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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 31 -

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posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 05:49 AM

originally posted by: Hamlin
My question to you is, if you are from Australia as your profile suggests, does this need to be a global movement? Or are you just asking your friends in USA to make this monumental decision while you sit back and watch?

Absolutely its a global movement of the highest of priorities, the control of the Cabal of our governments needs to end, DJT was the start of the fight back, the total tyranny of the global Cabal has to end, we are witnessing them already installing their controls using Covid under the guise of "its in our best interests" around the globe.

It doesn`t surprise me a bit that you attempt to explain away the glaring obvious fraud perpetrated by crime families aided by Big Tech and sold out MSM, "with voter fraud aside". How weak to bring up WWE as if that is making a point, while you think the left is quiet and reserved, what a joke.

They will lie cheat murder to cling to power and when DJT wins this election in a landslide, it`ll be because DJT MI and teams have been set up to catch everyone of them in the act.

The same systems (Dominion) they use to install their preferred puppet in countries around the globe to further their end goal, whether you believe it or not.

But your concerned about people who will fight for their freedoms otherwise you wouldn`t be asking the question, Citizens are standing up around the globe already against it while police are against them, but BLM Antifa get a free pass aided by the left, who are funded by Soros who has said wants America destroyed before he dies.

If all fails through the courts with the overwhelming amount of evidence of massive voter fraud, TPTB NWO world Cabal will NEVER allow another DJT to get even close to another Election and The Great Reset" will be installed. We are nothing but cattle to them.

Its do or die for America and other countries will follow. First countries in my thoughts beyond the US are the UK Canada NZ and my country, we need the crooks out of our Governments and stand united against this common evil.

Trump wins the winning continues and all Elections going forward will be clean and other countries Elections are hopefully scrutinized.

So back at you...

Now that's my opinion and you've already rejected this out of hand. Its clear from your statement that you are unmovable in your opinion and therefore anything I say or prove is moot. I find that quite an illogical position, you are basically deny knowledge.

I`ll deny my own ignorance I certainly don`t need yours.

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to: Hamlin

The issue of relocating for safety is interesting and one I have been considering lately.

I live in a market town with 10s of thousands of residents. I'm near daughters but away from mother and siblings who live in a town with only couple thousand residents. My son also lives further away.

I'm considering moving to the smaller and more remote location before they start a harsher level of lock down and mandatory vaccinations. There's no police station or hospital so less control and visibility. Easier to remain under the radar and to be self sufficient.

My daughters wouldn't move because of kids peer groups, their partners' families and my ex, their mother. It raises the question "How much of our family do we care enough for to want to protect"? Birth family, progeny, cousins? When, as Sidney Powell puts it "The rubber hits the road", how do you prioritise survival? Yours, your childrens, your siblings, your parents?

Oh for a return to the times when the extended family lived in one community! Has the cabal designed geographic movement of families into the cities in preparation for their vaccine cull?

In my case, if I prioritise my children then I put myself more at risk but at what point do they have a greater responsibility for their families than for me? If I am deprioritised by them then shouldn't each of us make decisions based on our own needs?

A real conundrum for me.
edit on 25-11-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

(post by Dem0nc1eaner removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 06:01 AM
Someone asked for the image of red votes in/blue votes out quite a few pages back. Creep Thumper or Metal Thunder maybe? It's not the same one, but it sums up this election nicely.

I found this meme fitting.

I sure hope Dashen has the next chapter ready to roll.
Things are moving swiftly!

edit on 25-11-2020 by Frodolives because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I feel you Rel. I'm also in the UK. I have to say, I am pretty invested in Q and this US election cycle. I think deep down I know it's going to have huge ramifications on my life, whatever happens.

But, in the nicest possible way, you have given it seems everything to this, for years and years now. Please don't get too deep emotionally, to the point where you can't easily back out. The last thing your family needs is for you to panic if/when the time comes that the last 3 years of preparation are to be needed.

I'm not meaning to sound negative, it's just I have been in the same place myself. I think most of us have in all honesty, even before Q was a thing, we were the "crazy mate" babbling on about the NWO takeover, lizard people or the fake fiat banking system turning us into slaves.

I suppose all I'm trying to say is that, further to your conundrum, I have come to the realisation that the only person who you can mentally prepare is yourself, or those others who COME TO YOU asking questions.

You can't force it on people who don't want to listen. I've lost friends over it.

