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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 12:43 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: Flesh699
Guys I think he's actually going to do it!

What a fool Governor @BrianKempGA
of Georgia is. Could have been so easy, but now we have to do it the hard way. Demand this clown call a Special Session and open up signature verification, NOW. Otherwise, could be a bad day for two GREAT Senators on January 5th.

Democrats weakened the Signature Verification (and other) safeguards in Georgia. @staceyabrams
played @BrianKempGA
& Secretary of State, for fools. Consent Decree, which is terrible for Republicans (and honest people!), must be opened up NOW - David, Kelly, and I will then win!

The insurrection act might actually happen in my opinion.

Careful what you hope for. Anyone wonder why the twitter Gestapo overlords are not removing/banning the call for Insurrection and Martial Law talk?

It's bait. Baiting Trump.

They are not being banned because this would be a Christmas present to the Deep State. Goldman Sachs wet dream for the NY Fed owners, central banksters & Technocrats. No constitution - do you know what they do?

If the Insurrection Act is invoked and/or suspend the Constitution then the Deep State and owners of the NY Fed will finally get what they want...they can override the Sheriffs, confiscate guns, more draconian lockdowns, more rights taken away, force vaccinations, etc. The Country will be SUICIDED, imo.

Given how our gov't has behaved the past 20 years with Emergency Powers + Patriot Act, and all the control mechanisms stuffed into the NDAA every year, there is no such thing as temporary or partial Martial Law if enacted this time around, imo. What the gov't giveth, the gov't can take away. Boom, goodbye.

What if all this talk on CCP infiltration & control is actually all coming from an internal deep state opposition faction. CCP propaganda provides the smoke 'n mirrors and entertainment for us while the real battle rages behind the scenes. On the flip-side, 5 days ago Sec Pompeo said the CCP initiated a global disinfo campaign on Dec 7th.

“People have no idea in the world what is going on.”
― Jordan Maxwell

“Nothing in this world operates the way you think it does. Banks do not loan money, governments are not empowered to protect you, the police department is not there to serve you, institutions of higher learning, colleges and educational institutes, are not there to educate you. The entire superstructure of civilization in the Western world is a combination of brilliantly put together and planned, well-planned, schemes to direct the minds of the people in such a way as to serve their masters.”
― Jordan Maxwell, Matrix of Power: How the World Has Been Controlled by Powerful People Without Your Knowledge.

Jordan said that back in 1989 and 30 years later here we are.😳🤪

Your Gifs are golden!🤣💥

I'm not hoping for it. It just seems like it's heading that way—I didn't actually believe it was until today. Even if they were to try and suspend the constitution there's no way average Americans would not flip the table if it suddenly began to look like a rising dictatorship. These governors are losing the mask and mandates so bad they basically have to do press releases every week pleading for people to comply. That says a lot, to me at least.
So what's the other option, then?
Is the massive dump of CCP compromised companies, etc., a response to the CCP initiated disinfo campaign?
edit on fMondayAmerica/Chicago4812699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 12:46 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

That would be a nice DECLAS!

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: elementalgrove

edit on 14-12-2020 by FlyingFox because: UNLEASH THE KRAKEN!

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 12:57 AM
Does anyone believe Attorney General Barr did NOT tell President Trump that several criminal investigations are in effect with the Biden family?

I refuse to believe it. Nevertheless, President Trump is labeling AG Barr as a "Big Disappointment":

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 01:13 AM
Wow Twitter's getting really fast. I just broke the 75-second sound barrier for an account suspension on another throw away.

edit on fMondayAmerica/Chicago0501699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 01:29 AM

originally posted by: TheRaxVirus
Yeah you also forgot China granted 18 Trademarks to Ivanka, which are very very difficult to obtain, from China in 2016 and yes one of them is for voting machines. Its the forth of fifth one on the list

Oh that right lets ignore this and focus our attention elsewhere.

a reply to: FlyingFox

I actually tried to look. I don’t read Chinese. I saw nothing about voter machines but then, I don’t speak Chinese. I also noticed that those are for her clothing line. This seems a lot like the stupid “trump has a bank account in China” garbage. Something that’s so mundane and without any significance at all being spun into something by the media and then spoon fed to the masses. Just like the tax return nonsense and the “there’s no evidence that Biden did anything wrong” coverage of the congressional committee report.

