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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -7W3N7Y sIx-

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posted on May, 14 2020 @ 01:18 AM
I've been adding metadata to some of POTUS early tweets and I re-ran across this infamous tweet

From memory:

1) we/8kun identified the thumbs forming a Q,
2) Argued about whether Hope Hicks or Stephen Miller were Q.

Looking back with "Future proves Past" eyes, I think this tweet identifies the whole Q team for us:

a) The timestamp is 6:17 meaning the picture contains 6 of Q team,
b) Q1788 tells us that Q team is [less than 10],
c) Q1788 post number also tells us that Q (17) is 2 (2x8) less than 10, giving 8!

d) This is reinforced by the full tweet timestamp of: 6:17 PM · Nov 8, 2017:

6:17 = picture shows 6 of Q, and 6 of 8 (1+7),

Nov 8 = 8 is 2 (Nov=11) less than 10,

6:17 Nov = 6 of Q on plane, 2 of Q (Nov=11) are separate,

2017 = 10 = 2 not (0) in Q (17),

17 = 1+7 (POTUS+others) = 8

8 in Q team communicate with 8chan => 8chan = the communication channel for the 8 in Q team!

e) I'm assuming that Adm Rogers and Gen Flynn are the other 2 members of Q team, which in turn provide access for SIGINT resources.

Think of who in this 8 have had pretty much full-time capacity to do Q/twitter work:

Gen Flynn,
Adm Rogers,
Hope Hicks,
Stephen Miller,
Dan Scavino,

Finally, Q60 tells us:

Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No.147679416 📁
Nov 2 2017 18:03:36 (EST)
You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.
Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military.
Why is this relevant?
Game theory.

Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information.
Operators never divulge.
Alice & Wonderland.

So, in Q team, who is military and who isn't:

Adm Rogers, Gen FLynn, POTUS (CIC) = military (+any of others who have served and been called back up as reservists?)

edit on 14-5-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 01:20 AM
. . . and justice for all.


posted on May, 14 2020 @ 01:37 AM

originally posted by: Aallanon
This Flynn/unmasking/Coup de ta, is great.

Does anyone want to hazard a guess as to what comes next?

My mind is kinda reelin so I am having a hard time seeing what comes next.

The Unmasking of the Unmaskers puts pressure on Judge Sullivan to not try TOO hard to indict Flynn on PERJURY or CONTEMPT...the two charges he's contemplating/coordinating with fellow Trump-hater, judge Gleeson.

Sullivan/Gleeson Conspiracy:

The next logical move would be for Grenell or Durham or Barr to reveal WHY the Unmaskers were trying to get Flynn. Doing so could kill 2 birds with one stone; Stop Sullivan/Gleeson in their tracks, and totally demolish Joe Biden's candidacy.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

CHARLES McCULLOUGH is a member of the Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Service.

Hillary Clinton’s Emails Were Sent to Gmail Address Similar to Name of Chinese Company

Virtually every email that was sent to and from the Clinton-email server was forwarded to “[email protected],” which raised concerns that a foreign actor gained access to Clinton’s emails after an intelligence community inspector general (ICIG) investigator searched Google for “Carter Heavy Industries” and came up with a result for Shandong Carter Heavy Industry Co., Ltd, according to the documents (pdf).

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 01:57 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Aallanon
This Flynn/unmasking/Coup de ta, is great.

Does anyone want to hazard a guess as to what comes next?

My mind is kinda reelin so I am having a hard time seeing what comes next.

The Unmasking of the Unmaskers puts pressure on Judge Sullivan to not try TOO hard to indict Flynn on PERJURY or CONTEMPT...the two charges he's contemplating/coordinating with fellow Trump-hater, judge Gleeson.

Sullivan/Gleeson Conspiracy:

The next logical move would be for Grenell or Durham or Barr to reveal WHY the Unmaskers were trying to get Flynn. Doing so could kill 2 birds with one stone; Stop Sullivan/Gleeson in their tracks, and totally demolish Joe Biden's candidacy.

