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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 31 -

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posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I've made mistakes in the past by following certain threads of information.
I think where I become conflicted on this with regard to ATS, is that although there are many that fully believe the Q, there are those that sit on the fence (and the total deniers rarely show except in the first 10 pages). This thread is less Q activist, and more "bigger picture" researchers to me.
It's impossible to deny the more fantastic aspects of Q (you either believe all of Q, or non of it.... Looking Glass)... and thus that breeds a lot of expectations of remarkable things.
I believe the idea of the reemergence of JFKjr to be one of those aspects. My personal research into it shows some very strange things. I don't know what that means.
I'm not going to divert this thread by going over them again, but I do forgive the curiosity surrounding it.

But I feel Cranky has succinctly expressed why it shouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things.

From another perspective, "enjoy the movie"... well, I do wonder what that really means. Should we be expecting something truly out of this world? The best is yet to come...
Then you have the likes of "72 Seconds" out there claiming Elvis is still alive along with a host of other supposedly dead celebs who wanted out, and pointing at alien activity. All kinds of weirdness surrounds the support for Trump and Q.
Where is the line?
Do we play a part in the movie? Do we watch it? Is pop corn a bad thing?

From a UK perspective... with little, to no indication directly that we are safe here... all we can do is watch, and yet we've got more reasons to hope than even the US folks. Tyranny knocking at the door (and the UK isn't even the worst of them.... yet). Is the movie for US audiences? Even though I've stated that for the US to be free, the UK has to be broken... at least with regard to the City of London financial centre of the trio... has it? Is the UK going to be ruined and left for dirt once America comes first? Are the people of the UK going to be punished for the actions of our elite?

There are many questions which are at the root of the stress. So, I personally forgive any desire for something more fantastical regarding Q and the movie. Holding on to hope is more important than anything right now. Even if certain things don't manifest. Most will just be pleased with a win against the ****ers who have oppressed us quietly for our entire lives.

Last thing; regarding patriotism.

I've always been in the headspace that I am now. As a UK person, I've seen people who would say that they are patriots... but I question what that means. Some point to things like the 2nd World War... the NHS... our history... the Royal family... football!!... all this crap. I am meant to be proud of my country, and yet, all these institutions are corrupt BS! Stick a Union Jack on it and feel proud. Well, no.

I've had to dig deep to stand with some of those that say they are UK patriots. I've instead had to find it in myself to consider what I would LIKE to be proud of in this country, not what is. I'm certainly proud of many of the people here... especially those that have woken up and stand against the system as it stands... they are my patriots. It is the only time in my life that I've felt that inclination.

At one point I was actually quite globalist in a way, because I saw it as a way to remove the power from the government and Queen. But of course, then I realised who it was that was taking the early internets idea of a free connected world and humanity, and subverting it into an even worse, far removed power structure... the very one that we fight, that Q fights.

When you've seen all the corruption, and that the idea of being left or right means nothing... just more division... then you're left with looking upwards. So I wonder what I am. Am I a British patriot? What am I?

With this in mind, I feel I have to create a new categorisation. I guess, I am a World Patriot.

I'm not a supporter of the Bilderberg/WEF/IMF/big tech globalist, not a supporter of the corrupt British system either... but standing with people worldwide. It's all I've got.

I don't want to live through pride, naivety or institutions. I want to be left alone. I don't want a government beyond a stripped back "peoples administration" for organising infrastructure. I don't want taxing unless I want to contribute to something I believe in either. I want people to just grow the f*** up! I want to live in a world where we don't need police because everyone is looking out for each other. I want communal farming, where everyone puts in a bit of time to make sure everyone gets fed. I want to throw out the layers upon layers of laws and red tape designed to control.

A little responsibility, in return for freedom. true freedom.

I even reserve the right to be sceptical (even if I like him) of Trump and the continuation of Government without insight into what that means. If it's just another brand of up and down, then that to me isn't the future either. We chuck all this money into a system to create governments that war against each other and fund military's for fighting each other... living in fear. Religion isn't much better... maybe even worse. Combine the two and no one is happy.

