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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -7W3N7Y sIx-

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posted on May, 18 2020 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: brewtiger


Trump Appoints Angry Honey Badger As New Press Secretary

- Name of a joint FBI-CIA investigation into this intelligence fiasco.
- How was China able to dismantle the spy network so quickly & efficiently?
- Led by top counterintelligence officials at both FBI and CIA.
- Details about this investigation have been tightly held.
- Ten US officials described the investigation on the condition of anonymity.
- The first signs of trouble emerged in 2010.
- At the time, the quality of the Chinese info was the best it had been for years.
- By early 2011, senior officers realized they had a problem & were scrambling.
- Working out of a secret location in Northern VA, they began reviewing everything.
- Obama WH urgently asking why Chinese intelligence had slowed.
- By 2013, the investigation turned up nothing conclusive.
- It ended with some believing a hack, others a CIA sellout, & others faulty tradecraft.

Leon E. Panetta Feb 13, 2009 - June 30, 2011
Gen David Petraeus Sept 6. 2011 - Nov 9, 2012
John Brennan Mar 8, 2013 - Jan 20, 2017

Head of FBI
Robert S Mueller III Sept 4, 2001 - Sept 4, 2013
James Comey Sept 4, 2013 - May 9, 2017

Director of National Intelligence
Dennis Blair Jan 29, 2009 - May 28, 2010
David Gomport (A) May 28,2010 - Aug 5, 2010
James R Clapper Aug 5, 2010 - Jan 20, 2017

Secretary of State
Hillary R Clinton Jan 21, 2009 - Feb 1, 2013
John Kerry Feb 1, 2013 - Jan 20, 2017

Gang of 8 (2009-2011)
Nancy Pelosi - John Boehner - Harry Reid - Mitch McConnell
Dianne Feinstein - Kit Bond - Silvestre Reyes - Peter Hoekstra

- How many of these senior leaders knew of HRC's private server?
- Communicated with her via her personal email?
- Did Operation Honey Badger identify this as a potential vulnerability?
- In 2015, ICIG reported the server hack tied to China, triggering a "Section 811".
- Did this "811" tied to China espionage reach the senior FBI on Operation Honey Badger?

Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations
Solving the CIA’s Mass Murder Mystery
FBI probe of Clinton's emails prompted by espionage fears, secret letters say

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Bear in mind, videos can be replaced while retaining the original date. Also, check the comments.

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Its not so much the video, or its contents but the title of the vid and the date posted.

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Exactly. He/she already had a video posted on that date then sometime in 2019 changed the video & title while retaining the 2017 date.
I think it was Flyingfox that proved this is possible.

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 01:04 PM
POTUS retweeted a Scavino video from Marine One of the Lincoln memorial/Obelisk and "grey clouds lining up" above, at 07:29:23 AM.

The timestamp is interesting: 07:29:23:

72=8x9 (see below)
29:2 is a MIRROR of 911

Re 8x9 we need to look at Q859:

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 3c553f No.567502 📁
Mar 6 2018 11:04:43 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 9f1a01 No.567454 📁
Mar 6 2018 11:00:44 (EST)


These peo>>567493
ple are stupid.
Wait for Russia/China reports.
Strike 99999999.


Bolded timestamp encodes May 19th and 21st.
Chan post number encodes May 20th.
Q Post number sums to 22nd.

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: saladfingers123456

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

May 17 2020 18:33:12 (EST) NEW📁

Some imagine an alien invasion as spaceships shooting everything and all that, like "Independence Day"...
not many consider the possibility of a quiet takeover, or that it might have already happened long before we became more advanced scientifically... which was only a mere couple of hundred years ago. Just food for thought... and total fantasy right! (the disclaimer)

DJTs Twitter post... Independence Day

The fact Donald retweeted this is hilarious, but I can't help but think it has a hidden meaning. But of course, believe what keeps your sanity in check. Make of all this what you will.

I'm not much into Icke but his recent vids on the Plandemic scam were pretty good. Then YT removed them followed by deleting his channel.

Another unhappy liberal actor.

Someone needs to start a similar site for uploading videos so they don't disappear over the MSM having TDS or similar. Censorship for Political reasons is bad for all of us no matter our bend in this.

Unless it is violent crimes vid's being loaded to the new site, let it play. Dissent for any reason needs a chance to have input. There might or might not be something good to learn but we won't know if no one lets them try to explain the reason for dissent.

We will have to mostly let it go wild and see what happens. I think the vids should come with a pre rated review from the producer who submits it in a rated category like we pick Mud Pit or Political madness. Mods like ATS have could use similar practices to overrule the forum designation and move it to the appropriate category but let it run wild. People who violate the loosest guidelines besides anarchy can be banned but they will have to work at it.

