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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 31 -

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posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: Flesh699

That is so my favorite meme of all time. I still lose control Of my laughter if I think about It too hard.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid

Weird. Yea I mostly just read and never started posting until the whole social justice crap became a hot topic, then it was mostly just angry and stupid trollish posts.

Actually this thread has made me change how I conduct myself on the internet. Not sure if it's a maturity/immaturity thing or what.

a reply to: Guiltyguitarist

That's what's been driving me crazy. I was never in the military and that seems like a fairly in depth topic to talk about on a break or something. And he says something about fighting the big reptile dudes.
edit on fWednesdayAmerica/Chicago5404699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: onehuman

Thank you. There is no way President Trump cancelled his Mar-A-Lago weekend because he's hunkering down, suffering with bunker mentality, like domestic terrorist CNN says.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: Flesh699

Oh he does? I only watched about half.

I believe Phil Schneider.....
Well I don’t believe he killed himself anyway

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

LOL, it just gets deeper doesn't it. Many thanks for that addendum to what I posted (re: Palantir).
So, "to see events in the past and future."... like a looking glass perhaps? lol, you couldn't make it up.

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Yes, I am living proof of that. It isn't merely philosophical musings. I'm starting to understand why so many here are understanding of the things I've shared about my own unique journey. And to follow up on a comment GuiltyGuitar made on another page... regarding sharing stories... One of my intentions, or perhaps why the spirit has prompted me to share what happened with me, is to make others feel less threatened to open up about their own.
It's so easy to listen to others testaments and just write them off and call them mad, but the more that comes out, the less mad it seems. Confirmation to self and others that we're not all suffering mass delusion. I'd fight fearcely anyone that tried to argue against my experiences, because they are largely the summary of my lifes "work" so to speak. My animation and job etc is merely living costs.

Following everything happening now is like a full time job. I certainly don't do it for money or fame... I want neither. Personally, I just want a fairer world, where a group of people(?) no longer limit us. I'm done with it.
When this is all done, I'll hopefully retire from it all and maybe build my own house, or... who knows... I just want peeps to be happy for the most part. So much misery is in the world, and it needs to end. Period.

I just want to make one small observation regarding technology. I ride a line where I struggle to see beyond the technocratic system. I'd rather destroy it all and live free than be a slave to it. But if I invoke a little Jesus here.. he was a carpenter. A carpenter uses tools to create. They don't control him, he controls them for creative purposes.

So, I'm not against technology as such, because really, they are just tools of the modern age. I need to remind myself of this. But there needs to be a hard line with them being used against us and controlling us. I foresee a day when people smash their TV and more so, their mobile phones in disgust. If the information comes out about the levels of monitoring they do, it might shock people. I mean, many of us here already know, and guess how far it goes. But returning to a past post I did about all this... If we became aware of our own profiling, and how it is used against us... the world would change overnight.
edit on 18-11-2020 by saladfingers123456 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: Flesh699

DAYUUUUUM, at first I thought that was just a 'Bad Lip Reading' until I Googled it... SO glad I stopped drinking tap water a LONG time ago...

edit on 11.18.2020 by Murgatroid because: Felt like it...

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 04:58 PM
Like the way this Anon think on 8Kun

I have been going over and intently looking at drops #34-#35 in light of today’s news and its 3 year Delta, but with different glasses on.

This is what I have noticed and not much current discussion has addressed this:

1) POTUS…[Trump, when this goes live is STILL YOUR PRESIDENT]

2) Temp Military control [This is not NG being activated by Governors, but full Mil serving at the pleasure of the President]

3) Special Ops. [What just hit the news cycle? Ezera Cohen-Watnick…Boom!]

4) This Military/Special Ops action concerns “Organizations and or/people” [Not an action against any invading foreign mil army/UN but mainly, but not all are US domestic assets]

5) Again Military is reiterated.

6) AF1 – [Trump must still be POTUS to be aboard]

7) Time [The time is now. This is it. There is no let’s fix this in 2024] We cross the Rubicon now, or die.]

8) LOOK FOR “MORE” FALSE FLAGS! [The DS is planning and will successfully implement a SERIES of False Flags, “Flags” is Plural.]

9) Signed not by “our favorite anon”, but “4 10 20”…410/20.