If they wanted to listen, they would already be asking the same questions as you and I, "how the hell can a country like the US with 300m "misplace" 1m children every year. How can it be that every country in the world is in debt and who are they in debt to and when do they get to call that debt in? Why are governments trying to force a vaccine on us for a disease that isn't a threat by any reasonable standards?

Have a plan for yourself. Be proud of your opinions and convictions, but don't get angry or annoyed if you can't convince others, because when and if the # really does hit the fan, you like I and many others here, will be the first person they come to. At this point they will be ready to listen and if you are prepared you will be ready to teach.

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 06:35 AM
I don't often pass on memes but had to share this:

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 06:52 AM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
UK - 275 people per sq km
USA - 36 people per sq km

UK busting at the seams. That’s gotta suck.

Busting at the seams? Have you ever been here?

Why make such a comment?

Seems that anyone who dares have an alternative opinion to some on here gets all sorts of irrelevant nonsense thrown at them.

In this case including having a pop at foreigners.

Why do you feel the need to do this?

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: Dem0nc1eaner

D01 cheers for the words of advice.

I'm fortunate though that all my family except one have been soaking up my research and are "on side". Equally, I will have no problem moving to different roles, positions, or perspectives because I treat this the same way as I would a work assignment - perhaps I'm a little too robotic in that respect.

Put it this way, If local river levels raised significantly, my kids would still have a problem moving from their stability even when the water is lapping at the front door.

My points were more about the kinds of issues every family will face when the cabal try to impose this re"SET" - with the emphasis on the egyptian god of death. Tough calls will have to be made by us all.

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Me and my wife and the kids have a semblance of a plan, but the rest of our family and friends think we're nuts to even be concerned about a vaccine (as an example)...

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 07:58 AM
Well, clear blue and 72 here in the Southwest. Border secure. Conceal carry with no permit. Maskless are growing in number. Think I’ll get 18 in on Thursday before the large gathering.

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Throughout all of this, people in the UK, at least in my area, have not been quick on the uptake with regards to masks, except when inside shops. I rarely see anyone outside with a mask on (have seen a couple crazies wearing them inside their own car!).

It gives me hope. In the UK, we are slow to pay attention to government and quick to anger if they overstep their boundaries.

Our entire law and policing system is based on the motto "oi, don't take the piss mate".

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

It is very worrisome and we all face similar problems.

Take my State, we have had very few cases of Covid recorded of approx 2.5 million, I`ve only seen at the beginning a few people wear masks, but just recently their plans are being shown.

The CEO of Qantas has said that all passengers on flights will need proof of vaccination.

Then even closer that hit home was..

Police State , Western Australia..

From December 5, it will be mandatory for West Australians to check-in at most public venues to improve WA’s contact tracing capabilities in the event of a coronavirus outbreak.

McGowan unveils QR code app as venue check-ins made mandatory in WA


Then we have Scott Morrison our PM pictured with an Aussie flagged mask worn upside down and today another pic of him wearing an Australian lapel flag pin upside down, and he congratulated Biden.

Its not far away from needing digital/or other proof of vaccination for any service.

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: Dem0nc1eaner

Good to hear.

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 08:19 AM
Jailers interrupt Ghislaine Maxwell’s sleep every 15 minutes to check if she’s still breathing, lawyer says

Couple quotes that stuck out ...

“And despite non-stop in-cell camera surveillance, Ms. Maxwell’s sleep is disrupted every 15 minutes when she is awakened by a flashlight to ascertain whether she is breathing.”

“However, given the voluminous discovery in this case, the most recent production alone being 1.2 million documents, the time accorded Ms. Maxwell remains inadequate for her to review and prepare the defense of her life,” the lawyer wrote.

1.2 Million Documents .....

Brothers at war: Disgraced Prince Andrew blocks Charles' ascension to throne

It is also said that Prince Andrew was always favoured by the Queen as her favourite child.

And censorship

YouTube bans far right-wing OAN channel for a week

And this ......

IRS Could Search Warrantless Location Database Over 10,000 Times

The document provides more insight into what exactly the IRS wanted to do with a tool purchased from Venntel, a government contractor that sells clients access to a database of smartphone movements. The Inspector General is currently investigating the IRS for using the data without a warrant to try to track the location of Americans.

