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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - §3O§ -

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posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 11:58 AM
What is really going on here??? (none of this will be esoteriQa).

So the disillusionment at the moment is NOT due to the reveal that the entire system is corrupt - Q defined this was the ultimate goal, but because Q didn't fix that before it was exposed?

Let's take a look at what the word "EXPOSE" means in a practical way, real world way.

Folks didn't read the Mueller report, but knew what it said because of teeeveee - they were WILDLY misinformed. Folks believe, still, "collusion" but didn't read the near 60 transcripts of the very people who said "collusion" on teeeveee and said "no collusion" under oath. Had they read the transcripts they'd see the lies. Folks think DJT paid 750.00 in taxes, when the original article never said that, and was rooted in speculation not actual facts.

Most, folks didn't read the impeachment docs, the call transcript, or any of the Flynn stuff, so they don't know the lies. They didn't read the "dossier" or the trial transcripts from the UK trial of Steele. Most haven't read the trade deals, most haven't read the Human Trafficking reports, most have read the EO's ordering changes in countless systems. Folks haven't read the reason for banning Chinese telecom companies, or even the Hunter docs.

HELL folks haven't read the GD CDC website to see there is a 99.994 percent chance of not dying from The Rona - THEY STILL WEAR MASKS! Most folks don't read at all, they watch teeeveee and darpa-media infuse their mind and they never ever to go any deeper into anything.

Anons read the the docs and knew all of this, or at least some read some docs but most got the sense of it all.

Voter fraud (your vote never counted or mattered - ever) is the key piece right now - just moved out of the on deck circle into the batters box. So we know the above to be true from our actual experience, how does one expose NATIONWIDE voter fraud?

A "report?" DHS has a bunch, DOJ has some, in fact.... [RR] provides one that says the russia russia russians had no impact on the 2016 election - even NYpravda reporters read none of these.

The only way to reveal it is to push it all out on the largest stage in the world - during a war, for all to see. Maybe there is another way, but I don't see it. I see exactly what was planned, and it is ugly, disheartening, fraudulent, immoral, sick, wrong, evil and more - THAT should be what is deflating, not the fact that Q said,,, here it comes, learn, be ready, because it will be awful and nothing can stop it.

Folks are, right now, on the biggest most important stage in the world (ever in human history) and they are being shown that they have been lied to, manipulated, cheated, killed, demoralized, enslaved, dismissed, used, manipulated and more since day one.

That should make them ill. It should make everyone ill. That should be what is demoralizing and troubling, not that Q didn't fix it by issuing a report and arresting Comey. In case there is confusion: Comey and Brennan are stooges, they take orders, and arresting them would have done NOTHING, as in NOTHING, as in N.O.T.H.I.N.G. to stop voter fraud in PA, GA, CA, NY, or the other 46 States.

Even at the most basic level, Q detailed over and over, this is a war and at election time the Swamp/DS/Controllers/CCP/Elite will go all in via: eneMedia blitz, social media control, weaponizing of subtle energy systems (wifi etc.), voter fraud, lies, deceit, suicides/killings, assassination attempts (DJT and more). What part of this is not happening?

Put your Armor on buttercups and suck it up. Finish line in less then [30].

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: justsaying111
Everyone on the planet knew the fix was in. Trump said it 100s of times.

A guy that couldnt get 20 people to a rally got more votes than JFK Ronald reagan And OBAMA.

If they didnt do enough to stop it when they knew it was happening how can we have faith in anything?

This will win the whole war in the end.

Everyone saw the people voting with their feet. THey showed up for DJT but not Biden. Yet, the ANtifa showed up at their destinations to do their dirty Brown Shirt deeds.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: Guiltyguitarist
There are probably several areas of investigation ongoing. The arrogant media is upset over not being "kept in the loop". They're acting confident, but very afraid on the inside.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: samuelsson


ETA I looked but nothing jumped out at me. My brains a little fuzzy this morning
edit on 6-11-2020 by Aallanon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:03 PM
If you think the FBI/DOJ/CIA got weaponized under Obama... wait and see what this outfit does.

