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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 10:17 PM
I'm not sure this was covered, from Politico:

I don't read a lot of MSM. They seem to pour it on pretty thick.

Trump leans on QAnon figures in flailing effort to overturn election

In their eyes, “it's big ‘end of days’ stuff for those people to all be meeting — it means the final blow is about to be delivered,” said Mike Rothschild, a conspiracy theory researcher working on a book about QAnon. In the apocalyptic QAnon community, the final blow is “The Storm,” a long-predicted day of reckoning when Trump institutes martial law and the elites are arrested, tried in front of military tribunals and executed.

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to: Frodolives

I don't post often. I am not a researcher, I am a reader. My skill set is comprehension only. But I do pass along information to inform others. I never thought of Q as the be all and end all of everything. What matters to me is the vehicle of information. I felt compelled to post what I did because I am certain we have a lot of people who mostly lurk like me.

Our quiet stance in these threads should never be misread as non-supportive. In fact, it is the opposite. We lurk because we care, and care deeply, most of us.

There are many of us who truly and deeply appreciate EVERYTHING all of you pass along from twatter comments to the best damn memes ever served up.

Cheers Frodolives. I think you said exactly what many of us lurkers would like to say but didn't have the right words or couldn't find the right time to say it. Thank you. And also a very special thank you to Dashen for starting this conversation what seems like so many lifetimes ago. Oh, and thanQ.

Merry Christmas and a joyous new year to everyone who follows this thread. No matter what 2021 brings I sincerely hope we continue to dig and bring light to the darkness in this world.

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 10:17 PM
One last contribution since some of you enjoy good music.

There's a hole in my heart that can only be filled by you. If I'm not blind why can' I see that a circle can't fit where a square should be.

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 10:21 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
I'm not sure this was covered, from Politico:

I don't read a lot of MSM. They seem to pour it on pretty thick.

Trump leans on QAnon figures in flailing effort to overturn election

In their eyes, “it's big ‘end of days’ stuff for those people to all be meeting — it means the final blow is about to be delivered,” said Mike Rothschild, a conspiracy theory researcher working on a book about QAnon. In the apocalyptic QAnon community, the final blow is “The Storm,” a long-predicted day of reckoning when Trump institutes martial law and the elites are arrested, tried in front of military tribunals and executed.

The behavior itself does not prove that Trump is specifically targeting a QAnon audience or embracing the ideas of the movement itself. But it does show how the president is increasingly turning to the most extreme and loyal corners of his base as more and more Republicans back away from his flailing effort to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s win. And, whether he intended it or not, the confluence of events was received as a signal among QAnon adherents.

A whole page of words and not a single thing to discredit a single Q drop or any of the Hive Research resulting from them.
It'd be funny if it wasn't so dangerous.

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Oh God. Rothschild is writing a Q book. I’m sure no one will actually read that.

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 10:27 PM
As I sit here on Christmas Eve I felt compelled to get some things off my chest. I have been a long time lurker for over 10 years but recently started posting due to this
joke and farce of an election.
Alex Jones was pivotal to me “waking up”. Over the years I started my new education listening to InfoWars and
Also reading comments on here from the most intelligent, educated and grammatically correct people I have ever met. My mind has expanded so much over the past 10 years
Listening to Libertarians, conservatives, Liberals and even the communists and Marxist’s. Leninites.
Now I have disagreed with a lot of Jones opinions but for people to just paint him with a broad brush on here abs dismiss him seems a bit hypocritical don’t you think? I mean dude you are on a conspiracy website called above top secret.
To give you a little background on me I did serve my country and held a security clearance for 4 years. And yes I did swear an oath under penalty of execution that I would never talk about this things I saw or did and I won’t on here so don’t even try,

It saddens me what has become of this Republic. The brave men who I knew who have died don’t deserve their memory to be treated like this. What is also sad is I graduated college with a bachelors in history and thought we were actually a democracy. I didn’t even know we were
A constitutional republic until I was 28 and started listening to Alex. He stated go read the Federalist papers. I was like huh? No college professor ever talked about these federalist papers. Go read the constitution.., does it say a Democratic form of government or a Republican form of government? Holy # it says republic.

It saddens me that I didn’t even get a proper foundation
Of constitutional education in high school or college abs had to learn the TRUTH from a alleged conspiracy theorist.
That is why the country is so screwed right now. The media
Just pounds and pounds and pounds the word Democracy
Over and over and Full Democracy is VERY DANGEROUS.
Factions abs mob rule is hellish to the minority that gets stripped of all our rights. Go read Ancient Greece and why and how their democracies imploded. And so I did.

If we the people can’t see the wolf that is China knocking on our door then it’s over. They own the media because the own the pharmaceutical companies that advertise on the media. They own Hollywood now to the extent that in Top Gun 2 they forced Tom cruise to take off his Tawain patch on his flight jacket. They are backing 80% of all the Hollywood films now. 70% of the # we order comes from China thru Amazon. They pretty much have the whole supply chain for all Apple products. This is true economic and intellectual power. Don’t even get me started with
Biden jr smoking crack with Chinese hookers and all the connections in this government on both sides of the political spectrum with the CCP.