(On this point, Trumps lack of warfare and reserve regarding projecting power is one of his greatest achievements, and why he still has my support. Respect for God is another, but even that comes with a brand. That is for God to sort out).

Maybe I'm living too far in the future... maybe this world I imagine will arrive one day. But these are the things I struggle with.

I love people, good people who deep down know what I write above is true. I think most here will understand what I am saying. That even Q and Trump create a certain sense of cognitive dissonance at a point.

But I'll say this, through all of my ways of thinking through the years... if right now we have to live with this system in one form or the other... I want the idea of conservatism to achieve it's primary goal of minimal government. I hope this is the long term goal of Trump, and that it is exported as an idea to the rest of the world as a footstep in the right direction.

More than anything though, and this is pointed more at the left than anyone, is to grow up. Take responsibility for yourself... not look to authority "authors" to keep you safe. They won't. They don't. They never will. You're a burden to them, because those that seek to dominate you are just as pathetic and childish as those that wish to be owned.

We stand together as people, equal in our power granted by God... exercising our freewill...... or we destroy ourselves.

As always, I trust in God above all else, and that is something I never thought I would say 10 years ago. I trust that a genuine new age is coming into view... whether it is more of the material reality, or something greater. This is where my true hope is vested.

I don't know why I have written all of this today, but I've stopped worrying about it too. All I want to do is give others things to think about when trying to understand everything we see. I never know if I am right or wrong, but I feel the questions are always the key to the lock.

Much love to everyone.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 07:17 PM

originally posted by: texasgirl
Are you hinting this could be JFK Jr in disguise? Is this theory starting to gain momentum here?


Bonus round... Think about it.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 07:19 PM

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Cranky, I get it. JFK jr would create more chaos, I agree. But it started when Q brought it up in one of his first posts. I don’t remember exactly what I said but it was something like this:

Plane Crash.
The start.
Enjoy the show.

He doesn’t say he’s dead, and many others took it to being he’s possibly alive and the reason for “the start”.

I don’t know what it means but it means different things to different people. If it had no relevance then Q never would’ve put this in one of his drops.

Maybe this whole thing is in honor of John Jr’s death. That the deep state killed him just like they killed his father.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 07:28 PM
How about this movie...."Shattered Union" - Initial release date: October 17, 2005.💣 (Do not watch before bedtime)😴

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 07:32 PM
Instagram - Proud boys rally Sac

A look at the California capital, My old stomping grounds.

Video is from a left perspective of the pro Trump gathering.

They have a wall of police in riot gear holding back a small crowd of lefties. You can hear the Trumpers chanting in the background.

Another one
Instagram - Proud boys aka Trump rally...

Lots of police presence for this one.

Dang keep watch it gets pretty chippy.
[insert eating popcorn meme]
edit on 14-11-2020 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: saladfingers123456
I couldn't say that better..

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 07:40 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: Observationalist

I remember when I was younger, the Zapruder film was in black and white, and the car JFK was riding in only had 4 seats. Now, the Zapruder film is in color, and the limo has 6 seats. The Mandela Effect is a real bitch.

Just throwing possibilities around.

You remember the film in black and white ... or ... in that era, were you watching it on a B&W TV?

Can't help with the seats, I remember 6, but it was one hell of a long time ago!


posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 07:44 PM
Looks like violence from both sides in DC tonight. There are longer videos where this guy appears to start it.

Plenty more vids of violence on Twitter. Not sure what good this does anyone. Fist fights are cute and all until things begin to escalate.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: saladfingers123456

With this in mind, I feel I have to create a new categorisation. I guess, I am a World Patriot.

I've mentioned this before, the patriot thing can be seen from varying POV's. It has not been my thing through life, but through the course of this thread I have seen layers I had not noticed before.

The globalists, fabian society or whatever, all want the same thing: cultural, national, family religious annihilation. This is done by simply using the polarity point system we exist in to demonize everything from breast feeding to the flag. So folks have been beaten on at ever turn. Self loathing to no end created through demonizing everything from skin color to religion.

The "patriot" component to Q was a means to establish something basic folks could rally around. Q could not have suggested folks return to their christian ways - no where for me to go on that, or their family ways or whatever without pushback.