Sullivan did elevate things. DOJ dropped the case, they've seen something they do not want public. Sullivan's move puts Barr up. If he has more evidence of a frame up he can reveal it to block Sullivan. If Sullivan persists, he forces DJT to pardon Flynn, which dimwits will use a "proof."

It's all old playbook, EVERYONE knows now what's what, everyone, so this is a show.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 02:09 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
The Sullivan thing is beyond surreal.

The safe assumption at this point is Sullivan took is marching orders from renOgade. The "perjury" charge comment brought wrath from pretty much all real legal folks. Turley pointed out Flynn wasn't even charged with perjury - and Turley testified at peach-mints!!!!!

Magically Sullivan creates a "case" with a guy whose got nothing to do with anything and looks into perjury. Hilariously Sullivan takes amicus submissions. as if poor Sullivan needs help figuring out how to drop a case???????

They have one playbook, with so many awakening these plays look infantile and appear so stupid as to be NOT part of the playbook. That is why Q. Once awake, this garbage looks like the garbage it is.

Are folks still naive enough to think there is no such thing as secret groups, symbolic signaling and the system diametrically opposed from what we are "taught" is real?

And on the day the unmasking stuff is dropped, marked way ahead in Qdrops for added spice.

That cat has been out of the bag now for months and CV19 might be the final push. Lies, lies and more lies followed by using any means necessary and never let a crisis go to waste.

The playbook is like Dr Seuss for Marxists.

"The Grinch Witch that stole freedom" By Dr Suess:
The people of DCtown all hunkered in. They were unsuspecting of the Witch Grinch HRC that set out to steal freedom.
Page 1:
"I do not like freedom she said, I will not eat any

I will destroy it for many

If your looking for life you cant have any

Oh I might let you hold a penny.

Freedoms not for you, ninny"

I tell my children that "when I am about, there is no doubt, Dr Seuss is on the loose"!


edit on 14-5-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 02:13 AM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
Grenell then Ratcliffe. The DS is seriously screwed.

CNN and dim Senator Mark Warner are happy about this decision Grenell made yesterday.

(CNN)Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell has tapped a career intelligence officer to serve as his top deputy, a notably uncontroversial pick that comes as Grenell's three-month tenure, which started with fears about how he would reshape the intelligence community's coordinating body, nears an end pending the confirmation of President Donald Trump's pick for the permanent job, Rep. John Ratcliffe.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 02:18 AM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

I’ve worked from home 100% of the time for the last 4 years. I’m never going back into an office. I absolutely love it.

I still have to go into town some but I love not getting nearly killed everyday trying to get to work on time. Road rage is an evil spirit that is like a virus. One guy does 100 MPH and swerves around somebody and then they have to do it too. I don't miss that crap. I am not slow but I will get over and let them go if they can't handle only going 15-20 OVER the speed limit....
I need a rabbit to go seek out those tickets so I don't get one..

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: Trillium
One of the deep state slimeballs in the FBI probably leaked that info about Burr's cellphone being seized. Since Diane Feinstein is accused of the same potentially illegal stock trades, did any FBI agents seize her cellphone?

I think FBI Director Christopher Wray and IG Horowitz are conveying to leakers and anti-Trump backstabbers, that they can continue to exercise their rights to hate.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 02:28 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
John Solomon breaks tonight: Maria Yovanovitch testimony in congress left out any mention on her Burisma meetings & Letters.

Did Republicans in the House ask Marie Yovanovitch about her relationship with Burisma?

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 02:30 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: crankyoldman

That's a bold statement.

The Nazi Pope there let the European Monasteries hide Nazi's after the war. Our 1st clue.

There was a Father Malachi Martin, who appeared on Art Bell's over night show in the 90's. He was saying ,as an advisor to one of the John Paul's that died early being his experience, that they were groups secretly worshiping Satan in the halls of the Vatican and it would come out one day. He wrote a series of books on the subject. I recall one was "Hostage to the Devil" . He also said people ask the demons in our lives and don't realize it. The demon of smoking he said, we accept that one. Father Martin smoked cigarettes that would be in his talk often. Demons are real hard to get rid of and he would do the Church sanctioned Exorcisms IIRC for the E Coast of the US. He had some stories to tell on Art Bell...

edit on 14-5-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 02:36 AM

originally posted by: liveandlearn
a reply to: crankyoldman

I was just listening to Will Chamberlin on periscope. He is a lawyer and said this judge can make the charge of perjury because Flynn lied before the court when he said he was guilty.