The only way we the people can fight back is first thru local elections. Boycot amazon. Netflix, Fartbook and Hipstgram. and any product made in China. I know it’s hard to do. Sacrifices will have to be made. I just bought a car that is the only car left that Ford assembled and manufactured 100% at the flint rock plant in MI. It was a lot more expensive but at least I know I supported American workers. From 2021 When I shop anywhere if it says made in China I will look for an alternative. Many companies are moving l plants to Vietnam and even though they are a stooge of the CCP it’s still not China. I will buy American or Canadian lumber for
My porch..etc.

I want to finish with there is a lot we can do to fight this communist country from infiltrating us.
I think you all are awesome and Merry Christmas to you and your family. Don’t lose hope. Don’t back down.

-Patrick Henry
edit on 24-12-2020 by Brassmonkey because: Grammar

edit on 24-12-2020 by Brassmonkey because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-12-2020 by Brassmonkey because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-12-2020 by Brassmonkey because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 10:55 PM


posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 10:58 PM
Kinda funny story because of the people this will affect....

Moderna COVID vaccine has caused side effect for those with cosmetic facial fillers

People with cosmetic facial fillers could experience swelling and inflammation with one of the coronavirus vaccines, the FDA advisory committee noted.

According to the committee, several trial participants with fillers have already experineced the side effects. A California-based dermatologist said the reaction was immunological, ABC7 reported on Thursday.

"Your immune system which causes inflammation is revved up when you get a vaccine, that's how it's supposed to work," said Dr. Shirley Chi, who noted the side effects were easily treated by medical personnel.


Actually kind of makes me wonder more about the whole not being able to walk down the street.....
edit on 12/24/20 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 11:00 PM

You know the drill...

Please read This:

THIS IN NOT A COVID or CHIT CHAT THREAD!!!!!!!!! Please keep Covid/Chit Chat to a minimum.
Go after the ball not the player.

Reaffirming Our Desire For Productive Political Debate (REVISED)
You are responsible for your own posts.


and, as always:

Do NOT reply to this post!!
edit on Thu Dec 24 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 11:00 PM
POTUS' 10th and last tweet, was at 18:06:53 and I think gives an important hint at what's to come:

I saved at least 8 Republican Senators, including Mitch, from losing in the last Rigged (for President) Election. Now they (almost all) sit back and watch me fight against a crooked and vicious foe, the Radical Left Democrats. I will NEVER FORGET!

1) NEVER FORGET appears in 14 posts on the MAP:
37, 69, 114, 281, 790, 856, 1358, 1376, 1892, 2148, 2150, 2389, 3694, 4759

It would be too long winded to include all here but they concentrate on praise for the MILITARY, so I'll include some key points:

#37 They are the true Patriots. We will never forget. Let these coming days be remembered in our history as the time we fought to recapture the republic from those evil bad actors who for so long have sacrificed the good people of this land for their own personal gain. Fight the good fight. LET JUSTICE BE SERVED.

#69 God speed to those who will be put in harms way. You are the bravest men and women on earth. We will never forget. All share one title in common and that is the title of "Hero." "The LORD is my shepherd...

#114 US Military = savior of mankind. We will never forget. Fantasy land. God save us all.

#281 We represent YOU. Never forget that. We never will. MAGA.


#856 11-11-18 A parade that will never be forgotten. Ask yourself, why? God bless our brave men & women in uniform. We will never forget.

#1358 ...We knew this day would come. We will never forget. Do not glorify us. We are merely the vehicle. You are what matters. You are hope. You are love. You are peace. Stay united. Stay together. Stay strong. ...

#1376 Did you catch it? [speech] What NYPD detectives were [187] mid 2017? Officer Familia [1] Godspeed, Patriot. We will never forget.



#2150📁 We Will Never FORGET! We Will Never FORGIVE!📁 PATRIOT DAY.

#2389📁Never forget.

#3694 Lisa Page "POTUS wants to know everything we're doing": Never forget who directed.

#4759 Picture from AF1 of POTUS, Hicks, Scavino, Miller etc.: Never forget those in the background.

2) Other USUAL DECODES point to posts:
18, 53, 134, 142, 247, 290, 298, 606, 653, 659, 1247, 1806, 2306, 3006, 3506

#53 ... The level of corruption in our country (and most others) is so severe there is ONLY ONE WAY.

#134 ... Dark to LIGHT. ...
#247 ... Hussein Iran connection. Bombs away. Merry Christmas.
#290 ... Pictures: Pope celebrating black mass followed by THOR striking down giants
#298 ... Pics: NoName, Queen, Sadat, Bush meeting terrorists/Alwaleed Bin Talal
#606 Trump just tweeted. [22] minute delta marker.

#659 Effective yesterday, while standing under the statue of FREEDOM, POTUS FREED those ‘good’ people who are currently being blackmailed, threatened and enslaved. Those who stood chanting “USA” were FREED. The shot heard around the world. TG> WE, THE PEOPLE. FREEDOM DAY. LIGHT.

