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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - §3O§ -

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posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: LanceCorvette

I don't know what happens next, but just to add to your thoughts.

a) Optics are bad to do before?

Option 1: Announce safety measures before election
You still have a divided country.
A portion of the population would fight it (eg. Voter ID Laws).
Trump is a dictator / cheater / interference / racist.
Cheaters gonna cheat & look for a work-around.

Option 2: Let it play out.
Give them the opportunity to do the right thing = POTUS wins
If they cheat = Fast & clean by releasing irrefutable proof
Exposes MSM, Cheaters & gets Voter ID approved for future.

b) Protect against Russian interference = optics boomerang
Russia investigations offer valid reason for safety changes.
POTUS overhauls & shifts responsibilities to new teams (stealth)
2018 = first nationwide election with power/tools to observe & identify.
2020 = new safety measure go live/in place to address & track

Joint Report on Impact of Foreign Interference on Election

c) Reveal now or after all mail-in ballot deadlines expire?
Team POTUS is doing everything by the book.
After deadlines expire, states announce official numbers.
The risk of mysterious boxes of ballots appearing is gone.
Every vote is counted.
Go to Supreme Court to subtract the invalid ones.
Winner is determined.
Could invalid ballots affect house / senate races too?

Just focusing on 8 states that are weird(er):
AZ, GA, MI, WI = deadline expired already
NC, PA = today is deadline for mail-ins (postmarked by election day)
NV = accepting until next Tuesday (if postmarked by election day)
AK = next Friday (may not affect the outcome)

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 10:31 AM
Somebody needs to get the Q signal out

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 10:35 AM

Security Guard Overseeing the Ballot Fraud

Room full of people filling out Ballots

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 10:40 AM
We are living in difficult and scary times.
It's understandable why people are feeling disillusioned and afraid. That's what the other side want..they want us to give be in a brainfog of fear where you can't see things clearly and how the situation really is. We are easier to control. Only you can choose your thoughts,,negative or positive. Today at this very moment, do you choose to live in fear or choose to trust that everything is going to be ok.
None of us know for certain what is going on behind the scenes. We know bits we have been shown. If we were shown everything, then the other side would know the plan. At some point you have to choose whether you trust the plan or you don't and let it be. Disconnect from the emotion of it all..easier said than done I know but it is possible.
Our thoughts create our reality. Ever meet someone who was dirt poor but happy? They could sit around all day moaning poor me..why don't I have this or that but they don't. They chose to embrace the life they have.
Years ago my life was a hot mess dumpster fire so I decided I had to get control of my thoughts and meditation was the way to go. Unfortunately after a couple of minutes I would get really nauseous and have to stop or I would throw up. My work around was to build a place in my mind where I could go and think about things.
In my head I had to walk through a path in the woods which opened onto a clearing where a little wood cabin sat in the back. I had to walk a stone pathway to get to it. There were flowers out front and three stairs led up to the deck, the front door was to the right. To the left was a waterfall and river.
Long story short, 4 years ago hubby and I moved. A year later i'm sitting on the deck and BLAMMo it hit me that I was living in the home I had built in my mind. Not exactly the same but close enough. The house isn't a wooden cabin but it's more cottage like than a city house. There's a stone slate pathway that leads to the 3 stairs to get to the deck. I'm completely surrounded by trees and the house sits near the back of the lot. Crown land behind and in front but the coolest is directly across the road is a path through the woods that leads directly to a waterfall and river. Manifestation? Coincidence?
Never give up hope.
Remember David and Goliath.
Back to lurk

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 10:41 AM
Don't fold up now.

We don't know what the many individual moves in the plan are, but it is hard to believe that, knowing the Dem's cheat on every election and that mail-in is rife for cheating, there was no contingency planned to allow for it by Q. I believe that a trap was set and the bait taken. More than 100% turnout in some counties, 138,000 votes for Biden and none for POTUS or any other candidates, hidden counting, etc. and we know about it, now. Of course, the guilty and the terminally stupid are saying "no proof" but this will eventually expose election corruption and tighten the voting requirements. Maybe the US will join the rest of the world and even require voter ID to vote in Federal elections. This may also bring antitrust investigation for all media, including social websites, and charges against "news" organizations. Pedophilia revelations may be used to bring down some of the elite, the Hollywoodians, and the media propagandists. Supposedly Assange has some volatile stuff from Seth Rich that may also come out.

Toughen up. Stay the course.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 10:46 AM
I'm just going to assume everything from here on out is a complete lie. That's what Q has done for me.

I'm not giving up. I'm not giving in. I'm adjusting my expectations.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
I'm just going to assume everything from here on out is a complete lie. That's what Q has done for me.

I'm not giving up. I'm not giving in. I'm adjusting my expectations.

If you don't expect much from people, you won't be disappointed when you don't get much from people.

That's some Dr. Phil game there - adjust your expectations, adjust your response.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: summer5

Interesting videos on hypersonic missiles being used by China to invade Taiwan, thanks summer5.