Every time the news reports on something, a quick search almost always results in confirmation that they are liars. I’m not sure where you got these Chinese papers as they aren’t sourced but it would be expected for a designer clothing company to have trademarks around the world. Just like it would be expected for a company doing the leg work on opening a hotel to have a bank account in the country they are doing the prep work in.

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 01:33 AM
Lin Wood

Better to be safe than sorry. Make sure you have PLENTY of water, food, flashlights & batteries, candles, radio, 2nd Amendment supplies, & a plan to meet with leaders of your communities. Remember we only have 1 President at a time. Our leader is @realDonaldTrump, not Biden.

MilSpecOps talking about possible 10 day lockdown coming soon

edit on 14-12-2020 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 01:42 AM
Somethings you really just hate to ask, but I think this is something that at least needs to be pondered and or considered.

I was watching a interview with Sidney Powell tonight that you can find HERE
Of course the main subject was the whole voting issue with the machines among other subjects of course. She made a statement that this has probably been going on for the last 20 years. Seems they checked California and found Hillary had done the same to Bernie and that he knew about from those in the know telling him, but he settled for the payout. No big surprise there.

It got me to thinking though. We know POTUS has been aware of this voting issue just going by some of his older tweets. He has mentioned it on many occasions. Question is, did he know about what was going on with the machines? You know, did it come up in a good old boys conversation? Someone with a little to much fire water under their belt bragging about it perhaps at a party?

This led me to thinking about the 2016 elections. Of course the chatter has been Hillary and company tried to pull it off during that election. The consensus though has been they didnt cheat enough to pull it off. Explaining the over kill this round.

Now I recall going to bed that night thinking she had it in the bag because of the number reports I was seeing. Then it appears it all took a turn after midnight and everything started popping up for Trump. Almost magically like it did for Biden after midnight. I didnt pay close attention that night because I really didnt have that much interest either way.

The question I hate to ask is if POTUS did a little rigging himself? He would have the money to pull it off. Of course I really hate thinking about this. I like believing POTUS has always been on the up n up. Then again he would also have himself another "Proof" that it can be done. Maybe he had it set to go into affect after it was clear he was the winner and it wouldnt matter? He could show the time when they put it into motion?

Can anyone think of any Q drops that might actually be pointing to this? Anything come to mind? This "Plan" clearly goes back further than these last 4 years. Who knows how long it has been in the works. Seems to me the Q folks very well could have the means to pull this off.

Just spitballing thoughts on it now, but with all considered, I think we do have to think about for at least a hot minute.

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 01:59 AM

originally posted by: onehuman
Now I recall going to bed that night thinking she had it in the bag because of the number reports I was seeing. Then it appears it all took a turn after midnight and everything started popping up for Trump. Almost magically like it did for Biden after midnight. I didnt pay close attention that night because I really didnt have that much interest either way.

The question I hate to ask is if POTUS did a little rigging himself? He would have the money to pull it off. Of course I really hate thinking about this. I like believing POTUS has always been on the up n up. Then again he would also have himself another "Proof" that it can be done. Maybe he had it set to go into affect after it was clear he was the winner and it wouldnt matter? He could show the time when they put it into motion?

Can anyone think of any Q drops that might actually be pointing to this? Anything come to mind? This "Plan" clearly goes back further than these last 4 years. Who knows how long it has been in the works. Seems to me the Q folks very well could have the means to pull this off.

Just spitballing thoughts on it now, but with all considered, I think we do have to think about for at least a hot minute.

I doubt Trump has anything to do with it personally. If this really is a military operation to save the country they most likely disabled a system similar to Dominion or some thing, because as we've seen up to this point had she won none of this crazy stuff would've been possible and they did the only thing they could do at the time, probably.

It explains, to me at least, why she didn't have concession speech. They really didn't think they'd lose.

As Vox reported, Clinton had no plans to deliver a speech at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center last night. Podesta, who’s Clinton’s campaign chair, took the stage at the Democratic election night watch party in New York to deliver a simple message: “Everybody should go home.”

“I have to say this tonight: goodnight,” Podesta said. “We will be back, and we will have more to say. Let’s get those votes counted, and let’s bring this home.”

The remarks were made before races in various states were called, including New Hampshire, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. But Donald Trump was already in the lead, looking like he was about to clinch the election.

It’s likely that Clinton will address her supporters later today. But so far we have no concession speech from her. Podesta’s full remarks follow below, while Trump’s victory speech is available at this link.
edit on fMondayAmerica/Chicago2202699 by Flesh699 because: Didn't write what I was meaning to say

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 02:24 AM

originally posted by: onehuman
Somethings you really just hate to ask, but I think this is something that at least needs to be pondered and or considered.

