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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: Caled
Thanks. So they sailed through the certification process. Makes one wonder if they had a little help along the way.

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 10:40 AM


posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: FinallyFree72
My thoughts exactly and your summary is perfect.

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 10:43 AM

originally posted by: CoramDeo
a reply to: FinallyFree72

My sincere apologies for calling what you posted defeatist.

I should wait until mysecond cup of coffee and think more rather than talk more, without processing.

You do make valid points, but I disagree that this election is the event horizon for this nation, or this world.

My only intent is to see that people don't give up when there is still so much work to do.

I didn’t take it personally and I honestly hope you’re right - I love my life, my work/activities, watching my youngest grow up with similar fun and frivolously happy activities and would like to see my oldest 3, in their mid-late 20’s now, have kids. I know none of that is important in the grander scheme of eternal life but I still enjoy it and I’d like it to continue

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 10:43 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: CoramDeo
Exactly why would Biden want to be president for 366 days, non consecutive that is? Maybe that is a better question.
The book...366 days in Abraham Lincolns presidency. Once again we have book comms.
Some historical points:
1. He oversaw a civil war.
2. His youngest son died.
3. Hunt. He liked to hunt, and we have Hunter.
4. Monuments. He apparently like shooting so destruction of monuments.
5. He was the most respected president and was assassinated. And that made him a martyr.
6. During his term one party was completely destroyed.
7. He won because of the electoral college votes in the north.
He wants to be a martyr and can you imagine what that would do to the country. Civil war which some of us have been very concerned about. His comments about reconciliation are right out of the speeches by Lincoln.

Please pay attention to this. They want a civil war. If China cannot steal this election they are preparing to use a scorched earth plan and leave us broken and ruined, distracted and very vulnerable.

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 10:46 AM
I would argue that their assessment from 2017 destroys their current credibility.

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: Caled
Thanks. So they sailed through the certification process. Makes one wonder if they had a little help along the way.

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 10:47 AM
Very good Q uestion LOL

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: CoramDeo

I agree with you.
We know the ending.
But it seems there are multiple paths to reaching it (by design?).

WORDS MATTER (as Lance always said).
Republicans are racists.
Democrats are cheaters.

I imagine hearing or reading that isn't easy.
A defensive position is taken by the other side.
A barrier or roadblock to unity created.

The Abraham Accords shows us a roadmap to success.
Accept differences & open dialog to identify areas of mutual agreement.
Those ready can use mutual respect on a road to a better tomorrow.

The First Step Act was a great achievement.
It proves there is power in working together.
Success builds success.

I believe Trump wins.
But I think he wants more... "Peace is the Prize".
Have faith that the fraud will be clear for all to see.

We need to understand our roles.
Stand firm in this truth, remain calm & help others.
Understand that MSM & others will try to push fear and division.

Unity has always been the key.
Investing our energy towards a better tomorrow for all.
The Best is Yet to Come.


posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 10:50 AM
Whilst it is true that nothing is ever really "deleted" we aren't talking about hard drive data here. It's not like there are documents held on hard drives in these machines that can be forensically examined.

As far as we know, the audit logs of these machines have been created in such a way that anyone with admin access can delete or change entries in the logs.

Basically, any event on yours or any machine, from every service that starts to every time the device shuts down etc. is recorded in your Event Viewer on a personal Windows machine. All devices will have some similar event logging systems.

So if you went into the machine and changed votes, for example, there would be a record saved that you had done so, but any admin can go in and remove that record.

I'm not sure whether the voting machines would have normal hard drives, they might just boot straight from USB, similar to how you may have used a recovery CD to boot into Windows after a failure.

The software required to run the machines would be very minimal, it's possible they are flash booted from USB and then the whole OS could run from RAM. Then someone comes along with another USB and boots it up again with a completely different configuration...

The more I think about it, the less secure it feels
I mean, they could have traditional hard drives if for example they are supposed to save image files of scanned ballots. But this would be so prone to normal mechanical failure, accidental coffee spills and the like that I can't imagine it would be done like this without any kind of back up. But any kind of backup would involve an internet connection. Any kind of internet connection is I would think would be considered insecure. Who knows!

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 10:51 AM
More incoming BOOOOM
Three whistleblowers press conference in PA today

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: Dem0nc1eaner

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: bradychick

That 3% margin bit is interesting.

From what I recall, at least, it seems like many elections in recent memory have been close -- too close. Almost like no situations in which one candidate was decisively favored. I wonder how many of those elections were doctored to look close and edge a preferred loser onto the winning side of the ledger?


I've been thinking about this lately, in regards to how Brexit may have been affected. As you know, Brexit won but with a small margin.

The thing is, there is only so much mind control that can be done on a populous that really and truly doesn't want to follow you, by which I mean...

Say for example 80% of the population had voted for Brexit. Well Brexit HAD to win. Because if it had lost, 80% of the population would be talking about it and wondering what the hell had happened and eventually we would realise we were hoodwinked.

But if you make it look like Brexit only just won, well in that case you have the foundations for years of brow beating about how half the country didn't want it so you can try to walk back that small margin. The next time you vote on it, you can make it lose just barely and everyone is already expecting it.

This is the same for any vote or election. It's much easier to keep us led around by the nose when we think we are ONLY JUST on the right side of history, and maybe actually we were wrong and all the celebrities and big corporations are actually in the right.

Common sense would dictate, that no vote should ever be so close, due to the fact that on the whole, one party is always objectively better. Even if said party is only SLIGHTLY better, they are still the better choice and you would expect most rational people to vote accordingly.

DC, good point.

Think gambling. I had a friend that worked for the insider football gambling phone lines. They had no insight at all, just teeeveee ads for marketing their scam. When someone called they gave him Denver. The next guy got New England. One and one. Then, next week, the guys who won called back, and about half the guys who lost did too. So they only lost 1/4 of the callers but 3/4 were content enough to call back.