I've added them to the archive.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 10:57 AM

I have a CA mail in ballot right here. No proper forensics of course, but...

Shining a bright light through the paper shows no watermark. Certainly not the poppy that was said to be included.

Under a magnifying glass, no watermark, no spots, no patterns of any sort.

The paper is a heavier bond paper, not junk, but nothing to set it apart from a Chayna copy.

Until proven otherwise, Chayna copy.

Not going into details, but there is no earthly reason for me to have that ballot. None.

It sure seems that all fraudulent ballots over the years have been exclusively dem ballots, or, upon closer inspection: swamp ballots which are most often dems. Is it because folks are so bad at basic math that they accept this? I mean if a baseball player had a career batting average listed as .970 folks would laugh, but .970 dem fraudulent ballots gets a thousand mile stare.

edit on 6-11-2020 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: pteridine

I don't doubt that evidence of fraud can be gathered.

Where I see the danger is this: a momentum in Washington will build to have a "decision" ("the country can't be in limbo for so long!" etc.), no matter how unjust that decision is.

POTUS may have all the evidence in the world, but if the federal cliques manage to interfere with it going to court, or introduce enough delay . . . the Dems will win.


posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 11:00 AM
Everyone on the planet knew the fix was in. Trump said it 100s of times.

A guy that couldnt get 20 people to a rally got more votes than JFK Ronald reagan And OBAMA.

If they didnt do enough to stop it when they knew it was happening how can we have faith in anything?

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 11:01 AM

edit on 6-11-2020 by Guiltyguitarist because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

I have a CA mail in ballot right here. No proper forensics of course, but...

Shining a bright light through the paper shows no watermark. Certainly not the poppy that was said to be included.

Under a magnifying glass, no watermark, no spots, no patterns of any sort.

The paper is a heavier bond paper, not junk, but nothing to set it apart from a Chayna copy.

Until proven otherwise, Chayna copy.

Not going into details, but there is no earthly reason for me to have that ballot. None.

It sure seems that all fraudulent ballots over the years have been exclusively dem ballots, or, upon closer inspection: swamp ballots which are most often dems. Is it because folks are so bad at basic math that they accept this? I mean if a baseball player had a career batting average listed as .970 folks would laugh, but .970 dem fraudulent ballots gets a thousand mile stare.

do you have an IR light or perhaps a night vision home security camera tto view through?

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: pteridine

I don't doubt that evidence of fraud can be gathered.

Where I see the danger is this: a momentum in Washington will build to have a "decision" ("the country can't be in limbo for so long!" etc.), no matter how unjust that decision is.

POTUS may have all the evidence in the world, but if the federal cliques manage to interfere with it going to court, or introduce enough delay . . . the Dems will win.


We have to have transparency. Otherwise we will have too many freedom fighters. Others will simply drop out of society as all faith in this society is lost.
This isn’t just about losing an election. This is about it being stolen from you in front of your eyes
If A person allows that, they will allow anything. Open borders, no guns,no property, whatever.

It’s like being married to someone who’s not gonna even hide their cheating.
edit on 6-11-2020 by Guiltyguitarist because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 11:10 AM
Someone has something really bad on Dorsey.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 11:12 AM

edit on 6-11-2020 by justsaying111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: Ravinski
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Thank you for explaining this! Sounds more reasonable to me now. So it’s almost impossible to fake a bulk of ballot papers? Almost...

But if the observers don't see then the counters can cheat and do whatever. Then put them near a broken water pipe to say, they lost them AFTER the count so recount is out of the question. This is about the Cabal that is running the world regaining control of the colonies in America IMHO. Speared by international Billionaires who think they are doing what is best for the unwashed masses. To hell with facts or peoples lives. They have a plan and they are paying big money to get what they want done. Some are out in the open now.

Not to mention all the Trump ballots that were crumpled up and tossed in the trash. There is a video in another thread showing an African American man crumpling up ballots and tossing them in the trash as he sorts the ballots. I hope they are saving the garbage at these poll counting locations. They are also making ballots invalid by marking them up or filling in the empty slots for dems. How can a "recount" account for all of this? It can't. The video evidence is definitive, but no telling how many poll workers were doing this in the dem counties and even if caught on tape, how can one determine how many were manipulated? It may be too late for tens or hundreds of thousands of manipulated or destroyed ballots.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: RsaWarhawk

The watermark is supposed to be visible with NightVision.


Early this morning I was listening to local radio. A woman called in saying she had registered for an absentee ballot for one of the elections here. Then she went to the city clerk and said she no longer needed absentee ballots because she was going back to in-person voting.

Next election she got a mail-in ballot despite the clerk taking her off the list. She returned it to the same clerk, who again took her off the list. What do you suppose happened?

She received another absentee ballot.

Half of the problem is incompetence in these public offices. The other half is corrupt.
edit on 11/6/2020 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 11:14 AM
We need an election do over.

posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 11:15 AM

edit on 6-11-2020 by panoz77 because: (no reason given)

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