POTUS better uncover large voter fraud to flip these states back.

If not, glad I can blend in with the progressive elites.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: samuelsson
a reply to: justsaying111

Has this been posted?

Scroll down until you find a chart. Select date of birth. And ask youreelf if this is normal.

I didn’t realize there were 200+ people over 100 in PA. And some over 200. Haha.

They’ll say “that’s the default if they leave it blank”. I say, if they left it blank, why are you issuing them a ballot. Haha.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: SuperStudChuck

Exactly. This is beyond retarded. Same with the 140k vote injection being a typo? Why didnt the graph go back down in straight line to where it was before.

Thing like that give me a glimmer of hope.

edit on 6-11-2020 by samuelsson because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Hi Rel, just want to say thanks for your daily update and decodes

Just curious on your take on Trump's presser yesterday 1830 ET (2330 GMT) - he arrived exactly 17 minutes late to the presser, and the presser went on for 17 minutes, then left. Just curious on your take..?!


posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I strongly disagree. Arresting Comey and Brennan would have put the fear of God in the ones managing the voting stations and the vote counters.
We are where we are because the democrats have shown by their actionS that there are 2 classes and the the republicans have shown by their inactions That there are 2 classes.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: saladfingers123456

Great write up. I put this in the 2020 thread hopefully it will help, seems there is something there.
edit on 11/6/2020 by 772STi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
What is really going on here??? (none of this will be esoteriQa).

So the disillusionment at the moment is NOT due to the reveal that the entire system is corrupt - Q defined this was the ultimate goal, but because Q didn't fix that before it was exposed?

Let's take a look at what the word "EXPOSE" means in a practical way, real world way.

Folks didn't read the Mueller report, but knew what it said because of teeeveee - they were WILDLY misinformed. Folks believe, still, "collusion" but didn't read the near 60 transcripts of the very people who said "collusion" on teeeveee and said "no collusion" under oath. Had they read the transcripts they'd see the lies. Folks think DJT paid 750.00 in taxes, when the original article never said that, and was rooted in speculation not actual facts.

Most, folks didn't read the impeachment docs, the call transcript, or any of the Flynn stuff, so they don't know the lies. They didn't read the "dossier" or the trial transcripts from the UK trial of Steele. Most haven't read the trade deals, most haven't read the Human Trafficking reports, most have read the EO's ordering changes in countless systems. Folks haven't read the reason for banning Chinese telecom companies, or even the Hunter docs.

HELL folks haven't read the GD CDC website to see there is a 99.994 percent chance of not dying from The Rona - THEY STILL WEAR MASKS! Most folks don't read at all, they watch teeeveee and darpa-media infuse their mind and they never ever to go any deeper into anything.

Anons read the the docs and knew all of this, or at least some read some docs but most got the sense of it all.

Voter fraud (your vote never counted or mattered - ever) is the key piece right now - just moved out of the on deck circle into the batters box. So we know the above to be true from our actual experience, how does one expose NATIONWIDE voter fraud?

A "report?" DHS has a bunch, DOJ has some, in fact.... [RR] provides one that says the russia russia russians had no impact on the 2016 election - even NYpravda reporters read none of these.

The only way to reveal it is to push it all out on the largest stage in the world - during a war, for all to see. Maybe there is another way, but I don't see it. I see exactly what was planned, and it is ugly, disheartening, fraudulent, immoral, sick, wrong, evil and more - THAT should be what is deflating, not the fact that Q said,,, here it comes, learn, be ready, because it will be awful and nothing can stop it.

Folks are, right now, on the biggest most important stage in the world (ever in human history) and they are being shown that they have been lied to, manipulated, cheated, killed, demoralized, enslaved, dismissed, used, manipulated and more since day one.

That should make them ill. It should make everyone ill. That should be what is demoralizing and troubling, not that Q didn't fix it by issuing a report and arresting Comey. In case there is confusion: Comey and Brennan are stooges, they take orders, and arresting them would have done NOTHING, as in NOTHING, as in N.O.T.H.I.N.G. to stop voter fraud in PA, GA, CA, NY, or the other 46 States.