It is about perception, not outcome. We are "given" the right to vote not because we matter but because it makes us feel like we are doing something. They marketed instant cake in the 50's,,, just add water. The problem was folk didn't feel like they were baking a cake, so they asked folks to add an egg. It wasn't needed, but perception of value was added. Funny, now adding an egg would be seen as annoying and less evolved.

The controllers decide what's what. Then they work teeeveee, campaigns, radio, print, friends etc. to convince folks there is a "fair election" going on. Yet if one listens to the language carefully enough and deep enough one realizes it is all a hoax.

Voting is too important to be left up to the slaves. So thin margins please 3/4 of those who bother, and the disgruntled, well, oddly enough the controllers view them as the desired outcome.

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 11:00 AM
Ya just a BOOOOMING along
Breaking from The Election Wizard

BREAKING: Trump files massive lawsuit in Wisconsin, challenges 221,000 ballots
edit on 1-12-2020 by Trillium because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 11:02 AM
L Wood says they have proof China purchased dominion in October.

On his Parler account for those that follow.

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: Catch_a_Fire

The mods did post a message in this thread saying that they will no longer accept derogatory names of people (i.e. alts for Biden, Harris, etc) in this thread (or on ATS... not sure). I think they only posted it once, so if you haven't read the whole thread, you'd be forgiven for missing it.

To be fair on the mods, I imagine that it is quite a big and time consuming job to tell people what they did for every break in the rules, and they just have to act. But they do post up a repeat of the rules every so often.

But simply, if you follow the stuff below, there shouldn't be any issues.

A) Try to stay on topic.
B) Try not to argue or be nasty to other posters
C) Don't use derogatory names for famous people/politicians (ATS probably don't want to get sued or look bad)
D) If you quote anything, or post a picture from an outside source... add a link to it.
*NOTE* When I say picture, I'm really referring to screen grabs of tweets or articles. Pictures/memes generally don't need sourcing.

I think that D) Adding a link is a problem for some using tablets/phones. If you can't use the link button, then maybe copy/pasting the address into the post would do. But some links can be very long, so gets messy. But ATS have legal requirements, and it is on the members to protect their own posts by following the rules. Otherwise, the mods don't have much choice but to remove them... doesn't matter how good the post.
edit on 1-12-2020 by saladfingers123456 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
The Supreme Court can order thorough examination of a state, based solely on the wildly unprecedented statistical deviations.

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist
a reply to: Flesh699

That center letter looks similar to the symbol for Saturn we’ve seen recently?

Great observation. This whole Saturn thing is everywhere.

Someone wrote about Saturn moving from some position to where it is now. I cant find it now.

The myth is that Saturn used to be close like the moon early in our creation. The planet is inhabited by Satanic beings that are intelligent enough to move planets. Who can confidently state what is real and what is ridiculous anymore?

Michio Koku would call that version of the story describes a level 2 level of Civilization. We can imagine it is possible but to believe it so will be really hard for me.

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 11:12 AM

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: FinallyFree72

originally posted by: doobydoll

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: doobydoll

Well that's interesting!
Here is what Wiki explains luciferase as....
Luciferas e - Wikipedia

Ain't no way I'll be having it!

Angry Rainbows

Yall do realize that the mark of the beast is not something they can give you unless you first SWEAR to the antichrist your devotion right? You have to say his name,And they cannot trick you into it either. They named the Vaccine that because scientist are trolling the relgious people so they go into panic mode over this.

Symbolism. It is a whole different language and is very powerful.

You can be tricked into following Satan - people can be tricked into performing 'rituals', just call them 'traditions' or whatever else and tell the people it's all about something else.
A bit like this covid jab thing. A 'Lucifer-ase Light' via serpent-bite. Would anyone take it seriously? Would anyone line up for it? Of course not.
But say it's a vaccine to save mankind? Oh yes, where do I line up?

As long as it was your choice, your free-will, it matters not to Satan the reasons you went there, it only matters that you went there by choice.
Lucifer is the master of deceit. lord of lies.

If you learn and feel the language (symbolism) you can't be tricked easily. Or you can laugh and mock and say it's all fantasy stuff. You choose.

There’s a big difference between “being tricked” (tempted) into coveting things in such a way that you give into sin and being tricked into taking on the mark of the beast. Sin is forgivable, taking the mark is not. I don’t believe for one second that the standard “slide into sin” trickery that Satan often employs, will work with the mark because the consequences are eternal damnation. The Bible makes it clear that if we take the mark of the beast, we will know what we are doing. Now, I believe some people will take it because their trust and faith in God is not strong enough as opposed to them really being Satan followers - for example, we’ve been told you won’t be able to buy food without it so a person weak in their faith will probably cave after some time because they are hungry, their kids are hungry and they can’t see beyond the temporal - but, again, that is different than being tricked. Those people will take it willingly, choosing short term over long term. Temporal over eternal. Because they are weak, not because they are tricked. Those who have a strong relationship with Christ will choose starvation and death over taking the mark.


Those type of people will learn how to be self sufficient. Farming and hunting worked for Eon's before we had Publix or Aldi's to go to for food.

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 11:15 AM
Slowly moving up the ladder LOL

Information being received NOW that Communist China purchased Dominion Voting in October 8 for $400M.

posted on Dec, 1 2020 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: saladfingers123456

Thanks, ive been here since 2006, been a member since 2010, only had issues in this thread, that I can remember...... it's done with now I think i know the issue.

I've followed this thread since thread one, on the first night it broke, but it is possible a few pages have escaped me so those further warnings could have too. Thanks for taking time out to explain, a lesson the moderation around here could do with picking up on.

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