We can find a way to beat this crap and get free speech restored. We might have to do it without much money per person and the people can vote to support the idea by arranging to sell small pieced of ownership like owning a fraction of a bitcoin.

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: brewtiger

IIRC correctly ATS Member Bobsuruncle has a post here about seeing how web traffic was oddly diverted through China. Out and back IIRC.

This China thing could not have been a secret. I figure folks who were good were overwhelmed. I might liken it to seeing the damage after Hurricane Andrew - "where the hell do we start?"

Funny, folks want the entire government cabal cleaned up faster then the damage after after a natural disaster. Yet after a disaster they're pretty patient. Then again, those without real diversity in their life are pissy about the net getting slow.

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: crankyoldman

Yea, I thought so to... I posted that one yesterday. Helps lift the spirit.

Topic change...
Oh, testy rude anger towards Ivanka and Elon from the trans Matrix writer.
Can't post it here.

Just remembered, 40 years ago today was a big BOOM! Mt St. Helens.

I just posted this in the Quake Watch thread.

The recent Nevada quake and the China Like quakes seem to have Mono lake in their cross hairs.
Fingers of aftershocks from both areas are creeping towards the Mono Lake region.


The Mono Craters volcanic area is ranked among the nation's high threat volcanoes. Recent eruptions at Mono Craters occurred about 600 years ago at Panum Crater, and about 350 years ago on Paoha Island in the middle of Mono Lake.

Interesting considering 40 years ago today Mount St. Helens erupted.

Watch California

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 01:34 PM
DECODE ID 26RSH200518003D - 7x POTUS self-retweets in a row this morning:

1st retweet is of this,
2nd retweet is of this,
3rd retweet is of this,
4th retweet is of this,
5th retweet is of this,
6th retweet is of this,
7th retweet is of this.

The respective DELTAS between tweet and retweet point to Q posts and are:

17:12:27 links to:
Q1712 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6 Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. -Colossians 3:5 Your evil has no place in this world.
Q1227 We are honored, proud, and appreciative. WWG1WGA.

17:03:18 links to:
Q1703 Congressman Files Resolution for Rod Rosenstein Impeachment: [RR]
Q318 Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell: "The" vs "To." Everything has meaning.

15:15:31 has REFLECTION, sums to 41 and links to:
Q1515 Long List of Media who Colluded with DNC/HRC
Q1531 No acknowledgement of God:📁Lead in was cover. Exit out was missing what?

13:36:56 links to:
Q1336 Why Do We allow Former Dignitaries Security Clearance (FVEY = Five Eyes)
Q3656 Democrats Want a Disarmed American Populace That They Can Control

13:31:39 has 5x 13 and MIRROR and links to:
Q3139 Photo of Rachel Chandler with Bill Clinton

13:23:58 has PAIN and sums to 22 and links to:
Q1323 We made a mistake on /qresearch/ exposing the password. We did not input "Q #" in the beginning which exposed the password. Error corrected. Safe.
Q2358 D's Next Narrative/Con: We Will Impeach Justice Kavanaugh...

Q1146 Expand your thinking. The ‘date’ vs ‘actual’. Iran next. Trust the plan! April SHOWERS. [SHOWERS]. Do you believe in coincidences?
Q46 Obama and Uranium One
Q32 Maybe one day but it cannot go slow. The initial wave will be fast and meaningful. It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see the tide turn (not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents).

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

This IS different. I guarantee you these people can be prosecuted in the Justice system as they have done far more than moral crimes. But the people responsible for prosecuting the big rats are part of the rat political body. Which has us HOPING for military tribunals.

Which would supplant US DOJ with Military. Which is akin to (though not the same as) the Praetors taking over the Roman Emperor (who controlled the Senate, who controlled the Citizen). People would lose faith in the government's ability to prosecute it's own wrong-doing. Why would we go back to a Justice system that's so easily compromised? Are we going to allow a Military coup every time our system gets compromised? No. We (the citizen) will sign the coup into law out of fear of it happening again.

My job isn't to hunt rats. That's the job of the DOJ. We keep championing this rat, or that rat, to lead it. And yes, they clear out some rats. But also protect the rats as an effective political body. What proof is there that Barr has flipped? Besides us hoping?

And he's a main proponent for pushing surveillance on the masses as AG in the early 90's. Which was increased throughout the 90's with the advent of the internet. A decade after Barr we get the Patriot Act. Which he set the precedent for.

He smells, no way around it. Yet he will be defended here time and time again, tooth and nail. As the Rat Politik demands such from us little rats. We've been programmed by Q to accept this #. Right now, it's not safe for US to walk down the street.

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 01:42 PM
If I was to analyse the headline
"Barr says he does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe"
what stands out is the bit that says "as a result of Durham probe".

