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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - §3O§ -

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posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist

originally posted by: saladfingers123456

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist
a reply to: saladfingers123456

A lost a little confidence when I read watermarks are specific to “eash” election.

Sorry, that was my fault... I'm typing too quickly. I wrote that enlargement out, not the official source... which IS linked.
I have corrected the graphic. I only did that because the person who posted up the original picture obscured the text by covering it in yellow ink!

Sorry about that.

So can you give me any confidence that the dems didn’t already have tons of these watermarked ballots?

Funny. I just showed my better half my post above (as we discuss all this at length in private). She said exactly the same thing. Quite honestly, no. But...

This is the way I see it. Trump had such incredible footfall on election day, such a high turn out that for Biden to seriously match him is beyond realistic comprehension. Trump has stated that he knows he won if you just look at the legal votes.
You have to weigh this up with the information that in some places, the votes exceeded the actual possible registered voters!

To anyone with eyes that see, and are not in the programmed reality, there are clear shenanigans. There has been enough of said shenanigans that a full investigation into the result is warranted. So, when you stack all the various forms of fraud going on, and enough false ballots are surfaced, then (especially with an on side supreme court), there is no way in which it can't come out in Trumps favour.

Ask this question. Has anyone from the blue corner claimed voter fraud for Trumps supporters? Nope. Why?
Because the overwhelming majority of his votes are genuine. He didn't need to cheat. Trumps votes are safe... and turn out was HUGE. When you balance this out against what comes to light, there is just no way on Gods Earth that Biden will win.

Even if Biden is given a temporary victory, it will be stripped away from him by the supreme court.

The fraud wasn't very smart. They know their playbook. Even if they managed to secure some authentic ballots, I very much doubt it will be enough to get him close to the WH.

The purpose of my last post was to lay out a credible case for provisions being made well ahead of time for what has transpired. I'm rather certain that it has serious credibility. When you add in the path of Q posts, which have been connected to military intelligence... and if you actually trust in that, then your foundation should be stronger than has been displayed of late.

Trumps support is huge. This is not going away. And besides, if this gets to the supreme court (and if it isn't decided at a lower level), then it will roll on for as long as required. In all that time Trump remains in power. There will be very little fraud associated with Trump because of his genuine support. Only Bidens votes will be in question, and no one believes the BS that has come from that side. Non of what is happening now surprises me in the least. It just has to play out.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:46 PM
FAR from over...

Save the drama .. enough of it here

Watch the Water ... Perhaps harbor

Electrol College

December 8, 2020: The safe harbor deadline in the electoral college

Six days before the electoral colleges convene to vote is the "safe harbor" deadline. While states aren't legally required to certify their results by this date, if they so do, they can avoid Congress getting involved and resolving a potential dispute over which candidate won a particular state's electoral college votes.


edit on 1162020 by MetalThunder because: 7 7 7

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: TKDRL

If you click the date of birth drop down it says that in the tooltip, I'm not sure what it looks like on a pc though.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:51 PM

Michigan GOP Chair: Dozens of Michigan counties used the same software that caused 6,000 votes in one county to switch from Trump to Biden.

"These counties that used this software need to closely examine their result for similar discrepancies."


posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: Parksy1981
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Hi Rel, just want to say thanks for your daily update and decodes

Just curious on your take on Trump's presser yesterday 1830 ET (2330 GMT) - he arrived exactly 17 minutes late to the presser, and the presser went on for 17 minutes, then left. Just curious on your take..?!


it means Q will come out of retirement for the next Republican president 17 year from now.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:55 PM
The new federal agency nobody knows about...Thomas Wictor:

I think some of us here knew of CISA Election Security

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: bradychick

Michigan GOP Chair: Dozens of Michigan counties used the same software that caused 6,000 votes in one county to switch from Trump to Biden.

"These counties that used this software need to closely examine their result for similar discrepancies."


wasnt Pelosi supposedly the biggest share holder of one of these software companies? I recall coming across something stating that but I didn't look to see if it was true?