10) We are AT THE PRECIPICE, moments away from stepping off the edge.

https:// res/11697642.html#q11697820

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

That's a good one! I will use the "my body my choice" if mandatory vaccines for covid-19 become a reality.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: Trillium

Department of Justice plane just returned from Toronto. Dominion voting systems is headquartered in Toronto.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

So the lizards brought all their water too? How close was this planet?
Ceres in the asteroid belt was that planets core. Not certain if the water arrived here by simply passing through all the debris, and raining it down on earth, or intentionally directing the water to kill off all the competition. It is possible to do if you consider that the moon has a very large capacity to hold water. Both, are possible, just have to assign probabilities. And if anyone has studied the moon you would know, its not natural. I'm guessing both are true.

There is also the possibility that Pluto is the core of another planet that resided in the Kuiper belt. Either one of those could have been the planet they came from, "Nibiru". That would explain why the "moon" is still here, they have no place to go to. I would favor that theory.

Enki stated their Celestial Chariot had a "Proboscis" used to shoot water out to clear their way through the asteroid belt. Interestingly enough, it is said the moon has a 6 mile high "Spire" on the dark side. I can see that being the "proboscis". I also see it being used to destroy the capital city of Atlantis. If all that be true, then that proboscis could be dipped down into a water body to refill the internal tank and use as they saw fit. The scoured bed rock in the circles of the Eye of Africa give it away..........

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 05:15 PM
Sky Event

Quoted tweet in reply to Ivanka

#ReleaseTheKRAKEN BrunoBarking
How do you LEGALLY inject EVIDENCE? What are you witnessing unfold?

With Q post #1183 pic.

Ivanka Trump
· 11h
With EVERY planet Ringed planet visible and the Leonid Meteor Shower Dizzy symbol this week makes for awesome sky gazing — Telescope not required!

... Jupiter & Saturn are extremely close, visible side-by-side in what astronomers call the Great Conjunction

Timing is everything

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Yes. I recently learned they found water on the moon. Last week I think. And I’ve heard the artificial moon theory and am not above ruling it out. I know it rings like a bell and I know the mathematical improbability of the eclipse

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 05:34 PM
Happen to have Prouty's, The Secret Team, in my library, but haven't read it.

So I have started to read it and already I'm seeing something disturbing.

In this book, the author states that the C👁️A calls what it does "Fun and Games". FAG.

Over on the Q board those guys are always calling everyone else some type of fag.

Is this whole Q thing one of their GD spygame ops? We all know by now that the C👁️A is as dirty as dirty gets.

Certainly would explain how Q gets all his inside information and always knows what's going on.

He's the proverbial f'ing eye.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: gps777

Wow, now that IS interesting.
It's also darkness inducing to scroll down and look at the sheer hate being spewed below it. Demon infested people... it's the only way I can look at it. Though, I also know that Twitter do everything they can to makes sure that hate is at the top.

I'm just theorising that everyone on Twitter gets a score. On agenda get high scores, against, negative scores. Like your credit score. I mean, that might be obvious, but I just wanted to say it. But given the hearings going on now, and talk of information sharing between these platforms, I expect somewhere for there to be a shared profile... which also plugs straight into the things I just said in a previous post.

Anyway, the fact that Ivanka is talking the Grand Conjunction really reaffirms it's significance.

WATCH:- We have been unknowingly prepared for this for quite a long time...

Ogre knows what's up.
3 Suns lined up... That would be Sol... Saturn and Jupiter on December 21st.

"Anything could happen... Our world might burn up"
"What is the great conjunction?"
"The End of the World... or the beginning... End... Begin... All the same. Big change. Sometimes good... sometimes bad"
"Heal the Dark Crystal".

I think this is what we are really working towards.
edit on 18-11-2020 by saladfingers123456 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid

I have just watched the Alex Jones video you posted. I am in love.

He is crazy as sh*t. My type of guy.

Maybe we'll get locked up in the booby hatch together and we can spend our time yelling at each other.

I'm going to be burning up YT watching his vids. Awesome!

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 05:38 PM
Good day/night to my fellow ladies and gents. I am glad I buckled up for this ride. That initial shock of the unimaginable of having President Corn Pop being anointed as president elect by the media had me dazed for a few days. My family was in a hopeless state of shock. But I kept reminding them to trust the plan. This scare event really was necessary in hindsight and there may be more ahead with the Central Bank clash(more on that in a sec) But now I am more hopeful even and every day her in ground zero of the 4 alarm Dumpster Fire here in Georgia. The commercials they have been playing for the run off are so absurd. One of the commercials starts off with "Raphael Warnock eats his pizza with a knife..." as an attack ad. I wonder if that wasn't code for PG with that absurd of an attack. Idk, I just thought it was a petty and bizarre way to start an attack add and I am definately not voting for that Deep State recruit. Obama was hyping the hell out of him in the Atlanta rally right before the election. God that seems like several months ago but I digress.