I was watching a interview with Sidney Powell tonight that you can find HERE
Of course the main subject was the whole voting issue with the machines among other subjects of course. She made a statement that this has probably been going on for the last 20 years. Seems they checked California and found Hillary had done the same to Bernie and that he knew about from those in the know telling him, but he settled for the payout. No big surprise there.

It got me to thinking though. We know POTUS has been aware of this voting issue just going by some of his older tweets. He has mentioned it on many occasions. Question is, did he know about what was going on with the machines? You know, did it come up in a good old boys conversation? Someone with a little to much fire water under their belt bragging about it perhaps at a party?

This led me to thinking about the 2016 elections. Of course the chatter has been Hillary and company tried to pull it off during that election. The consensus though has been they didnt cheat enough to pull it off. Explaining the over kill this round.

Now I recall going to bed that night thinking she had it in the bag because of the number reports I was seeing. Then it appears it all took a turn after midnight and everything started popping up for Trump. Almost magically like it did for Biden after midnight. I didnt pay close attention that night because I really didnt have that much interest either way.

The question I hate to ask is if POTUS did a little rigging himself? He would have the money to pull it off. Of course I really hate thinking about this. I like believing POTUS has always been on the up n up. Then again he would also have himself another "Proof" that it can be done. Maybe he had it set to go into affect after it was clear he was the winner and it wouldnt matter? He could show the time when they put it into motion?

Can anyone think of any Q drops that might actually be pointing to this? Anything come to mind? This "Plan" clearly goes back further than these last 4 years. Who knows how long it has been in the works. Seems to me the Q folks very well could have the means to pull this off.

Just spitballing thoughts on it now, but with all considered, I think we do have to think about for at least a hot minute.

I think they hacked the voting machine rigging process and disabled it in '16. I think it's been known or at least suspected for many years. Like I've said in here before, I've always personally been suspicious of the process. I'd imagine many Americans have the same point of view, those that give it any thought. Anyhow, I read part of the lengthy 'Fraction Magic' series of articles at
this site back when the story started trickling into the thread. Those articles were published in 2016, and the author spoke of meeting with the computer scientist a few years prior, 2013 or 2014 I think. She sought him out to have him investigate these claims. The story seems to trace at least that far back then. They weren't necessarily the first ones to look into it, even if they were first to write about it. They might be, I'm not sure.

Edit to add: Oh yeah, you had asked about Q references to anything like that, there is quite a bit of 'They never thought she would lose' in Q's posts, so that seemed suggestive to me that the vote rig hacking rumor might be true and that that was a reference to it. That might've even been how the rumor came up in the thread, in reference to examining that phrase. Not sure, that was a lot of reading ago.

originally posted by: Sakiale
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

those are all the exact same reasons i have for leaning towards him being real. lets hope things get fixed in time for new years.

New years. That'd be nice. I think it might take longer. I think it'll be a weird thing for awhile, hope it doesn't get too ugly. I guess we'll see what happens. Ought to be interesting to see how this plays out, anyhow.
edit on 14-12-2020 by TheBadCabbie because: because

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

This is an old picture. Was floating around long before he was caught and it was taken on the island not at the ranch

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Hi Rel,

Possible Dan ties into POTUS "big old slow turtle" tweet from Dec 11?
KU758 = "Turtle sink Eagle" Sept 7, 1776.
July 4, 1776 - Sept 7, 1776 = 65 days (17.76% of a year)
BC = SS nickname was Eagle & 42 president

Have been seeing more "Eagle" comms over the last few days:
@elonmusk post = Life, the Universe, and Everything message with "42"
@IvankaTrump post = 2 holes-in-one at LPGA
(a "hole in 1" on a par 3 = -2 for the hole = "an eagle")
@DanScavino now posting "Eagle on Ice"
@USCGSoutheast = rescued an entangled turtle near Boot Key Harbor

Another possible tie into the [3:15] video = KU315?
Timestamp US Military against POTUS tweets
How many clues must we provide?

