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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 31 -

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posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 12:34 AM
a reply to: carewemust

I think Clark county is the only blue county in all of Nevada. You know, the one county with all the đź’°đź’°đź’°.

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 01:09 AM

The #Kraken was released several days ago. You're just beginning to see the signs.

Sidney Powell

She included this verse:
"For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves" Colossians 1:13

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 01:17 AM
This is a great video to share regarding symbolism will be their down fall. Harry does it right there for everyone to see. Almost makes me physically ill.

Look at hand

And here we have the HuffingtonPost with their exceptional journalism:

“This is called the horn or the devil’s horn, and what people are saying in the media about it is not correct,” she said. “It is not a sign that he’s the devil, but rather a warning off of evil spirits. It’s a protective gesture against evil or darkness and illness.”

“I’ve seen world leaders in photo shoots with Trump and I see a lot of what are called self-comfort cues,” she said. “This would be considered one of those. It looks like the devil’s horn but it is also hand to belly,” she said. “At the very least it would be a comfort cue, and show a lot of tension and a need to protect his central core.”

“Had the photographers loitered too long? Is there something else going on?” he asked, adding, “I have to wonder, was he going to unbutton his jacket and then changed his mind? Was he in prep for sitting and then they asked him to stand again to do more photos? To me, you can’t draw too many inferences from the photo. I wouldn’t personally read too much into that.”

But both experts agree that there is a level of tension visible in Harry, and both pointed out the prince usually looks much more relaxed and happy in such situations.

Still, Navarro was firm that when it comes to Harry, we can’t draw conclusions from a weird-looking hand position.

“All we can say is that it is unusual, but we can’t automatically say he intended it to be this or that,” he said.

And look at these amazing cherry picked tweets:

Prince #Harry's hand signal harkens back to Middle Ages - indicates that he believes the Devil's concubine is in the room. #FLOTUS45

Gotta love Prince Harry trolling Melania Trump. The use of a hand gesture to ward off evil. America loves you Prince Harry!
edit on fTuesdayAmerica/Chicago4202699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 02:01 AM
Apollon "Thunderstep Music" de Moura - Cthulhu Awakens - The Deep State.

Cthulhu is a fictional cosmic entity created by writer H. P. Lovecraft and first introduced in the short story 'The Call of Cthulhu', published in the American pulp magazine Weird Tales in 1928. The short story established the character as a malevolent god, hibernating within R'lyeh, an underwater city in the South Pacific. The imprisoned Cthulhu is apparently the source of constant subconscious anxiety for all mankind, and is also worshipped both by human cults and by other Lovecraftian monsters. The short story asserts the premise that, while currently trapped, Cthulhu will eventually return, and end life on Earth as we know it.
edit on 17-11-2020 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 02:21 AM

originally posted by: LanceCorvette
Conservative Treehouse, which has worked tirelessly to report on all the corruption in government for a decade, is being kicked off its wordpress site.

"Terms and conditions" violation, they're told.

They're scrambling to figure out how to stay online.

CTH writers "promoted a call to violence" according to (lying) WordPress. Anyway, Conservative Tree House expects to be with a new host/platform this week.

11.16.2020 update:

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 02:26 AM
a reply to: carewemust

CTH writers "promoted a call to violence" according to (lying) WordPress. 

I'm gonna guess that translates to "challenging the idea that Biden is President-elect"

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman
How sad she must be ashamed about herself by now , that's not how free and honest journalism works young lady..

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 02:41 AM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy

The #Kraken was released several days ago. You're just beginning to see the signs.

Sidney Powell

She included this verse:
"For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves" Colossians 1:13

Thank-you for this Sidney Powell tweet:

I went to the #Kraken hashtag she pointed us to, and the top Tweet said the 2018 Executive Order is the Kraken.

Executing President Trump's 2018 Executive Order has begun:

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 02:48 AM

originally posted by: AgarthaSeed
a reply to: carewemust

CTH writers "promoted a call to violence" according to (lying) WordPress. 

I'm gonna guess that translates to "challenging the idea that Biden is President-elect"

All of these platforms are trying to punish anyone who sides with President Trump.

If you are on Twitter, and President Trump "re-tweets" a tweet you authored, Twitter suspends your account, because the man they are afraid of, likes how you think. (At least 4 accounts have been suspended for that reason over the past 3 days.)

Getting banned because President Trump likes what you composed, is a medal of honor. Worthy of a plaque on the office wall... "I was punished by Twitter because President Trump complimented me. Thank-you Twitter!"

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: butcherguy

butcherguy, re the Leonid shower:

It was King Leonidas of Sparta whose force of 300 men fought the Persians at Thermopylae in 480 B.C.

Someone posted a tweet in the last couple of days that had a screen shot from the film. Could have been a POTUS tweet?

The shot was of the 300 At the PRECIPICE/PULMONTARY!

4 Posts with PRECIPICE in

edit on 17-11-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 03:25 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Temporary Restraining Order.