Back to being on topic...

a reply to: GuilyGuitarist

X22 is what I usually listen to before I go to bed. Dave is brilliant and explains things in such a way that it's both riveting and understandable to those of us that aren't economist scholars. The Central Bank is indeed the endgame in reversing this Great Reset. I call it the Great Regret. Anyways, I feel like this will be the 3rd movie that Q refers too in that will be playing in spring of next year. It will be a fierce battle but I feel like all the Middle East peace treaties play an important part of the financial aspect of Trump's plan to return the us to gold standard.

BTW, I am guilty of playing guitar as well! Music is really what gets me through when I am feeling blue. Nothing more exhilarating than performing live with a band in front of a nice crowd. Though I prefer intimate shows with less than 3,000 seats. God, Covid-19 fears need to go away. I miss the blissfulness of being in a crowd at a show gyrating in unison to the sweet grooves and sounds of audible utopia. Now that I am reminiscing on music... Covid fear mongering needs to GTFO. Should become a felony for making bioterroristic threats. lol i kid but i kinda just lied right there haha

a reply to: Allanon

I saw a few pages back that you said that no one really responds to you. I don't post often but I have the privilege to work from home and I have my work system on one screen and this thread occupies the pixels of the other screen all day long. Trust and believe you are seen and make valid points that are just as good as any other brilliant brain that posts in our little club of truth Seeking Addicts. We have become a well oiled machine of a worldwide civillian watchdog group that I am proud to be apart of.

a reply to: saladfingers123456

Hey brother from another mother that formed a bond across the pond. Hope all is well with you and your gal. Just wanted to say that I am glad you took my encouraging advice and ran with it. You really have a talent of being able to experss your thoughts. You have some very interesting thoughts and ideas on a broad spectrum of things and I just want to say keep it up.

Anyways, just wanted to check in. Been going through some health problems and have an ultrasound scheduled Friday for gallbladder and pancreas as well as checking for celiac disease and some other stuff. Fingers crossed they get to the bottom of my issue. I have forgotten what it is like to not be able to eat a meal and then struggle with digesting it. Anyways, I'm just glad I'm not on the other side. They are going slowly get unhinged as the panic sets in their candidate never won anything but a one way first class ticket to Guantanamo Bay at the Grey Bar Hotel.

To end on a positive note, I love each and everyone of you and the efforts you all put into this. Once this mission of Q is completed, I hope that everyone that is here stays on because I have learned more things in this thread over these last 3 years. We really are an open source knowledge based group sponge absorbing/sharing information at the speed of a click of the refresh button. Well, I going to go back to my lurk and work mode. Cheers to all of you... even the detractors that help challenge us to strengthen our skills.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 05:40 PM
Don't know if anyone mentioned it but the Mexican general barr just released, presumably for providing evidence on how the election was stolen. His nickname was the Godfather

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 05:42 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: MetalThunder

That's a good one! I will use the "my body my choice" if mandatory vaccines for covid-19 become a reality.

Good luck.

Have you heard, "Your mask protects me, my mask protects you" at all this summer?

A lot of us have, and a lot of us almost immediately saw it for the mind control mantra that it is.

How about this: "Your vaccine protects me [from you spreading it] and my vaccine protects you" is what's coming next

And, icing on the cake, "you don't have the right to spread the virus around and make others sick."

Almost as if they had the psyops already planned out.
edit on 18-11-2020 by LanceCorvette because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 05:42 PM
Now it's starting to make sense .....

Dominion Voting Systems Patents Given In 2019 To China Bank For Collateral

HIGHLIGHT: America Voting Security Secrets, additionally include, the greater ‘Glitch’: Dominion Voting Systems Inc. ’18 Patents’ and ‘Intellectual Property Rights’ exchanged on September 25, 2019 for Collateral from HongKong Shanghai Banking Corporation ( People’s Republic of China ), Patent Numbers, Descriptions, Collateral Security Agreement plus more 

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: saladfingers123456
a reply to: gps777

Wow, now that IS interesting.
It's also darkness inducing to scroll down and look at the sheer hate being spewed below it. Demon infested people..

i told one complaining about the unemployment rate to shut up, stop whining and learn to code.
edit on 18-11-2020 by RsaWarhawk because: (no reason given)

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