List are some main MI links (but there are a lot of sub-groups too):
U.S. Marines
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Army
U.S. Navy
U.S. Air Force

Time to send a friendly "Always good to be prepared" message to friends/family
Unexpected storms can hit anytime better to stock up now
Make sure to have PLENTY of water, food, flashlights, batteries, candles, radio, pet supplies (10-14 days).
Talk to friends & neighbors with a plan of action to support one another

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 02:48 AM

originally posted by: saladfingers123456

originally posted by: Flesh699

Funny you should mention the old 6 6 6... While I was doing some deep research on connected bodies, I came across this little gem... This stuff is always in your face.

The Paris Peace Forum

Why is this important? Well, here is their mission statement... under "Our work"

Our Forum is held every year on 11-13 November in Paris with the aim to place global governance at the top of the international agenda.

Watch this video closely, and you might see this little gem, along side happy smiling faces...

Incarceration policies.... mmmmmmmmm

Definition of incarceration
: confinement in a jail or prison : the act of imprisoning someone or the state of being imprisoned

This has been running for 3 years... the one just gone on the 13th of Nov. being the third, and features all of your usual suspects... Macron, Merkel, Trudeau, Ardern, Modi, Melinda Gates...

Oh, and not forgetting Xi Jinping!...

I mean, I'm sure they all have the best intentions for us... they want to "bounce back to a better world"... with incarceration and global governance... with the good ole' CCP... and as they are installed everywhere already, then that should be nice and easy.

What say ye?


posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 03:12 AM
FYI: The tweet from Rep. Eric Swalwell (2nd from top) in Q post 2207, is no longer on Twitter.


I wonder what that tweet said?
edit on 12/14/2020 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 03:15 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

MASTER ARCHIVE THREAD is here and will be closed shortly...

I'm not sure if you can flag closed threads for easy reference so if you feel the urge to do so, I'd do it now.

Thank you very much for the hard work you've done putting this together, and for all the interesting decodes you've brought to these threads. I appreciate it, and I'm sure many others do as well.

I still can't help but think that there's more to this puzzle than I have yet figured out though. What? I don't know. Just saying. I don't think we have it all.

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 03:50 AM
This is very blatant programming from Nov 30, 2020:

edit on fMondayAmerica/Chicago1903699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 03:52 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I wanted to reply to this post to highlight that #4951:

'Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b3a95d No.11618946 📁
Nov 12 2020 22:20:17 (EST)
Shall we play a game?
[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming
Who stepped down today [forced]?📁
More coming?
Why is this relevant?
How do you 'show' the public the truth?
How do you 'safeguard' US elections post-POTUS?
How do you 'remove' foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?
It had to be this way.
Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.

This post...

This post says a lot, in my opinion. Q is speaking to us and the rest of his called up audience, lots of curious patriots and conspiracy researchers plus 'other'. He's saying that a big part of this show he has given us was to lead us to this point of understanding we are at right now. It had to be this way. Show the public the truth. Safeguard US elections. Brilliant.

We're there, this is not your average four year election as we know them to be here in the US to anyone who bothers to look into it. A lot more evidence of fraud than any previous cycle as far as I can tell. It's all available for anyone with an internet connection who wants to look. I think millions and millions of people might have just gotten red pilled about two or three weeks ago.

Anyhow, I wanted to highlight this post to everyone just to say gosh what an epic rib from this fella: 'See, I told you! Now you see it plainly!' Good one, Q. Thanks for the eye opener. Total nerdgasm over here.

It also seems a very important post to me. Quintessential, even. We safeguard elections, the republic can survive, be reclaimed by liberty championing individuals being elected to office, at least in theory. Without that, it all could be fixed in the future.

Of course it's important to remember he also said very clearly in this post: Nothing can stop what is coming...
edit on 14-12-2020 by TheBadCabbie because: because

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: saladfingers123456

A couple of thoughts on this.

The bible is often describing things metaphysically. In that sense, Trump could be the one with the head wound, if you were to think of him as a revival of JFK, and there is just so much synchronicity with him and JFK and what Trump is trying to do, just an idea.

Some thoughts on Jesus, it has always confused me how Jesus could have literally saved us. ie. what physical thing is the bible trying to explain. Again it could just be metaphysical, but I never could quite accept that. It can't just be "magic" that his life and death brought redemption to humanity.

