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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 12:41 AM

David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (1972)

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 12:57 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
I guess President Trump is going to become a Democrat, or an Independent. Republicans certainly need to pay for not helping him prior to the rigged election, or helping him prove it was rigged now.

Only the Senate Homeland Security committee (Senator Ron Johnson) held a hearing to receive testimony from witnesses of election laws broken.

But there's a steady parade of Republicans on FoxNews every day, describing how secure they've made the Georgia run-off election.

I'm so glad President Trump pointed out how absurd these Congressional spending bills are. Hopefully he will keep revealing things that show the real mindset of Republican and Democrat leaders in Congress.

Exposing a few skeletons would be good too. Start with showing how much tax-payer money each Congressman spent to "pay off" people victimized (abused, raped, beat, etc.) by individual Congressmen/women.

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 01:08 AM

Ghislaine Maxwell may not need a pardon as the U.S. government's case against her had three witnesses and may be left with only one.

Two of the three are accepting settlements prohibiting them to testify against her.

Prosecutors had to see this coming. Was it all a hoax?
2:00 AM · Dec 24, 2020

Meanwhile...Ron Burkle, pal of Epstein & Bill Clinton, snapped up Michael Jackson's 'Neverland' estate on the cheap...

"Michael Jackson's Neverland gets a new owner as the star's former associate billionaire Ron Burkle snaps up the infamous ranch for $22M - a whopping $80M lower than the initial asking price."
DailyM ail

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 03:10 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: steaming

is perhaps the Mayflower people who fled the UK and headed for America, are the Quakers

They weren't.
They were Puritans. Separate from Quakers.


posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 03:47 AM
Anyone from the Netherlands here?

I'm trying to better understand the Toeslagenaffaire. I read a comment that indicated it had potential to topple the Dutch government.

By way of explanation. This is the "allowances scandal". From what I gather a lot of families applied for, and got, social payments they did not qualify for. Now that the government is reacting to that (including prosecution of recipients), a scandal has built up and suicides have reportedly taken place.

Not sure how accurate the preceding description is, so if any Dutch readers are out there, I would appreciate your comments.


posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 05:59 AM
Some 3 Year DELTAs for you all on this SPECIAL day.. #457:

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 8696f9 No.172761 📁
Dec 25 2017 14:40:34 (EST)

Anonymous ID: a3a6a3 No.172726 📁
Dec 25 2017 14:34:01 (EST)
Merry Christmas Q!

Celebrate this SPECIAL day in a BIG way.
God bless you all.



Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 8696f9 No.172884 📁
Dec 25 2017 14:54:18 (EST)
Thank you all for your trust, faith, and patriotism.
WE are privileged to serve you.
Please PRAY for those who would lay down their lives to protect our FREEDOM.
You are safe.

God bless.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 70edc0 No.173382 📁
Dec 25 2017 15:57:38 (EST)
10, [10-9]
Floor is yours.

Twitter FW_
Twitter [kill_rogue]

Note that:

DeltaC = 3 Year DELTA

25-26 = Christmas Day and Boxing Day

Operational_window(5-6) = 5 to 6pm? Military time? Or EST?

There are no 2 or 1 Year Deltas!

Off to my eldest for the day now, so will only be on mobile for 7 or 8 hours.

edit on 25-12-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: PurpleFox
a reply to: Caled
How will we know if Pence does this or not?

The media sure wouldn't tell us that Pence had denied the states with observed fraud confirmed to the satisfaction of so many that we can't forget about it.

Pence may however, still be a gray hat. So, I understand your concern. I have to take my chances with him. Clearly Pelosi and Schumer are for sure going to stick is with knives. Death to us by one thousand cuts seems to be the plan.

I think we are drawing the lines now on who is going to be given their day in a tribunal.

We should pray for God to help us resolve this peacefully. Pray that this foul bane on our land doesn't come back. These traitors have a date with their own justice. A justice that is long overdue and should end in their fair trial deciding their fair fate that tells the next person to think twice before making the same moves. Those that are involved need a different set of reasoning and vetting should be important in this process.

