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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 12:34 AM
I'm trying to wrap my head around this statement from CNN's Stephanie Baker, where Zuck responds affirmatively.

It completely lacks context, in my mind.

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 12:37 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

or... 文字艺术

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 12:42 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox



We're playing those mind games together
Pushing the barriers, planting seeds
Playing the mind guerrilla
Chanting the mantra 'Peace On Earth'

We all been playing those mind games forever
Some kinda druid dude liftin' the veil
Doing the mind guerrilla
Some call it magic - the search for the grail

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 01:04 AM
BLM still going strong....

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Originally, my thinking was that DJT would continue to expose the corruption and kind of sit back, let the rats turn on each other and allow everything to unravel on its own... just let this system crumble between now and Jan. 21. Or I should say continue to crumble. But I would hope that he wouldn't allow it to get to the point of total mayhem and/or vigilant justice. I'd hope that he'd have a contingency plan in place to safeguard us

On the other hand, today, after gauging the current mood, it feels like things are really starting to escalate at a rapid pace and I'm wondering if something big is going to happen very soon

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 01:08 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I notice that Twitter is now going very light on the "disputed election" flags.

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 01:10 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Right, the #fakebrace draws the eye away from the #fakeface

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 01:20 AM
It does. I had to read over the 9/11 report afterwards. The claim was that the short transition period from Clinton to Bush resulted in a lack of information flow that theoretically could have been a factor. It’s not as relevant or bad as it sounds. Don’t get me wrong. I want to see CNN run through the wringer.

originally posted by: FlyingFox
I'm trying to wrap my head around this statement from CNN's Stephanie Baker, where Zuck responds affirmatively.

It completely lacks context, in my mind.

edit on 12/2/2020 by Caled because: (no reason given)

edit on 12/2/2020 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Guyfriday, you noted KUs silence at present.

It's worthy of note that DEC 5th = D5 at 23:59:55, just before midnight, will be:

22 days, 23 hours, 39 minutes after the last post on Nov 13th at 00:20:55.

22 = Trump card and completion?
23 = PAIN
39 = 3x 13 bloodline families

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 02:17 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Thanks for confirming that. I was thinking of the three "R"s when I put that out there.
Not "Reading, Writing, and Rhetoric", but rather "Rothchild, Rockefeller, and Rodham".

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 02:34 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: More1ThanAny1
I think an 80 year old with Dementia, a catheter w/leg bag, and a boot, is likely to really hurt himself, via trip-and-fall. Sooner rather than later.

definitely a lot of options beyond crashing your car, double tapping yourself in the back of the head...twice! or flying a plane into a mountain. Surely not a coinkidink. I can't help but wonder if they would allow that hussy harris sink this ship or if she would name hillary as her vp and step down or fly a plane into a car crash whilst double tapping herself in the back of the head...twice! We need to start asking ourselves what we'll do if they manage to pull off this steal. After dec 14 we may not have the same potential to utilize the internet that we have today. Pray for the best, plan for the worst.

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 02:39 AM
a reply to: bradychick

LOL...You walk up to the average man/woman on the street and tell him/her that, they shrug their shoulders and talk about something else. It means little to my non-tech mind, and nothing to those who don't care that Biden won.

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 02:48 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Because of Bush vs Gore the transition was not smooth from Clinton to Bush, which enabled Osama Bin Laden to blow up things on 9-11. That's CNN's twisted thinking, and what they want to say will happen if President Trump doesn't totally concede ASAP.

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 02:51 AM
CNN President Jeff Zucker will be one of the first people who won't be able to show his face in public, if the Dem-Biden election steal is successful. President Trump has CNN (Jeff Zucker) labeled as Enemy #1 amongst MSM.

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 02:52 AM
Dr Russell McGregor just outlined that Barr hasn`t yet been presented with the DNI evidence, that's why Barr said he hasn`t
seen any evidence, DNI has 17 days left to bring it to Barr.


1 of 7

Dr Russell McGregor

When will we see President Trump filled with controlled white hot anger

Why is Barr’s denial of evidence a contrived distraction

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: gps777
Thanks for:

Good thread! If DNI Ratcliffe waits until after the Electoral College votes, on December 14th, what can Barr do to freeze everything until the investigation is completed?

I think it would be easier to delay the electoral college vote. Who could do that, if DNI Ratcliffe and AG Barr say they have evidence of "Massive Systemic Fraud" and are launching a huge investigation, immediately?

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: carewemust

The sad truth is most of the population won't wake up unless their immediate surroundings become unstable.

The immense corruption of the federal and state bureaucracies is on display for anyone who cares to look.

edit on 2-12-2020 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 03:14 AM
I'm wondering if we've missed a beat in linking SACRED tweets with DOMINION voting systems:

POTUS retweet yesterday, at 08:42:42

Mayor @RudyGiuliani urges Arizona state legislatures to protect the sacred right to vote

Sacred Dominion: Anti-Catholicism and the Romance of U.S. Imperialism, 1820-1900:

“Sacred Dominion” argues that anti-Catholicism fundamentally shaped the development of U.S. imperialism.

“Sacred Dominion” demonstrates how U.S. geopolitics and American romance were mutually invested in the nation’s Protestant origins and global future.

Interestingly, the dissertation has an Embargo until 2022:

EMBARGO NOTE: Embargo has been extended until 2022-06-01.

There are NO Posts containing SACRED.

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 03:48 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
I'm wondering if we've missed a beat in linking SACRED tweets with DOMINION voting systems:

POTUS retweet yesterday, at 08:42:42

Mayor @RudyGiuliani urges Arizona state legislatures to protect the sacred right to vote

Sacred Dominion: Anti-Catholicism and the Romance of U.S. Imperialism, 1820-1900:

“Sacred Dominion” argues that anti-Catholicism fundamentally shaped the development of U.S. imperialism.

“Sacred Dominion” demonstrates how U.S. geopolitics and American romance were mutually invested in the nation’s Protestant origins and global future.

Interestingly, the dissertation has an Embargo until 2022:

EMBARGO NOTE: Embargo has been extended until 2022-06-01.

There are NO Posts containing SACRED.

'Sacred' is an anagram of 'scared'.

Scared Dominion?

posted on Dec, 2 2020 @ 04:55 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

Could be doobydoll!

Should we cross-check with scraedtosleep?

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