My two sort of theories are a) Jesus effectively "invented" and inserted into the human consciousness, the idea of empathy. It's hard for us to imagine the world 2000 years ago, but frankly, unconditional love and feeling the pain that others do, is COMPLETELY anti survival. I can certainly imagine a world in which empathy didn't exist at all, in fact it would be the common sense foundation of physical life, to fight purely for your own survival. By living the life he led he showed humanity how to care for others and then to die for us was the physical manifestation of that love.

b) Going on from what you were saying regarding the feminine aspect being removed from Christianity over the last 2 millennia, I could definitely see any woman of Jesus being covered up. So the other idea would be that he physically injected the DNA of God into humanity by bearing children. This is obviously not a new idea (DaVinci Code anyone) and also brings up a lot of silly "racial superiority" issues, but could also explain the aristocracies obsession with bloodlines in the first place (although the Queen is a descendant of Mohammed and don't think she claims descent from Jesus!)

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 03:56 AM
What is the point of all the decodes if Trump loses?

Are you preparing for Q to say the disclosure and arrests etc etc rely on Trump running again and winning. Thus stringing you on for another 4 years to the next election?

It's all been a waste of time if Q doesn't reveal something right?

What happened to the decode that Rel put forward that pointed to a Twitter reveal at 5pm? Did anything happen? Another dud? How many duds till its mathematically impossible to be a correct decoding method?

Surely that means this is all pointless, if the decodes are actually wrong more times than they actually decode something that links to a future event then they are nothing more than word soup. All the failed 1 year deltas. All you are doing is linking tweets to other tweets, none correspond to actual events.

At what point do you admit that there is no secret message in Trumps tweets, because its patently obvious that his typos are just fat finger typos and he's not sending you hidden messages...

.... or if he is, you are unable to decode them properly.

posted on Dec, 14 2020 @ 04:27 AM

originally posted by: Frodolives

Look, I am not here to discourage nor dissuade anything from anyone. Most folks post about their beliefs in Q and what needs to happen. Some are chasing the noble child trafficking network sting, others the political corruption exposure, Lizards and Demons, Saturn and Jupiter, bloodlines and banking. All are likely partially or mostly true. Everything may be intertwined, who knows. Personally, I want all to be vindicated and have it laid out nice and neat, but I doubt "we the people" will most likely never get within 2% of the real truth.

I DO see the military involved certainly. Will it be effective? I hope so, but I don't like a worse case scenario. And believe me, we are getting to that point. There has been a war going on behind the scenes (more intense) in our government since at least 2016. That is apparent as hell to anyone with an IQ of 8 or higher. The collateral damage this nation is in now, is just that...fallout from the scorched earth war front trickling into our every day lives.

For the record, I served 23 years in the service. I know there are great and fine people in the military. I know they have the capability, the resolve, and the will to overcome should they be allowed.

Alas, I will just say this. I AM disheartened. As much as I loathe the media and our corrupt leaders I think I am angrier at that subset of creatures who casts actual "legal" votes for Team Biden. But then again I guess I never did understand mental illness all that well. It's a thing apparently.

Have I given up? HELL NO!
This is a Government coup funded by a hostile foreign nation at the least.
I will never accept that outcome for my children's and my grandchildren's future....nor anyone else's either.

I'll go back to lurking a bit as venting can often come off as whiny or arrogant. I don't want to offend anyone.
You guys are the greatest and we are after the same thing in the end. Justice, and the restoration of a once great country with all of it's minor imperfections.

Oh I share your concerns. There's plenty that could go wrong, I agree. I was not trying to argue so much in my reply, as discuss the merits or lack thereof in such an option.

If they get in, do what they came to do, and get out, limited deployment style, and most hardly know it happened by the time it's over I don't expect it would be a problem. If it turns into a bureaucrat with gun versus military style engagement, or killer robots/private armies/Chinese invasion or some such, well that could all get real messy real quick and would probably really suck. If they try to lock down the country or major cities for any length of time, that would be a real cause for concern for me and would probably upset a lot of Americans.

Militia could intervene if they chose I'd guess, but without color of law to bring legitimacy to that effort, it really runs the risk of getting out of control very easily. Really if you game that out for a minute, there's a good chance the military responds to them eventually if not initially. Boom. Messy. Assuming a military/bureaucrat stand down, militia victorious, they storm in what, exactly?

I'm not sure the DOJ CAN do anything on it's own. If most of the three letter places are compromised, can Barr even provide the foot soldiers to carry out a mass arrest if he decides he wants to? I'm not sure that he can. Perhaps with military assistance...

Like Q said, the military is probably the best option. Sure seems like she might have been thinking ahead to the near future. I'd guess there is UCMJ code that addresses dealing with a situation like this, probably part of the reason she thought the military would work best for something like that.
edit on 14-12-2020 by TheBadCabbie because: because

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