Help us Lord to love our neighbor even when they hate us! Help us have the courage to say what is right and to not be afraid because in the end we do win if we stick to the plan.

Merry Christmas

edit on 25-12-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 06:25 AM
One last one before I go celebrate... new Gen Flynn tweet, at 12:18

Keeping “Christ” in Christmas especially at this moment in US History is vital. Family is everything
Flexed biceps
Folded hands
US Flag


Merry Christmas
Folded hands
Flag of United States
Quote Tweet
Medium star
Medium star
Medium star
· 11h
We are with You, we are your Support! Lean on Us @GenFlynn @SidneyPowell1
Pray For The President!
Latin cross
Folded hands
Christmas tree…


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 239b20 No.89725 📁
Jan 19 2018 00:36:41 (EST)
We are WITH YOU.

5x5 = 25 = CHRISTMAS...

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 06:33 AM
Wow, I have to point out to any who read this that I was stunned to hear the Observer here say he/she believes they have had cadmium poisoning. That can kill you and it will sure hurt you even if you have detoxed it will be with you and could cause cancers. It would be easy to get the flu or CV in that situation because your immunes system would be responding to the hell the Cadmium may be causing.

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: 0bserver1
a reply to: tanstaafl

I've caught it to in November, I can tell you that I was skeptical as hell, losing smell and taste was something I never experienced before further from that I came out well other than that I have mild fatigue symptoms but that could be psychological as I want to tell myself..

Just butting in here to ask those who got these covid symptoms to consider this... many years ago, I got a flu (likely made worse on my part by wire brushing old cadmium paint off metal) that had the exact same symptoms as covid plus I lost my hearing for two weeks. It knocked my on my ass for months. Fever for a couple weeks with hallucinations, lost 20lbs, sense of taste and smell took a couple years to truly get back to normal and I needed an inhaler to walk up and down stairs for a few months. I was about 40 and was a dancer at the time. Super fit. So my point is that these symptoms can also occur with a flu and that if I'd experienced this with covid I would totally think it was infinitely worse than any flu. Not trying to dismiss the hell you all went through. It bothers me that the flu stats are being underplayed and perhaps no longer tested for and due to my past experience with flu it makes me wonder if covid being generally mild is being labelled for the damage that flu is still causing.

Editing to add. Can mods remove my post? I forgot I was on q thread.

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 06:58 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
Just wanted to know how you look it up at the DC Circuit website. It may not have been filed or accepted. What's the assigned case number?

Oh, duh, sorry, you did say "... like we can do at the SCOTUS site..."

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 07:00 AM
Not too fast CT. This could be BS as so many stories can be. We have time yet and if Pence is a gray hat then we can get a new VP. Sen Scott from SC for VP would be my plea.. Just one suggestion of several choices I would think have our best interest at heart. Some of his smartest advocates are available I am sure.

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
I knew Pence would stab him in the back just like the rest of them. Useless eaters, every last one of them. Pence will be out of the country on January 6th when the election results are supposed to be certified. What a POS.

I've never seen so many cowards concentrated in one place.

DC = District of COWARDS.

President Trump is apparently infuriated by Mike Pence, who the President thinks is “not fighting hard enough” for him and election integrity.

In a report from Axios, White House sources reveal that President Trump is notably angry with many of his supposed “allies” who are not fighting the good fight to defend election integrity, most notably Vice President Pence.

The President allegedly brought up an ad from the Never Trump group, the Lincoln Project, which claims that Pence is “backing away” from him. According to the sources, Trump believes Pence is “not fighting hard enough” – in the Vice President’s case, he has not made any public comments on election integrity since the election.

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 07:36 AM

I did enjoy that and this one which played next. Been a lurker since early 2000's. Became a member to gain access to other thread (interesting story on that another day) FTR originally found out about ATS from none other than Alex Jones who is at times a lil extreme. Worth a watch Before it gets censored

a reply to: Frodolives

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 07:55 AM
Merry Christmas!
Just an update on my condition.
Thought I was having a heart attack two nights ago.
The wife called 911.
ER found, after several test, that my lungs are full of blood clots.
Not sure how long they are going to keep me.