DJT is the leader of the US, not my family or my spiritual orientation, and each "country" has a flag/patriotic possibility. So "patriot" fits. And folks get a chance to feel less sh$%^$ty about themselves in this way without too much conflict. Funny, Brazilians LOVE to show patriotism over soccer through flags and cheering - their they are fans. In the US now doing so is white supremacy - same action, different points on the destruction process.

Now, here is a missed component. There are a myriad of beings on earth having different experiences through the system of earthly bodies. Simple example. Say folks from planet kookyville wanted to come to earth and experience the separation/polarity reality by living in say a remote village in South America. The system wants them conformed.

So the purpose they came in with, think AUS (ab)originals, is blown to bits by any and all means. No one is safe from this menacing cultural combine thrashing its way through anything that doesn't conform. Oddly, because is is a mindless AI program it doesn't even know what the end conformity goal that it is aiming. It has no off button.

So the process of collective conformity reaches well beyond borders, and speaks to our original reason for being here. The return of "patriotism," as a positive thing, resonates with valuing our own reason for existence. It is really not a leap to simply go from being a "patriot" to being in alignment with one's true purpose and be proud of it - as one should be. That scares them more than anything.

Fun fact. There is a place in India where you can go and a guy will take your fingerprint, find a old reed of some sort IIRC, and tell you about yourself. I think the have like 100k (could be wrong) people logged. Why? Folks are playing a game, a merry go round of acting out the different parts. A game within a game within a game within a game.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: texasgirl
a reply to: crankyoldman

Cranky, I get it. JFK jr would create more chaos, I agree. But it started when Q brought it up in one of his first posts. I don’t remember exactly what I said but it was something like this:

Plane Crash.
The start.
Enjoy the show.

He doesn’t say he’s dead, and many others took it to being he’s possibly alive and the reason for “the start”.

I don’t know what it means but it means different things to different people. If it had no relevance then Q never would’ve put this in one of his drops.

Maybe this whole thing is in honor of John Jr’s death. That the deep state killed him just like they killed his father.

HRC took him out to take the seat in the senate he was planning to run for and likely win - he as a native, she was carpetbagging. That drop says nothing of being alive. When later asked, Q said no.

It is pointing to the run up to create/control the Clinton Foundation. Remember, they left the WH broke, and without her in the Senate the CF goes nowhere. It was that drop that triggered the CIA counter narrative, which is directly tied to the JFK death which was, the CIA's "we are the most powerful group in the world" ritual killing.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

The Clinton's were not broke when they left the White House. Hillary only said that she was to get that "humble" effect on her run for Senate and then the White House.
edit on 14-11-2020 by Guyfriday because: potato

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: texasgirl
Trump’s lawsuits keep getting kicked out of court. That’s good, right? That means they can go to the Supreme Ct?

President Trump tells Georgia, their Recount-Audit is a WASTE OF TIME, because "signature matching" of mailed in ballots is not occurring.


Due to so many mailed-in ballots this year, very sparse signature matching was conducted. That's why there was only a tiny fraction of these ballots rejected, compared to past elections.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: carewemust

It's literally getting out of a speeding ticket by disputing that you own a car. No proof of wrong doing by not allowing any wrong doing to be evaluated.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 08:12 PM
Weird , there are 2 members that joined in 2005 but their last visit was Dec 31 1969 ?
Time travelers lol

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 08:23 PM
Has anyone seen this new op on the new posts page?

It looks rather interesting, is it a load of poop? Some of it makes sense i think....

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 08:31 PM
Good thread...

Everyone is focused and wondering about Scytl and the raid that took place in Germany. Let's look a little closer to home shall we?
I'd like you to meet Marc Fratello.
The Deal Maker.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: 0bserver1

That's not that weird, there is a glitch, well there might be a glitch. There might be another way this could be?

edit on 14-11-1969 by Guyfriday because: proving a point

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: neomaximus10

I posted that EO here earlier today. No idea if that will factor in much less how it would all play out. However, given we are still under all kinds of National Emergencies makes me wonder if this will end up being the ultimate Trump card.

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

If that EO is going to be used, then I can see the SCOTUS getting involved to ensure that the EO is legal.

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