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Is that the wizard guy with the evidence to prove that Obama let Bin laden live and kill the navy seals?

edit on 351130America/ChicagoFri, 06 Nov 2020 13:35:02 -0600000000p3042 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: SKEPTEK

originally posted by: Justoneman
Lets hope the recount allows observers or it is more Stalin tactics on the "whoever counts the votes is what matters" comment he made.

originally posted by: Trillium
Per say
BREAKING: Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger
says "there will be a recount in Georgia".

The National Guard or military should be counting the votes under threat of death if they are caught cheating.

The more we wade in the more I see we all need to stay calm and realize it is out of our hands and the Justices will be looking at data and we got three new ones thank God and even McConnel.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 01:03 PM
So let’s talk about the mind control right now.

Why is every Biden supporter declaring victory when neither the media nor Biden himself has.

Why is every a Trump supporter in the dumps even though the election has not been decided.

This mind control is not coming from the media this time. I believe it’s coming from within.

Dem hopes and Rep fears are boiling to the surface. In both cases, the worst is bubbling up. A party that rules by fear finding hope in a candidate instead of God. A party that (should) rule by hope, being swallowed by fear.

2020 has thoroughly kicked my butt until now. Maybe that is why I have nothing but peace. When you lose a lot, temporary losses just don’t hurt anymore.

I have moments of anger sadness, but no fear.

For those with faith in Christ, it will be biblical. Nothing can stop what is coming. Even if Ku is just a LARP. Hope doesn’t end because evil reigns. Hope ends because good stops fighting.

Be of good courage. Press on. Be true to the you that you were created to be.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 01:05 PM
So I'm hearing Biden UNDER performed in vote totals compared to Obama and Hillary...everywhere EXCEPT 4 cities in 4 states.

Detroit MI
Milwaukee WI
Philadelphia PA
Atlanta GA

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Yep. Move along nothing to see here.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: Guiltyguitarist

Right - I think it is very naive to think that the Dems did not know about this supposed watermark system. They have moles, spys and agents all over the government. What makes us think they were not also in the DHS and anywhere else involved in this process?
edit on 6-11-2020 by PokeyJoe because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT
That's what Rush said while I was taking lunch.

Did anyone check to see what kind of campaign presence Biden/Harris had in those cities compared to the under-performing urban areas?

edit on b000000302020-11-06T13:11:50-06:0001America/ChicagoFri, 06 Nov 2020 13:11:50 -0600100000020 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: interupt42

Heh, No. Wictor has been around long before that wizard guy.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 01:10 PM
Im still back a few pages so not sure if posted yet or not, but Thomas Wictor has put out an interesting 12 minute video I highly suggest giving a watch. It also covers the water mark ballots as well as a couple other things of interest. I tend to listen a lot closer to him than I do many out there thats for sure.

He also just posted another I saw when I went to grab this one for you. Going to watch it now. Will let you know

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Not a coincidence that these are the very 4 places everyone is concentrating their fraud investigations on.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: IAMTAT

Not a coincidence that these are the very 4 places everyone is concentrating their fraud investigations on.

I wish I was a statistical analyst.
The odds that Biden ONLY overperformed in these 4 cities compared to Obama and Hillary...must be astronomical.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
So I'm hearing Biden UNDER performed in vote totals compared to Obama and Hillary...everywhere EXCEPT 4 cities in 4 states.

Detroit MI
Milwaukee WI
Philadelphia PA
Atlanta GA

This shows that Philly voted 80% for Biden, is that normal, the rest of the state seems pretty solid red?

Same in Georgia, solid red, but 85% for Biden in Atlanta.
edit on 6-11-2020 by Dem0nc1eaner because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: IAMTAT
That's what Rush said while I was taking lunch.

Did anyone check to see what kind of campaign presence Biden/Harris had in those cities compared to the under-performing urban areas?

Biden did no voter outreach in those cities.

How did Biden UNDER perform in NYC, Miami, LA, compared to Obama & Hillary...but OVER perform in only Philly, Milwaukee, Detroit and Atlanta?
It is statistically impossible.

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