"This contract makes clear that the IRS intended to use Venntel’s spying tool to identify specific smartphone users using data collected by apps and sold onwards to shady data brokers. The IRS would have needed a warrant to obtain this kind of sensitive information from AT&T or Google," Senator Ron Wyden told Motherboard in a statement after reviewing the contract.

edit on 11252020 by MetalThunder because: 7 7 7

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: Dem0nc1eaner
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Throughout all of this, people in the UK, at least in my area, have not been quick on the uptake with regards to masks, except when inside shops. I rarely see anyone outside with a mask on (have seen a couple crazies wearing them inside their own car!).

It gives me hope. In the UK, we are slow to pay attention to government and quick to anger if they overstep their boundaries.

Our entire law and policing system is based on the motto "oi, don't take the piss mate".

You should learn your own governments rules.

There is no requirement in the UK to wear a mask outside. So its not because people are rebelling or are not quick on the uptake.

UK Gov Mask Rules

So I'm not sure why you expect people to be wearing them outside at all.

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

That does sound like a tough situation Rel, I can't really relate as my family is quite close and small (3 of us to be exact) so we move as one. Once you've branched out like you have an extended families are involved then it gets complicated.

The question you start asking yourself would be its fine to move somewhere and avoid these rules, but for how long. Do you move again as the rules get closer. I think a lot of people are asking that question, if you feel as violated and restricted by these rules at what point is enough... enough.

Right now I'd move happily to live and surround myself in a friendlier atmosphere, its not worth the hassle of fighting to me. But at some point you might feel like theres no-where left to move and the time to stand up and make the change has come and gone.

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: gps777

Absolutely its a global movement of the highest of priorities, the control of the Cabal of our governments needs to end, DJT was the start of the fight back, the total tyranny of the global Cabal has to end, we are witnessing them already installing their controls using Covid under the guise of "its in our best interests" around the globe.

Do you feel the same level of traction in Aus? Is the US Election going to be a catalyst over there for change or does it require a local event/local exposure of apparent corruption for people to take notice.

It doesn`t surprise me a bit that you attempt to explain away the glaring obvious fraud perpetrated by crime families aided by Big Tech and sold out MSM, "with voter fraud aside".

This isn't a place to discuss that. What I'm guessing is you don't want to discuss this at all. There are millions and millions of people who disagree but you aren't willing to open a dialogue with them you'd rather just mock and ignore. Thats hardly unity.

How weak to bring up WWE as if that is making a point, while you think the left is quiet and reserved, what a joke.

What makes this weak? I do think the left is quiet and reserved, well most of its base is. Whereas I do think the right's base are more vocal and energized. I don't think thats unfair to say or me to have that opinion. I'm not talking in absolutes.

They will lie cheat murder to cling to power and when DJT wins this election in a landslide, it`ll be because DJT MI and teams have been set up to catch everyone of them in the act.

Ok well we can see how it turns out and revisit it then. You seem pretty confident in this but I guess only time will tell.

But your concerned about people who will fight for their freedoms otherwise you wouldn`t be asking the question

Suddenly asking questions in a thread for "Communication and Research" is being attacked. I'm not concerned about anything you just posted, I'm interested in it. I'm interested in this subject. Why the constant need to attack me to validate your own opinion? Its unnecessary.

Citizens are standing up around the globe already against it while police are against them, but BLM Antifa get a free pass aided by the left, who are funded by Soros who has said wants America destroyed before he dies.

I'm not seeing much standing up currently. Most rich people are azz hats. Are the police against citizens? I thought the narrative was that the police stand with Trump?

If all fails through the courts with the overwhelming amount of evidence of massive voter fraud, TPTB NWO world Cabal will NEVER allow another DJT to get even close to another Election and The Great Reset" will be installed. We are nothing but cattle to them.

Q will failed...right?

Trump wins the winning continues and all Elections going forward will be clean and other countries Elections are hopefully scrutinized.

Why didn't Trump make this election clean if all he needs is another term?

I`ll deny my own ignorance I certainly don`t need yours.

Strange comment. Thanks for your response, don't think the hostility was quite needed but interesting to see where you are at. I guess either way you are expecting the World to change over the next few months for Good or Bad.

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 08:57 AM

edit on 11/25/2020 by pteridine because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel, is your home address The Mansion, Bletchley Park, Sherwood Drive, Bletchley Milton Keynes, MK3 6EB, by chance?

Asking for an old KL-7 operator.

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: pteridine

Wow, that literally made my heart skip a beat until I realised you were replying to someone else....

If you weren't already aware, that is where the Enigma machine was used to break the Nazi codes.
edit on 25-11-2020 by Dem0nc1eaner because: (no reason given)

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