It doesn't say he isn't expecting to have a criminal investigation of Obama or Biden via another route.

You can't knock down a pyramid by taking out one corner. A series of attacks remove the supporting foundation, and the rest crumbles from there. If you follow the rhetoric, do any of you really think this is the end of the line? All just done and dusted? We're on a narrative path... come to accept that and understand it. It's like StarWars finishing after Luke finds his Uncle and Aunty dead and the titles coming up after you see him cry a bit.

By now you should know how this works... you think the news is just going to be mundane here on in? That a rolling snowball just stops a little way down the mountain and just stays there?

Whether you like it or not, if this path has any reality to it, then one way or the other, you're going to be seeing a lot more. I'm not even saying this from some pointless place of hope. I'm saying it from the point of view of a story teller... it simply isn't how it all works. Consider the narrative at all times. This is all far more than the machinations of a few men and women playing with power. This world is magical and mystical, and what you believe drives the narrative far more than you think. Stay focused on where you want to go, what you want to see, and the world in which you want to live.

The story unfolds.

EDIT: And just to add... why are memes important? Meme magic, and Kek... the damn frog... "raiser up of the light"... and the desperate attempts to link it to racism and all evil things by extreme left bastions. Waking up, consciousness, illuminated path, enlightened journey, sign posts, destination, beginnings, middle and end. Narrative. The best books are the ones where you can't work out where it is going until all the pieces start to line up.
edit on 18-5-2020 by saladfingers123456 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 01:51 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
This sucks. Or, does it?

Barr says he does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe

time for Q believers to wake up and not blindly follow.

Either Trump is a useful idiot that is getting played by repeatedly putting swamp creatures in charge of going after the swamp, or he is just another faction of the deepstate.

careful who you trust. The most dangerous tyrannical govts are the ones that trick you into believing that change for the better is coming.

a few things that shouldn't be overlooked.

1. trump killed net neutrality that gave the little guy an equal voice to the MSM,dnc,gop, Hollywood, and corporate America. this was something deepstate was trying to kill for decades and it was one of the first thing trumps administration passed.

2. no one has been indicted up to this point despite all the talk

3. he keeps hiring within the swamp.

4. how likely is an outsider to get elected?

many other things aswell but the point is dont overlook the end results.

creepy Biden and the left are definitely not the answer but that doesnt mean that the right and trump are the answer either. from what i see we are just getting a change in management and not necessarily for the better in the long term.

that net neutrality kill by trump was a huge blow to freedom of speech online and the free market online. so big that they have to implement the changes super slow to avoid public revolt.

edit on 06531America/ChicagoMon, 18 May 2020 14:06:07 -0500000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: WorldUnderCeej

Warning: This post is a response to WUC. Anybody else, feel free to scroll.

Awesome, haha! I haven't been degraded like that since about thread 9 or 10, maybe both or more, IIRC. I guess, as you say, I am tough; I'm still here.

I remember the British Redcoats doing this. Not a free Canada.

First, my post was in jest, a bit of friendly banter between neighbours. You are correct. Canada did not even exist as a nation in 1812. The British had set up a bunch of colonies up here on land belonging to our Native population. Canada didn't become a country until 1867, well after the War of 1812. Ever since former Prime Minister Harper fallaciously made it a point to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the war, people have been confused about whether or not Canada burned down the Whitehouse. Canada did not. It has become a bit of a joke among some of us, perhaps lost on the majority of people both American and Canadian. Harper should not have attempted to re-write history; that was wrong. So, yes, we deserve a bum slap for perpetuating that lie. Maybe we keep it going just to get under your skin, haha. We shouldn't do that, either. It's not nice; it's un-Canadian.

Not a free Canada. Because that doesn't exist. The Crown owns the land under your feet, not your government.

The term 'Crown Land' is synonymous with the term 'Canadian Government'.

You government exists out of convenience of Your Majesty the Queen.

Our Constitutional Monarchy exists by request. The reigning Monarch of Canada serves at the pleasure of our people. If the Monarch ever attempted to usurp Parliament and impose His or Her Majesty's Will on us, that would likely end our Constitutional Monarchy altogether, and the Monarch would no longer be welcome here or allowed by the People of Canada to perform Her or His ceremonial role and duties. In essence, the Queen (or King) would get the boot.

Your country was gifted to you, your people didn't fight and die against tyranny for it's ability to exist as a nation.

After the British disengaged and stopped aiding Native American raids against the US, fears grew over anti-American Loyalists who migrated here; there was some concern it would lead to an American takeover. That fear had a significant role to play in the formulation of our Canadian Confederation (1867). That fear never materialized; we learned how to co-operate and co-exist peacefully instead, despite small skirmishes here and there.