Beyond that, it seems like revenge to me. After the years of false prosecution and being 4 million in debt to date, when does someone recognize the price has already been paid.

And where is the call for vengeance on Van Greack (sp) for lying to the court?

Coercion ends the he lied to say he lied argument. The DOJ says they have proof their agents used unconstitutional methods and got away with it, sorta. It isn't over yet. That wasn't a Plea bargain that was in response to a threat to arrest another family member over some clearly made up BS, further damaging the finances etc , even if they were to be found innocent, or do what the DOJ makes you do.

edit on 14-5-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 02:57 AM
Jerry Nadler had already arranged for Attorney General Barr to appear before his committee on March 31st. But Nadler left town due to fear of dying from Covid-19. Now that Nadler is back, he's talking tough...threatening to subpoena Barr to appear before his committee.

Go figure..

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 03:08 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Aallanon
This Flynn/unmasking/Coup de ta, is great.

Does anyone want to hazard a guess as to what comes next?

My mind is kinda reelin so I am having a hard time seeing what comes next.

The Unmasking of the Unmaskers puts pressure on Judge Sullivan to not try TOO hard to indict Flynn on PERJURY or CONTEMPT...the two charges he's contemplating/coordinating with fellow Trump-hater, judge Gleeson.

Sullivan/Gleeson Conspiracy:

The next logical move would be for Grenell or Durham or Barr to reveal WHY the Unmaskers were trying to get Flynn. Doing so could kill 2 birds with one stone; Stop Sullivan/Gleeson in their tracks, and totally demolish Joe Biden's candidacy.

Sullivan did elevate things. DOJ dropped the case, they've seen something they do not want public. Sullivan's move puts Barr up. If he has more evidence of a frame up he can reveal it to block Sullivan. If Sullivan persists, he forces DJT to pardon Flynn, which dimwits will use a "proof."

It's all old playbook, EVERYONE knows now what's what, everyone, so this is a show.

The intentionally leaked Obama phone call last week contained instructions for judge Sullivan.

Now the purpose of the leaked conference call, aka instructions, from former President Barack Obama come into play; especially considering that Obama specifically mentioned “perjury” which is now part of what Judge Sullivan is attempting to accomplish.
More at: ynn/

Maybe when Q exposed their X-box method communicating, they had to start sending directions/orders in other ways.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 03:16 AM
Not sure if this has been pointed out yet or not, but

Judge Sullivan resides in the same court as the FISA Court. Here he is with James Boasberg & Rosemary Collyer who both signed the FISA warrant. Judge Contreras Flynn's first Judge had to be removed from the case because of his personal relationship with Strzok. #DrainTheSwamp

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 03:23 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Or Sullivan recognizes the political uproar already around the subject, and sees that he's about to put his delicates in a meatgrinder, so he appoints a qualified third-party already on record that he opposes it to represent the argument to sentence before rendering his decision, so the media doesn't rake him over the coals for being "complicit" in a political game.

If Flynn is punished, it'll be a miscarriage of justice. I'll #female-dog with the best of you when it occurs, but I'm not going to get worked up unless it happens. If it does happen, then yes, that indicates the same game is still being played. I would be pretty surprised if he's sentenced, under the circumstances. I'd be stunned if he was sentenced to anything exceeding a month or some other token punishment if he were. And the President can always commute the sentence or pardon Flynn anytime he wants to spend the political capital. Checks and balances.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Thanks ETMN... your Q1959 post helps tie into this.
Reassuring to learn CMIII is still within the Senior Intelligence loop.