#1247 Happy hunting!
#1806 Full attack mode.

edit on 24-12-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 11:09 PM

originally posted by: Frodolives
It's Time all lurkers join in the conversation.
They regulars here feel that they are a voice in the wilderness.
I challenge all of you lurkers to step forth and be brave.

I've been lurking a long time. Rarely have anything to say and often stick my foot in my mouth blurting out random thoughts... my deepest apologies guys. However, what I want to say is that my entire psyche feels to be healing from participating and lurking in this thread. It has turned dark to light for me in a personal way like nothing ever has. I was damn near suicidal this spring with the dreaded "new normal" which is why I came back to ats. I only left because I got so busy but with my mental health at risk I needed to find my people again. I thank you, Dashen and the lot of you, from the bottom of my heart for all the work you put into it. It is healthy to fight the darkness. To do any less is defeat. I am on your side, stupid comments and all. Merry Xmas

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 11:12 PM
0 Posts,
10 POTUS tweets; 0 retweets, 3 video tweets, 1 DELETED tweet from 5 weeks ago,
Total 10

KU V19.94 24201220 to 4953 incl DECODE tools

Most linked posts in the day's decodes:
5x 15,
3x 23, 80

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 11:19 PM
POTUS tweet from Nov 16th deleted Dec 24th approx 12:00:00

RT @realDerekUtley: Trump Supporters as far as you can see at Freedom Plaza


5 weeks 5 days = 5:5

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: Frodolives

Merry Christmas from another long time lurker. I was more active in the earlier threads, but still cheering you all on from the sidelines. If I don't have anything to contribute I feel I'm just wasting this valuable space for others' learning. Please all keep fighting the good fight and NEVER give up.

I'm an Aussie but I support your president. I am deeply saddened by the corruption shown by your leaders with both this new Covid Bill and the sham elections. What happens in the USA affects us all, especially the really worrying China developments.

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: igloo

No comments are stupid igloo... because they all communicate an opinion - and opinions matter!

Even if people have a different viewpoint, it is still important that others know your opinion.

A very Happy Christmas to you and yours!
edit on 24-12-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 11:33 PM
You're not joking about the Federalist Papers. I read that after high school and couldn't believe it wasn't taught. I think 2020 is a good reason why they've kept it out of history class.

a reply to: Brassmonkey

The power of creating new funds upon new objects of taxation, by its own authority, would enable the national government to borrow as far as its necessities might require. Foreigners, as well as the citizens of America, could then reasonably repose confidence in its engagements; but to depend upon a government that must itself depend upon thirteen other governments for the means of fulfilling its contracts, when once its situation is clearly understood, would require a degree of credulity not often to be met with in the pecuniary transactions of mankind, and little reconcilable with the usual sharp-sightedness of avarice.

It is a question to which the creditors are parties on one side and the debtors on the other. Justice ought to hold the balance between them. Yet the parties are, and must be, themselves the judges; and the most numerous party, or, in other words, the most powerful faction must be expected to prevail. Shall domestic manufactures be encouraged, and in what degree, by restrictions on foreign manufactures? are questions which would be differently decided by the landed and the manufacturing classes, and probably by neither with a sole regard to justice and the public good. The apportionment of taxes on the various descriptions of property is an act which seems to require the most exact impartiality; yet there is, perhaps, no legislative act in which greater opportunity and temptation are given to a predominant party to trample on the rules of justice. Every shilling with which they overburden the inferior number, is a shilling saved to their own pockets.

The influence of factious leaders may kindle a flame within their particular States, but will be unable to spread a general conflagration through the other States. A religious sect may degenerate into a political faction in a part of the Confederacy; but the variety of sects dispersed over the entire face of it must secure the national councils against any danger from that source. A rage for paper money, for an abolition of debts, for an equal division of property, or for any other improper or wicked project, will be less apt to pervade the whole body of the Union than a particular member of it; in the same proportion as such a malady is more likely to taint a particular county or district, than an entire State.

Do we owe debts to foreigners and to our own citizens contracted in a time of imminent peril for the preservation of our political existence?

They would be made upon the same principles that usurers commonly lend to bankrupt and fraudulent debtors, with a sparing hand and at enormous premiums.


edit on fThursdayAmerica/Chicago2611699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: Frodolives

Been keeping close tabs since part 1. The major contributors here are amazing, and most likely the only reason I have been able to keep my sanity in such trying times. Please keep fighting the good fight, I am with you and Trump!

posted on Dec, 24 2020 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: Flesh699

Bedtime Story for Grown Ups (The Velveteen Rabbit) Softly Spoken Story with Female Voice for Sleep.

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: Brassmonkey
Wonderful post! I'm about to read it again...a little slower to soak more in this time.

Thank-you BrassMonkey and Merry Christmas!

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 12:23 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: Flesh699

Bedtime Story for Grown Ups (The Velveteen Rabbit) Softly Spoken Story with Female Voice for Sleep.

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