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 03:52 AM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy

The #Kraken was released several days ago. You're just beginning to see the signs.

Sidney Powell

She included this verse:
"For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves" Colossians 1:13

'Colossians 1.13' - There's that 1.13 again.

1 = A. 13 = M.
AM = morning.
Morning = LIGHT.

Morning also sounds like 'mourning'.

Perhaps both 'morning' and 'mourning' both apply at the same time with this number: the morning brings us Light. Whereas for the dark ones, the Light brings them mourning.

I know the numbers 113 most likely represent/symbolise something else in Q and Anons' communications, but for me it is my symbol for Light.

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 03:59 AM
Can anyone help deciphering what looks like Dog Comms from the BBC this morning?

China rescue: British diplomat Stephen Ellison saves drowning woman

A British diplomat has been hailed as a hero after diving into a river in China to save a drowning student.

Stephen Ellison, 61, consul-general in Chongqing, was walking by a river in a nearby village when the woman, 24, slipped on rocks into the deep water.

Footage filmed by onlookers showed her struggle in the fast-moving current, disappear under a footbridge and emerge face down, apparently unconscious.

The consul general, who takes part in triathlons, turned the student over, lifted her face clear of the water and swam backwards to the steep sided riverbank.

"She was unconscious, she was not breathing and for a short time we feared the worst. But as we got back to the side, she started breathing again" he told the BBC of the rescue, which took place on Saturday morning.

He said the student, who is from Wuhan and attends Chongqing University, was shaken by the experience and recovering slowly.

edit on 17-11-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 04:02 AM
a reply to: Flesh699
The Royals are deeply involved probably al waiting in line until until prying eyes of justice will stare at them to sort out those who've done wrong..

Kiss a frog and you'll be surprised which truth lies behind them not the fairytales they tell you I can assure..

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 04:06 AM
0 Posts,
41 POTUS tweets; 20 retweets, 2 self-retweets, 10 video tweets.
Total 41

KU V19.56 20201116 to 4952 incl DECODE tools

Most linked posts in the day's decodes:
27 8,
10 2, 9,
9 19,
7 4, 12, 14, 16,
6 6, 18, 95,
5 39, 59, 67, 99,
4 1, 5, 11, 20, 21, 22, 28, 34, 41, 42, 44, 45, 50, 51, 52, 55, 66, 68, 2031,

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 04:36 AM
Re the Barcelona-based Scytl, this @derf_anon tweet has a Louie Gohmert video that says the actual win was 410 - 128 to POTUS - based on the data on the Scytl server that the US military seized from Frankfurt.

Twitter makes it nigh on impossible to see the video so I've uploaded it to the same area I link to the spreadsheet - here

ETA - The video is only couple of minutes long.
edit on 17-11-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 04:43 AM

originally posted by: Flesh699
This is a great video to share regarding symbolism will be their down fall. Harry does it right there for everyone to see. Almost makes me physically ill.

Remember there is a lot we don't see or could understand, and we should be careful who we trust as snakes are everywhere.

Cruz hidden hand symbolism, interesting thing about this one is the people repeating it in the audience, this was one of 2016 republican primary debate.
His wife, at least at that time she worked for the CFR as well.
edit on 17-11-2020 by RsaWarhawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: Flesh699

Harry most likely just did that to disrespect the Trumps to impress his wife. It’s an open secret they’re not very bright and don’t like the president. Or maybe he was saying Icke was right. Lol. Who knows anymore. Crazy times.

posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 06:10 AM
Interesting logo from back in 2013

Office of the DNI Dec 6 2013
Here's a photo of NROL-39 being readied for launch. Check out the full gallery: http://(link tracking not allowed)/19kaI6L


posted on Nov, 17 2020 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan

originally posted by: bradychick


Damn!!! That’s not some crazy actress... that’s Sidney Powell.

Wood goes after a sitting Governor & SecofState about going to jail.

Powell goes after a squatting President Projected about going to jail.

They better be sitting on more than what I’m hearing them say on TV. A lot more.

Lin Wood ACTION earlier today:

Late this afternoon, I filed an Amended Complaint against GA Secretary of State, et al.

Due process issues are now also raised.

The recount is a sham.

Tomorrow, I will move for an emergency TRO.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp had better come out of his basement.

How do you "move" an emergency TRO? What's a TRO? I guess his tweets aren't targeting the common person.

Lawyers file "motions" which is our way of asking the court to issue a ruling on something. When they file it it's called "moving" the court. "Your Honor, plaintiff moves the court to ..."

Personally I've gotten away from using too much jargon. I'd rather my clients understand what I'm doing. "Your honor, we're asking the court to ..."

"TRO" is a "temporary restraining order". That's a type of injunction where a court orders a party to a dispute to cease all activity related to the subject of the TRO, in order to preserve evidence.

An example might be asking the court to preserve a car that's been in a wreck that killed someone, so the brakes can be inspected before the car is fixed or destroyed.

Or to hold ballots and not destroy them.
edit on 17-11-2020 by LanceCorvette because: (no reason given)

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