Even at the most basic level, Q detailed over and over, this is a war and at election time the Swamp/DS/Controllers/CCP/Elite will go all in via: eneMedia blitz, social media control, weaponizing of subtle energy systems (wifi etc.), voter fraud, lies, deceit, suicides/killings, assassination attempts (DJT and more). What part of this is not happening?

Put your Armor on buttercups and suck it up. Finish line in less then [30].

Yes sir! Now i think one problem i am having and a lot of people are probably having as well. Is that I have zero idea where i should be placing my energy.
I posted the memes, i talked to people and atleast in my sphere of influence i have done all that i can got at least one set of eyes opened.
i am not really sure how to help anymore. additionally, it does not help that it seems to be a lost cause at my level of influence any thing i post gets attacked and discredited.

So any game plans on how to proceed with countering the msm narrative without sounding like a broken record?

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: RsaWarhawk

Your realistic best bet is to start talking to local militia. But be careful. They have been infiltrated

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist
a reply to: RsaWarhawk

Your realistic best bet is to start talking to local militia. But be careful. They have been infiltrated

yeah, i already had someone on youtube say hey you wanna meet up. sure buddy

then not long after that, my cell phone camera permission monitor alerted me that it was active in the background so i have been extra quiet and will probably being shuting it off for a few days

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: i8miceb4
My work around was to build a place in my mind where I could go and think about things.
In my head I had to walk through a path in the woods which opened onto a clearing where a little wood cabin sat in the back. I had to walk a stone pathway to get to it. There were flowers out front and three stairs led up to the deck, the front door was to the right. To the left was a waterfall and river.
Long story short, 4 years ago hubby and I moved. A year later i'm sitting on the deck and BLAMMo it hit me that I was living in the home I had built in my mind. Not exactly the same but close enough. The house isn't a wooden cabin but it's more cottage like than a city house. There's a stone slate pathway that leads to the 3 stairs to get to the deck. I'm completely surrounded by trees and the house sits near the back of the lot. Crown land behind and in front but the coolest is directly across the road is a path through the woods that leads directly to a waterfall and river. Manifestation? Coincidence?
Never give up hope.
Remember David and Goliath.
Back to lurk

This happened to me too but in a different form. I had realer than real dreams of a particular house since I was a child that was almost impossible to explain because it was so unconventional. At the time I felt it was like a dream/memory of life on another planet and yet one day I lived in a house and suddenly saw the similarity. It was utterly shocking. The house has cut outs in the floor, landings here and there, a bridge, a tunnel underground, an alley, decks all around and everything is asymetrical... that's why I couldn't describe it ever. As soon as I realized this the dreams stopped and I finally felt "at home" I've since moved on but it was a formative time in life that somehow deep down I had pre predicted. I don't know how all this works but it's pretty pwerful. Thanks for sharing your story.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:29 PM
I think they are very interesting. Sure something to keep an eye on.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: summer5

Interesting videos on hypersonic missiles being used by China to invade Taiwan, thanks summer5.

I've added them to the archive.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:29 PM
We need to infiltrate Antifa and show them how fascist they are. Turn their ideology against itself. We need to boycott and cancel all things anti-conservative.
We also need to do some things the constitution requires us as far as tyranny and unlawful orders.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:35 PM

originally posted by: RsaWarhawk

originally posted by: crankyoldman
What is really going on here??? (none of this will be esoteriQa).

So the disillusionment at the moment is NOT due to the reveal that the entire system is corrupt - Q defined this was the ultimate goal, but because Q didn't fix that before it was exposed?

Let's take a look at what the word "EXPOSE" means in a practical way, real world way.

Folks didn't read the Mueller report, but knew what it said because of teeeveee - they were WILDLY misinformed. Folks believe, still, "collusion" but didn't read the near 60 transcripts of the very people who said "collusion" on teeeveee and said "no collusion" under oath. Had they read the transcripts they'd see the lies. Folks think DJT paid 750.00 in taxes, when the original article never said that, and was rooted in speculation not actual facts.