- Set up as US Senator 2001-2009
- Continued using as Secretary of State 2009-2013

NEW CLUES in Q1959 (includes a repost of Q809):
- Hillary Sold Out CIA Assets in China
- [187]
- Missing emails / Crowdstrike / Betrayed
- China hacked HRC server?
- False. Access was granted.

Botched CIA Communications System Helped Blow Cover of Chinese Agents
- considered one of the CIA’s worst failures in decades
- over a 2-year period starting in late 2010
- China systematically dismantled the agency’s network of agents
- around 30 spies killed, though some sources spoke of higher figures.
- China's speed & accuracy - “You could tell the Chinese weren’t guessing."

- CIA formed a special task force along with the FBI to figure out what went wrong.
- 3 potential causes: agent flipped, CIA’s sloppy work, or comms compromised.
- CIA imported the system from Middle East operations (considered less hazardous)
- China’s alleged recruitment of former CIA officer Jerry Chun Shing Lee

Dozens of US spies killed after Iran and China
- Between 2009 - 2013, CIA suffered “catastrophic” secret communications failure
- Iran got angry with BO government finding a secret Iran nuclear weapon factory
- Iran decided to review everything with a fine tooth comb to find moles.
- Flaw found allowing Iran to see what the agents were up to using Google search.
- China / Iran shared information to allow China to use same technique in China.
- System also in Russia, but CIA changed channels before being uncovered.
- In 2008, CIA warned about the hackability by a contractor.
- Contractor was named John Reidy, and later fired.
- Real anger in the Intelligence community over no accountability.
- Former official claimed “our biggest insider threat is our own institution”.

Ex-CIA Officer Sentenced To 19 Years For Conspiracy To Spy For China
- Jerry Chun Shing Lee, who was a CIA case officer from 1994 to 2007
- Hunt for mole began after the CIA started losing its key sources in China in 2010.
- In 2012, FBI raided his hotel room in Hawaii. Found evidence, but didn't arrest.
- He was arrested in New York airport in 2018.
- Lee pleaded guilty to only one count of conspiracy.
- Nothing in the indictment claiming Lee handed over sensitive info to China.
- Lee's case is the third linking former U.S. Intel officer with China in a year.

(1) Q809 = Feb 23, 2018 9:05:01 AM
(2) Q1959 = Aug 28, 2018 5:05:08 AM

Time Difference (#2 - #1) = 185 DAYS / 4460 HOURS (anything for this number?)

QMAP SEARCH: "185" gives 2 results:

edit on 14-5-2020 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 06:34 AM
Thanks Tril that is some major news because it is going to list the unmaskers and the chronological order of their personal requests to unmask people. Biden will have no place to hide on this one. That basement isn't going to be good enough.

originally posted by: Trillium
Just awesome so on May 4/2020 I did get my birthday present
we just did not know it at the time (D5)
Enjoying The Show Yet

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 06:37 AM
This maneuver by Sullivan is exactly what Q meant:

What 'insurance' did they have?
Infiltration of US GOV?
This fact alone should scare every American.

Sullivan, on his own initiative, or in the execution of orders given to him by those to whom he is beholden, is acting as an agent for the defunct (?) Obama administration. Thus, Sullivan's behavior has nothing to do with upholding the Rule of Law. It is, rather, an act of partisan fealty to a shadow government.

Violation of sworn oath to uphold the Constitution.



posted on May, 14 2020 @ 06:42 AM
It is my prediction that they have proof HRC was selling state secrets to China. Big ones too.

She sold a Uranium mine basically to Putin. She is consistent and that is what will be proven, IDB.

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: brewtiger

CHARLES McCULLOUGH is a member of the Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Service.

Hillary Clinton’s Emails Were Sent to Gmail Address Similar to Name of Chinese Company

Virtually every email that was sent to and from the Clinton-email server was forwarded to “[email protected],” which raised concerns that a foreign actor gained access to Clinton’s emails after an intelligence community inspector general (ICIG) investigator searched Google for “Carter Heavy Industries” and came up with a result for Shandong Carter Heavy Industry Co., Ltd, according to the documents (pdf).

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