Canadians are gonna lay down and accept this [ban on assault weapons] with minimal resistance

Yup, probably. It's too darned cold up here to protest for any lengthy period of time.

And the kicker; us Americans would be the only force willing to fight and die for your freedom.

We'll have igloos and dogsleds ready for y'all when you get here.

Adding that [comedy skit] ruined the power of your attack, which was otherwise strong (for a Canadian) Especially if he's a Chinese national

It wasn't an "attack"; the guy is a comedian, born and raised in Canada. I thought it was funny. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

you slam mug after mug of hot syrup/poutine boilermakers. I blindly assume this is the national beverage.

Don't forget the bacon bits!

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
a reply to: brewtiger

Funny, folks want the entire government cabal cleaned up faster then the damage after after a natural disaster. Yet after a disaster they're pretty patient. Then again, those without real diversity in their life are pissy about the net getting slow.

If they can arrest high level officials in other countries around the world, why can't this one? We're supposed to be the epitome of freedom and justice, setting examples for the rest of the world, leading the world in this and that, greatest country etc.

Yet here we are. Day after day, year after year, decade after decade of rampant corruption. Let's not even get into anything else Q has talked about (epstein style stuff). Let's just stick with corruption. Law enforcement does not need orders or indictments to arrest anyone. They need probable cause (4th amendment). That's it. We do not need 3, 4, 8 years of investigations. We need probable cause. We have probable cause. The list of evidence is found freely on plenty media sites explaining and breaking down the offenses.

Just because these people are ex/current high level government officials they get a break? That attitude is what puts them above the law, and untouchable. Because like Comey said "no prosecutor in their right mind" will touch them. Justice system in this country only works against the poor and minorities. We the people should demand answers and progress not sit online waiting for some grand plan by an anonymous entity. The longer time goes by the harder its going to be to hold any of these crooked f**ks accountable. Prove me wrong.

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 02:10 PM

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 02:19 PM
If no charges are brought against those responsible, doesn't it sort of make all this Q theory, and all that surrounds it, a little pointless.

It's ok, making the general population aware, but if theres no accountability to be held in what's been brought to light, then what hope does anyone have?

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

. . . there is no need to prosecute dead folks, even for public show.

Tell that to Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife.

Barr has just proven he is a swamp creature too.
edit on 5/18/2020 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: Grambler

Be patient and let the declassifications continue to occur. Damaging the Democratic party is priority number one, this summer and fall.

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 02:30 PM

originally posted by: imthegoat

originally posted by: crankyoldman
a reply to: brewtiger

Funny, folks want the entire government cabal cleaned up faster then the damage after after a natural disaster. Yet after a disaster they're pretty patient. Then again, those without real diversity in their life are pissy about the net getting slow.

Just because these people are ex/current high level government officials they get a break? That attitude is what puts them above the law, and untouchable. Because like Comey said "no prosecutor in their right mind" will touch them. Justice system in this country only works against the poor and minorities. We the people should demand answers and progress not sit online waiting for some grand plan by an anonymous entity. The longer time goes by the harder its going to be to hold any of these crooked f**ks accountable. Prove me wrong.

You're right.

Now, why would anyone expect that same system to actually be capable of prosecuting those within the same system? Would you prosecute your daughter? What if in your home you set up rules that prevented you from prosecuting your daughter, in case she did something wrong? She does something wrong,,, then what?

The point is the system was never set up to do what it is attempting to do. It not only has to clear out the garbage and retool to be a real system of balance, but at the exact same time do these things:

Investigate, charge, and prosecute: Drug Dealers, Human Traffickers, Banking Fraud, International Gun Running, Immigrants Crimes, Robbery, Theft, Missing Children, Spies, Leaks, and on and on and on and on and on. + Deal with it's own Treason folks, which no one wants to touch.

What makes folks think everything was dropped to make an example of Brennan (likely dead Brennan)?

DOJ has 100k in employees, with the 80/20 rule, only 20k to do most of the work. All cases take months, some even YEARS to make. How long does a DC Grand Jury take to complete a case? Fine, unfair question. How long does a DC Grand Jury take to complete a case of potential Treason, with international/war implications, when declass docs keep altering the case?

Folks say "Barr isn't doing enough." This is hysterical. How the hell do I know what Barr's guys are doing, and I follow this stuff pretty closely. He's kept it all secret as he should. "Yeah, but cranky he should let us know to restore our faith..." Compromise a case? How funny, "well folks I let you know about Brennan case, but because of this his lawyers got the case tossed."

That's the system. Elementary Civics was the lie folks are attempting to impose on this process. It isn't the system that's the problem it is our belief in the original lie.

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 02:31 PM

We're getting an answer...of sorts.

New Q post #4280.

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