Most, folks didn't read the impeachment docs, the call transcript, or any of the Flynn stuff, so they don't know the lies. They didn't read the "dossier" or the trial transcripts from the UK trial of Steele. Most haven't read the trade deals, most haven't read the Human Trafficking reports, most have read the EO's ordering changes in countless systems. Folks haven't read the reason for banning Chinese telecom companies, or even the Hunter docs.

HELL folks haven't read the GD CDC website to see there is a 99.994 percent chance of not dying from The Rona - THEY STILL WEAR MASKS! Most folks don't read at all, they watch teeeveee and darpa-media infuse their mind and they never ever to go any deeper into anything.

Anons read the the docs and knew all of this, or at least some read some docs but most got the sense of it all.

Voter fraud (your vote never counted or mattered - ever) is the key piece right now - just moved out of the on deck circle into the batters box. So we know the above to be true from our actual experience, how does one expose NATIONWIDE voter fraud?

A "report?" DHS has a bunch, DOJ has some, in fact.... [RR] provides one that says the russia russia russians had no impact on the 2016 election - even NYpravda reporters read none of these.

The only way to reveal it is to push it all out on the largest stage in the world - during a war, for all to see. Maybe there is another way, but I don't see it. I see exactly what was planned, and it is ugly, disheartening, fraudulent, immoral, sick, wrong, evil and more - THAT should be what is deflating, not the fact that Q said,,, here it comes, learn, be ready, because it will be awful and nothing can stop it.

Folks are, right now, on the biggest most important stage in the world (ever in human history) and they are being shown that they have been lied to, manipulated, cheated, killed, demoralized, enslaved, dismissed, used, manipulated and more since day one.

That should make them ill. It should make everyone ill. That should be what is demoralizing and troubling, not that Q didn't fix it by issuing a report and arresting Comey. In case there is confusion: Comey and Brennan are stooges, they take orders, and arresting them would have done NOTHING, as in NOTHING, as in N.O.T.H.I.N.G. to stop voter fraud in PA, GA, CA, NY, or the other 46 States.

Even at the most basic level, Q detailed over and over, this is a war and at election time the Swamp/DS/Controllers/CCP/Elite will go all in via: eneMedia blitz, social media control, weaponizing of subtle energy systems (wifi etc.), voter fraud, lies, deceit, suicides/killings, assassination attempts (DJT and more). What part of this is not happening?

Put your Armor on buttercups and suck it up. Finish line in less then [30].

Yes sir! Now i think one problem i am having and a lot of people are probably having as well. Is that I have zero idea where i should be placing my energy.
I posted the memes, i talked to people and atleast in my sphere of influence i have done all that i can got at least one set of eyes opened.
i am not really sure how to help anymore. additionally, it does not help that it seems to be a lost cause at my level of influence any thing i post gets attacked and discredited.

So any game plans on how to proceed with countering the msm narrative without sounding like a broken record?

Agreed my friend. The most important thing is to maintain one's faith. Doesn't matter really how you achieve that, as it is all personal.

I had a friend who was a very high up VA doctor. She was an older woman who was the only one in the hospital that would not be bothered by walking into any patient mental state. She just never vibrated at the fear or anxiety level of the patient, as such, they all would RISE to her level, not drag her down to theirs. She calmed the most traumatized in seconds.

Right now I see us as energy support, Rudy and company are on the front lines, we supply the support. They don't need fear and anxiety energy, they need the energy to help the rise up. Remove doubt, soldier on by remaining strong. For those around us personally, do as my friend, remain that guide without lowering to the level of those struggling. A true mother comforts a struggling baby by removing the fear through their touch, or a hug or just a smile, we can do the same for those around us.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: samuelsson
a reply to: justsaying111

Has this been posted?

Scroll down until you find a chart. Select date of birth. And ask youreelf if this is normal.

It says it uses 01/01/1800 as a dob for people who's age is legally protected, for example victims of domestic abuse.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Here we are, flailing, while Q/The Phantom are silent.

No touch, no smile, no hug.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: Dem0nc1eaner
If that's true, that's the dumbest thing I ever heard. It makes them stick out like a sore thumb.....

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