and I would gladly share it with you if I could figure out how to insert a pic here.

posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 05:35 PM
This was a document that was only on the Internet for a blink of an eye.

ht tps:// tps://

You might want to grab it while you can. It covers a lot of the tactics being taken to destroy our society.

Fixed...forgot about tinyurl.
edit on 12/3/2020 by Caled because: (no reason given)

edit on Thu Dec 3 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: do not use tinyurl

posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 05:46 PM
Here's Inevitable's breakdown of that 54 page PDF from 2019 that Ron (codemonkey) put out earlier and was posted here. A lot less reading and covers the basics of what appears to be playing out before our eyes.


posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: TheMandolorian

posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 05:56 PM

Looking to be the most accurate projection.

posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

That edition of the book came out in 2008. So that is an older picture, but still good info as to how long some of the media people have been toying with this "End of America" or EOA.

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