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: Quadrivium

Wow. Best wishes for a swift and full recovery.


posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 08:02 AM

originally posted by: Quadrivium
Merry Christmas!
Just an update on my condition.
Thought I was having a heart attack two nights ago.
The wife called 911.
ER found, after several test, that my lungs are full of blood clots.
Not sure how long they are going to keep me.

Praying for you this Christmas day.

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Operational 5-6 = January 5/6 ?

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: Frodolives
Thanks Sufi. I don't post often. I am not a researcher, I am a reader. My skill set is comprehension only. But I do pass along information to inform others. I never thought of Q as the be all and end all of everything. What matters to me is the vehicle of information. I felt compelled to post what I did because I am certain we have a lot of people who mostly lurk like me.

Our quiet stance in these threads should never be misread as non-supportive. In fact, it is the opposite. We lurk because we care, and care deeply, most of us. Of late things have been slow but that is due to the holidays and the lack of governance dragging their feet. I don't know our numbers, but I imagine even the owners of this site like the attention it draws.

All you regulars are top notch even if I cant understand some of the complexities discussed. But rest assured, all your efforts are not in vain. There are many of us who truly and deeply appreciate EVERYTHING all of you pass along from twatter comments to the best damn memes ever served up. LOL

Thanks for years of helping us to move forward. May 2021 be the capstone of all our efforts!

Merry Christmas Ya'll!

Amen! Thank you that resonates with me as well. We do care in fact this is such a critical point in the History of America that it has been completely worth giving up 5 years of our lives. God is bringing everything to light for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. The amount of topics and discussion in these threads is truly astonishing. It really is a beautiful thing.

Thank you to all for your contributions. You all have made a calm in a world of lunacy through your rational discussion of current topics. Thank you and God Bless.

Merry Christmas everyone! May your day be blessed and hopefully relaxing for at least a day. Also would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year as well.

ETMN: Thank you very much for your response on the Pilgrims Society. It was excellent!

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 08:31 AM
Large explosion, buildings damaged in downtown Nashville

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — A large explosion was reported in downtown Nashville early Christmas morning.

The explosion happened in the area of Second Avenue and Broadway near Commerce Street occurred around 6:30 am Friday. Heavy black smoke can be seen rising above the affected area.

The Metro Nashville Office of Emergency Management told News 2 a parked RV exploded and caused damage to several buildings. They said crews are currently assessing the damage but no injuries have been reported. Officials with the OEM also reported foul play was not suspected at this time.

There was a large police presence in this area along with fire crews. News 2 has reached out to Metro Police and The Fire Department to learn more.

Israeli Air Force issues strange Christmas greeting before bombing Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:00 P.M.) – The Israeli Air Force posted a picture on its Twitter account that wished its followers a merry Christmas just before launching strikes on Syria.

The picture released by the Air Force shows the Santa Claus vehicle, which is supposed to present gifts to children around the world, but the irony is that this cart, drawn by deer, is also drawn by an Israeli Air Force plane.

The tweet by the Israeli Air Force read:

“Hold on tight, Santa – Merry Christmas from the IAF to all those celebrating around the world!”

This greeting was published just before the Israeli Air Force launched air strikes on the Masyaf countryside in western Hama on Wednesday evening.
edit on fFridayAmerica/Chicago4308699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: Quadrivium

Merry Christmas to you, and I hope you get better fast.

Sounds like you had a pulmonary embolism, or shower of such. You won't be out of the hospital very fast, as now they must dissolve your blood clots as best they can, seek out why your blood clotted, and where the clots came from, and then make sure it doesn't happen again.

I wish you God speed and all the best in your recovery.

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: Quadrivium

"Happy as possible Family Christmas. Take things easy as you can And wish the Best that All goes well and you can Safely return back Home, ". All the Very, Very Best For Years ahead."

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